Load Balancer For OHS

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Load balancer for OHS

1. GO to httpd.conf and make sure mod_proxy, mod_proxy_balancer are included.

2. Add below in httpd.conf and restart OHS

<Proxy balancer://clusterABCD>

BalancerMember http://<host>:port

BalancerMember http://<host>:port

BalancerMember http://<host>:port

Order allow,deny

Allow from all


ProxyPass / balancer://clusterABCD/

Below cluster was created and tested.

<Proxy balancer://clusterABCD>

BalancerMember http://slc11coo.us.oracle.com:16663

BalancerMember http://slc15bmx.us.oracle.com:16661

BalancerMember http://slc12own.us.oracle.com:16661

Order allow,deny

Allow from all


ProxyPass / balancer://clusterABCD/

After OHS restart request were routed to tomcats in the defined cluster
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyRequests off

ServerName domain.com

<Proxy balancer://mycluster>
# WebHead1
# WebHead2

# Security "technically we aren't blocking

# anyone but this is the place to make
# those changes.
Require all granted
# In this example all requests are allowed.

# Load Balancer Settings

# We will be configuring a simple Round
# Robin style load balancer. This means
# that all webheads take an equal share of
# of the load.
ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests


# balancer-manager
# This tool is built into the mod_proxy_balancer
# module and will allow you to do some simple
# modifications to the balanced group via a gui
# web interface.
<Location /balancer-manager>
SetHandler balancer-manager

# I recommend locking this one down to your

# your office
Require host example.org


# Point of Balance
# This setting will allow to explicitly name the
# the location in the site that we want to be
# balanced, in this example we will balance "/"
# or everything in the site.
ProxyPass /balancer-manager !
ProxyPass / balancer://mycluster/


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