Uvalde Search Warrant 22-05-25
Uvalde Search Warrant 22-05-25
Uvalde Search Warrant 22-05-25
The State of TEXAS: To the Sheriff or any Peace Officer of UVALDE County, State of
TEXAS, or any Peace Officer of the State of TEXAS:
The affiant whose name appears on the affidavit in support of this warrant is a peace officer
under the laws of TEXAS and did swear to that affidavit before me or someone authorized to
take the affiant's oath under the laws of this state. I find the verified facts stated by affiant in the
affidavit show that affiant has probable cause for affiant's belief expressed in the affidavit, and
those facts establish proper grounds for issuance of this Warrant;
NOW, THEREFORE, YOU ARE ORDERED to search the premises, persons, and vehicles
described in the affidavit, as fo llows: Gray in color, 2008, Ford. F-150, V.I.N.
1FTRWl2W48FB68410, Texas Registration (FNK-5522).
At the above-described premises, persons, or vehicles you shall search for and seize the
following items:
a. Shoe impressions.
b. Fingerprints.
c. Receipts from purchases made on or after 05/24/2022 and or showing travel in the
Uvalde County, Texas area.
d. Other documentation relating to Salvador Rolando Ramos.
e. Blood in the form of droplets, smears, and pools and other residue constituting
evidence of bleeding injuries or other violent trauma, including if necessary for
collection and seizure, the substance or surface on which said blood evidence is
f. Telephones, computers, recording devices, cameras, and/or any other media in which
digital data may be stored.
g. Maps, binoculars, and/or any other items that would be indicative of surveillance
If you find the above described items, you are to seize that property and dispose of the items as
provided by law.
Affiant request authority from the Court to transport, remove, or take any property or evidence
seized pursuant to the warrant requested herein to any location deemed necessary for purposes of
safekeeping and completion of any investigation or proceeding related to the activities described
in this affidavit. I. Al I ) e~
20M \
38 h Judicial District Uvalde County, - - - - -
My name i:, Ricardo Guajardo, r am a commi~sion etl peace officer by the Texa~ Dcpanment of
Public afety, Texas Ranger<; Division .
Affianl, Ricardo Guajardo i a certified Master Peace Officer in the State of Texas with
con ti nu u 18 plus year. of law enforcement serv ice. Affiant is employed by the Texru
Department of Public Safety and is currently appoint d L the Texas Ranger, Di i~ion. ffiant's
dutie!> with the Texas Ranger involve several area-; of criminal investigations within l:n
enforcement lo i_nclutle local crime, aggra\ atcd assault, exual assault , theft. theft b a public
-.ervunt. robbery, fugitive arr ~ts, man~ l aughtcr, murder a..,\: el l as conducting cri minal
im est1gation<i for the La Salle County Sheri ff. Zavala County Sh ' riff and th Cry ta! ity Police
Dep:utmem hief of Police . Pri r to being appoimcd to the Texas Range1:, ffiant \.\a. as..,ignc I
to the Tcxa~ Department of Public Safety. Criminal lnve-,1igatio1i.-; Division a~ a pecial gen t to
inve ·ticrate organized crime LO include illegal narcotic'>, weapon . and bulk ca~h ~muggling for 6
plu~ year-.. ( 11 /0I/2014 LO 12/0 I/2020 ).
Affiant. ha'> r cc1ved '>pec1altzcd training n criminal patrol. drug inter lictil n tactic'>. orga niLed
drug trarti king, intervi wand interrogation tactic.., , adv.inccJ crimi n.il 1nv ':itigatiun'>, 111d
advanced 4 111 , 5 111 , and 61h Am ndmcnt training a" earl) ,,.., 200J . Alliant h,1, c )ntluctctl
inve~tigat10n~ on man'>lau 0 htcr, ... e ual J\'>illilh. aggr<n ,1tcJ ,l\\<tlllh. aggra\ ateJ rnbhe1 ), drug
trafficking organization. and vio lent Tcxa.., gang .. which 1~''>llltccl Ill t\ffiaut writing untl
cxecuung multiple :-earch v.arrnnts at IOL'al101h com:calmg t:\•1tlcncL. illegal na1cnt1 '"· '' ·apnn'
to include the ~cizu11.: of bul"-. ca .. h in U.S. rn1 renc and p )\..,C'>\nin ol chiltl pornogr.1ph) within
the tatc or Tex a-. . ffianl ha' conducted intcrvi ,,. and intc1 rogation of numcll)U\ :-u-.pcch to
further hi\ undl.!r:-.Lantl1ng dunng cllfnin<1I 1J1\C\t1g.ll10Jh wlm:h led tn lellll1) <UTC'>h. talc .md
Federal mdiurncnb und con'v1ction'
I. There is in Uvalde Counl}1• Toa\. a "uspcl'lcd H·hicle ~m<l propcrt) dcscribt'd as and
localed a<, fo ll1rn-,: Gra} in color. 2008, Ford. F-150, \.I.I\. H fRW 12W.t8Fll68..ito,
Texas Regi tration (FNK-5522) . • a1J f'urd 1~ pn:,cntly lnt.:al ·d dm.:Llly bchrnd the pwprrt_
or Robb Elcrncntar~ School , 71 'i ltl .111110')pi111f'.'l RnJ.d , l \ .1ilk. TL \,I\ 7 'O I There 1-, at
saitl pl..i c. '>l<1ted -,u,pei:tcd Hl.'.111 n1n,L1tut1ng I!\ 1d.:ncc \lf .t l.'.11111111,d offcn\c or i:on'>L1Lut111g
evidence tentlmg to ... ho\\ !hi.It a particul,1r I cr,,111 cnmmitlcd ,, c1 i mmal offc1N! :
2. Said SU peckd item is in charge or and conlrolll'd b~· each or th follO\\ ing person ... :
Texa Dcp run nt f Public ufel), Texa'> Ranger Di 1\1on, Eagl Pa'>'>, Maverick ounty.
Te a. h) Te ~h Ranger J \t: M. .1nchez.
3. lt b the belief of the ffi a at, a nd h her by charges and a ccu ~es, that: ai<l '>U'>pected item
i the follO\\lng: Gra~ in color, 2008, Ford. F- 150, V.1 . . 1FTRW12W48FB68410, Texa <,
Regi tration ( K -~ 22) u-,cd by .ind abandoned hy uspcct: alvado1 Roland Ramo'>.
ll!M. D B 05/16/20 n . fay 24. 2022, 1n c nnection with: Capital Murder: Penal ode
4. ftiant ha..<, probable cau se for . aid belief by rea on of the following fact :
n 0 /24/2022. fliant was conta ted by Te a.., Department of Public afe ty, Tex a'>
Rang r Lieutenant Randy Gar ia \\ho briefed ffia nt regar<ling an a tive <.,hoote r and multiple
ca ... ualtit: 111 the \ alde ounty area.
n 05/2412022, Affiant tr:.i cled to Robb - iemcntar) chc.101 locat <l at 715 Old arm
Road l \ al<l . Tex.i'> 7 80 I pon arri\ al. Affiant wa-. briefed by lead in\'C'>tigator, ompan
"D" Texas Ranger Joc,c M. unchez. Ranger Sunchez '>lated the u... p t: al ud r Rolando
Ramo'>, DOB: 05/16/200.f. Hi!>panic. Male, arrived at the rear property of Robb lementary
School. 715 Ol<l arrizo pring-. Rou<l, rnldc. Texa~ 78 0 I while operating a Gra 111 color.
2008. ord. Texa . . Regi l1Jt1on (f K-5 22). Ram s e'\it d the r rd, v..hil armed \\,Jlh a I ng
rinc an<l began '>hooting toward'> the hullding-, of Robb lementary hool. Ramo-, abandoned
the Ford and continue<l to advance tO\>v..m h the intc11or of Robb ·lem nta.ry chool and g,uned
ac.;cc,.., 1111.,1Jc the '>Chool. \ hllc 111sidc the hool, Ramo fatall hot multiple ... tud 'nh ,rnd
injured .,c\ cral other'>.
On 05/24/2022. Iv,.,,.., briefed b) ompan) ··F" Te a-. Rangc1 1cl-. 11111 regarding t\\ n
male\\ 1tne..,-.c., wh1d1 \\t:re identified b Ranger Jl11l ,1. o<ly Bn,cno .inti tlhen Limon·-.. .
Accord111g to Ranger Ilill, he learned that the tv.o mal' '' itne"e" < h'l'r\eJ a m.1k ... ubJt:et
dre.....,ed complete I) 111 blacl-. \\ i1h long h ulder length bl.Ill-. h.1ir -..t,1n<l111c b) the pa -.cng 'r '>idc
of the rord. Te'\.t.., (F K-5522) Acco1J111g to f ang r I !ill. Bri.,enn .1n<l Ltml nc \\,111-.c<l tln\ .trd
the suhjcll after ht: had cra.,hcd into .1 dJtch bchmd the clcmcm.u} -..chl,ul ,\.., Bmcn11 .md
L1monc'> .ippruachcd lhe m.1h; -.ubJcCt, th male subject\\'" hnl !mg .1 lnng nil· .tnd p11,cc ·<l ·d t)
lo,1d the 1illc \\Ith a maga11nc -cording to R.111gc1 Hill. 811.., 1w .111lltm111 ,.., r ·uc,11t:d t11\\.11d
the tl illcrc-.t 1 nwrhtl hineral llomc lnLateJ ,It -L~.+ ic1 .ii dint: •'t , l '.1Jd · I c .i... "h n th· m,llc
\ UbJC\.l beg.in tu fi re multiple glln'>h lh 111 thcu d11 ' ·11011 1:ni1d11l!,' t 1 Rangc1 I !ill. B11..,cn1i and
Limone., witnc scd the male ..,uh1ec:l. appH1,1d1 the Lllllt I .md hcg111 ho 1t111g tll\\ ar h the
bui lding-.
a. hoe impression .
b. Fingerprint'>.
c. Receipt<; from purchase'> made on or after 05/2-U'.!022 and or showi ng tra' cl in the
Uvalde Count), Te a-. area.
d Other documentation relating to alvador Rolando Ramo:..
c Blood in the form of dropleh, .,mcar-.. , and pool\ and other rc\ idue constituting
C\idcnce of bleeding injunc'> 01 other viol nl traumJ. inclmling 1f ncce..,..,,lf) for
collection and sci tu re. the '>ub ... 1.111cc or -..urfacc on ' hich \aid blood C\ idencc i-,
r. Telephone'>. computers. rccon.ling dern.:c .... camera .... Jnd/01 .my other mcd1J in
which digital data may be '>tor d
g. Map..,, bmoculm..,, and/or an) other item.., th.ti would he 111dtc.1t1\e ot -..ur\'e1ll,mce
A tliant reque'>I authorit) from the oull to tran..,port, re mm c. lH take .lll) prnpcrl) or
evidence -.c11ed pur..,uant lo the \\arrant requc-.ted herein tn .tn) Inc .111011 dccnPd nel.c-..-...11) frn
purpo'e" of 1.,,tld,1.:cpmg and complclllrn nl .in) 11l\c-.11g.ll1lrn 01 ptl)CC1.:thng rcl.1tcd lo the .1cti\ 1t1c-.
described in 1h1.., .iffa.l.1\ 1t
WHEREFO RE. h<.i...cd on the lacl\. circurn ... 1.111cc,, th· t1.un1n~ ul ll1am and the
inl'ormation noted in llw. document. lllanl .l'>J....., 101 l'>'>ll<ll1cc uf .t "<ll rant th .ll ''ill .lllth )111c
.tffiant to '>C.trch for an<l .,~i1e .,,llll 111oh1lc/ccllula1plwnct,l.111cd1.1. ... nlt\\.uc. ,md dncumcm.1t1 n
Furthc11111Hc. ~a1c.1 ilt'm MC to be anJl)tCd b) .t t1.11ncd wmpu1c1 '\I cnu: reCl)\Cf\ -..p·-:1,tlt l 111
order to n.:tricvc. rc'>IOre . and/rn rcp1o<lu1.:1.: any 01 .ill 1!1lo1mat1ll 1d C\Cd Ill be e\1d1.'1h'C l)I -..aid
offense-.. /
Mli{int :
Tc\,~.111gc1 Ricard (iu.1jardl1.
Tc,.1, R.111!!1.'1 D1\ 1\11 n
The attached Search Warrant came to hand on the day it was issued and it was
executed on the 25th day of May, 2022, by conducting the search directed therein and
by seizing during such search the following described property:
oy QntlLWJ(a.Al/!tcU'l!!&= Deputy