Business Ethics Project

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2. Which particular group of employees is targeted by glass ceiling and why?

Glass ceiling being a sort of impenetrable yet invisible barrier, is a term that has been used to
refer to discrimination against women, from rising to higher level ranks in corporations.
However, it is now also recognised that it is an unfair practice aimed at minorities too on the
basis of their race.

How Employees and managers deal with Glass Ceiling:

Employee’s perspective:
Recognise that it exists and develop awareness:
In many organizations glass ceiling is kind of disguised as a culture or tradition, so the first thing
an employee that is targeted by it needs to do is recognise that the problem exists. Certain signs
that can help with that include phrases like “that’s just how things work around here” used to
justify it, there might be less diversity at the top level management, illogical pay gaps, no given
opportunities to progress in the organization. After acknowledging its existence it’s important to
learn more about it, regarding how it affects people. This knowledge will help us identify the
opportunities to promote change in the organization.
Be patient but assertive:
It is important for the employee in this situation to use the frustration, depression and anger
directed towards this injustice as a catalyst for action.
Define goals and create an action plan:
With recognition comes the drive to change and evolve and for that clear goals need to be set.
These goals should incorporate what is it that the employee aims to achieve. Then comes the
process of developing an action plan that would focus on how exactly that employee can work
towards making those goals a reality.
Create your own opportunities:
Glass ceiling being unethical in the first place has already deprived that employee from the
opportunities they deserve to progress but in this case it is up to the employees to create their
own opportunities.
Strengthen her network
To aim towards reaching a higher position in an organization, the professional connections and
relationships that an employee forms play a huge role. This not only allows the employee to gain
support from the peers but also provides them with the opportunity to learn from the people in
the management level positions or other roles that they aspire to reach thus providing them with
a better insight and direction. Given below are three ways with which an employee can do so.
 There should be a willingness to offer assistance and take on extra tasks to express one’s
enthusiasm towards the job.
 People are more likely to help those are helpful so in this case connecting with people is
important, as it shows that the employee is a valuable resource.
 Sharing ones knowledge can help in expanding ones reach and it also shows how much
experience you have.
 Seeking out mentors who can supports ones’ goals.
Volunteer for higher level projects:
Standing out can get one out of the mould of his/her current position as it can demonstrate that
the employee is volunteering for high level projects
Be your own advocate:
In order to break down this invisible barrier, one should consider becoming one’s own advocate.
Some ways to do that are mentioned below:
 Creating a positive reputation by working hard, maintaining a positive attitude, adopting
team player mentality and staying dedicated to one’s position.

What the company can do:
Open dialog and open difficult conversations
Avoid unconscious bias at work

Impacts of glass ceiling on an org and employees.

Glass ceiling being a sort of phenomenon that keeps people from not only either getting certain
jobs but also from rising to senior-level positions in the organization. This not only has a
negative on the organization itself but also the mental health of the employees.

Organizational commitment:
It is considered as an employee’s identification, emotional attachment and strong desire to
maintain membership towards the organization so for an organization to own such committed
employees would definitely have a positive impact on the organization’s performance. Glass
ceiling which is discrimination on the basis of gender has an unfavourable effect over the
organizational commitment of working women and minorities. When the employees are no
longer committed because even though they are putting their best effort, they still aren’t being
given the opportunity to progress in their career, they wouldn’t want to put in effort this
compromising the performance of the organization.
Turnover intentions
Resentment . sense of incapability
Sense of isolation
Well being
Self esteem

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