Wind Energy: Electrical Forcing Poles Density Higher
Wind Energy: Electrical Forcing Poles Density Higher
Wind Energy: Electrical Forcing Poles Density Higher
6.1. Introduction
thermal energy or
dealt with the conversion of solar energy into wLnd
Chapter 5, indirect solar electric
now deal with an
energy. We
a pressure
Air in motion arises from
from air in motion. surface winds
Wind results function causing
On a global basis
one primary forcing heats
oradient. convective circulation.
Solar radiation
the equator is the
from the poles
heated air is buoyed up. At
and this low density the
near the equator, air flowing from
the air cooler more dense higher pressure
by flow back
Surface it is displaced near the equator the air thus tend to
atmosphere convective
Doles. In the upper from the equator. The net
results is a global
and away
toward the poles north to south in the northern
surface winds from
circulation with the wind is basically
clear from the above over simplified model that
It is utilization is
irradiating the earth. This is why wind
caused by the solar energy
considereda part ofsolar technology. model ignores the
the wind is much more complex. The above
In actuality wind velocity
coriolis force resulting in an easterly
earth's rotation which causes a
component in the northern hemisphere.
frictional effects between
There is the further complication of boundary layer
surface. Mountains, trees, buildings, and
the moving air and the earth's rough
similar obstructions impair stream line air
flow. Turbulence results, and the wind
increases with altitude near the surface.
velocity in a horizontal direction markedly
their unequal solar
Then there is the obvious fact of land and water with
the land heats up
absorptivities and thermal time constants. During day light
there tends to be a surface
rapidly compared to nearby sea or water bodies, and
flow from the water to the land. At night the wind reverses, because
the land
surface cools faster than the water.
Loeal winds are caused by two mechanisms. The first is differential heating
0f land and water. Solar insolation during the day is readily converted to sensible
energy of the land surface but is partly absorbed in layers below the water surface
d partly consumed in evaporating some of that water. The land mass becomes
e r than the water, which causes the air above the land to heat up and become
mer than the air above water. The warmer lighter air above the land rises, and
e cooler heavier air above the water moves into replace it. This is the mechanism
Shore breezes. At night, the direction ofthe breezes is reversed because the land
S Cools to the sky more rapidly than the water, assuming a clear sky. The
Non-Conventional Sources of 177
176 and mountain sides
Energy Wind
be that wind, India are in
relatively low and
caused by hills TH vary appreciabiy
of local winds is a t night, mora he a nergy s . Data quoted by some scientists that for India wind
second mechanism
and cools down ght, more speed value
above the slopes
heats up during the day
heated air
the rapidly
rise along
day to rise: winthe se km/hr to 15-20 km/hr. These low and seasonal winds imply hign a
than the air
above the low lands.
This causes
at night. the of wind energy. Calculations based on the
performance or
cool heavy air to flow down of expmill have indicatea that a unit of energy derived from windmill will
slopes and relatively all solar radiation falling on t
that 2 percent of 30 peroce
cO winureral times more expensive than energy derivable from electric
It has ben estimated in the atmosphereand that
rates, provided such electrical energy is at all
of the earth is
converted to kinetic energy is thus said thaof lea lines at the standard
of elevation. It site.
in the lowest 1000
m windmill
this kinetic energy occurs
kilometer, i f harnessed, can ohe distri1 at the
wind in this lowest argument is
not fully applicable in rural areas for several reasons.
total kinetic energy of the that the y 9va. above
demand of acountry. lt 1s also claimed The
rer is not and will not be available in many such areas due to the
several times the energy free. Such are the Seem:hd
power is pollution free
and that its source of energy is solar power. Althoy
cirst electreneration and distribution to small dispersed users. Secondly there is
unlike those for
compelling arguments
for wind power, not
dependable in some parts afh
h cost oreducing tthe
reducingcost of the windmills by suitable design. Lastly, on small
or tal first cost for serving a felt need and low maintenance costs are
and predictable, and
solar energy is cyclic not reliable, excent
unsteady, and often Ples, the n t than the unit cost of energy. The last point is illustrated easily:
wind energy, however, is erratic,
very few
globe, areas. It does, however, have a place in the total energy picture, particular. noved at the astronomical cost of about 7 300 per kWh and yet
nore impvide energy
with more, o r less steady winds, especially those that are tar remov. on use in both rural and urban areas. This raises the question
for those a r e a s remote domestic
and tarm needs. that
needs are that a windmill might satisfy large
while scale energy
trom central power grids, and for small, they afolt needs
of motion,) of the wind into telt some favourable sites in Indiais a possibility that needs to be explored
Conversion of the kinetic energy (i.e., energy that
or to generat small sources of mechanical energy in rura
utilized to perform useful work, to be a definite need for
mechanical energy that c a n be ea
polls among villagers quickly reveal and that their
electricity. Most machines for converting
wind energy into nmechanical energ there a example, even casual for
o r blades radiating
trom a hub or
e r n iis invariably water
drinking, washing and irrigation; lifting
consist basically of a number of sails, vanes,
in the m o r e tamiliar Windmills, or windmill c a n perform. For such a task, a windmill should
central axis. The axis may be horizontal, a s first coi s a task
t a s k which
the vanes or sails pair of bullocks, often used for lifting
about 100 W, considerin8 that 250 W
the wind blows against water
vertical, a s it is in s o m e c a s e s . When
motion c a n be made to perform useful about power. Many projects o n windmil
they rotate about the axis and the rotational pron Villages, typically provides amount of electrical power
Work. Wind energy conversion devices a r e commonly
knoWn a s
wna turbines ana ror
production of small
into energy of rotation: the etems for water pumping organisers, such a s
National aeronautical laboratory
because they convert the energy of the windstream
e been taken up varlous
The terms turbine and rotor are, Research Institute Bhavnagar,
component which rotates is called the rotor. aluru, central salt and Marine Chemicals
Research Institute (CAZRI) Jodhpur
however, often regarded as being synonymous.
wind energy is readily ontral Arid Zone offers another s o u r c e for pumping a s well a s electric power
Because wind turbines produce rotational motion, Wind energy ranks
the turbine to a n electric generator, MW for power generation and
has potential of over 20,000
converted into electrical energy by connecting eneration. India tapping this s o u r c e .
The cost of power
The combination of wind turbine and generator is sometimes reterred to as
A step-up transmission is usually required to match
the relatively as one of the promising countries for
wina farms h a s now
become lower than diesel power
and compable
aero generator.
slow speed of the wind rotor to the higher speed of an electric generator. generation from of o u r country especially
n e a r the coasts.
in s e v e r a l a r e a s of
dozen centuries for to thermal power MW including 7 wind farms projects
Although windmills have been used for m o r e than aggregate capacity of 8 in diffrent parts of the country of which
electric power generation power projects of been established
grinding grain and pumping water, interest in large scale capacity 6.85 MW
have a r e operating
has developed o v e r the past 50 yrs. A largest wind generator built in recent times 1989 by DNES. Wind farms
has been completed in to the respective
3 MW capacity 150 lakh units of electricity
the 800 kWe unit operated in France from 1958-1960. The flexible 3 blades fed o v e r
successfully and have already from wind is under
rated a d d i t i o n a l power capacity
propeller was about 35 m in diameter and produced the power in
60 km/hour wind witha rotation speed of 47 rpm. The maximum power developed state grids.
Over 25 MW of
demonstration programme
271 wind pumps
have been
implementation. Under of capacities 300
was 12 MWe. 1989. Sixty small
wind battery chargers
installed upto February alone wind electric
Likewise to stand
Wind energy is one of America's
greatest natural
resources. The U.S. under installation.
watts to 4 kW a r e
government could plan for installation of wind turbine generators with a total kW a r e under
generators of 10 to 25
capacity of 1 GW by 1985. Windmills have been used for several centuries in
6.2. Basic Principles of Wind Energy
countries like Netherland and Denmark where high velocity wind is available in
abundent quantity. Nearly, 30,000 house mills capable of producing 100 MW and
3000 industrial windmills generating another 100 MW were operating in Denmark 6.2.1. The Nature of the Wind non-uniform heating
is caused by the
at the turn of this century. The circulation of air in the atmosphere above a warm
the s u n . The air immediately
In India the interest in the windmills was shown in the last fifties and early surface by in from surrounding areas
0T the earth's cool, denser air which
and the angle
Is torced upwards by
sixties. Apart from importing a few from outside, new designs were also developed, cloud ever
the degree of
but it was not sustained. It is only in the last few years that development work is n a t u r e of the terrain, durng
SIng a wind. Thea r e all factors which influence this process.rapidly In general,
t h a n the air
going on in many institutions. An important reason for this lack of interest in
in the sky
sun tends to heat up
he the a i r above the
land m a s s
Non-Conventional Sources of Energ
178 in a strong onch. ergy
manifests itself re wind.
coastal regions this pAV watts ...(6.2)
o v e r water. In
reversed because
the air cools
down more rapidly.
ly over At
night the process is the
and the breeze
therefore blows off
shore. lana n (6.2) tells us that the maximum wind available the actual amount
the same wav. Bquaht less because all the available energy is not extractable-is
caused in much Cool
The main planetary winds
air over the tropies +Surfa
air sweeps down from the poles
forcing the warm face he some the cube of the wind speed. It is thus evident that small increase in
is affected by the rotatise. B wilrtionahave a marked effect on the power in the wind.
the direction of these massive
air movements hav
countries-clockwise circulation of air aof
th can
(6.2) also tell us that the power available is proportional to air
earth and the net effect is a large
and clockwise circulationd lo
northern hemisphere,
Equaams at sea level). It may vary 10-15 % during the year because of
pressure areas in the in
direction these planetary winds the change. It changes negligibly with water content.
d e n s i t y( 1 . 2 2 5 .
southern hemispher The strength and of
with the seasons as the solar input
varies. change pressure d temper
us that the wind power is proportional to the intercept area.
so tells
wind patterns at any Dar ationtrbine C with a large swept area has higher power than a smaller
Despite the wind's intermittent nature, wind speeds are greatar articul; aero
there are added implications. Since the area is normally
b u t there
site remain remarkably constant year by year. Average Thus
inland. The winds also tend to L
hilly and coastal areas than they are well area
more consistently and with greater strength over the surtace of the water wh
nD in
in horizontal axis aeroturbines, then A
D2, (sq. m.), which when
there is a less surface drag. afdiameter gives,
Wind speeds increase with height. They have traditionaly been
measure put
at a standard height of ten metres where they are
found to be 20-25% greater than
close to the surface. At a height of 60 m they may be 30-60% higher because of the Available
wind power P.- DPV watts
reduction in the drag effect of the earth's surface. ..(6.3)
6.2.2. The Power in the Wind
Wind possessesenergyby virtue ofits motion. Any device capable of slowing tells us that the
The equation
down the mass of moving air, like a sail or propeller, can extract part of the energy available from the
and convert is into useful work. Three factors determine the maximum of
output from a wind according
to the square
energy converter: wind varies of the intercept area (or Rotor
i) the wind speed; the diameter), normally
of the rotor diameter/
(i) the cross-section of wind swept by rotor; and square area of the 60 m/
to be swept
(ii) the overall conversion efficiency of the rotor, transmission Thus doubting the
generator or pump. system and aeroturbine.
will result i n a
No diameter of the 40 m
device, however well-designed, can extract all of the wind's energy in the available wind 2
becausethe wind would have to be four-fold increase
brought to a halt and this would (6.3) gives us in sight
passage of more air through the rotor. The prevent the power. Equation
most that is possible of an aeroturbine
is for into why the designer
the rotor 201m
decelerate the whole horizontal column of to
intercepted air to about use would place such
free velocity. A 100%o efficient one-third of its for wind electric
aerogenerator would therefore only be able to on the turbine
up to a maximum of around 60% of the
available energy in wind into
convert great emphasis 5 10
diameter. The combined
effects of wind
energy. Well-designed blades will
but losses incurred in the typically extract 70% of the theretical mechanical variations are
Wind speed (Meters/sec)
gearbox, maximum, speed and rotor diameter
could decrease overall wind turbine transmission system and generator or pump shown in. Fig. 6.1. Wind
Fig. 6.1. Dependence of
wind-rotor power on
efficiency to 35% or loss. intended for generating substantial wind speed and rotor diamete
The power in the wind can
The wind mill works on the
be computed by using the amounts of power should have large
of converting kinetic concept of kinetics.
mechanical energy. We knowprinciple
moderate powers
energy of rotors and be located in areas of high
wind speed s. Where low or
that power 1s the wind to
energy available is the kinetic energy of the equal
to be relaxed.
energy per unit are adequate, these requirements can
is equal to one half its
mass times the
wind. The kinetic energy of time. any
particle The physical conditions in a wind
turbine are such that only fraction,
a of
square of its velocity, or % free wind
of air passing in unit time, mV2. The amount into useful power. As the
through an A, the available wind power can be converted
equal to its volume multiplied by area
its density p velocity
m is V, is A.V, and some of its energy
its mass rotor, the wind transfer
Stream encounters and passes through
of air, or a
m = pAV to a minimum in the rotor wake. Subsequently,
(m is the mass of air the rotor and its speed decreases the surrounding air and at a sutficient distance
wind mill type transversing the area A swept by the 6.1) ne wind stream regains energy
curve). While the
generator). rotating blades of is restored (Fig. 6.2 upper
Substituting this value of the mass in the expression for the
Om the rotor the free wind speed in the windstream
described, the air pressure
we obtain, kinetic energy 1/2 pAV.V2watts kinetic $peed is decreasing, as just lower curve). It first
increases as the wind
manner (Fig. 6.2,
= an
energy, different
nges in a amount Ap as it passes through
proaches the rotor and then drops sharply by an
ces of Energy
and energy is transferred to the rotor. Finally
the pressure increases
ses t
WindB n e r
the ation (6.5)
tells us that for a
non-steady state:wind, it is
atmospheric pressure.
ambient measured wind
cube the measure
available. It is i
speeds and th
then take the
obvious that average
immediately to
find the erage
than the ssimple steady state
this sti
state non-steady
case is
is placed on
case, and it is
anemometry data at awhy
for the former case
(WECS) site.
conversion system (WEC
proposed wind energy
nsposing equation (6.5) results in
Free wind
Free wind
PatA PlVowatts/m?
rage available wind power per unit
that the avera;
area is
ofthewind speed cubed. This is one
useful method of
directly related
Ambient the
power in the wi
wind over characterizing
the pote
geographic area.
are clear advantages in selecting sites with annual
mean wind speeds
rather than
larger rathe smaller wind
generators since:
and in
the wind creases as
Fig. 6.2. Conditions in traversing a wind rotor. (a) the power cube of the wind speed:
wind speed iincreases the power
The power extracted ing the available by and eight-fold;
by the rotor is equal to the product of the
6) daubling
the diameter the turbine's
of rotor
as passes through the rotor (i.e.,
V, in Fig. 6.2) and the pressure wind snead he power output from the device (this law
the swept area
order to maximize the only applies to horizontal
rotor power it would therefore be desirable todrop Ap.In and nenes, for vertical axis machines the in change
wind speed and
pressure drop as large as possible. have both axis m a c h i n e s ,
power output with diam-
However, as V be determined by the geometry of the rotor).
air density), Ap increasesis increased or
given value of the free wind speed (and eter
through a at first, The way rotor diameter and wind speed affect power output can be seen in
maximum, and then decreases. Hence for the specified passes
there is a maximum free-wind speed,
value of the rotor power. Fig.6.1.
The fraction of the Tn Dractice a wind turbine's
output will vary. There will be periods when
called the
free-flow wind power that can be ex
power-coefficient; thus tracted by a rotor is there i insufficient wind for the machine to generate any power at all, and times
on the wind speeds are so high that the machine has to be shut down to prevent
Power coefficient = - Power of wind rotor
Power available in the wind Maximum Power. As
where power available is Turbine wheel
wind calculated from the air stated above, that the total
speed as shown
to 16/27 or above. The density, rotor
maximum theoretical diameter, and free not be converted to
0.593. This value power coefficient is power can
stream. (It can be cannot be exceeded by a rotor in equal mechanical power. Consider a
exceeded under a free-flow
specific conditions, as will be seen wind-
As an ideal horizontal-axis, propeller-type
would have a rotor, with
propeller-type later). Pe
blades of proper windmill, henceforth to be
strong enough to coefficient approaching 0.59. But such aareodynamic
design, called a wind turbine, which is P,
high rate in a withstand the stresses to which it is rotor would not be
coefficient is high-speed wind stream. For the subjected when rotating at a the most common type used
about 0.4 to 0.45, so that the rotors best practical rotors, the power today. Assume that the wheel
the available wind cannot use more
power. In the than 40 to 45% of of such a turbine has thickness
energy is lost and the overall conversion into electric
electric power electric power, some of the rotor ab, as shown in Fig. 6.3. Let P
Returning to generated/available windpower, coefficient of an
power) in aerogenerator (i.e.,
practice is about 0.35 (35 %).
and V, are the wind pressure
constant but is equation (6.2), but now
and velocity at the upstream of
then the represented by a
instantaneous power, in the
that V, in
'noisy' wind speed actuality, is not
time curve,
the turbine, and and P,are V, -Ve
wind would be V» pressure and velocity at
downstream of the turbine. Ve
Since we are
PatnpAIVe)®watts 1s less
than V, because kinetic
Distance X
Pressure and velocity profiles of wind
normally more interested ...6.4) energy is extracted by the Fig. 6.3.
both sides of in
equation (6.4), signified by the baraverage power, we must time turbine. moving through, a horizontal-axis
below average propeller-type wind turbine.
Pat)PAIV wats onsidering the incoming air between i and as a thermodynamie system, a
assuming that the air density remains constant (since changes in pressure
and t that the potential energy
uperature are very small compared to ambient),
Non-Conventional Sources of Wind
zero, and no heat or removed between i and
or work are added flow energy-terms only: ,
the ergy
F, = Am VWg.
energy equation reduces to the kinetic and
genera m
lov rate =
Thus, Pp+=P,o+
ie, kineti energy
2g *P2 6.7 b)
P+ p P+p ...6.8) P mV
AVV-V ..6.17)
28c 28
with equation (6.15),
The wind velocity across the turbine decreases from
to b since kinetic a Combining this
energy is converted to mechanical work there. The incoming velocity V, does not ..6.18)
decrease abruptlybut gradually as it approaches the turbine to V, and as it leaves P=pA (V; +V,XV - V)
it to V The V, > V, and 4s
V,> V» and therefore, from equations (6.7) and (6.8), P,> reverts to equation (6.2) for Ptotal when
P and P,> P; ; that is, the wind pressure rises as it approaches, then as it leaves Eauation (6.17) after leaving the
the wheel. that is, the wind velocity reduces to zero
Combining these equations, V, and V, 0;
because the wind can not accumulate at turbine exit
turbine. This is not possible in one term and negative
P-P,p 28
-28 ...(6.9) It can be seen
in other, that
from equation (6.18), where V, is positive
too low or too high a value for V, results in
reduced power. There
maximum power Pmar
exit velocity V, opt, that results in
It be assumed that wind pressure ate thus is an optimum
can be assumed to ambient, i.e., the derivative to zero, i.e.,
P= P which can be obtained by differenting P, and equating
As the blade width a. b is very thin as
compared to total distance considered,
it can be assumed that velocity within the turbine
does not change much.
V= V, = V
Combining equation (6.9) to (6.11) yields,
d-3v+ 2V,V. -V? =0
(The quadratic has two solutions,
P,-P =p- This is solved for a positive V, to give V, opt.
The axial force F, in the direction of wind stream, on a second solution is physically acceptable).
projected turbine wheel with Le, V= Vi and V, =V, only
area, perpendicular to the stream A, is given by
1 pVA 2 pDV3
Tmax27g N
arial force or thrust by equation (6.13)
= 0.595 Pttal
theoretical efficiency TImau (als0 called t h 0
6.20 The
The term "wind mill" is still widely used to describe wind energy conversion
N =wheel revolutions sstems, however it is hardly an opt. description any more. Modern wind energy
per unit time, sl
P conversion systems are more correctly referred to as "WECS', 'aerogenerators',
The real efficiency n= turbine generators, or simply 'wind turbines
The fact that the wind is variable and intermittent source of energy is
for some applications such as pumping water for land drainage-
P=n. Pmal 2AV immaterial
provided, of course, that there is a broad mateh between the energy supplied if
For a turbine operating at power P, the expression for the done;
any critical period and the energy required. f the wind blows, job gets
torque becomes
1.p AVs it does not, the job waits.
T 2g, nDN However, for many of the uses to which electricity is put, the interruption of
must ensure
supply may be highly inconvenient. Operators or users of wind turbines
that there is some form of back-up to cover periods when there is insufficient (or
2 4 TDN too much) wind available. For small producers, backup can take the form of
At maximum efficiency |
) a stand-by generator powered by liquid or gaseous
the of medium-sized
maxo7 torque has maximum value T max For utilites responsible for public supply, the integration
work could require some
which is equal to arge wind turbines into their distribution net meet fluctuating demand.
uLOnal plant which is capable of responding quickly to
countries have won the right
Small producers, Private citizens in several
systems and to export
C wind generators and other renewable energy
this requires tha
Sources of Energy Windbnergy
small wind
generators T aach wind turbine specifies the angle at which the airfoil should be
and phase of t h e h e
ower to the grid.For most
so that it
conforms to the
rotatinains output i dhe deslwe the maximum lift to drag ratio.
stream at a
can be synchronized
direct current (DC) variable output
or the
the soof rotation. The spinning slows down the air speed on the side where
gTid. Most produce
readily achieved using
an electronic blacl
(AC high
moving into wind and increases it on the other side; the result is
Power conditioning is
s i m i l a rt o .an
airfoil. This inciple has been put to practical use in one or two cases
and although The second way is to blow air
synchronous' inverter, of me apnlipmen
home emp
through narrow slots
appliances to Tunn
does eliminate the need is not so that it emerges tangentially; this 1s known as a Thwaits slot. This
DC. r o t a t i o n (or circulation) of the air flow, which in
that is
ates a
turn generates lift.
surplus to
grid connection, electricity batteries. It o imna t e
Where there is no leQ Creat 1if drag ratio of airfoils is generally much better than those of rotating
stored on site using heavy duty can ha Becauseinders, the latter techniques probably have little practical potential.
requirements must be
the supply. An alternative is to dCOVere
later when the demand exceeds
or better, to
convert it into heat that canPIt h
generating and dissipating heat) tank.
well insulated red,
tor example as hot water in a V free wind velocity
Largeproducers. Large and medium-sized wind generators are 8ned
give a stable and constant electrical output over a wide range of winddesig A V velocity of airfoil element (| V,| = o)
resultant wind as 'seen by airfoil
and to feed current directy into the grid. They operate primarily as fuel e d
savers, element
reducing the utility's total fuel burn. FL lilt force (perpendicular to V)
The choice of generator type depends on the size of the local distributs
Fp drag force
grid and its associated generating capacity. An induction generator would
be mally angle of twist
used where there is a significant amount. other generating capacity (whio
could angle of incidence
provide the necessary reactive power
are robust and reliable and
for exeitation). Induction generatore angular speed of rotor
squire minimal control equipment. For isolato
networks where other local generating capacity is limited, and where a distance of airfoil element from its
of autonomous control is
high degree
required, a synchronous generator is more appropriate axis of rotation.
Synchronous generators are more complex and theretore more expensive than
induction machines.
Lift and drag: The basis for wind Fig. 6.4(a)
energy conversion. The extraction
of power, and hence
energy, from the wind depends on creating certain forces
and The windmill blade 'sees' the resultant vector V, The blades need to be
applying them to rotate (or to translate) a mechanism. There are two twisted because r varies in proportion to radius.
mechanisms for producing forces from the primary
wind, lift and drag.
By definition lift forces act
perpendicular to the air flow, while drag forces
act in the direction of
flow. Lift forces are produced by
air stream changing the velocity of the
flowing over either side of the lifting surface
causes the
pressure drop, while slowing the air stream down
to speeding up the air flow
pressure. In other words, any leads to increase in
change in velocity generates a
across the lifting surface.
This pressure difference pressure difference
act on the high pressure side and moves produces a force that begins to
surface which is called an towards the low side of the lifting
airfoil. A good airfoil has a pressure
cases it can
generate lift forces high lift/drag ratio, in some
30 times as perpendicular to the air stream direction that
great as the drag force parallel to the
angle formed at the junction of the airfoil flow. The lift increases as are
becomes less and less actute, and the air-stream the
upto the point where the (the angle of attack)
low pressure side angle of the air flow on the
from the low becomes excessive. When this
pressure side. A lot of turbulence happens, the air flow breaks away
drag increases quite substantially; this ensues, the lift decreases and
efficient operation, a wind phenomenon is known as stalling. For the (b) Cross-section across AA Fig. (a).
little drag as turbine blade needs to function horizontal axis, wind turbine rotor blade.
possible because drag with as much lift
and as Fig. 6.4. Shape of a
anything more complex than dellecting dissipates
the air energy. As lift does not involve
itflovw, is Example 6.1. Wind at 1 standard atmospheric pressure and 15°C
usually an efficient process. velocity of 15 m/s calculate:
W i n d
in the wind
stream, nd DataandEnergy stimation
() the total power density
maximum obtainable power
density, 6.31
or more). This
() the torque and axial thrust. seconds a proper recordin
ding and analysis of the wind
sneed 40 r.p.m. characteristics.
120 m, and turbineoperating speede Various ways the data on wind behaviour is collected
for a
Given: turbine diameter There a r e various
wind turbine is con-sidered. depending
c a l
at maximum efficiency. Propeller type intended d to be put into. The hourly mean wind velocity as collected
e it is
onthe use
of de
ided for. The
the velocity of
influence on
time. The winds
27x1 .226 x
153=1226 W/m2. Ans, wind at any given
surface of the earth are
(ii)Assuming n =35% near
in terms of boundary
layer concept, keeping in mind the
A factors that influence its
The wind velocity at
77 7TT77
0.35 x 2068.87 724 W/m2. Ans. = development. Ground
(iv) Total Power P Power density x Area can be represented
a given height Fig. 6.5. Representation of gradient
in terms of gradient height and height and velocity.
=724 xD? watt velocity:
0.724 x
x 120kW (refer Fig. 6.5)
8184 kW. Ans.
(u) Torque at maximum efficiency
The values of V, h, and n depends on the nature of the terrain, which are
2 pDV classified as
21g N
() Open terrain with few obstacles (open land, lake, shores, deserts, prai-
1226 x 120 x 15 ries, etc.)
27 x1 40/60
55170 Nowton.
Ans. () Terrain with uniformly covered obstacles (wood lands, small towns, sub-
and maximum axial thrust urbs, etc.)
x max 98 =pD*v?= u) Terrain with large and irregular objects (large city centres, country
9x1 1.226 x1204 x15 breaks of large trees etc.).
the design wind
1385,870 Newton. Ans. in as much as the height of the windmill rotor depends
CLUy and cost of supporting structure. The above factors have a bearing on the
Non-Conventional ources of Energy W i n dE n e r g y
the scale
winds being an unsteady phenomenon,month and Depi 18
1. Gujarat
design. Similarly, (scale of hour, 10ds 2. Kerala, Tamilnadu,
considered for the temporal
in the design.
While the hourly mean- e year) 1s an 16 Karnataka, A.P.
of data place Cty 14 Maharashtra,
for establishing the potential of the
mportant set
provides the data useful to indicate whether it
appi 12 Rajasthan, Orissa
many years) scale of the month is
3. M.P., Bihar,
the wind energy. The
of the year and what
storage if neceseOlng t 10
W. Bengal.,
be useful during particular periods The data based on scale ofth
is t U.P., Punjab
mentioned above.
be provided for a s already addition to the data on the houri.Or is
because as stated above. Wind speed increases with height above ground, the if
features of
Isodynes are contours
28 200
16 600
12° 00
68° 72 84 85 92 96
(watts/m) yearly
Longitude available wind power
ig. 6.7. A typical plot of
Non-Conventional Soureces of Ënerg W i n dB n e r
192 the
speed for which the
lesign speed,
have protect the windmill.
these speeds bearing
Daily, weekly, monthly. the
basic wind data of hourly mean wi wind velocity oftheplace
EnergyEstimation, Thein the year for which the speed eamaleloei mean
recost into-number of hours r exceeds ther at which the plant output
each particular value.
of various wind speed.
annual hours of duration
t h r e e speeds are marked on
the hours the year is called tho.
The first of these plotted amongst
6.10). The hatche« area abcde,
V° basis is called the power durat
duration curve. The replot of this on
being proportional to P.
These curves are useful for establishing the wind energy potential.
Curve( sents the annual
energy output
leal plant. Area A BCD
velocity of a particular value is available is areas a cdelA B C D is Fig. 6.10. Ideal plant output.
(Pig. 6.9). This curve is useful deciding
in the design wind speed for a u e he rao load factor of the plant. In
once the type of windmill is decided and its pertormance is known, the dat site the actual output will be
e data is also the
practice, the
useful in estimating the actual energy output of the plant.
than that represent by area 0.6
Smalle the inability of the rotor C.
due to pmax. 0.5
a b c d e
wind. This is
in the 0.4
sented by Cp which varies as a
velocity having the
80 function of
funm value at the design wind 0.2
shoWs a typical
60 speed
Fig. (6.11) 0.1
E- n C,PAV- ...6.27)
400 As such the detailed knowledge of wind data, the type of windmillintended
to be used and its performance characteristies are all required to establish the
200 energy delivered by the plant at a given site.
reliability estima tes it is
W e
desirable to periods are short. In
conversion syster
stem) is
of aeroturbine
power int measured V curve over
ighest confidence level in the
period for the high
of view
oint of p0orlu
rly chosen the
the be
year may et
energy per
high costs for wind
near the
environmental, social,
decision is made to erect
siderations are discussed generati
break examined a
and other
factors a r e
the main consideration Cthe proposed site. It affects the air density
plant on a specific site. Some of
wind speed. Afundamental
( 5 )A l t i t u e
higher altitudes.
P KV3 re
6) Terr
rain and its odynamic. One should know about terrain of the site
constant. It is evident, because of the cubic dependence on ..6.28) WECS is to be
is to placed near the top but not on the
ic a
lf the
t hillfacing
chosen. top aof'speed
the prevailing wind, then it may be possible to obtain a not too
velocity that small increases
in V
markedly affect the power in the to be
whatt iit would otherwise be.
doubling V, inareases P, by a factor of 8. It is obviously desirable to select ac wind
elocity o v e r Also the wind here may not
WECS with high wind velocity. 'Thus a high average wind velocity is the nrin e
making necessary to tip the axis of the rotor so that the
fundamental parameter of concernininitially appraising a WECS site. For a incipal
potential it (7) LocalEcology. If the surface is bare rock it may mean lower hub
absolutely essential that anemometer data be obtained at the precise site and is etructure cost. If trees or grass or vegetation are present, all ofheights
hence lower s t r u c t u r e «
height for any proposed WECS. huh which
ind, then higher hub heights will be needed
destructure the wind
Strategy for siting is generally recognized to consists of tendto.
costs tha the bare ground case.
resulting in
) Survey of historical wind data, 8)4Distance, to Roads
(i) Contour maps of terrain and wind
Railways. "This is another factor the system engineer
are consulted. ansider for heavy machinery, structures, materials, blades and other
(ii) Potential sites are visited. naratus will have to be moved into any chosen WECS site.
(iv) Best sites are instrumented for 9 Nearness of site to local centre l users. This obvious criterion minimizes
(v) Choose optimal site.
approximately one year.
ansmjssion line length and hence losses and costs. After applying all the previous
2)Availability of anemometry data. It is tin criteria, hope fully as one narrows the proposed WECS sites to one or two
principal object is to measure the wind speedanother important siting factor. rheywould be relatively near to the users of the generated electric energy.
WECS output power, but there are which basically determines the
many practical difficulties with the 10)Nature of ground. Ground condition should be sueh that the foundations
instrumentation and measurement methods. The anemometer height above boraWBCS are secured. Ground surface should be stable. Erosion problem should
accuracy, linearity, location on the
support ground, not be there, as it could possibly later wash out the foundations of a WECS,
readings therefrom, icing inertia of rotor whethertower, shadowing and inaccurate
it measures the destroying the whole system.
component or vertical, and horizontal velocity
temperature effects are a few of the (11) Favourable land cost. Laud cost should be favourable
encountered. The anemometry data should many difficulties
be available over some time
as this along with
the precise
spot where any proposed WECS is to be built period at ather siting costs, enters into the total WECS system cost.
and that this should be
accomplished before a siting decision is made. 12) Other conditions such asicing problem, salt spray or blowing dust should
(3) nat present at the site, as they may affect aeroturbine blades, or environmental is
Availability of wind V curve at the
proposed site. This important curve
determines the maximum generaly adverse to machinery and electrical apparatus.
energy in the wind and hence is the
controlling factor in predicting the electrical principal initially The
the WECS machine. It
is desirable to have
output and hence revenue return of followingg guide lines may be useful (all figures are for a height of 20 m,
which seems to be
-16 km/hr (3.5- 4.5 average wind speed Vsuch a reasonable minimum)
m/sec) which is about the lower limit at which that V2 12
present large 1.The best sites, for wind energy are found offshore and the sea coast. An
verage value on the coast is 2400 kWh/m* per year.
Non-Conuentional ources of
verage value Enernergy
i n dBner
A typical
Mechanical interface
second best
sites a r e in W i n dd i r e c t i o n
2. The ( Y a wc o n t r o l )
is found in nla:
kWh/m peryear.
3. The
level of the
four times
wind energy
well as
climates, as temperature
Tn some warm, windy countries, wind energy may not be torque
of cyclones (eg, Japan, Caribbean aresa)
ble ecause
of the frequency
Care should be exercised in chooSing suitable site for a wind
since there
is a significant amount
OI Snear and
compression in:
machine Output
wind stream
it passes over the topographical contours and th
the earth. Thi shear results inlower wind speeds near the
zontalof Eia. 6.12. Basic cormponents ot a wind electric
output to
extreme conditions brought
usually grear wind
electrical faults,
for these obstructed areas than for the case of and the like.
open water and flat plains.reater
6.5. Basic Components of a WECS (Wind Energy
Conversion System) 2. Hub
The main components of a WECS are shown in 3. Pitch change
Fig. (6.12), in block diagram 4. Mounting
form. Summary of the system operation is as
follows 5 Structure
Aeroturbines convert energy in moving air to rotary mechanical
energy. In 5. Nacelle
general, they require pitch control and yaw control (only in the case of horizontal . Pintle
or wind axis machines) for
proper operation. A mechanical interface consisting of a and drive
step up gear and a suitable coupling transmits the rotary mechanical energy to an 7.Tower
electrical generator. The output of this generator is connected to the load or 8. Foundation
power 9. Control
grid as the application warrants.
8 building
Yaw control. For localities with the prevailing wind in one direction, the
design of a turbine can be greatly simplified. The rotor can be in a fixed orientation
A-Transmissin B-Electrical
with the swept area perpendicular the
predominant wind direction. Such a
machine is said to be yaw fixed. Most wind turbines, however, are yaw active, that Speed increaser driver shaft
add bearing brake clutech and coulping
Generator control and
indicators (at ground level)
is to say, as the wind direction changes, a motor rotates the turbine slowly about station.
embodiment of wind-electric generating
Fig. 6.13. Physical
the vertical (or yaw) axis so as to face the blades into the wind. The area of the
wind stream swept by the wind rotor is then a maximum.
Non-Conventional Sourrces
Enerergy (1) sensor- anical, electrrical, or
transmission and control
elementsrelays, logic modules, analog circuits,
(2) decision e l e m e n t s -
ted capacity or below, is conveniently controlled by va enerators n e Of the supporting structure and its
The ytem incorporated. It is designed to height
is related to cost and the
of the rotor blades, but
it is low, about 40 to 50 revolutions he withstand the wind load
pitch ne
Because optimum generator output requires much greater rates of rotati ransms
gusts (even
fthey occur frequently and for very short periods). Horizontal axis
as 1800 r.p.m, it is necessary to increase greatly the low rotor rate of ch are mounted on towers so as to be above the level of
turbulence and
Among the transmission options are mechanical systems involving fixed rating. wind tur related effects. The minimum tower height for a small WECS is
belts, and chains, singly or in combination or hydraulic systems involvins other g 10 1
and the maximum practical height is estimated to be roughly 60 m.
pumps and motors. Pixed ratio gears are recommended for top mounted eauinm about turbine may be located either unwind or downwind of the tower. In the
hecause of their high efficiency, known cOst, and minimum sys:em risk. For botto cation (i.e., the ind encounters the turbine before
the tower), reaching
mounted equipment which requires a right angle drive, transmission costs might
iuake of the passing rotor Dlades causes repeated changes in the wind forces on
be reduced substantially by using large diameter bearings with ring gears th wet. As a result,the tower will tend to vibrate and may eventually be damaged.
the hub to serve as a transmission to increase rotor speed to mounted the tow
generator sneed hand, if the turbine is downwind from the tower as shown in figure,
On the
Such a combination offers a high degree of design flexibility as well as are less but the blades are now subjected to severe alternating
large potential tower vibrations a
savings. pass through the tower wake.
forces as they
Either constant or variable speed
generators are a possibility, Both unwind and downwind locations have been used in WRC devices.
but variablespeed units are expensive and/or unproved. Among the constant speed Darnwind rotors are generally preferred especially for the large aerogenerators.
generator candidates for use are synchronous induction and permanent blades of these large machines are significant,
types. The generator of choice is the synchronous unit for large aerogenerator Although other forces acting on theand tower design is an essential aspect of the
still important
systems because it is very versatile and has an extensive data base. Other electrical tower effects are
overall system design.
components and systems are, however, under development.
Controls. The modern large wind turbine
and reliable control system to
generator requires a versatile 6.6. Classification of WEC Systems
perform the following functions: 1. First, there are two broad classifications:
(1) the orientation of the rotor into the wind (azimuth of yaw); The axis of rotation is horizontal and the
(2) start up and cut-in of the ) Horizontal Axis Machines.
equipment; aeroturbine plane is vertical facing the
(3) power control of the rotor by varying the pitch of the The axis of rotation is vertical. The sails or
blades; ii) Vertical Axis Machines.
4) generator output monitoring-status, data or nearly so, as on
computation, and storage; as on the ancient Persian windmills,
may also be vertical,
(6) shutdown and cut out owing to malfunction or modern Darrievs rotor machine.
very high winds;
their useful
(6) protection for the generator, the utility to size as determined by
accepting the power and the prime 2. Then, they be classified according
electrical power output.
(7) auxiliary and/ or emergency power; and be used on farms, remote applica-
) Small Scale (upto 2 kW). These might
(8) maintenance mode. low power.
tions, and other places requiring relatively turbines may be used to
Many combinations are possible in terms of the control system and may kW). These wind
ü) Medium Size Machines (2-100 residences or local u s e .
involve the following components: to several
Supply less than 100 kW rated capacity,
Non-Conventional Soures
ces of Energy
(100 kW
arge wind ty Wind
Unlike water ener
ergy wind energy needs
two. storage capacity because
of 100
k\W rated
central powergrids.
There are o sub classes:
generate irregularity
(ii)Wind energy systems are
noisy in
operation; a large
of its
can be heard
at a over an: ilometres a way.
power generator
several places area.
(a) Single at many
power syster have a relatively
generators wind. aeroger rators are Win
high overall
tower and include also weight, because they
6) Multiple
3. As per
the type of output
classified as.
the construction of a high a
gearbox, a hub and
changer, a generat. or coupling shaft etc. For large
(i) DC output has been estimated. systems
a weight
of 110
(a) DC generator kg/kW ( r a t e
(a) Variable
frequency, not-practically reliable.
(Oe fact that highly reliable propeller engines are built
variable or constant voltage AC. However, th for aircraft suggest
(6) Constant frequeney, les could be could
overcome by industrial
Scale costs can be upto a few kilowatt system is less axis type.
costly. On a
be achieved competitive with conventional electricity and lower costs large-
by mass production. could 6.8.2. Horizontal-Axial Machines
Disadvantages of wind energy are: The common wind turbine with a horizontal (or almost horizontal) axis,
large one that
Simple in principle, but the desigm of a complete system,Notespecially
) Wind
energy available in dilute and only must be individual
fluctuating in nature. wIl produce electric
power economically, is complex.
Omponents, such as the rotor, transmission, generator,
and tower, be as efficient
6.12. Energy Storage
Operation of a wind turbine is not practical at very high or very low win
speeds. Consequently, if other sources, such as electric utility power, are not
available, some form of energy storage is required. When the power generated
exceeds the demand, the excess energy would be stored for use at other times. For
WEC machines of low and intermediate electric power, battery storage is convenient
Storage adds flexibility to use of WECS in that it permits peak shaving and
capacity saving as well as fuel saving. However, it can be expensive, and each
utility will have to evaluate whether or not to instal it. Storage makes it possible
to deliver electric load power demand during times when wind is below normalor
non-existent. Storage also makes it possible to deliver short peaks of power for
exceeding the rated power capacity of the plant. It improves the reliability of the
wind electric system over what it would be without storage. The energy may be
of forms, e.g., as heat, mechanical, electrical and
iety of
v a r i e
magmetie with power outputs upto about 20 kW, direct-current
ent. e chemical reaction taking place in the cell or battery when it is charged
eurrer The chemical reac
cell is discharged. Thus in the charged cell, electrical energy
thee ce
s8 rererse
ehemical energy, which can be recovered as electrical energy when the
a s chemical.
redarged. Direct current from the batteries can be utilized to heat water
d i s c h a r g e d .
is disating
ellis heatingand for domestic hot. water, and to
and fo and small tools
operate lights
f osrp a c e
and app ry for large tools and appliances and for television sets.