June 10, 2022

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Medina County Commissioners’ Newsletter


Stephen D. Hambley William F. Hutson Colleen M. Swedyk

JUNE 10, 2022

MCOOA commits to justice on What is Adult
Protective Services?
‘World Elder Abuse Awareness Day’ Adult Protective Services
Local effort to raise elder The good news is that we can
(APS) help those age 60 or
abuse, neglect awareness prevent and address the issue of
older who are in danger of
The International Network for elder abuse. harm, are unable to protect
the Prevention of Elder Abuse and There are many ways to
strengthen our social supports themselves, and may have
the World Health Organization at no one to assist them.
the United Nations (UN) launched through policies, services, and APS Specialists investi-
the first World Elder Abuse Aware- programs that keep us integrated gate and create case plans
ness Day (WEAAD) in our communities as we age.
• We can design to help ensure senior safety
on June 15, 2006 in the community.
in an effort to unite and equip community
centers to work as in- They assess the risk to
communities around the adult in their living situ-
the world in raising tergenerational spaces
that allow older peo- ation, determine the appro-
awareness about elder priate intervention and offer
abuse. ple to build relation-
services to enable the adult
WEAAD serves as a ships and participate
to remain independent in
call-to-action for our communities in the work, play, and
the community.
to raise awareness about abuse, life of our neighborhoods.
If you suspect that a
neglect, and exploitation of elders, • We can think about the role
vulnerable adult age 60
and reaffirm our country’s com- of transportation in reducing so- or over may be a vic-
mitment to the principle of justice cial isolation and adjust systems tim of abuse, neglect or
for all. so that we can all continue to
exploitation, do not hesitate
move throughout our communi-
When we come together, we to call the
ties as we age.
can prevent elder abuse from hap- Adult Protective
• We can figure out new and
pening. We can put support ser- Services Hotline
better ways to arrange and coor-
vices in place, and direct commu- 330-661-0800 or
dinate the teams, agencies, and
nity resources toward addressing FAX: 330-723-9682
Continued on page 2
elder abuse.
Elder abuse is widespread. Ev-
ery year an estimated 1 in 10 old-
er Americans are victims of elder
abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
And that’s only part of the pic-
ture: Experts believe that elder
abuse is significantly under-re-
ported, in part because so many
of our communities lack the social
supports that would make it easier
for those who experience abuse to
report it.
Research suggests that as few as
1 in 14 cases of elder abuse come
to the attention of authorities. In
addition to being a clear violation
of the American commitment to
justice for all, elder abuse is an is-
sue with many consequences for
our society. Photo by Joanne Meincke
The Medina County Adult Protective Services team encourages everyone to wear
Its effects on our communities purple on Weds., June 15 to show support for World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.
range from public health to eco- Pictured left to right: Shelly Nagy, APS Specialist; Luella Gilbert, APS Supervisor;
nomic issues. Stacy Webb, APS Specialist and Laura Toth, Director of the MCOOA.
Medina County Commissioners’ Newsletter June 10, 2022
MCOOA commits to justice on ‘World Elder Abuse Awareness Day’...
Continued from page 1
programs that work specifically
with older people.
• We can develop programs to
educate families and profession-
als who work with older adults to
understand the importance of pre-
venting isolation, how to spot the
warning signs of abuse, and what
to do to address abuse or neglect.
By doing all that we can to
Photo by Brian S. Gallatin
strengthen the social support
During the Tues., June 7 meeting, the commissioners presented the Medina County structure, we can reduce social
Adult Protective Services team with a proclamation proclaiming June 15, 2022 as isolation, protect communities
“World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.” Pictured left to right: Commissioner Colleen
Swedyk, Commissioner Steve Hambley, Commissioner Bill Hutson, APS Specialist
and families against elder abuse,
Shelly Nagy, Job & Family Services Director Debbie Kiley, MCOOA Director Laura and build a nation that lives up to
Toth, APS Supervisor Luella Gilbert, and APS Specialist Stacy Webb. our promise of justice for all.

Summer Crisis
Program starts
Friday, July 1
The Ohio Department of Devel-

Stormwater Solutions
opment and the Medina County
Office for Older Adults will help
income-eligible Ohioans stay cool

& Drainage Workshop

during the hot summer months.
The Home Energy Assistance
Summer Crisis Program provides
eligible Ohioans assistance paying
Does your property often have flooding issues? an electric bill or assistance paying
Attend Medina SWCD’s workshop to learn for central air conditioning repairs.
more about what you can do to help The program runs from Fri., July 1
address flooding on your property. through Fri., Sept., 30.
To apply for the program, cli-
ents are required to schedule an
Thursday, June 30th appointment with The Medina
County Office for Older Adults.
6pm-7:30pm Appointments can be scheduled
Sharon Township—Town Hall by calling 330-723-9514.
6449 Ridge Rd, Wadsworth Clients need to bring copies of
the following documents to their
• Copies of their most recent
To Register: energy bills;
• A list of all household mem-
bers and proof of income for the
last 30 days or 12 months for each
• Proof of U.S. citizenship or
Or Visit:
medinaswcd.org legal residency for all household
Continued on page 3
June 10, 2022 Medina County Commissioners’ Newsletter




Photo provided
Pictured left to right: Commissioner Steve Hambley, Jess Storey, Zack Berger and
Jesse Beal. FINANCE
No website
Commissioner Hambley speaks at 330-722-9202
Young Professionals Association HUMAN
Commissioner Steve Hambley was the recent monthly guest speaker RESOURCES
at the Wadsworth Young Professionals Association (WYP), a subcom- www.medinaco.org/hr
mittee of the Wadsworth Area Chamber of Commerce. 330-722-9209
Hambley spoke about the different aspects of his career through the
years. He also quizzed members of the group on the county’s history JOB AND FAMILY
using tidbits from the two books he has published, “Timeline of Medina SERVICES
County’s History” and “Historic Tales of Medina County, Ohio.”
The morning speaker series, Mochas & Mentors, is held at the Ac- 330-722-9300
tivity Room in The Soprema Center Cafe, 617 School Dr., Wadsworth
from 8–9 a.m. on the fourth Thursday of every month. OFFICE FOR OLDER
WYP provides opportunities to network and socialize with other ADULTS
young professionals, and community leaders who live and work in 330-723-9514
Wadsworth. They are dedicated to providing members a welcoming
environment to grow professionally and develop new leadership skills.
Summer Crisis Program starts Friday, July 1... 330-722-9293
Continued from page 2 things as lung disease, Chronic
members; Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, SANITARY
• Proof of disability (if applica- or asthma. ENGINEER
ble); Also, Ohioans enrolled in the
• Physician documentation Percentage of Income Payment
that cooling assistance is needed Plan Plus Program (PIPP) who
for a household member’s health meet the above criteria may be el- SOLID WASTE
(if there isn’t a household member igible for assistance towards their DISTRICT
over the age of 60). default PIPP payment, first PIPP 330-769-0289
The Summer Crisis Program as- payment, central air conditioning
sists low-income households with repairs, or may receive an air con-
an older household member (60 ditioning unit and/or fan. TRANSIT
years or older), that can provide For more information about the 330-723-9670
physician documentation that features of the Summer Crisis Pro-
cooling assistance is needed for a gram and what is needed to apply,
household member’s health, have contact the Medina County Office
a disconnect notice, have been for Older Adults at 330-723-9514. Click here to visit our
shut off, are trying to establish To be connected to your local website with the full
new service on their electric bill, Energy Assistance provider visit directory of public officials
or require air conditioning. www.energyhelp.ohio.gov or call
at www.medinaco.org
Conditions can include such (800) 282-0880.
Medina County Commissioners’ Newsletter June 10, 2022

Kiwanis Club Student of the Year

Photo provided
Commissioner Colleen Swedyk pres-
ents Eagle Scout Luke Fisher with a Cer-
tificate of Recognition at the dedication
ceremony for his project.

Scout builds cart

for bookstore
Project:LEARN of Medina
County held a dedication cere-
mony for a project completed by
Luke Fisher, 17. Photo provided
Fisher, a Boy Scout in Troop Commissioner Colleen Swedyk stands with Medina County Career Center
501 of Medina, made a book cart Student of the Year recipient Kaitlyn Fortuna. The other Student of the Year
Award winners include Jacob Kodicovic, Black River High School; Tyler Ho-
for Project:LEARN’s children’s vanec, Brunswick High School; Olivia Ortiz, Buckeye High School; Kevin Bit-
section of the bookstore for his taker, Cloverleaf High School; Emily Dunn, Highland High School; Bradon
Eagle Scout Project. Timms, Medina High School; and Andrew Piepho, Wadsworth High School.
Commissioner Colleen Swedyk The Awards Luncheon was held Thurs., June 2 at Williams on the Lake and
was sponsored by The Kiwanis Club of Medina and The Feckley Foundation.
attended the dedication ceremo- Congratulations to all the Student of the Year winners!
ny held on Weds., May 25.

Photos provided
Probate and Juvenile Court Judge Kevin
Dunn, Commissioner Steve Hambley and
Medina County Career Center Superin-
tendent Steve Chrisman participate in a
Clap Out for the Medina boys rugby club.

Boys rugby club

wins state crown
Bees defeat Avon Lake 38–17
Congratulations to the Medi-
na Boys rugby club for defeat-
ing Avon Lake 38–17 to win the
eight-team Rugby Ohio Division 1
title at Fortress Obetz.
The commissioners were happy
to attend the Clap Out in the team’s
honor as they left for the game.

Medina Head Boys Rugby Coach Brian

Scerca and Commissioner Colleen Swedyk.
June 10, 2022 Medina County Commissioners’ Newsletter


Positions Featured

Job Openings of
Please submit
information one applicatio
will n per position
sure to fill out be rejected. It is your to the
all sides of responsibility address indicated on
a governme this form. Also to assure that the
nt agency. please note your applicatio job posting. Applicatio
that this completed n is received ns lacking
Fill in the informati form will become by the closing sufficient
on in the area a public record date. Please
Job Title ________ below: when submitted be
________________ to

Postings current as of June 9, 2022

Department ________________
________________ _______________
________________ FT/PT ________
________________ ________________
____ Deadline Date __
In the area SUMMARY ________________
below, describe OF QUALIFI ___
which you are
applying. Refer
briefly the experienc CATIONS
to the Minimum e, education, training,
Qualifications and other
and any position-s factors that qualify

pecific qualificati you for the
ons posted position for
for this position.

Click on any of the below job titles

the Week
for a full job description.
Home Address _________
_________ ___ First
_________ Name _________
City _________ _________ _________
_________ _________ _________
_________ _________ ___ Middle
_________ _________ Initial _____
Phone: ( ________ ________ _________
) _________ State ________ _________
_________ Zip _________ _________
_________ ______ County ______
Social Security _ c Cell
Number Email _________ _________
ccc- c _________
c- ccc

Animal Shelter
The following _________ __
information _________
will be used
only if it is directly c _________
1. Are you related to the
willing and position for
able to secure which you are
2. If the position an Ohio Driver’s applying:
requires travel, License, if a
3. Have you
ever been employed
can you supply license is required? YES NO
your own transporta c
If you are currently in the state tion? . . . . . c
a State employee or county service ..... c
If you answered : Job Title ________ of Ohio? . c
________________ . . .

• Deputy Dog Warden (PT)

“YES” to question c
#3, please explain ________
fully. Barg. Unit

Board of Elections
• Clerk – Democratic (FT)
• Deputy Clerk (FT)
Job & Family Services
Responsibilities: Receives direction from and reports to the Cleaning Supervisor. Duties
• Clerical Specialist (FT) include a routine cleaning of all common areas, restrooms, and office areas. Will include
• Protective Services Worker 2 (FT) sanitizing of restrooms, vacuum and/or mopping floors, dusting and/or removing of dirt for
• Support Officer 1 (FT) surfaces such as furniture, tables, countertops, and windows. Performing other duties as
assigned by Supervisor or Director
Qualifications: Experience in cleaning or custodial work preferred. Training and experience
• Cleaning Technician (PT) that demonstrate the individual’s possession of knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform the
• Facilities Technician (FT) duties listed above. Possess a valid Ohio driver’s license with a good driving record. Proof of
adequate vehicle insurance.
Medina County Common Pleas Court
Hours: Monday–Friday 4:00 pm–8:00 pm, additional hours as needed.
(Probate & Juvenile Divisions)
• Deputy Clerk (FT)) Apply at or send application to:
Medina County HR, Attn: CT
Medina County Home 144 N Broadway, Room 202
Medina, OH 44256
• LPN – 2nd Shift (FT)
• LPN 1st Shift (PT)
• LPN 2nd Shift (PT)
• Resident Care Aide (FT)

Medina County Juvenile
Detention Center
• Correction Officer (FT)

Medina County Park District

• Police Officer (FT)
• Park Planner (FT) at the
Medina County Home
• Park Laborer (FT)
• Seasonal Park Laborer (PT)

Medina County Veterans

Service Commission
• Van Driver (PT)

Office for Older Adults

• Intermittent Meal Delivery
Driver (PT)
• Meal Delivery Driver (PT)
Sanitary Engineers Office
• Kenneth W. Holtz Water LPN 2ND SHIFT (FT) • LPN 2ND SHIFT (PT)
Reclamation Facility Operator (FT) RESIDENT CARE AIDE 3RD SHIFT (FT)
• Wastewater Treatment Plant
Shift Supervisor (FT)

Transit Superintendent
• Bus Driver (PT)
(FT) = Full-Time • (PT) = Part-Time Greg Brown Wants
Enjoy the BENEFITS of working for
Medina County! Apply Today! YOU as
E a County Home


Click here to visit our
website for any updates:

Medina County Commissioners’ Newsletter June 10, 2022
Victorian Feast, Grand En Soirée Sérénité
Raffle tickets now on sale
The Medina County Historical Society has two raf-
fles this year. Both are major fundraisers to support
our historical society and two museums: the John
Smart House and McDowell-Phillips House.
Our first raffle is our “Victorian Feast” dinner. It
will be held in February 2023.
There will be two winners; each will bring three
guests to a 5-course meal at the John Smart House
It will also include a tour of the museum. Tickets
are $5 each or 4 for $15.
Our other raffle is our “Grand Raffle.” A lucky ticket
Photo provided
holder will win $500! Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $20. Commissioner Swedyk attends the En Soirée Sérénité
Tickets are available by calling 330-722-1341 or fundraiser sponsored by Sérénité Restaurant & Culinary
emailing [email protected]. They are also Institute and the Recovery Center of Medina County. The
available at open houses at the John Smart House event featured a 5-course dinner each prepared by a
different chef. Standing with Commissioner Swedyk is
Museum and McDowell-Phillips House Museum. Sérénité Executive Director John Liebler.
The drawing for both raffles is Dec. 15.

Special Olympics Medina County

Photo provided
Pictured left to right: Probate and Juvenile Judge Kevin Dunn, Ohio State Patrol Superintendent Colonel Richard Fambro,
Commissioner Colleen Swedyk, Commissioner Steve Hambley, Auditor Mike Kovack and Commissioner Bill Hutson at-
tend the Opening Ceremonies of the 39th Annual Medina Invitational at Medina High School.

Office: 330-722-9208
Medina County Commissioners
Toll Free: 844-722-3800
144 North Broadway St., Room 201,
Clerk: Rhonda Beck,
Medina, Ohio 44256 [email protected]

Commissioner Meetings are held every

Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m.
While Commissioners’ Meetings have resumed allowing the
public’s in-person attendance, meetings will continue to be
livestreamed for anyone who is unable to attend in person at:
To be added to our mailing list, please contact Public Information Officer Brian Gallatin
at [email protected] , or visit our website at www.medinaco.org/newsletter-sign-up/


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