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Junta (West End) Rules
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Vincent Tsao Original Design Larry Catalano Graphics Interior tlustrations Greg Costikyan Rules Editing Stephen Crane with Peter Corless Ben Grossman and Eric Goldberg Redesign/Development ‘Steve Boegeman, Jerry Bowes, Rick Bowes, Jim Burnett, Carey Gister, Doug Kaufman, Tom Luback, Andrew Testing and Advice McGee, B.C. Milligan, Stefan Patejak, Nick Quane, Carl Skutsch and Stephen Tihor Special thanks to Jay Facciolo and Jon Rettich 1, The Nation 2, Setting Up the Game 3, How to Win 4, Each Game Includes The Political Rules 5. The Constitution of the Republic 6. The Powers That Be 7. Fun for 4 to 7 Players 8, Political Cards 9. Electing a President 10. The Chamber of Deputies 11. Roll Call Votes 12. ATum in the Life of the Republic 13, Ending the Game 14, Drawing Political Cards 18. Cabinet Assignment Copyright ©1979 Vincent Tsa0 Copyright ©1985 West Enc Games, Inc “Junta” is West End Games’ namo for ite game ‘ofpetticsinabanana republic. Tradomark applied for Fist eciton published by Creative Wargames Workshop. Hany ofthe game's components are damaged or ‘missing, please write CONTENTS 16. Drawing the Foreign Aid Money 17. Money 18. The Budget 19. Locations 20. Assassinations 21. A Death in the Family 22. The President's Brother-in-Law 23. The Bank 24, The Swiss Bank Account 25. Exile 26. Presidential Resignation 27. Starting a Coup The Coup Rules 28. Initial Deployment 29. Coup Order 80. Rebels and Loyalists ‘West End Games, ne 251 Wost 30h Strest Now York, NY 10001 Indicate which components are missing or damag- ed. Include a stamped, self-addressed envelope for speedy reply. Noto thal, as a rosult of the delicate regisration requirements for game Countors, counters wil somatimes be misprinted, with email portions not being wholly contained ‘within the countor area, West End cannot roplace Such counters unless they are wholly Hogi oF ‘otherwise unuseable, 31. Movement 32. Combat 83. Incoming Fire 34, Paratroops and Marines 35. New Counters 36. Police Response 37. Embassies 38. Transfer of Counters Between Players 89. Choosing Sides 40. Coup Victory 41. Aftermath 42. Etiquette Minor Junta Play Hints Component Summary West End wil answer questions about the game's ‘ules: ito to the address above. Enclose a stamped, so-addressed envolopecrintemational reply coupon with your questions. Questions must ‘be typed or loi printed. Format your questions so thay can be answored "yee" or "nd" or with Short responses. Although wo welcome comments ‘and suggestions about the game background and the systom itso, we cannot promise to respond to such questions because of the press of work1. The Nation Welcome to the beautiful Republica de los Bananas, where il is gay and death is cheap. ‘Tho vast majority ofits picturesque population is impovershed, literate and oppresced. Many visitfor the annus street festivals — though ots fand disturbances occur with alarming frequency. “The Government is gonarously supported by asuporpowor which asks no questions. The few woalthy ruling families vie to siphon this {onerous foreign aid package into their own, Secret Swiss bank accounts. Power, intrigue, ‘mongy and revolution are only a few of their tools. Each player represents one of these families. How Junta is Played best, though, wit are playing with 2 or 3 people, you must use the nor dunt les, which ow section <2 of thaso rules. Junta is really wo games at once. Most of tho time you play a political game: voting on ‘budgets, assassinating poopla, and electing Presidents. Every once in a whi, though, one ‘of the players will announce a “coup.” When this happens, the normal game is interrupted, while tho players play out tho coup. When the Coup ends, the normal game resumes. The Easiest Way to Learn the Rules Have someone else teach thom to you. Fall- ing that, you'll have to read them yourselt. ‘Don't worry when you don't retain allthe rules fn the first readthrough. You're not studying for atest; you'r picking up the outline of how the game works. When you scan the rules for the second time, play with the components. \With this visual reinforcement, you should be roady to bogin tha game, ‘We've writ the rules to toach youthe game as easily as possiblo, and also so that you can. refer to particular rule quickly during play. The first time you play Junta, expect to rater back to the rules several times to make sure that you're doing what you're supposed to be do- ing. You'l find the section headlines are also avery effective index. ,nowever, you simply can'tfind the answer toaquestion, youmay write us with your gama uestion, and we'll answer i. See the box at the bottom of the first page for instructions, 2. Setting Up the Game ach player chooses one of the soven famiioo, wich are represented by the igarto holder, among stip odor highbal glass, ‘mustacho, pocket waten and sunglasses sym Sols. When a player chooses a famiy, he places Al rine of hie famils counter in rot him, Pace tno “Turn Segment’ marker ie ist box of the Politeal Track, and the "Coup Phase” marker in the first box of the Coup I Track, One afthem says "Coup?" put the "Coup Excuse/No Excuse" marker here, says" Bank” marker here, wth the sido faco-up, Remove the three blanks, shuffle the remain- Ing money cards, and place them face-cown in the space provided en the board JUNTA RULES , PAGE 2 Shutle the political cards, and place them face-dowin on their space. Each player now draws § poliical cards. ‘Next, you must sot up the police and military ¢ the six counters of the Fist Brigade fon the map in rst Army Brigade Barracks.” Place the other two brigades in thole barracks. Place one police counter in each of the "Police Precincts.” Place the four countors of in the "Presidential Palace. Place the three Air Strike counters and the Paratroops counter in the Airfield box. Place the Marines in the Marine staging area land the Gunboat in the River. Palace Guard THE POLITICAL RULES ——— 5. The Constitution of the Republic “Te nation ig governed by a President and a Chamber of Deputies: "The President for Life appoints. the members ot his cabinet, collects the generous {orsign aid, and sisbursos K. Tha Prosigont is removed trom office by deaih, resignation o¢ Coup deat o voted out duo o incompetence ‘The Chamber of Deputies votes on budgots “and elects the President. The chamber is con {role by various infusnee groupe, which are Iinturn ontoieg by the fai EI Presidente surrounded by his loyal advisors 3. How to Win ‘The player with the most money in his Swiss ‘bank aecountat the endo! the game isthe wi ‘nor. (Monoy in hand or pocket does not count.) I tof a tio, al tied players win, ‘ou can be dead or in exile, and win Juntal 4. Each Game Includes ‘A copy of Junta includes: * A 17 inch by 22 inch board. The politcal ‘and coup tracks record the current pat of the urn, "460 counters. + 99 money cards. 9 of these cards are blanks, and should be saved in case any bills become lost, ripped or otherwise marked. +3 dice + 12-page rules booklet. (Yes, what you're roading.) ‘2 plastic counter storage bags. + 72 politcal cards See the Component Summary on the last page of this booklet 6. The Powers That Be ‘There are seven postions in the government: ‘Tho President for Lie assigns positions to the other players, controls the Palace Guards, and draws and proposes the budget. ‘The Minister of internal Security controls the Police, directs the Secret Police assassin, can ‘sometimes soizo the Chamber of Deputies, and can have returning exiles shot. The three Generals each control one of the Army Brigades. ‘The Admiral controls the Marines and the Gunboat ‘Tho Air Force Commander controls the Paratroope and the alr Strikes, 7. Fun for 4 to 7 Players All of these postions are used when 4 to 7 people play. During the game, tho President determines what positions each family holds; hhowover, each family wil aways have ona, and ‘Sometimes two, positions. The Miner dunta rules describe haw to play with 2 or 3 people (soe tho rules following section 42).8. Political Cards Each player gets 5 potical cards atthe begin- ningotthe game. Also, each player draws 2new ‘ones, atthe beginning of the tur. * Poltical carcs may be freoly given away or traded by tho players. * All cards except “Influence” cards are discarded atter they are played. * You can discard any card in your hand ‘whenever you wish, excopt during Assassina- tion or the Coup Atermath. * You can have up to six cards in your hand. you aver have more than this, you must im ‘mediately play, discard or give away enough cards to radu your hand to six ‘Ifyou try to play acard when, by the rules, itcannot have effect (see the Component Sum ‘mary, Ils disearded, * A cad laid is a card played. Although this section provides some goneral rules for how cards are used, each card describes, specifically, how t works. Read your cards carefully: i you don’, you may be em- rassed when another player points out that ‘card you ust played doesn’t really have tha effect you think it does, ‘Thote are five kinds of political cards: + An Influence card is played by placing it face up in front of you where it remains; you {ere only forcadt ciscard t when you ae Kile, Iti stil considered part of your hand (and Counts against the six which you are allowed to have in your hand). + A Vote card may be played during any rll callvate, and sdiscarded immadiately ate tha roll calls over. + When you play a secret poltica! Donation Card, take the top card from the money deck ‘and discard the Donation card, ‘+ An Assassination card will ether allow you to attempt to assassinate ancther player or help protect you from an assassin. + An Event card is, in etfect, a special rule which allows the player todo something not nor lly permitted by the rules. For example, the caltion Breaks" card permits a player to force another player to discard a face-up In- fluence card ‘+ ABribe card is used to try to take control ff an assassin or of units during a coup. Of Course, you must spend money to use a Bribe card. Bribe money spent this way is placed face Lpatthe bottom ofthe money deck, andis never returned to play. Some Influence cards repre- sent the contol of wealthy groups; these will pay your bribes for you, allowing you to use & Bribe card without having to spend any money. 9. Electing a President ‘A Prosidont must bo elected at the begin- ning of the game, or wien the current Prosigent has just died, resigned, or been ousted trom ‘office for some other reason. The Chamber of Deputies has the solemn tasiot choosing one player to be President. (When a President Is ‘usted in a coup, a diferent procedure is used; see Aftermath, 41.) First, one or more candidates must be pominated. Junta first play boginning of the game be the game's owner, Other nominations and votes are then annaun- ced, moving clockwise trom the fist player. ‘A player may nominate himselt or any other JUNTA RULES , PAGE 3 player merely by announcing that he is casting 8 vote from @ Postion card, of votes {rom In fluence or Vote cards. (A player need not vote all bis Positions or cards in the first round of Voting, preferring to retain them forthe second round; a player may even cast some his votes for one candidate and some for another.) Flemember that Vote caras, once used, must ‘ba discarded, so often players willnot use these inthe first round of vating, preferring to wait to ‘S00 they willbe needed. Players who are cur- ‘ently dead, however, are exempt rom the elec- {oral process forthe duration oftheir demise. (Once all players have had an opportunity to ‘nominate candidates, a second roundel voting ‘occurs, during which players may cast addi- tional votes if any one candidate receives a plurality of the votes cast, he is elected President. Usually one player wil receive enough votes Inthe fist roll allto be elected President right away. If no player recolves a plurality, itis perfectly acceptable forthe various candidates, fo make promises, threats, or blustering statements to other players in an effort to gain their votes. & new rol call is then conducted, In which votes previously cast are ignored, and Influence and Poston votes may be used again. H this stil doesn’t produce a President, the players continue to conduct rol calls unt one Is elactod. Remomber, the game won't begin Until somebody is elected {tis possible to abstain in presidential elec- tions, Butif you do so, be aware that the even: {al Fresident may netlook favorably upon you ‘when he announces the first budget. No player is ever requirad to serve as Pre ent; you are nominated for the position, you may decline It you wish, 10. The Chamber of Deputies In the Chamber of Deputies, each position has one vole. (I you have two positions, then you have two votes.) Inaaition, two types of cards give you extra votes. Each influenco card has a number of votes on it it gives you that many votes. Since youonly have to discars Inluence cards when You die, their votes are (sor of You can use them every tim: taken, Each Vote cards worth the number of votes roll eal vot is printed on it. Howover, you must discard a Vote ‘ard ater playing, so youcan only useit ance, 11. Roll Call Votes Inthe Chamber of Deputies, votes aro hold by roll call. There are two rounds to eaci rol call. The President votes first; then, each cf the ‘other players has a chance to vole, going ‘around the tabla in clockwise direction. When itis your turn to vote, you may abstain, or uso the votes of any or allot your postions, Inuence ‘cards or Vole cards o vote either "Yea (in favor ‘ofthe motion}, or "Nay" (opposed). (You may ‘want fe keop some votes in reserve for the se- ‘cond round.) ‘Now each player votes in the same order for 1 second round. it you did net use some of your Influence or Vote cards, or did not cast your positions’ votes, you may vote with them now. {Votes which have already been castcannctbe changed.) ‘Once the second round s concluded, the rol call is over, I thare aro more votes forthe mo- tion than against, it passes, If there are more votos against than for, i falls. If there is ate, the President breaks it as he wishes. 12. A Turn in the Life of the Republic Each tunis conducted inthe following order A. Each player draws political cards 8. Tho President assighs cabinet positions Tho Presidont draws tho foreign aid money D. The Presicent proposes, and the Chamber of Deputies votes on, ie Budget Locations are chosen by each player F. Assassinations are announced and attempted . The Bank does business H. A.Coup may occur L-The Aftermath ofa coup (any) is resolves Jifthebankwas “closed orn, the ane does business nvr ‘This order is repaated unt the end ofthe ame. Use the Poltical Track to mark he po- reas ofeach tum. Most actions are only permitted during the parte the um appropriate tothem. For exam. You cannot declare a coup except during EI Presidente surrounded by still more loyal advisors13. Ending the Game ‘The game ends when, during the drawing of the foreign ald money, the President discovers there are fewer than 8 face-down money cards remaining In the deck. No one is allowed to ‘count the money deck during the game. “The only other way the game can end is it, through excessive riggar-happiness onthe part fof assassins, all players die during the same turn, In this case, everybody loses. (Wo, however, would be impressed, We have never seen this happen.) "A game of Junta wil end alter 11 or fewer turns. Optional Rule: A short game of 9 or fewer turns ean be playad. After each coup's After. math, remove 4 mony cards from the top of the money dedk, and place these 4 cards face tp at tha bottom of that deck. 14, Drawing Political Cards [At the beginning of each turn, each player draws two political cards. If the political card dock runs out eshuile the discard ple, which becomes the new deck. These cards are drawn face down, and should be concealed from the other players. (YoU can, ofcourse, lookat your ‘own cards.) Since you aro only permitted to have six political cards, youmay be requiredto aiscard, Play or give away cards at this time 15. Cabinet Assignment ‘The President may assign postions to the playors at this time: *= Each family musthold atleast one positon. + No famiy may hold more than two postions. The President may not hold a second position. + No family may hold two Generals at once. ‘Theretore, when 4 poople play, each family ‘other than the Prosident’s holds a General and fone other position (thus, General/Minister, GenerallAdmiral and GeneraliCommander) When 5 people play, there will be two pai postions; when 6 people play, there willbe one pair of postions; and when 7 people play, everyone will have one position. "The President may reassign positions at this time, but not at any other point in the turn. The Presidant takes the Position cards, and assigns ‘a position toa player by handing him the cor- responding card. 'Excopt during a coup, the Postion cards must be displayed with the Loyal side up infront of the playors. 16. Drawing the Foreign Aid Money ‘The President draws 8 face-down money ceards from the money dock. He isnot obliged fo show these cards to anyone else. 17. Money ‘Money cards are given face down o players, and are held in hand or pocket. ("Hand and Docket” are used interchangeably throughout ttese rulas; when you read section 42, you'll See why) This mony may be frodly traded be- tween piayers or given away at any time (ex- ‘cept when you are the target ofan assassin or fare sent to the fling squac). ‘Change may never be made from the money deck or rom Swiss bank accounts, Players may JUNTA RULES , PAGE 4 ‘make change among themselves. (if you can hot make exact change wien you pay a bribe, the extra money is lost) 18, The Budget “The President must propose a budget tothe Chamber of Deputies after drawing he foreign tid money. He proposes the budge by deserib- ing, outloud, how he intends to distribute the money among the players. ‘The President is never requiredto say how ‘much money he drew from the money pile. The President may include less money in the Budget than ha drew — he keeps the ex cess himsolt “He may include more money than he drew ‘rom the monay pile if he can make up the di- ferenca from his money in pocket. ‘The President cannot propose a budget ‘which requires change from anther player, or Tor which he dogs not have enough money in his pocket. (He may make whatever change he needs from his own money, ihe can.) Forexample, ithe foreign ald money tisturn was 9 ones’, 3 "wos" and 2 ‘throes, the pro- posed Budget might bo "2 milion pesos forthe Ministar, 2 millon for tho General of the First Brigade, ar ‘Commander {milion for the Air Force ‘Once the Budget has been proposed, itgoos tothe Chamber of Deputies (hats, the players) {orarollcal vote. the Budgot's approved (.e. the motion is carried), the President must hand ut the promises maney at ance. Ii the Budget is dofoated, the Minister must decide whether ho wishes his police to seize the Chambar of Deputis and force the passage fof the Budget at gunpoint. he does 30, place all four Police units in the Chamber of Deputies for the rest ofthe tur. The President must now handout the money aa ifthe Budgot had passed the Sudget remains defeated, the Bank will be closed this turn. Furthermora, tne President keeps al the money cards he drew for the “Look! We're rich!" 79. Locations Nox, each player must choose a location. Five locations are permitted: Bank, Head ‘quarters, Home, Mists’ and Nightclub. Each player is proviced with five location counters, ‘ne for each location. Choose one of your Counters, and plage It face-down in ront of you. (Place the athar counters — also face-down — to ono side.) Instead of choosing a location, you may flee ino Exile by placing any one of your Location ‘markers face up in one of the Embassy areas ‘on the map. (See Exile, section 25.) Pleaso note that "ieeations” have nething to do with the map of the ety printed. fon tha game board. Your location is indicated Solely by your counter choice; the cty map is ‘only used during a coup, Ifyou wish to depositor withdraw money from your Swiss bank account, you must choose the Bank as your location. you want to start a ‘coup, choosing your Headquarters may be necessary, (See Starting a Coup, section 27) 20, Assassinations lex, assassinations occur. The Minister of the Interor announces his assassination at- tempts), ifany; then, each ofthe other players has @ chance todo $2, going around the board in clockwise order. The Minister conirols the Secret Police. This, means he may conduct one assassination at- tempt per turn, “Yor free." Other players ean only attempt "assassinations it they have ‘Asgassination cards. (Ofcourse, ifthe Minister has an Assassination card, ho can make more than one assassination attempt) if you wish to attompt an assassination, a rnounee “I am using this assassin to try for {name of player) at his (your guess of his loca tion}. You must also indicate what assassin you are using — by playing an Assassin card, {r announcing that, as Minister, you ar using your Secret Police, * No locations ar revealed until all atiempts ‘are announced. * Applayer may make as many assassination attempts as he has assassins, He can try for the same player at different locations, or for di- foront players ™ Assassinations are resolvedin the order in which they are announced. Iwo players ry for the same target atthe same location, the frst ‘announced assassination has prio "The Secret Police assassin is under a special restriction. He may only visit the Bank on alor- hate tums, Wha ris 0 kl somone atthe Bank fon one turn, ne may not strike at the Bank on {the naxtturn, even fa different player becomes Minister ofthe Intorior inthe interim. When the ‘Seort Pace srke at tho Bank, fip the "Shoot ‘At Bank/Bank Is Safe” markerto the “Banks sida, Flipitbackto the "Shoot At Bank” Side at the end of the next tur ‘This restriction does not affoct Assassin cards; even if the “Bank Is Safe” from the ‘Secret Police assassin, other assassins can sill sirike ther. (Once all assassination attempts are announ- cad, locations are revealed. fan assassination ‘Was attamptod against a particular player atthe location chosen by that player, the player Is oad. Exception: Some Assassin cards are unreliable. When a player uses one of these fearas, he may bo required to make a die-oll, tosee whether the assassin follows ordars. On 1 bad dieoll, the assassination may fail oven ifthe player guessed the right location for his, target, Also, some eards can protect targets {tom assassins; playing one of these cards may provent a succosstul assassination. 21, A Death in the Family ‘A player who is klled immediately discards all of his potical cards (including face-up In- fluence cards), and gives any money cards in his hand (or pocket) to the player who assassinated him.JUNTA RULES , PAGE 5 Where to go? What to do? ‘Assassination attempts are resolvedin the ‘order in which they were announced. However, it player A and player B both announce ‘assassination attempts (in that order), and A's assassin kils B, 8's assassin will stil strike, ‘even though B is dead. Ia players assassinated by another player who is already dead, the frst player's money i paced face-up at he botiom of te menoy pile. Example 1 1 ase 2 ‘A announces he is assassinating 8; 8 at- tempts to assassinate A. When locations are. revealed, both have guessed right, and both are oad. Both players’ money is placed face-up at the bottom of the money pile, Example 2 ‘Aand Care both trying to assassinate B, but ‘Aannounced his atempt first. Both guess right, ‘and Bis dead. The money goes to A, because his assassin got there first. Example 3 atpstoc A assassinates B; thon B assassinatos C. A gots B's money; however, since B is already ddoad by the time the assassination of C takes. place, C's money s placed atthe bottom ofthe money pile, face-up. Example 4 ei a-stec This is the reverse of Example 3, First B assassinates C, getting C’s money; then A assassinates B, gotting both B's and C's, money, If the President is killed, a new President Is elected Immediately upon the resolution of the last assassination, ‘Swiss bank accounts aro never affected by player death, Remember, deposits and Withdrawals cannot be made until after Assassination, which makes every trip to the Bank an adventur 22. The President's Brother-in-Law ‘A player who is kiled remains dead until the fend of the tur. Ha isnot alowed to take any ‘action until the beginning ofthe next tum, when he resumes contol ot his family'sposton. (The amily has selected an heit to the throne.) Even when a player is dead, his family stil contrals one (or two) position(s). Mewever, the “President's brother-in-law” (hati, the Presi dont) gets to use that posiion’s vote, and con- trols is forces during a coup, Ifthe family controls two positions, orf more than one player is currently deadtor in exile (see section 25), the President must decide which ‘ingle postion his brother.n-iaw wil ake over. Allother positions controled by dead or exiled players are "frozen"; they cannot vote, andthe! forces may not move during a coup. ‘The President places a blank counter on the single position of a dead or exiled player that his Brothor-in-Law contcls. 23. The Bank tthe Bank is open and you chose ""Bank’ 1s your location, you may deposit or withdraw money during the Bank segmont, the Budget was passed by rol call vote the Bank is open. Ifthe Budge failed the rot cal voto, but was passed because the Minister soized tho Chamber of Deputies (see The Budget, section ‘the Bankis "closed forlunch.” This means 8 may nat use the Bank during the Bank Sogmont. However, they may deposit or Withdraw money fllowing the Coup segment. Inessonco, the Bank's nat open uni all players. have had a chance tostar a coup, or until after, the coup is resolved. the Budget falled, the Bank is closed, and ro withdrawals or deposits may be made, Tf you are dead or in exile, you may not witheraw or deposit money. 24, The Swiss Bank Account ‘You deposit money in your Swiss account by placing money cards (from your pocket) face ‘Gown under your Swiss Bank Account marker. You withdraw money by taking monoy cards from under that marker to become part of your hand, ‘Keep your Swiss account in a neat ple away ‘rom the rest of your hand. 25. Exile ‘A player may go into exile during Location by placing one of his Location markers in an ‘embassy area on the city map. You may also {99 into exile during a coup (s00 soction 37), if You contra! a unit in ane of the embassies. * Aplayer in exile cannot be assassinated fr sent fo the firing squad, nor can he make {deposis into or withdrawals from his Swiss ac- ‘count. He does not draw any politcal cards, though he does keep any cards in hand "= Aplayerin exile can not ply polticalcards, but he may discard, recolveor give them away, ' Aplayerin exile can not vate in the Chamber ff Deputies, may not try assassinations, and ‘may not control units during a coup. * The President's Brother-in-Law may use the votes and units of an exiled player's positon. ‘A player in exile may announce his return to ‘La Republica de los Bananas at any time, The pBlayor may return without dangor if ‘Tho President has been killed and a new President has not yet been elected, oF ‘© A Coup is in progress, and the embassy ta which the player fledis cccupied by atleast ‘one unt belonging to another player, whois wile ing to give the turing player “Wee passage.’ A chip off the old block Tithe player announces his return at any other timo, the Ministers granted a free, automatical- Iy stlccessful assassination against him, Tne Player may immediately resume his postin ‘he lays apolitical card o protect him from assassination, * the Minister chooses to let the returning player go: of * the Minister position is currently “trozen’ Otherwise, the returning player is dead (unt the beginning of the next turn). 26. Presidential Resignation “The President may announce his resignatic atany time except during acoup. The Chamber ‘of Deputies must immediately elect anew Presi- ‘dent before proceading withthe turn.+The Chamber may re-lecta President who hhas resigned, i it wishes, and if he is wiling to sen, + The ex-President must give all the money in hand (or pocket) to the new President. 27. Starting a Coup Attho beginning of each urn, the "Coup Ex- ccuselNlo Excuse" marker is tipped to its “No ‘Coup Excuse" side it any ofthe following happens: ‘+ Tho Budget is defeated; * Tha Minister seizes the Chamber of Deputies; ‘Any player is successfully assassinated “Acard which says "Coup Excuse" is played. t, during the Coup segment ofthe turn, the ‘dup Exeuse” aide of the marker Is face-up, any player can start a coup. ltaplayer chose "Headquarters" ashisLoca- tion, he may start @ coup, even if there is no "Coup Excuse.” ‘You ean start a coup by: * Playing an Event card which causes new ‘counters tobe placed on the map. This includes student mobs, rotors strikers, damanstrators, bank guards, Christian miltia, the Home Defense League, and the helicopter. ‘Moving any unit. * Announcing a bombardment of the Presidential Palace with an Air Stike or the Gunboat. ‘Tho President can never start a coup. ‘Tho player who starts a coup Is the First Rebel: place the First Rebel card infront of him, ach player clockwise from the First Rebel may then move or announce bombardments it ho too wishes to become a rebel. Soe sections 29 and 30. THE COUP RULES ‘When the subtieartof diplomacy fils to per- suade the President of the rightness of your ‘cause, you can always resort fo violence in the streets. Pleas and threats may fll, but the rum- ble of tanks, the crack of gunfire and especially the bombardment of the Presidontial Palaco always command the President's attontion Staring a Coup dramatically heightons tho tension, A new President may be proclaimed by orce of arms, Someone may get sent tothe fring squad. Large sums of money may be In tha hands of players desperately waiting forthe Bank o open. In shor, this i @ perfec recipe for ringing out greed, tear and foathingin you and your fellow players. Luckly, the majority (ofthe players wil end up enjoying the trouble you've caused, ‘A Coup is a special “game within a game playad onl ita Coup is declared. Air the Coup is resolved, players retuin to the “normal game. 28. Initial Deployment agit poe and itary us are lua pac same aoa altho bognning of goup section 2, "Setting Up the Game"). "exception fo tis rule: tho the amber of Deputies to pase the Budget, his Police units begin in tho JUNTA RULES , PAGE 6 ‘Chamber of Deputies area, instead of their Police Stations. Units kiled in one coup are stil avaltable for use in the next coup. Units are never per- ‘manently elimi 29. Coup Order ‘At the beginning of the coup, each rebel player may move his units and have them fre, However, any player who moves or fires at this time is arobel, and his position card(s) are ped to tho “rebel” side. Aer the intial rebel phase, the first Coup phase begins. Six Coup phases are played, at the end of which the Coup is over. Each Coup phase is divided inte 2 movement ‘segment and a combat segment. Inthe move ‘ment segment, each player, in turn, moves his ‘counters; then, combat fs resolved Inthe rebel phase, the Fist ebel moves fist; then, each playor may move his counters, go ing around the board in clockwise order. (Only robols may move.) Inthe next Coup phase, the player to tho Jot ofthe First Rebel moves first. Each Coup phase, shit loft one player to determine which player moves first. ‘At the ond of the sixth Coup phase, the players determine which ofthe five red areas fare pro-President, and which are proJunta. It ‘a majority aro pro-Presidon, the President has won the coup; ita majority are proJunta, tha robols have won, Atthe end of each of Coup phase, the Coup ‘phase marker is advanced one boxan the Coup ‘Track. Atthe end o! the Coup, itis returned to the first box on the track; the Coup Aftermath is then resolved, and the next tur begun Hat any time during a coup, all players ag that ether the President or the rebels will win, the players may end the coup and go directly 10 the Goup Aftermath, (You can leave some of the counters behind, you wish.) * Aplayer may make only one move per Coup ‘phase, except forthe President, who may make ‘second move ithe controls a Second position with his, The Brother-in-Law moves his counters when the player whose position he has usurped would normally move. ‘= The Holcopter counter is permitted to move ‘wo areasin its move. If moving with other unis, the first area the helicopter enters must be the {area to which he other units move; itean thon Continue movement into a second area. Con versely, the helicopter may enter an area with other friendly units, and execute its second ‘move with some or all of those units. * You are never requited to move any of your ‘counters. ‘When another player's counters enter an area ‘occupied by your counters, flip your counters ‘over fo their striped sides, to indicate that they may execute First Fite" (soe Combat, section 432) I two oF more stacks enter an area, the playors may wish to write down or otherwise fecord whieh stacks have Ft Fe on which other stacks. 32. Combat ‘Combat may occur in any area where the are counters controlled by different players. ' Combat is resolved area by area. Al com- bat in one area Is resolved before the players 90.07 to the next area, ‘=I hare is mare than one area where com: bat may occur, the players may resolve com- baal in any of the areas they wish betore going fon to the next. Declaration: Usually the players know whore they wish to have combat. But if there is any ‘uncertainty, the players, starting with the Pres.
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