Class X & XII Pre-Board 1 Examination (2021 - 2022) (1st October - 13th October) Class Xii Class X

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Class X & XII Pre-Board 1 Examination (2021 - 2022)

(1st October – 13th October )


Subject/Paper Duration Time Subject/Paper Duration Time
English Language - English Paper l 1 hr Time 11.00 am - 12.00 pm NO EXAM

MONDAY Reading Time 1.45 pm - 2.00 pm

Literature in English - English Paper 2 1 hr Time 11.00 am - 12.00 pm English - Paper 2 (Literature in English) 1 hr.30 mins.
04/10/2021 Writing Time 2.00 pm - 3.30 pm

TUESDAY Reading Time 1.45 pm - 2.00 pm

History & Civics - H.C.G - Paper 1 1 hr Time 11.00 am - 12.00 pm English - Paper 1 (English Language) 1 hr.30 mins.
05/10/2021 Writing Time 2.00 pm - 3.30 pm

Mathematics 1 hr.30 min Time 11.00 am - 12.30 pm NO EXAM

THURSDAY Elective 1 Theory Reading Time 1.45 pm - 2.00 pm

Geography - H.C.G - Paper 2 1 hr Time 11.00 am - 12.00 pm 1 hr.30 mins.
07/10/2021 Physics / Accounts / History Writing Time 2.00 pm - 3.30 pm

Hindi 1 hr.30 min Time 11.00 am - 12.30 pm NO EXAM

(Group III Elective)

(Computer Application/
Economic Application/Commercial SATURDAY Elective 2 Theory Reading Time 1.45 pm - 2.00 pm
1 hr Time 11.00 am - 12.00 pm 1 hr.30 mins.
Application/Physical 09/10/2021 Chemistry / Commerce / Political Science Writing Time 2.00 pm - 3.30 pm
Education/Environmental Application)
(No Art Examination for Pre-Board -1)

Elective 3 Theory
MONDAY Reading Time 1.45 pm - 2.00 pm
Physics - Science Paper 1 1 hr Time 11.00 am - 12.00 pm Biology / Economics / Computer Science / 1 hr.30 mins.
11/10/2021 Writing Time 2.00 pm - 3.30 pm
Physical Education/ Sociology/Hindi

Chemistry - Science Paper 2 1 hr Time 11.00 am - 12.00 pm NO EXAM

Elective 4 Theory
Biology - Science Paper 3 / Commercial WEDNESDAY Mathematics / Psychology / Business Studies Reading Time 1.45 pm - 2.00 pm
1 hr Time 11.00 am - 12.00 pm 1 hr.30 mins.
Studies. 13/10/2021 / Environmental Science (No Art Writing Time 2.00 pm - 3.30 pm
Examination for Pre-Board -1)
The time indicated on the Timetable for ICSE is inclusive of time given for reading the question paper.
and for ISC, In addition to the time indicated on the time table foe attempting the paper ,15 minutes time is given for reading the question paper


FOR CLASSES- 10 (ICSE) and 12 (ISC)
EXAMINATION DATES- (1st October -13th October 2021)

1. All the examinations will be on Microsoft forms.

2. All students will login on Microsoft Teams 10 minutes prior to the start time.
3. All students must have their login id ready for Microsoft forms.
4. No extra reading time will be provided to the students of Grade 10, whereas an
additional 15-minute reading time will be given to the students of Grade 12.
5. Refer to the Pre-Board 1 examination schedule uploaded on the website. The duration
of ISC and ICSE paper is different.
6. The students must submit the answers on Microsoft Form as per the end time
mentioned for a particular subject. Microsoft form submission received after the
designated time will not be accepted.
7. Bifurcated Syllabus uploaded for Semester 1 for both Grade 10 and 12 is uploaded on
the website.
8. No CAS will be conducted after 23rd September for Grades 10 and 12(ICSE and
9. During the entire duration, when the students are writing the paper, they should have a
functional camera switched on.
10. If the camera is not switched on during the examination, the student will be marked
ZERO in the paper, and it will reflect on the Report Card.
11. Place the camera in such a position that during the examination the candidate and the
workstation are visible to the invigilator.
12. The students are advised to arrange for all necessary resources like network
bandwidth, functional camera, charged laptops/mobile phone so that they are well
equipped to comfortably take an online exam.
13. The Pre- Board 1 examination will not be rescheduled for any student in case of
14. In case the student is unable to take the exam due to a Medical leave/ Compassionate
grounds, the class teacher should be informed in advance before the exam begins.
15. If a candidate resorts to unfair means, the entire examination will be considered null
and void for such candidates.
Marks for Pre-Board 1 Examination are as follows:
All subjects with duration
10th All subjects 40 marks (All subjects) / 50 marks (Group 3) of one hour
ICSE Math and Hindi –
(No Art Examination to be conducted for Pre- 1 hour 30 min
Board 1 examination) (No separate reading time
is allotted for Grade 10)

80 marks- for English, Hindi, Accounts, All subjects will have

12th All subjects Commerce, Business Studies, History, Political duration of
ISC Sc, Economics, Mathematics 1 hour and 30 minutes

70 Marks- for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, (In addition to the time

EVS, Sociology, Physical Education, Computer indicated on the timetable,
science an additional 15-minute
and Psychology reading time is given for
reading the question
(No Art Examination to be conducted for Pre- paper)
Board 1 examination)

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