English Project Class Xii A-1
English Project Class Xii A-1
English Project Class Xii A-1
Submitted to:
Priyadarshini madam
We would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to our principal MR Chakravarthy and our vice-principal Mr KM Jose and as
well as our English teacher Priyadarshini madam who guided us and gave us the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on
the topic "HOMES OF AGED IN INDIA” which also helped us in doing a lot of Research and we came to know about so many new
things and we are really thankful to them. Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot in
finalizing this project within the limited time frame.
We are overwhelmed in all humbleness and gratefulness to acknowledge my depth to all those who have helped me to put these
ideas, well above the level of simplicity and into something concrete.
Any attempt at any level can't be satisfactorily completed without the support and guidance of our parents and friends. We would
like to thank my parents who helped me a lot in gathering different information, collecting data and guiding me from time to time in
making this project, despite of their busy schedules, they gave me different ideas in making this project unique.
Thanking you,
Prepared by:
Harshith M
Poorvik SL
Lakshmi narasimha S
Mithun H
Shashank J Gowda
An old age home is the place for those old people who do not have a home to live. This place is like a home for them where they
get everythingfor routine living like food, clothes, shelter and medical treatment. It is a shelter home where older people live in a
community with other people when they have been abandoned by their families. Even though it is a good home for old age people
but it still cannot take the place of a real home where people live happily with their families and spend quality time with them.Most
people live abroad and their ageing parents are left alone and they have no one to take care of them. They are also an easy target
for criminals. In this case, old age home gives protection and security to thembecause of constant screening of everyone who visits
there. It also gives an opportunity to those parents to live together as a community with other people. At old age homes, there are
people of same age group so it is easy for everyone to blend in comfortably. Moreover, Old age staff is responsible for taking care of
these old people. The staff is in charge of feeding them on time and taking care of their every need.They take good care of these
people. Old age home might be a blessing for some people but it is definitely a curse for majority of the people. For example, an old
man, who was the head and the backbone of the family once is now forced to live in a house with other strangers.A woman who
used to cook meals for her family once cannot cook food forher family now as she has to live in a house with other people like her
whoare also thrown out from their homes.It is sad that how this young generation is abandoning parents and grandparents. Even
though old age home is a place where the staff takes good care of abandoned people but still, it cannot overcome the fact that old
people are forced to go to this place, especially when they need special attention and love from their own family.Old age homes are
the last hope of these poor old people so they must be equipped with better facilities so that these people can live a better life.
The chart above shows the divergence between the growth rate of the elderly population in the country and that of
general population. It is to be noted here that India is still a largely young country with the bulk of its population still
falling in the 0-30 years old bracket. However, it doesn’t help that the elderly population is increasingly becoming
more dependent on the young for basic needs.
“Due to increased longevity of life, pension bills increase,” the report said. “On the other hand, lesser people of
working age means lower number of working people leading to lower tax base and lower tax collection. Economy
grows slowly as less money is available for spending on things that help economy grow.”
The above chart shows how the old-age dependency ratio has climbed from 10.9% in 1961 to 14.2%. The ratio tracks
the number of people above the age of 60 in the population per 100 people falling in the 15-59 age group. The rise in
this ratio implies that more and more young people will be hard-pressed to contribute – directly or indirectly – to the
welfare of the elderly as a chunk of the population retires.
However, it is not like the elderly of the country can afford to rest. In rural areas, 66% of elderly men and 28% of
elderly women were working while the figures were lower in urban areas – 46% of men and 11% of women were
Let's face it, not all have well-paying careers, and most have their own families to care for. As a result,
even though they wanted to, they could not finance their parents. Transferring them into old folks' homes
is more affordable since, while you will still be responsible for their rent, it will be more cost-effective since
all of their necessities will be met. Also, they have the assurance that their ageing parents are being
provided for, making it a worthwhile investmen
2.Their safety and security
When it comes to moving their ageing parents into nursing facilities, one of the most crucial
considerations that children consider is safety. Accidents are more likely to occur in the elderly, primarily if
they are prone to falling or have memory-related disorders. Keeping track of your parents' whereabouts
24/7 is arduous, particularly if you have a regular job.
Also, ordinary houses are not often equipped with safety features that ensure the elderly's protection.
Retirement houses, on the other hand, are designed and constructed with seniors in mind. They are that
much secure living anyway because the facilities have actual professional nursing staff assigned to assist
Additionally, old age homes, including Red Crowns, have nearby locations, allowing you to conveniently
visit your ageing relatives without having to travel far to see them.
3.They are unable to provide Adequate Care
Most children may be unable to offer enough care for their elderly parents. As previously said, the seniors
have a variety of requirements that must be met. If these needs are not fulfilled, it will have a detrimental
impact on their emotional, physiological, and spiritual health. When the kids understand they won't be
able to care for their folks owing to their employment or other obligations, they resort to retirement
communities to help. Within the facilities, their parents will receive all of the help and support they need,
allowing them to enjoy their sunset years.
Visiting the old age home was a humbling experience. The atmosphere was serene yet tinged
with a hint of sadness. As I interacted with the residents, I was struck by their resilience and the
depth of their life stories. Each person had a unique journey to share, filled with joys, sorrows,
and valuable life lessons. Despite the challenges they faced, there was a sense of camaraderie
among them, a reminder of the importance of human connection. Spending time with them
made me reflect on the fleeting nature of time and the significance of cherishing every moment
with loved ones. It was a reminder to appreciate the present and to extend kindness and
compassion to those around us, especially the elderly who have so much to offer despite their