Office Coffee: A New Game From Mindermast Game Lab

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Office Coffee

A new game from Mindermast Game Lab

Playtest rules, 5/20/22

Tried it out? Send feedback to [email protected]

Company letterhead
“Our slogan belongs here, and so do you!”
FROM: The Boss

SUBJECT: Staff meeting this afternoon to follow up from the meeting yesterday


Another meeting today. You have to be there in a few minutes, and you have to be
functional, and the only way that’s going to happen is another cup of that cheap, barely
palatable coffee in the break room. One problem though - there’s only enough left in the pot for
one cup, and not enough time to make a new pot, and several of your equally unfortunate
coworkers have just had the same idea. Better hope you get to it before they do...


OBJECT OF THE GAME bottom of your card (for example, if you chose
Conference Room B and another player chose
Be the one to get that last awful cup of coffee. the IT Office), then take another die from your
You do this by collecting dice from different room. If there are no dice left in the room that
areas, then using them to battle the other you chose then you’re out of luck.
players. The last player remaining after all
others have been eliminated is victorious. If two or more players choose the same room
in the same turn, then they get no dice this
After five rounds, Phase 1 is over.
Take one set of room cards and arrange them
in the middle of the table. It doesn’t matter
which one goes where, as long as they are all GAMEPLAY: PHASE 2
there. On each room card, place a number of
dice of the matching color - 3 dice, plus 1 All players roll their dice simultaneously, then
more for each player. Give one set of room resolve actions one at a time. Start with
cards to each player. whoever rolled the fewest cups and go in
ascending order from there (rock-paper-
scissors to resolve ties). The key on the next
GAMEPLAY: PHASE 1 page shows what you can do with each of your
dice, depending on what you rolled. After
Each player chooses one of their room cards everyone has taken their turn, whoever has the
and places it face down in front of them. fewest cups now is eliminated from the game.
When all players have chosen their rooms,
turn your cards face up. If you are the only Repeat this process until only one player
player who chose the room that you did, then remains. There are no winners here, but at
take one die from that room. If at least one least that person gets some caffeine to get
other player chose the room mentioned at the them through the next couple hours.
Coffee Cup - get as many of these as you can

Two Coffee Cups - even better

Powdered Creamer - subtract this from the number of Cups you have when
determining turn order (but not when determining who gets eliminated)

Two Powdered Creamers - subtract them both

Empty Pot - remove one Cup from another player

Office Gossip - swap one die each between any two players

Reply All - swap one of your dice with someone else's

Rolly Chair - take one die from someone else

Wet Floor - make someone else reroll one of their dice

Special Keycard - reroll up to 3 non-Cup dice (yours or someone else's), even

if you have already used their actions. Only count Cups or Angry Bosses on
the new roll; ignore anything else that comes up.
Social Media - you take your actions last this round, no matter how few Cups
you got. If more than one player rolled Social Media, whoever has the most
goes last, otherwise count Cups and Creamers like normal but only among
yourselves, still going after everyone else.
Angry Boss - remove two of your own Cups when determining who gets
eliminated. You cannot get rid of this die with an Office Gossip or Reply All,
but someone else can take it from you when using one of those dice.

If you want to test the game out, all you need to do is print out the room cards below (one set for the table, and
one for each player), plus the chart on the previous page, and get a big pile of six-sided dice (though you’ll need
a way to tell which ones go with which room). If you’re really feeling ambitious you can put stickers with all of
the icons on your dice, but you can also just convert which number on the die means which icon based on how
they are arranged on the cards.


(yellow dice)
(white dice) (black dice)

Take one extra die if at least one Take one extra die if at least one
Take one extra die if at least one
player is in the HR Office player is in the Supply Closet
player is in the IT Office


(red dice) (green dice) (blue dice)

Take one extra die if at least one Take one extra die if at least one Take one extra die if at least one
player is in the Copy Room player is in Conference Room B player is in Reception

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