Farida Warehouse Estimate

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Cost Estimate for Construction of Warehouse Building at Salt Mandy, Tannery Road, Bangalore.

Contractor : Mr.S.M.Jaffer Date 24.4.2022

Civil Works
Sl.no Item Description Unit Qty Rate Amount
1 Earth work excavation for footings Cft 3,900.00 10.50 40,950.00
Providing and Laying PCC 1:4:8 for
2 Cft 2,435.00 110.00 2,67,850.00
Footings, Plinth Beam and Flooring
3 Footing Concrete Cft 650.00 280.00 1,82,000.00
4 Pedestal Concrete Cft 260.00 280.00 72,800.00
5 Plinth beam concrete Cft 515.00 300.00 1,54,500.00
6 Cft 3,900.00 4.50 17,550.00
Back filling upto 2'0" from Ground Level
7 8" Block work for Basement Sft 350.00 100.00 35,000.00
8 6" Block work for estimate Sft 3,600.00 82.00 2,95,200.00
9 External Plastering Sft 2,800.00 48.00 1,34,400.00
10 Internal Plastering Sft 7,200.00 48.00 3,45,600.00
VDF Flooring (sub contract to be
11 Sft 7,500.00 200.00 15,00,000.00
12 Internal Painting Sft 7,200.00 28.00 2,01,600.00
13 External Painting Sft 7,200.00 28.00 2,01,600.00
14 Steel Reinforcement Kgs 8,750.00 100.00 8,75,000.00
15 Rolling Shutter in M.S Sft 360.00 300.00 1,08,000.00
16 Windows / Ventilators Sft -
17 Doors for Toilets / Security Rooms Sft -
18 Turbo vents nos 6.00 8,000.00 48,000.00
19 Sft 475.00 200.00 95,000.00
Construction of Security rooms and Toilets
Total 45,75,050.00
GST Amount as per Actuals @18% 8,23,509.00
Grand Total 53,98,559.00

Pre Engineered Roofing Works Detail Design of Strl Members not available
Sl.no Item Description Unit Qty Assumed Rate Amount
Structural Steel - Columns, Beams, Purlins, Metric
1 12.36 1,20,000.00 14,82,600.00
Bracings, Tonne
2 Roofing and cladding Sheet Sq Mt 700.00 650.00 4,55,000.00
3 Roofing Accessories RMt 62.00 600.00 37,200.00
Total 19,74,800.00
GST Amount as per Actuals @18% 3,55,464.00
Grand Total 23,30,264.00

Cost of Construction Rs. 77,28,823.00

Ware house Building Area Sft 7,500.00
Cost / Sft approximately 1,030.51
Building Services not included in the scope along with tiling works for Toilets
Any other item not included in the above quote will be additional cost
Final Bill will be prepared for As built quantities and measures at site actuals.

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