Get It
Get It
Get It
A Project Submitted
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for the Degree of
Electrical & Electronics Engineering
student name(roll no)
Under the Supervision of
Chandan Banerjee
The project is about creating a Gorlov Vertical Wind Turbine and testing
its performance. Throughout the course of the study, it is proven that the
turbine is much more efficient than its predecessors due to the nature of it
street lights consume a lot of energy; this project aims to use the wasted
enough power to light one or more street light. In this project we are
going to design and assemble a helical wind turbine and attach it to one or
more streetlights.
The project will consist of a helical type turbine with an electric generator
I declare that this written submission represents my ideas in my own words and
where others' ideas or words have been included, I have adequately cited and
referenced the original sources. I also declare that I have adhered to all principles
of academic honesty and integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or
falsified any idea/data/fact/source in my submission. I understand that any
violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action by the Institute and can
also evoke penal action from the sources which have thus not been properly cited
or from whom proper permission has not been taken when needed.
Chapter 1 7
Chapter 2 10
Chapter 3 17
Product Subsystems & Components 19
3.3.2 SHAFT 21
3.3.5 GENERATOR 24
3.4.4 RIVETING 29
Chapter 4 30
Chapter 5 36
Chapter 6 37
Chapter 1
This project is about designing and manufacturing an Aeroleaf Wind Turbine that can
convert wind by using Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT) to a useful energy. The
current power demanding in Saudi Arabia is very high compared to power
consumption world average, as reported by Arab news; Saudis consume three times
more electricity than the world average [1]. This high demanding should take the
focus of attention in thinking in different sources of energy. One of the best sources of
energy that can apply the concept of sustainability is renewable energy such as sun,
wind, and rivers. The positive point of wind energy is that unlike solar energy that
only used with sunlight, wind turbine can be useful all the 24 hours all the year.
Another concept of sustainability is the way that we should use in utilizing this
renewable energy efficiently, and environmentally friendly. This, in turn will
eliminate the environment hazard and improve Saudi Arabia communities’ health and
life style. Streets, public parks, schools, and public facilities are considering as main
power consumers, these consumers should be vulnerable to wind from time to time.
The idea of this project is to convert this wind by using Vertical Axis Wind Turbines
(VAWT) to a useful energy by using it as a power source that can serve these
The main objective of this project is gaining power from wind. Therefore, this project
is green source of energy and has no effect on the life of earth. These wind energy
turbines are small and can produce up to 300 watts for each turbine. Another objective
of this project is gaining and exercising some engineering concepts such as:
The project main components are tow turbines which include (blades, shaft bearings)
for each turbine, electrical generator attached to the end of the shaft for each
generator. The generators are connecting through wires to the control banal, which
include (converter, controller and battery connected from and to the banal for the
popups of changing from and to DC & AC). Below figure1.1, identifying the initial
functional diagram that shows the expected project outlook. And initial real photo of
the project is in the below figure
Fig:1 Project initial real photo
This project idea is very simple, where it focuses on utilizing the wind energy by
designing and manufacturing two VAWT and attach them to a manufactured tree.
This tree can be installed across the public facilities. Facilities such as public parks, in
the top of the stadiums where wind is very high and around the stadiums, services’
buildings, and over the roads and streets. It can also install in a simulated tree.
To utilize the available wind resources and to reduce the usage of non-renewable
energy resources. Wind energy is by far the fastest-growing renewable energy
resource. The wind energy industry so far has been supported by market incentives
backed by government policies fostering sustainable energy resources.
Large-scale wind facilities approaching the output rating of conventional power
plants, control of the power quality is required to reduce the adverse effects on their
integration into the network. These wind turbines can be used to provide constant
lighting. In most cities, bridges are a faster route for everyday commute and in need
of constant lighting makes this an efficient way to produce natural energy.
Chapter 2
Science Daily Research Newspaper has defended renewable energy as “The most
common definition is that renewable energy is from an energy resource that is
replaced rapidly by a natural process such as power generated from the sun or from
the wind.” [2].
Recently, the increasing demand of renewable energy is very well noticed. According
to a report by the International Energy Agency, the increase of amount of electricity
produced from renewable sources increased from just over 13% in 2012 to 22% the
following year. They also predict that that figure should hit 26% by 2020 [3].
The traditional power plants in Saudi Arabia are mainly working on the fuel either
gas or oil which are not environmental friendly. EcoSpark environmental charity [4]
has considered oil power plants as one of the most contributors of environment
pollution. EcoSpark environmental charity has listed the below most significant
environmental impacts:
Wind energy is one of the most important energy sources. The concept of wind
energy is transforming the wind’s kinetic energy into mechanical energy. This energy
drive blades that turn generators that produce electricity. Our project is fitting with
wind energy source. The idea of this project is to convert the wind by using Vertical
Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT) into power. They are two types of wind turbines,
Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT) as shown in figure 2.1 that is more
commonly used across the world and they are used as a power plants.
These kind of turbines are the most efficient of wind turbine. Cole Gustafson from
Dakota State University has mentioned the advantages and disadvantages of
horizontal axis vs vertical axis wind turbines, “In research studies evaluating wind
turbine performance, horizontal axis machines have been shown to be more efficient
than vertical axis machines. However, the blade span of horizontal wind turbines is
larger than vertical axis machines which limits placement confined spaces. Some
people also find the large blade area of horizontal axis machines objectionable” [5].
The other type of wind turbine is the Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT) as
shown in figure 2.2. VAWT is the most popular of the turbines that people are
using to make their home a source of renewable energy.
Fig:2.2 VAWT overview layout
VAWT is not as commonly used as the Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine. The reason
behind that is that VAWT is less efficient than HAWT when considered as a power
plant generator. However, for the small scales like homes, parks, or offices VAWT is
more efficient. “Vertical axis turbines are powered by wind coming from all 360
degrees, and even some turbines are powered when the wind blows from top to
bottom. Because of this versatility, vertical axis wind turbines are thought to be ideal
for installations where wind conditions are not consistent, or due to public ordinances
the turbine cannot be placed high enough to benefit from steady wind.” [6]. Figure 2.3
shows the configuration of HAWT vs VAWT.
Fig: 2.2
There are two different styles of vertical wind turbines. One is the Savonius model,
which is our project is based on, and the other type is the Darrieus model. The first
model looks like a gallon drum that is been cut in half with the halves placed onto a
rotating shaft. The second model is smaller and looks much like an egg beater. Most
of the wind turbines being used today are the Savonius models.
Renewable Energy UK website provided some information about these two model.
“A Savonius is a type of vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) generator invented in
1922 by Sigurd Johannes Savonius from Finland though similar wind turbine designs
had been attempted in previous centuries."[7].
“A Darrieus is a type of vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) generator. Unlike the
Savonius wind turbine, the Darrieus is a lift-type VAWT. Rather than collecting the
wind in cups dragging the turbine around, a Darrieus uses lift forces generated by the
wind hitting aerofoils to create rotation.” [8].
This research discussion was to showcase the efficiency of Savonius model in varying
wind conditions as compared to the traditional horizontal axis wind turbine. It
evaluated some observation that showed that at low angles of attack the lift force also
contributes to the overall torque generation. Thus, it can be concluded that the
Savonius rotor is not a solely drag-driven machine but a combination of a drag-driven
and lift-driven device. Therefore, it can go beyond the limit of Maximum power
coefficient Cp established for the purely drag-driven machines.
Some of this researched conclusions are that The vertical axis wind turbine is a small
power generating unit with the help of free source of wind energy. It is designed
under consideration of household use. Generally, At least 10% power of the
consumption can be fulfilling by the Savonius model.
The research has also resulted that this turbine is generally suitable for 8 to 10m of
height above ground level. Because at ground level velocity of air is very less. And
finally the alternate option for turbine blade material is reinforced glass fiber because
of its more elastic nature but it is costlier than aluminum alloy.
To have the best efficiency of the power output from our turbine, the team has done
some brainstorming in what are the most significant factor that affect the turbine, the
blade angle was agreed to be the most significant one.
By doing some researches, we fined an article that focusing in the turbine blade angle.
This article is focusing on how to improve the efficiency of the turbine by selecting
the best blade angle.
The effect of the blade arc angle on the performance of a typical two-bladed Savonius
wind turbine is investigated with a transient computational fluid dynamics method.
Simulations were based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes equations, and the
renormalization group turbulent model was utilized.
The results of this article indicate that the turbine with a blade arc angle of 160°
generates the maximum power coefficient cp 0.2836, which is the highest that gain
from the experiment.
The forces and the velocities acting in a Darrieus turbine are depicted in figure 1.
The resultant velocity vector, , is the vectorial sum of the undisturbed
upstream air velocity, , and the velocity vector of the advancing blade,
Thus, the oncoming fluid velocity varies, the maximum is found for and
the minimum is found for , where θ is the azimuthal or orbital blade
position. The angle of attack, α, is the angle between the oncoming air speed, W,
and the blade's chord. The resultant airflow creates a varying, positive angle of
attack to the blade in the upstream zone of the machine, switching sign in the
downstream zone of the machine.
From geometrical considerations, the resultant airspeed flow and the angle of attack
are calculated as follows:
relative airflow respectively. The tangential force is acting along the blade's
velocity and, thus, pulling the blade around and the normal force is acting radially,
and, thus, is acting against the bearings. The lift and the drag force are useful when
dealing with the aerodynamic behavior around each blade, i.e. dynamic stall,
boundary layer, etc; while when dealing with global performance, fatigue loads,
etc., it is more convenient to have a normal-tangential frame. The lift and the drag
coefficients are usually normalized by the dynamic pressure of the relative airflow,
while the normal and the tangential coefficients are usually normalized by the
dynamic pressure of undisturbed upstream fluid velocity.
A = Surface Area
ρ= Density of air
Where Cp is the power coefficient, ρ is the density of the air, A is the swept area of
the turbine, and ν is the wind speed
Chapter 3
The positive point of wind energy is that unlike solar energy that only can be used
with sunlight only. Wind energy can be useful all the 24 hours all the year. This
project is green source of energy and has no effect on the life of earth.
There are no effects on the environment at all. Moreover, it is reducing the CO2 and
CO gases that effect the environment in the earth. One of the biggest challenges is the
social accept of Aeroleaf Wind turbine.
These problems make the function of this project relying for some parts in design of
previous studies mentioned in chapter 2 by doing the reverse engineering.
Getting a sufficient wind, to analyze and test work. It was also the one of the berries
that we have encountered, because of the lack of wind in the area at that time, and the
lack of experience in aerodynamic science.
Beside the Lack of important resources, the lack of financial support was a major
obstacle in our way even though the budget was estimated.
Although the existence of moral support from our professors, Lack of sufficient time
was a real challenge to show up the work as long as there was only one semester to
complete the senior project.
Once these solutions have been analyzed and the team has an understanding of why
the respective solutions are not currently being implemented, a solution generation
phase is taking place. Here various solutions are presented and evaluated against
criteria and constraints (concept generation). Solution concepts are then modeling
The results of the models are then analyzed and the model, as well as solution
parameters, may be tweaked (model analysis and refinement).
Once the team has satisfactorily modeled all solution concepts of interest, the concept
that performs best analytically, in addition to meeting all criteria and constraints, is
selected (concept selection). The analytical model may then be verified
experimentally, using a small scale modeling scheme or through a full scale
experimental model. The objective of this project is to design a vertical axis wind
turbine (VAWT) that could generate power under relatively low wind velocities. To
accomplish this goal, the objectives are to:
● Analyze how different geometry of the wind turbines would affect the output
power of the wind turbine.
● Vibrations analysis by testing how the vibrations caused from the rotations of
the wind turbines affect the structural integrity of various aspects buildings
● Compare the operation of turbines with respect to the numbers of attached
blades. To meet the above objectives, the tasks were to:
● Conduct background research and analysis on wind turbine technology.
● Design initially turbine blade for testing.
● Design tree to hold these turbines.
● Looking for power generator that has good efficiency with low startup speed.
● Create experimental set up.
● Manufacture parts and build model tree.
● Develop future design recommendations.
Vertical axis wind turbine VAWT are one whose axis of rotation is vertical with
respect to ground. Generally, as shown in figure 3.3, the main components of this
turbine are:
● Blades
● Shaft
● Generator
Fig:3.3 Main components of VAWT
Savonius blades are a crucial and basic part of a wind turbine figure 3.4. They are
mainly made of aluminum, fiber glass or carbon fiber. We selected the aluminum
alloy as recommended in the study mentioned in chapter 2.2 because they provide
batter strength to weight ratio. The design of the individual blades also affects the
overall design of the rotor. Rotor blades take the energy out of the wind; they capture
the wind and convert its kinetic energy into the rotation of the hub. The arc angle was
selected based on the pervious study mentioned in chapter 2.2, which recommended
an angle of 160°
Figure 3.4 Turbine Blade Design
3.3.2 SHAFT
The shaft is the part that gets turned by the turbine blades. It in turn is connected to
the generator within the main housing. A solid works tools have been used in
designing the blades and the shaft as shown in the below figure 3.5
Fig: 3.5 Turbine Blade and Shaft Design
should be selected. However, the procedure of the selection is a science but we
restricted on three simple steps:
As result we came up with two ball bearing 6004RS as shown in figure 3.6 where can
function as thrust and radial bearing (sealed and self-lubricant) and can carry the
Static Load Rating and Dynamic Load Rating 5 KN and 9 KN respectively and the
distance between the two bearings was based on as simulation Xpress done by Central
University Campus. DESCRIPTION
3 and 8 ball bearing_6004 RS
3.3.4 Electrical Parts
The turbines are connected to electrical parts in order to get the required
power. These parts are as shown in the below table 3.1.
Part Function
Electrical Converting the rotating speed to an electrical
Combiner Combining the earned power from each turbine to one
output power
Charged electrically to provide a static potential for
Battery power or
released electrical charge when needed.
an electrical device that can interrupt the flow of
Fuse electrical current
when it is overloaded
Converter Converting DC current to AC current
Turbine Braking overload
Consumption Reading battery percentage
The conversion of rotational mechanical energy to electrical energy is
performed by generator. Different types of generator have been used in wind
energy system over the years. For large, commercial size horizontal-axis wind
turbines, the generator is mounted in a nacelle at the top of a tower, behind the
hub of the turbine rotor. Typically wind turbines generate electricity through
asynchronous machines that are directly connected with the electricity grid.
Usually the rotational speed of the wind turbine is slower than the equivalent
rotation speed of the electrical network - typical rotation speeds for wind
generators are 5- 20 rpm while a directly connected machine will have an
electrical speed between 750-3600 rpm. Therefore, a gearbox is inserted
between the rotor hub and the generator. This also reduces the generator cost
and weight. The generator used for the prototype is the Low RPM permanent
magnet DC generator created by Wind Stream Power and is a 12-volt step
generator. The generator has an internal resistance of 21Ω.
The current generator can only operate continuously with a current of 1.5
amperes and at a max of 1.5 minutes with a current of 3 amperes the below
figures 3.6 and 3.7 are explaining the generator parts.
For the smooth operation of Shaft, bearing mechanism is used. To have very less
friction loss, the two ends of shaft are pivoted into the same dimension bearing. The
Bearing has diameter of 2.54cm. Bearings are generally provided for supporting the
shaft and smooth operation of shaft
1. Gas Cutting
2. Arc Welding
3. Riveting
For cutting, the set-up is a little different. A cutting torch has a 60- or 90- degree
angled head with orifices placed around a central jet. The outer jets are for preheat
flames of oxygen and acetylene. The central jet carries only oxygen for cutting. The
use of a number of preheating flames, rather than a single flame makes it possible to
change the direction of the cut as desired without changing the position of the nozzle
or the angle which the torch makes with the direction of the cut, as well as giving a
better preheat balance . Manufacturers have developed custom tips for Mapp,
propane, and polypropylene gases to optimize the flames from these alternate fuel
1. LPG
2. Helium
Arc welding uses a welding power supply to create an electric arc between an
electrode and the base material to melt the metals at the welding point. They can use
either direct (DC) or alternating (AC) current, and consumable or non-consumable
electrodes. The welding region is sometimes protected by some type of inert or semi-
inert gas, known as a shielding gas, and/or an evaporating filler material. The process
of arc welding is widely used because of its low capital and running costs
The following gauge lengths of electrodes are used in this process 8, 10&12mm. The
number of electrodes used in this fabrication is around 40- 45 electrodes.
Because there is effectively a head on each end of an installed rivet, it can support
tension loads (loads parallel to the axis of the shaft); however, it is much more
capable of supporting shear loads (loads perpendicular to the axis of the shaft). Bolts
and screws are better suited for tension applications.
Fig:3.11 Rivet
Chapter 4
The wind mill works on the principle of converting kinetic energy of the wind to
mechanical energy. The kinetic energy of any particle is equal to one half its mass
times the square of its velocity, or ½ mv2.
m= mass
v = velocity,
K E = ½ ρ AV3 watts
A = π D2 /4 (Sq.m)
A = π*(1.22) 2 /4 A = 1.16Sq.m
P = 1/8 D2 V3
Pa = (½ ρ π D2 V3)/4
Pa = (½*1.225*π*1.222 *4.53)/4
Pa = 65.244watt
Pa = (½ ρ π D2 V3)/4
Pa = (½*1.225*π*1.222 *5.53)/4
Pa = 119.12watt
Pa = (½ ρ π D2 V3)/4
Pa = (½*1.225*π*1.222 *7.53)/4
Pa = 302.06watt
Pa = (½ ρ π D2 V3)/4
Pa = (½*1.225*π*1.222 *103)/4
Pa = 716.00watt
Low power WEC generators have been used for many years for the corrosion
protection of buried metal pipe lines.
Application of more powerful turbines up to about 50kw, are for operating irrigation
pumps, Navigational signal. Aero generators in the intermediate power range, roughly
100 to 25 KW can supply electricity to isolated populations.
5. Lower noise level--only 27-37 DB, suitable for your living condition.
f) They are always facing the wind - no need for steering into the wind.
g) Have greater surface area for energy capture -can be many times
The power available in the wind increases rapidly with the speed; hence wind energy
conversion machines should be located preferable in areas where the winds are strong
& persistent. The following point should be considered while selecting site for Wind
Energy Conversion System (WECS).
The wind velocity is the critical parameter. The power in the wind Pw, through a given
X – section area for a uniform wind Velocity is
Pw = KV3 (K is constant) It is evident, because of the cubic dependence on wind
velocity that small increases in V markedly affect the power in the wind e.g.
doubling V, increases Pw by a factor of 8.
● Availability of wind V(t) curve at the proposed site This important curve
determines the maximum energy in the wind and hence is the principle
initially controlling factor in predicting the electrical o/p and hence revenue
return of the WECS machines, it is desirable to have average wind speed V
such that
Wind especially near the ground is turbulent and gusty, & changes rapidly
indirection and in velocity. This departure from homogeneous flow is collectively
referred to as “the structure of the wind”.
If affects the air density and thus the power in the wind & hence the useful WECS
electric power o/p. The winds tends to have higher velocities at higher altitudes.
● Local Ecology
If the surface is bare rock it may mean lower hub heights hence lower structure
cost, if trees or grass or ventation are present. All of which tends to destructure the
This obvious criterion minimizes transmission line length & hence losses & costs.
● Nature of ground
Ground condition should be such that the foundations for WECs are secured,
ground surface should be stable.
● Land cost should be favorable as this along with other sitting costs, enters into
the total WECS system cost.
Chapter 5
Our work and the results obtained so far are very encouraging and reinforce the
conviction that vertical axis wind energy conversion systems are practical and
the wind even under less than ideal sitting conditions. It is hoped that they may be
developed nations and settings or with very low tech local materials and local skills
elevated altitude gives it an advantage for more wind opportunity. With the idea on
top of a bridge, it will power up street lights and or commercial use. In most cities,
bridges are a faster route for everyday commute and in need of constant lighting
The development of effective alternators and dynamos can be used to harness wind
energy from relatively small winds. The use of materials like Acrylic Plastic Sheets
Chapter 6
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