Business Ethics Project
Business Ethics Project
Business Ethics Project
Glass ceiling being a sort of impenetrable yet invisible barrier, is a term that has been used to
refer to discrimination against women, from rising to higher level ranks in corporations.
However, it is now also recognised that it is an unfair practice aimed at minorities too on the
basis of their race.
Organizational commitment:
It is considered as an employee’s identification, emotional attachment and strong desire to
maintain membership towards the organization so for an organization to own such committed
employees would definitely have a positive impact on the organization’s performance. Glass
ceiling which is discrimination on the basis of gender has an unfavourable effect over the
organizational commitment of working women and minorities. When the employees are no
longer committed because even though they are putting their best effort, they still aren’t being
given the opportunity to progress in their career, they wouldn’t want to put in effort this
compromising the performance of the organization.
Turnover intentions
Resentment . sense of incapability
Sense of isolation
Well being
Self esteem