Abstract Keywords
price perceptions; food quality;
This study aims to investigate whether perceptions of price,
menu variations; ordering
quality of food, and menu variations have a significant effect on
decisions; customer loyalty;
ordering decisions and their impact on customer loyalty in online online culinary products
culinary products among Millennials. Our study put more
emphasize on improving the ordering decisions and consumer
loyalty in culinary businesses. We utilize a Purposive Sampling
technique, with as many as 100 respondents using proportional
random sampling. The analytical method used is statistical-
partial least squares by incorporating SPSS Version 24.00 and
SmartPLS 3.0 software. The results showed that price perception
had an insignificant effect on ordering decisions. In addition,
food quality had a positive and significant effect on ordering
decisions. Meanwhile, menu variations produced an insignificant
effect on ordering decisions. Similarly, menu variations showed
an insignificant effect on ordering decisions. Price perception
had a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty, while
both food quality and menu variations had an insignificant effect
on customer loyalty. Ordering decisions had a positive and
significant effect on customer loyalty.
I. Introduction
Today, digital or online businesses are starting to grow, including the food ordering
business where we can order food using smartphone applications. Ordering food can be done
anywhere and anytime, without directly coming to the store or the mall (Hidayatullah et al.,
One area that does not escape the above phenomenon, where a modern pattern of life
demands everything to be more accessible and more practical, is in several cities of DKI
Jakarta and Tangerang Raya, which Millennials carry out. The rise of similar culinary
businesses requires business people to make their business look different to attract consumers
to visit and try it to maintain business continuity. One way to achieve company goals is to
know the needs and wants of consumers or target markets and what consumers expect. In this
case, marketing strategies play an essential role.
Rifa’i (n.d.) research results showed that if the quality of service, location, and menu
variations are built or appropriately managed, it will further improve purchasing decisions at
Airin Kebumen food stalls.
Based on the research results by Gumelar et al. (2016), it is known that service quality,
menu variations, and prices have a significant effect on purchasing decisions, either partially
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v5i1.3754 1518
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal)
Volume 5, No 1, February 2022, Page: 1518-1527
e-ISSN: 2615-3076(Online), p-ISSN: 2615-1715(Print)
email: [email protected]
or simultaneously. The independent variable that has the most important influence on buying
decisions is the price variable.
The research results by Mustaqim & Amboningtyas (2017) revealed that food variety
has a positive and significant impact on customer satisfaction. Food business owners need to
know the factors that influence purchasing decisions to affect customer satisfaction, including
food, service, and atmosphere variations. According to Priansa in Nusjirwan (2020)
"Implementation of communication activities to customers within the company is carried out
formally, however, currently there are also companies that practice their communication
activities to consumers in an informed manner so that they can explore in-depth information
from customers". Regarding the background, this research considers the customer value as an
important element for an industry, both in service and manufacture. Moreover, the maximum
customer value can be made only if positive influence of marketing and individual
environment association does exist (Kusumadewi, 2019). The quality of products that are in
great demand by consumers can be seen from several factors including packaging, price,
quality, and benefits obtained by consumers (Romdonny, 2019).
1. Price as an indicator of quality is the amount of money spent by the buyer in a certain
amount for a product adjusted to the quality of the product purchased.
2. The set price period is the period needed to set the price of a product.
existing brand choices and forming intentions to buy the most preferred brand. This purchase
decision can be influenced by several factors such as price, product quality, and brand image
will examine the brand image in this study.
Kotler & Keller (2016) states that purchasing decisions have indicators, namely:
1. Product choice
Consumers can decide to buy a product or use their money for other purposes. In this
case, the company must focus its attention on people interested in purchasing a
product and alternatives.
2. Brand Choice
Consumers have to make decisions about which brands to buy. Each brand has its
differences. In this case, the company must know how consumers choose a trusted
3. Dealer choice
Consumers have to decide which one to visit. Each consumer is different in terms of
choosing a distributor. This can be due to close location, low prices, a complete
inventory of goods, convenience of shopping, the spaciousness of the place, etc.
4. Purchase Amount (Amount of purchase or quantity)
Consumers can decide how much of a product to buy at a time. Purchases made may
be more than one type of product. In this case, the company must prepare the number
of products according to the different wishes of the buyers.
5. Payment method
Consumers can make decisions about the payment method used in making consumer
decisions to use products or services. Currently, purchasing decisions are not only
influenced by culture, environment, and family aspects.
2.7 Conceptual Framework
2.8 Hypothesis
The hypotheses in this study include:
H1. There is a significant effect of price perception on the decision of Millennials ordering
H2. There is a significant effect of food quality on the decision of Millennials ordering
H3. There is a significant effect of menu variations on the decisions of Millennials ordering
H4. There is a significant effect of influence of price perception on millennial customer
H5. There is a significant effect of food quality on millennial customer loyalty
H6. There is a significant effect of menu variations on millennial customer loyalty
H7. There is a significant effect of ordering decisions on millennial customer loyalty.
IV. Discussion
4.1 Results
a. Inner Model Evaluation
The evaluation of the inner model in the partial least square analysis is carried out to
determine the suitability of the structural model that has been prepared. The review of the
inner model will describe the value of R-squared (R2) and test the research hypothesis.
b. R-square
Based on data processing with PLS, the value of the coefficient of determination
(R square) is generated in Table 1.
R-square is used to determine the goodness of fit model of the effect of exogenous
variables on endogenous variables, where the higher the R-squared value, the more
significant the impact will be (Ghozali, 2014). It is known that the R-squared value for the
ordering decision variable is 0.766, which means that the perception of price, food quality
and menu variations of culinary products can explain ordering decisions by 76.6%. For the R-
squared value of the customer loyalty variable, a value of 0.808 is obtained, which means that
perception of price, food quality and menu variations of culinary products can explain
customer loyalty by 80.8%.
Overall the measure of goodness of the PLS structural model is known from the value
of Q generated by the model and also its parameter estimates. The higher Q2, the model can
be said to be more fit with the data (Ferdinand, 2014). The following is the calculation of Q2
on the structural model:
Q2 = 1- (1-R1) (1-R2)
= 1 - (1-0.766) (1-0.808)
= 1 – (0.045)
Q2 = 0.955
Based on the calculation results obtained the value, that the value of Q2 is 95.5%. The
value of Q2 shows that the preparation of the PLS model has explained 95.5% of the
diversity of ordering decisions and customer loyalty.
c. Inner Weight
Evaluation of the inner weight is used to see the magnitude of the influence on each
path of the structural model, where the values obtained are the bootstrapping results from the
existing sample. Evaluation of the inner weight is used to see the magnitude of the influence
on each path of the structural model, where the values obtained are the bootstrapping results
from the existing sample.
H5 Food quality Customer loyalty -0.115 0.761 0.447 Rejected
H6 Menu variations Customer -0.123 0.953 0.341 Rejected
H7 Order decision Customer loyalty 0.225 2.181 0.030 Accepted
4.2 Discussion
a. Perception of Price on Ordering Decisions
The results showed a significant but not significant effect of price perception on
ordering decisions. These results are supported by the theory of Kotler & Keller (2012),
purchasing decisions, namely consumers form preferences between brands in a collection of
choices. Consumers may also create an intention to buy the most preferred culinary product.
This means that ordering decisions are made after determining the attitude of a collection of
choices based on the perception of prices applied to culinary products.
f. Menu Variations on Customer Loyalty
The results showed that the effect but not the significant variation of the menu on
customer loyalty. This is in line with the theory of product diversity (Engel et al., 1995).
According to them, product diversity is the completeness of the product regarding the depth,
breadth, and quality of the products offered and the availability of these products (Engel et
al., 1995). A place to eat that provides a menu that is quite a lot and varied so that consumers
can choose the menu according to their taste. It is essential for places to eat to serve a diverse
menu because there is a tendency in consumers who want a variety of choices. With the
various menus provided, it is hoped that it can encourage consumers to buy food that meets
their tastes in dining.
V. Conclusion
choices according to their needs and purchasing power. Culinary product marketers must
provide what customers need more than their competitors so that customer loyalty from
their culinary products will naturally form.
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