EASA Safety Information Bulletin Information Bulletin: EASA SIB No: 2011-15 EASA SIB No: 2011-15
EASA Safety Information Bulletin Information Bulletin: EASA SIB No: 2011-15 EASA SIB No: 2011-15
EASA Safety Information Bulletin Information Bulletin: EASA SIB No: 2011-15 EASA SIB No: 2011-15
Ref. Publications: EASA SIB No: 2011-15 - Mode S Transponder: Ground Testing
a. When not required, ensure all transponders are selected to ‘OFF’ or ‘Standby’.
b. Before starting any test, contact the local Air Traffic Control Unit and advise them of your
intention to conduct transponder testing. Advise the Air Traffic Unit of your start time and
test duration. Also inform them of the altitude(s) at which you will be testing, your
intended Aircraft Identification (Flight Id) and your intended Mode A code. See para c
and d. Note: Certain altitudes may not be possible due to over flying aircraft.
c. Set the Mode A code to 7776 (or other Mode A code agreed with Air Traffic Control
Unit). Note: The Mode A code 7776 is assigned as a test code by the ORCAM Users
Group, specifically for the testing of transponders.
d. Set the Aircraft Identification (Flight Id) with the first 8 characters of the company name.
This is the name of the company conducting the tests.
e. Set the on-the-ground status for all Mode S replies, except when an airborne reply is
required (e.g. for altitude testing).
f. Where possible, perform the testing inside a hanger to take advantage of any shielding
properties it may provide.
g. As a precaution, use antenna transmission covers whether or not testing is performed
inside or outside.
h. When testing the altitude (Mode C or S) parameter, radiate directly into the ramp test set
via the prescribed attenuator.
i. In between testing, i.e. to transition from one altitude to another, select the transponder
to ‘standby’ mode.
j. If testing transponder parameters other than ‘altitude’, set altitude to -1000 feet (minus
1000 feet), or over 60000 feet. This will minimise the possibility of ACAS warning to
airfield and overflying aircraft.
k. When testing is complete select the transponder(s) to ‘OFF’ or ‘Standby’.