KL.9 ENGLISH HUB 3 First-Period-Planning

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FIELD: Languages and Communication
Subject: English IX (The English Hub)
First period - 39 hours
Key Competences Learning Outcomes
The student:
• participates in discussions on topics related to his/her field of interest such as leisure activities, weather, landmarks etc
• presents and classifies information from different sources such as internet, newspapers etc
• uses the dictionary effectively when needed
• works individualy, in pairs and groups respecting friends and the group rules
• reflects maturity in group decision making
• speaks about his/her family in the past and present; speaks about his adventures and activities using in a sequence of events
• uses his/her Language Portfolio to document his/her work and plan his/her learning
• uses IT skills in presenting his/her project work

Subject Competences Learning Outcomes

The student:
• talks about fashion, style, aspects of his/her own life, permanant and temporary situations in the present using present tenses
• describes people`s personality and makes comparison using correctly the degrees of adjectives
• talks about events, situations and habits in the past
• talks about the weather, the environment conditions and their results refering to the future
• expresses agreement/disagreement by finding things in common, expresses his/her own opinion giving reasons
• talks about work, careers, different forms of entertainment using present perfect correctly
• understands and follows a recipe
• defines people, places and things using relative pronouns
• listens for specific information
• writes information for a personal website and e-mails giving information about him/herself and his/her country
• writes postcards while on a trip and description of places for a brochure, writes e-mails giving news
• prepares an interview with famous people (Jamie Oliver)
• writes a CV
Topics Topics per hour Learning s and Assessment Resources
1 1. Portfolio-Presenting 1. Websites
People the ELP (European The teacher asks students • group work • • studentbook
and Language to design a website with • pair work • workbook
lifestyle Portfolio)and for unusual • observation • picture
describing the A2+ people.Students work in • dictionar
Level groups and gather brainstorming y
2. Project ( deciding on materials. They decide • questions assessin • CD
the groups and topics) which material to use and and answers g • Internet
3. All about me- then they edit the • gap filling answers • Digital
vocabulary and materials with the help of • • assessing platfor
reading the group m
4. Grammar-speaking teacher. Students publish matchin work •
and writing (pg 140) the material in the school g • assessing
website or they can exercise home Poster
5. Extraordinary
search for free websites s work s,
people- vocabulary
and create their own. • games • using photos
and reading
2. School magazine checklist
6. Grammar- Listening • • ELP
Teacher asks students to s
and speaking (WB
prepare a school questionnaire • self-
exercise magazine which will assessmen
s) • think-
have the following t
7. Nearest and dearest- pair-
vocabulary and share
a. Teenage
reading • dialogues
fashion b. Go
8. Grammar; listening green • role play
and speaking (WB) c. Tirana(Albania) • open
landmar ended
9. Style and fashion-
ks questions
vocabulary and
reading d. My
10. Grammar; speaking adventure e.
and writing (WB An interview
exercises) In groups students do
11. Culture traits research, gather and
12. Round up –WB edit material and then
exercis put all
es the material together in
the form of a magazine.
13. Culture Page (pg.119)
14. Project
2 Around the globe
1. Save our writing 1. Go green
Planet – (WB) Teacher asks students to • group work • • studentbook
vocabulary, 9. What a city! organize a awareness • pair work • workbook
reading, Vocabulary and compaign on green observation
• • picture
grammar, reading issues. Students are • dictionar
listening; 10. Listening; speaking devided in groups and brainstorming y
speaking and writing (WB) work on different issues: assessin
• questions • CD
(WB) a. Poster preparation g
and answers • Internet
2. Rain or b. Writing a answers
11. Round-up • gap filling • Digital
Shine? - questionnaire c. • assessing
12. Project and Culture • platfor
vocaabulary, Analyzing the group
Page m
reading, questionnaire and work
(pg. 120) matchin •
grammar, presenting the • assessing
listening; g
results exercise home
speaking Posters
d. Interviews in s work
(WB) ,
school and • Quiz • using photos
3. Landmarks- community checklist
• think- • ELP
reading and e. Debate and s
vocabulary discussions • self-
4. Grammar; assessmen
• dialogues
speaking and 2. Food fair t
Teacher asks students • role play
writing (WB) • peer-
organize a food fair. • open
5. A world of assessmen
Students are devided ended
adventure- t
in groups and each question
reading ; WB exercises
exercises group takes
6. Grammar; responsibilities
listening and (organising the fair;
speaking writing a brochure;
advertizing the
fair;writing the recipes;
7. Ethnic cuisine- cooking etc). Teacher
vocabulary and helps with organisation,
reading monitoring and
8. Listening and vocabulary as well.
3 1. Theatre group- to play- vocabulary; way- k speaking
Work vocabulary; reading; reading;grammar; reading; exercis (pg.140)
and grammar and speaking; writing vocabula es 5. Famous
leisure speaking (WB) ry; 4. Grammar; and
2. Time for work, time 3. Working your workboo listening; successful
vocabulary, 1. Tirana Students present their
reading, adventure Teacher asks parks in class. • group work • • studentbook
grammar, students to prepare a • pair work • workbook
listening; brochure about holidays observation
• • picture
speaking in Tirana. Students in • dictionar
(WB) groups decide what each brainstorming y
6. Having fun participant of the group assessin
• questions • CD
vocaabulary, is going to do: g
and answers • Internet
reading, a. Doing research answers
grammar, • gap filling • Digital
b. Gathering • • assessing
listening; platfor
materials and group m
speaking photos work
(WB) matchin •
c. Editing the g • assessing
7. Job hunting material d. exercise home Poster
– Designing the s work s,
vocabulary; brochure • using
• games photos
listening and Students present checklist
• think- • ELP
speaking the brochures in s
8. Reading and class. • self-
writing 2. Theme Parks assessmen
• dialogues
(WB exercises) Teacher presents a t
situation to students. It is • role play
9. Round-up (WB • open
exercises) decided that a Theme
Park will be built in ended
10. Project and question
culture page Tirana. In
groups students discuss exercises
(pg. 121) • test
and then decide on the
11. ELP (European following:
Language a. Where is the best
Portfolio) place to build is and
12. ELP why
13. Written test b. What are the
benefits for the
c. What are
d. What games to
include and describe
e. Designing a poster

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