Jurnal Faisal
Jurnal Faisal
Jurnal Faisal
Increased competition in the culinary business has resulted in more choices for consumers, one of which is in choosing
restaurants. The restaurant management must be able to understand what factors are considered consumers in buying products
in a restaurant. Also, restaurants that have more than one outlet must be able to understand the characteristics of consumers at
each outlet. This study aims to determine what factors are considered by consumers in making product purchase decisions in
Korean restaurants Kirin Kimbap Malang, the dominant factors considered by consumers in making product purchase decisions
in Korean restaurants Kirin Kimbap Malang, and differences in consumer purchasing decisions between Korean restaurants
Kirin Kalpataru, Kirin Express Sawojajar, and Kirin Express Bendungan Riam Kanan Malang. This research is classified into
ex post facto research with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were Korean restaurant consumers Kirin
Kimbap in Malang City including Kirin Kalpataru, Kirin Express Sawojajar, and Kirin Express Bendungan Riam Kanan
Malang. The sample in this study amounted to 150 respondents, were at each Kirin Kimbap outlet totaled 50 respondents. The
analysis technique used is confirmatory factor analysis and one way ANOVA. The results of this study indicate that 1) product,
price, location, promotion, service, and dining experience are factors that consumers consider in making product purchase
decisions in Korean restaurants Kirin Kimbap Malang 2) Service factors are the dominant factors consumers consider taking
product purchase decisions at the Kirin Kimbap Korean restaurant Malang City 3) there is no difference in consumer
purchasing decisions between the Korean restaurant Kirin Kalpataru, Kirin Express Sawojajar, and Kirin Express Bendungan
Riam Kanan Malang.
Globalization has reduced geographical and cultural boundaries, thereby opening up access to foreign cultures and
lifestyles in Indonesia. The impact of globalization causes increasingly similar consumer behavior between consumers with other
consumers (Sumarwan, 2011: 7). The phenomenon of globalization that occurs in Indonesia is the entry of Korean pop culture or
better known as Korean fever or Korean wave. The amount of Korean wave can influence lifestyles, especially teenagers and
young people. One form of manifestation of Korean cultural consumption activities can be seen from food. Nowadays, more and
more Korean restaurants are appearing in Malang. This causes more choices for consumers in choosing restaurants. Therefore,
businesses including Kirin Kimbap need to understand the factors that consumers consider in purchasing and know the
characteristics of consumers. According to Berkowitz, et al (1989: 95) factors that influence consumer decisions in purchasing
include psychological factors, situation factors, socio-cultural factors, and marketing mix factors. In this study, there are six
factors considered in making a purchase decision including product, price, location, promotion, service, and dining experience
Product attributes play an important role in the consumer decision making process because consumers evaluate and
compare competitive products based on product attributes (Akpoyomare et al, 2012). By being close, marketers use product
attributes to differentiate between their products and competitors, and also develop positioning strategies based on unique and
relevant attributes. Sriwongrat (2008: 12) states the elements of food quality include unique ingredients, menu variations,
appearance and presentation, healthy food choices, and familiar foods.
Price is a financial value that consumers must pay to buy a product. Consumers often process price information
actively and translate prices based on knowledge, previous purchasing experience, formal and informal communication, and
other factors. Purchasing decisions are based on how consumers consider current prices. In setting prices, companies must decide
where the company will position its products based on quality and price. Jani and Han (2011: 1013) state that restaurant owners
can use a comparative marketing strategy that will lead customers to understand the price of restaurant food so that the price is
reasonable and appropriate compared to other restaurants.
Location distance can also influence consumer purchase selection. Consumers have cognitive maps of a city. Factors
such as parking spaces and easy travel to locations can make distances appear shorter or longer than they are. Cullen (2005: 63)
shows that Dublin consumer preferences for Italian and Chinese-style restaurants identify the location as one of the main
variables or important attributes used by consumers in choosing restaurants. The location of the restaurant that is close to the
residence becomes a consideration of consumers in choosing a restaurant.
Promotions are all types of marketing activities aimed at driving consumer demand for products offered by producers
or sellers. Marketing communication is used by service companies to inform, persuade, and remind consumers. According to
Mill (in Sriwongrat, 2008: 17) marketing communication used by restaurant owners are advertising, sales promotion, and
publicity. Advertising includes any form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or paid services by
identified sponsors. Advertising can be in the form of television, newspapers, radio, magazines, and the internet.
Recommendations from a friend, family, or influencer can also contribute to the decision of consumers to buy products. Sales
South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 21, Issue 5 (April)
ISSN 2289-1560
promotions such as special offers and discounts can act as short-term incentives that motivate consumers or buyers to choose
certain service providers.
According to Jani and Han (2011: 1008) measurement indicators in service performance include employee friendliness,
attitudes of employee attention to customer needs, employee seriousness in providing services, the ability of employees to
provide efficient services, and employee services in meeting the needs and expectations of consumers. Attractive employee
appearance, friendliness in greeting customers, as well as the honesty or accuracy of cashiers in payment transactions can affect
customer satisfaction (Bangsawan, 2015: 50).
From an experiential perspective, consumers are not always based on rational reasons for making product purchase
decisions. Often consumers buy a product for reasons for excitement or desired emotion (Sumarwan, 2011). Consumers have a
curiosity about new things, including experiencing new foods and a new atmosphere in a restaurant (Peters, 2005). Dining in a
restaurant offers an emotional experience for consumers. Consumers go to restaurants to look for different eating experiences
from their daily meals at home (Turgeon & Pastinelli, 2002). Sriwongrat (2008: 29) suggests eating experiences include different
dining experiences, cultural learning, restaurant atmosphere, and restaurant design.
This study aims to determine what factors are considered by consumers in making product purchase decisions in
Korean restaurants Kirin Kimbap Malang, the dominant factors considered by consumers in making product purchase decisions
in Korean restaurants Kirin Kimbap Malang, and differences in consumer purchasing decisions between Korean restaurants Kirin
Kalpataru, Kirin Express Sawojajar, and Kirin Express Bendungan Riam Kanan Malang.
e1 X1
e2 X2
e3 X3
e4 X4 Purchase Decision
e5 X5
e6 X6
en Xn
e1 - en = error
X1 = Product
X2 = Price
X3 = Location
X4 = Promotion
X5 = Service
X6 = Dining experience
Xn = Other factors outside the study
This study also tested the average difference or hypothesis testing used to compare the null hypothesis (H0) and the
alternative hypothesis (Ha). Testing the hypothesis in this study using one way ANOVA. This is because in this study will
compare the characteristics of consumers from the three Kirin Kimbap outlets in Malang City (Kirin Kalpataru, Kirin Express
Bendungan Riam Kanan, and Kirin Express Sawojajar) based on purchase decision factors. The hypothesis proposed in this
study is as follows.
H0: There is no difference in the characteristics of consumers Kirin Kalpataru, Kirin Express Sawojajar, and Kirin Express
Bendungan Riam Kanan based on the purchase decision factor.
H1: There are differences in consumer characteristics between Kirin Kalpataru, Kirin Express Sawojajar, and Kirin Express
Bendungan Riam Kanan based on purchasing decision factors.
South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 21, Issue 5 (April)
ISSN 2289-1560
Data Collecting
This study uses data collection techniques such as questionnaires. In collecting data through this questionnaire method,
researchers will make direct contact by giving questionnaires directly to respondents, such as Korean restaurant consumers Kirin
Kimbap in Malang City who have made previous purchases. The questionnaire is given after the consumer has finished making
an order. The total number of respondents at the three Kirin Kimbap outlets totaled 150 including 50 Kirin Kalpataru outlet
respondents, 50 Kirin Express Sawojajar respondents, and 50 Kirin Express Bendungan Riam Kanan respondents.
Validity Test
Said to be valid if the questionnaire can measure what should be measured and not deviate from the intended image.
Criteria are valid if r count> r table in testing the validity of 30 respondents (N as many as 30) so that the r table is 0,3610.
Conversely, if r count <r table, the tryout results are said to be invalid. The validity test results can be seen in table 1.
Reliability Test
Reliable instruments are instruments that, if used several times to measure the same object, will produce the same data.
Reliability is related to the understanding that an instrument can be trusted enough to be used as a data collection tool because
the instrument is already good. An instrument can be said to be reliable if it has a reliability coefficient of 0,6 or more. The
reliability test results can be seen in table 2.
South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 21, Issue 5 (April)
ISSN 2289-1560
The results of the characteristics of 150 respondents by gender indicate the majority of respondents are female with a
total of 130 respondents. Based on age, the majority of respondents aged 17-25 years with a total of 89 respondents. Based on
work, the majority of respondents as students with a total of 83 respondents. Based on monthly income, the majority of
respondents have monthly income <Rp 1,000,000 (65 respondents) and monthly income of Rp 3.000.000 - Rp 5.000.000 (58
Descriptive Analysis
South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 21, Issue 5 (April)
ISSN 2289-1560
Overall, the six factors can explain the variance of 67,582%. This shows the product, price, location, promotion,
service, and dining experience are factors that involve consumers in making product purchase decisions at Kirin Kimbap Korean
Restaurant Malang.
Hypothesis Testing
For different tests, the data are grouped into 3 sections according to Kirin Kimbap outlets in Malang City including
Kirin Kalpataru, Kirin Express Bendungan Riam Kanan, and Kirin Express Sawojajar. Later it can be seen whether there are
differences in each factor (product, price, location, promotion, service, and dining experience) between the three Kirin Kimbap
outlets in Malang. Because in this study distinguishes between 3 groups (3 outlets), the test equipment used is one way ANOVA.
Table 6: Anova
Mean Result
Kalpataru Sawojajar Riam Kanan F Value Sig.
Product 20,30 19,94 20,06 0,281 0,756
Price 11,68 11,30 11,42 0,436 0,647
Location 10,84 11,70 10,36 4,168 0,17
Promotion 6,60 6,82 6,88 0,445 0,641
Service 24,44 23,96 23,84 0,556 0,575
Dining experience 21,20 22,02 21,48 0,741 0,478
Based on table 4 it can be seen that first, for the product factor the calculated F value <F table (0,281 <3,06) and
significance> 0,05 (0,756> 0,05), then H0 is accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that there are no differences in consumer
characteristics between Kirin Kalpataru, Kirin Express Bendungan Riam Kanan, and Kirin Express Sawojajar based on product
factors. Second, for the price factor the calculated F value <F table (0,436 <3,06) and significance> 0,05 (0,647> 0,05), then H0
is accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that there are no differences in consumer characteristics between Kirin Kalpataru, Kirin
Express Bendungan Riam Kanan, and Kirin Express Sawojajar based on price factors.
Third, for the location factor F value> F table (4,168> 3,06) but the significance value> 0,05 (0,17> 0,05), then H0 is
accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that there are no differences in consumer characteristics between Kirin Kalpataru, Kirin
Express Bendungan Riam Kanan, and Kirin Express Sawojajar based on location factors. Fourth, for the promotion factor the F
value is calculated <F table (0,445 <3,06) and significance> 0,05 (0,641> 0,05), then H0 is accepted. Thus, it can be concluded
South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 21, Issue 5 (April)
ISSN 2289-1560
that there are no differences in consumer characteristics between Kirin Kalpataru, Kirin Express Bendungan Riam Kanan, and
Kirin Express Sawojajar based on promotion factors.
Fifth, for the service factor the F value is calculated <F table (0,556 <3,06) and significance> 0,05 (0,575> 0,05), then
H0 is accepted. Thus, it can be concluded that there is no difference in consumer characteristics between Kirin Kalpataru, Kirin
Express Bendungan Riam Kanan, and Kirin Express Sawojajar based on service factors. Sixth, for the dining experience factor,
the calculated F value <F table (0,741 <3,06) and significance> 0,05 (0,478> 0,05), then H0 is accepted. Thus, it can be
concluded that there are no differences in consumer characteristics between Kirin Kalpataru, Kirin Express Bendungana Riam
Kanan, and Kirin Express Sawojajar based on dining experience factors.
Thus, it can be concluded that there are no differences in consumer characteristics between Kirin Kalpataru, Kirin
Express Bendungan Riam Kanan, and Kirin Express Sawojajar based on purchase decision factors.
South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, Vol. 21, Issue 5 (April)
ISSN 2289-1560
The location factor ranks fifth with an eigenvalue of 1,305. Consumers have expectations for restaurants to provide
conveniences such as providing an efficient location. Therefore, the right location and easily accessible is one aspect that
consumers consider in choosing a restaurant (Njite, 2008).
Items that have the greatest factor loading value are close to where consumers live. Regarding location, close to where
consumers live is the main thing that consumers consider. Consumer groups with an age range of 20-29 years will not choose
restaurants more than 10 miles away (Cullen, 2005). In this study, related to location, close to where consumers live is the main
thing that consumers consider. Kirin Kimbap has three outlets located in three different locations in Malang including Jl.
Kalpataru No.40, Jl. Bendungan Riam Kanan No.11, and Jl Maninjau Raya No.169. Kirin Kimbap site selection considers
proximity to consumers. It is known that the majority of Kirin Kimbap consumers are students. Therefore, the location of Kirin
Kimbap is close to several universities in Malang.
The promotion factor ranks sixth with an eigenvalue of 1,066. There are two items in the promotion factor. Food
product marketers can increase purchases of certain products by using customized marketing communication instruments, one of
which is sales promotion (Tirelli and Ruiz, 2014).
Items that have the biggest factor loading value are discounts. Related to promotions, discounts offered by Kirin
Kimbap are the main things that consumers consider when making a purchase. Sales promotions, such as special offers and
discounts can be a short-term incentive that motivates consumers to choose certain service providers (Sriwongrat, 2008). With
the promotion of coupons, restaurants that sell high-priced products receive greater benefits compared to restaurants that sell
low-priced products (Jackson et al, 2004). Every month, Kirin Kimbap offers different discounts at all three outlets. Apart from
discounts, advertising is also an aspect that consumers consider when making a purchase. Kirin Kimbap advertises its products
through Instagram social media. The selection of social media is appropriate for advertising because the majority of social media
users match the majority of Kirin Kimbap consumers, young consumers.
Differences in Consumer Characteristics between The Three Kirin Kimbap Outlets Based on Purchasing Decision
One way ANOVA test results showed no difference in the characteristics of consumers Kirin Kalpataru, Kirin Express
Sawojajar, and Kirin Express Bendungan Riam Kanan based on purchase decision factors. Purchasing decisions are also
influenced by personal characteristics such as age and stages of the life cycle, work, economic conditions, lifestyle, and
personality of the buyer (Indrawati, 2017). The results of the description of the characteristics of respondents in this study based
on gender, age, occupation, and income per month of the respondent. First, the majority of respondents at the three Kirin Kimbap
outlets are women. Second, the majority of respondents in all three outlets with an age range of 17-25 years. Third, the majority
of respondents at the three outlets are students. Fourth, the majority of respondents in the three outlets with income <Rp
1.000.000 and Rp 1.000.000 - Rp 3.000.000.
There is no difference in the characteristics of consumers Kirin Kalpataru, Kirin Express Sawojajar, and Kirin Express
Bendungan Riam Kanan based on purchasing decision factors due to the similarity of respondents' characteristics at the three
Kirin Kimbap outlets based on gender, age, occupation, and income per month. This shows that the market segments at the three
Kirin Kimbap outlets are the same, namely female students with an age range of 17-25 years and monthly income> Rp 1.000.000
and Rp 1.000.000 - Rp 3.000.000. The similarity in the characteristics of consumers at these three outlets gives rise to a common
tendency and response to purchasing decision factors (product, price, location, promotion, service, and dining experience).
The results of the factor analysis show that the product, price, location, promotion, service, and dining experience are
factors that consumers consider in making product purchase decisions at the Kirin Kimbap Korean Restaurant in Malang. Overall
the six factors can explain the variance of 67,582%. The dominant factor that consumers consider in making product purchase
decisions at Kirin Kimbap Korean Restaurant Malang is the service factor. While the different test results indicate that there are
no differences in consumer characteristics between Kirin Kalpataru, Kirin Express Riam Kanan, and Kirin Express Sawojajar
based on purchase decision factors.
Based on the results of factor analysis, items that have the smallest factor loading value are items regarding service
speed with a factor loading value of 0.425. There are a number of suggestions that might be taken into consideration for Kirin
Kimbap restaurants regarding the speed of service. First, the management of Kirin Kimbap can give instructions to Kirin Kimbap
employees in all outlets in order to serve customers more quickly and readily. Second, it is necessary to increase cooperation
between employees so that small mistakes that can slow down service can be avoided. Third, provide an estimated waiting time
for consumers so that consumers can find out how long the estimated time it takes to wait.
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Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Negeri Malang, 65145 Malang, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]