Passion within the workplace – does the topic get your attention? It should, but not because
this article addresses romantic relationships at the office. We’re talking about company leaders
creating passion – as in a boundless, extremely fervent fondness and commitment – for the job and
company. In fact, in every organization, one of the major roles of the leader is be a passion maker, or
someone who is responsible for developing and inspiring enthusiasm within the entire chain of
One of the most powerful ways successful leaders create passion is by setting up an
effective system of accountability, which is measuring performance and taking appropriate
action. Understanding the crucial role of accountability in the workplace, and using it to drive a
business’ success and impassion its workers, is more than possible – and that’s the best-kept
secret when it comes to top-of-the-line leadership.
Simpler said than done, a lack of accountability is one of the biggest reasons why companies
struggle and sometimes fail. Oftentimes, it’s not managed consistently and fairly because leaders
focus on the negative – people mistakenly associate it with only discipline and punishment. In today’s
business environment, many C.E.O. and managers are feeling the pain related to this lack of
accountability, and, consequently, company “sins” are surfacing. These business leaders need to take
immediate corrective action to create strategic alignment to their vital goals and drive performance
through a strong accountability system.
One way to understand accountability is to examine a workplace that doesn’t have any. What
does it look like? When there’s a lack of accountability, a company tends to resemble what’s called a
“country club” culture, as opposed to a “jail-like” culture. The “A players” often end up leaving
because they crave and deserve accountability, and get frustrated when good performers aren’t
recognized and poor performers aren’t held accountable. Conversely, such businesses struggle to
attract top talent because those types of workers want to be in an environment that values
In addition, the company without accountability doesn’t perform to its potential, and
standards are allowed to slip low. Things just don’t get done, and because the organization isn’t
performing as is expected, morale suffers, too. People who shouldn’t be there drag the company
culture down, and complacency and mediocrity are accepted. As a result, more and more of the
responsibilities weigh on the shoulders of the company leader, the superhero who carries the full
burden of the organization and is often overwhelmed because he or she hasn’t pushed accountability
down into the lower tiers of responsibility.
On the other hand, a company with thriving accountability looks quite different.
Accountability enables a leader to create ownership for the company on behalf of its workers. That
means developing ownership for problems, successes, goals, initiatives, people and results – a.k.a.
getting things done. Accountability sets the controls in place, drives the business, and indicates what
is and what isn’t on track. Through accountability, leaders always make three important discoveries:
1) whether they’re on the right course; 2) whether they’ve got the right people in the right places; and
3) whether they’re achieving goals. With these findings, leaders gain insight on instituting change and
setting new objectives.
Accountability holds leaders to the task of clearly defining goals for the company and its
people, as well as establishing measurements to assess those goals and define success. And it’s this
accountability that provides an opportunity to assign ownership to company and personal performance
objectives, measure results and follow through with objective evaluations.
When people own a piece in the goal-setting puzzle and achieve what they set out to do, this
is highly rewarding for each individual involved. Even more so, however, is when the leader follows
through with positive recognition, acknowledging the team players for their achievement. The result
of this is people become impassioned about their role in the company’s welfare and their own
professional development – something that is actually quite personal and close to the heart. This
newfound passion is the driver for productivity. It incites people to work harder, dream bigger and
excel beyond their wildest imaginations.
Accountability can be a highly positive experience for a leader, its team players and the
company at large, which is contrary to the notion that accountability connotes something “negative.”
Often associated with the term “feedback” and viewed as derogatory if results have not been
accomplished, accountability can provide opportunities to coach someone, counsel that person and
enable growth. It also provides leaders with the chance to develop their own skills, such as learning
how to have difficult conversations about poor performance. Accountability provides the chance for
all to improve upon their weaknesses and position and propel a business toward a place of prosperity.
It’s this uplifting, highly positive and evolutionary experience that creates passion in the workplace.
It’s simply become an invigorating place to be.
Roadblocks to Accountability
Establish clear goals and expectations. Always set standards for performance, and put
policies and procedures in place.
Make sure you’ve got accountability leaders within the organization. These will be
those managers who challenge the drive and performance of other employees and
measure the results.
Foster an organization of candour. Transparent, honest communications enable people
to provide feedback about their performance and limit the opportunity to hedge
around an issue.
Develop and implement a follow-up system of accountability, which allows for
regular meetings that measure and track performance, productivity and results.
Focus on the vital Few instead of the trivial many when setting company goals. Do
the same for individual goals, those set by each employee.
Put the proper rewards and recognition in place. Remember, these don’t always have
to be monetary in nature. Verbal praise, both in the private and public setting, is
highly appreciated and motivating.
Define ownership of each new process and procedure you establish.
Develop the leadership pipeline. Accountability starts at the top of the organization
and works itself down. CEOs and mangers must strive to perfect their own leadership
skills and accountability before expecting others within the organization to do the