Elt Systems Service Information Letter: Date: May 6, 2020 Number: SIL4013
Elt Systems Service Information Letter: Date: May 6, 2020 Number: SIL4013
Elt Systems Service Information Letter: Date: May 6, 2020 Number: SIL4013
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ACR Electronics, Inc.▪ 5757 Ravenswood RD ▪ Fort Lauderdale FL 33312 ▪ www.acrartex.com ▪ (954)981-3333
ACR Electronics, Inc., ACR, ARTEX, the ACR cross symbol, the ARTEX propeller symbol, ELT
345: ELT 1000: ELT 3000: ELT 3000HM: ELT 4000: ELT 4000HM: B406: C406: C406-N: C406-
NHM: G406: ME406: ME406HM are all trademarks owned by ACR Electronics, Inc.; and no
trademark license is granted in connection with this document unless provided in writing by
ACR Electronics, Inc.
2. SUMMARY: ACR Electronics, Inc. (ACR) is continually working to ensure all Emergency Locator
Transmitters (ELTs) are maintained in optimum condition to meet regulatory and manufacturer’s
requirements. Recently, EASA issued SIB 2019-09R1, which outlines new requirements for annual
inspections of ELTs and PLBs (Personal Locator Beacons) within their jurisdiction. The testing
requirements will align EASA with FAA annual test requirements ensuring verification of the crash
activation sensor and operation of the transmitter system.
This service advisory is intended to reiterate the ACR recommendations for periodic inspections and
functional checks of ALL ELTs in addition to the recommendations from EASA SIB 2019-09R1 and
encourage a baseline self-test and inspection to ensure current functionality. All ARTEX ELTs are
designed to have sufficient battery life to accommodate a monthly self-test.
5. REFERENCES: All ELT IMM, CFR 91.207, CAR 571 Appendix G, EASA SIB No. 2019-09R1
1. Proper installation
2. Battery corrosion
3. Operation of the controls and crash sensor
4. The presence of sufficient signal radiated from its antenna
5. A successful self test of the ELT BIT (Built In Test) system
ACR Electronics, Inc. reminds all operators who have installed an ARTEX ELT to inspect their ELTs in
accordance with the FAA regulations referenced above; the EASA recommendations; or in the absence of
specific requirements by their local CAA, to follow FAA requirements. The test will require test of the
crash-activation sensor and a self-test.
7. ACTION: ACR strongly recommends conducting a self-test at the earliest opportunity in order to
ensure unit functionality. The self-test procedure outlined below applies to all ARTEX ELT
models. Please refer to applicable Installation and Maintenance Manuals for more details.
NOTE: The self-test can also be initiated from the ELT. See the respective Installation and Maintenance
Manual (IMM) for details.
NOTE: If the ELT is working properly, the LED will stay on for approximately 1 second and then turn off.
If a series of flashes are displayed, refer to the respective IMM for details. If there are multiple errors,
there is a 0.5 to 1.0 second pause between each error code.
NOTE: For instructions on GNSS Self-test, available on some ELT models, please refer to the respective
IMM for details.
NOTE: If the throwing motion does not activate the ELT after 2 throws, then the ELT must be sent to
ACR or an ARTEX Authorized Service Center (ASC) for evaluation.
NOTE: If after two attempts in each direction the ELT does not activate, then the ELT should be sent to
an ARTEX authorized service center for evaluation.
Please be aware that the ELT under test will transmit a live 406 MHz burst 50 seconds after activation.
The ELT MUST be reset (stopped from further activation) before 50 seconds have elapsed and before a
live burst is transmitted.
8. EFFECTIVITY: ARTEX ELT Model Numbers: ELT 345: ELT 1000: ELT 3000: ELT 3000HM: ELT 4000:
ELT 4000HM: B406: C406: C406-N: C406-NHM: G406: ME406: ME406HM
Legacy ELT transmitting on 121.5 MHz and 243 MHz are no longer repairable, ACR recommends
upgrading these units to 406MHz ELT. Please go to www.121MHZ.com for more information on
upgrade incentives and interchangeability.
Contact ACR Electronics, Inc. at 954-981-3333 or visit our website www.acrartex.com to learn more
about our products and support network.