Zombies Hardcore v1
Zombies Hardcore v1
Zombies Hardcore v1
Unofficial rules by Mark Iradian
Original Quick(er) Play Rules by Rich Stokes and Robert Martin
Before you start, remove the number in brackets of the following cards from the Action
Card deck (put them back in the box as they will not be used):
NOTE: If you're using Zombies 3.5 expansion, see the last page for the card list.
Randomly choose a player to be the dealer. Remove the "Town Square" and place it in
the center of the Table with a Shotgun Guy for each player in the center square.
• Helipad (1)
• Right angle bend (has "The Warehouse" on) (2)
• Straight through street (has "Theater 6" on) (2)
• T-junction (has "Media Buy" on) (2)
• Crossroads (2)
Shuffle the rest of the map tiles, then shuffle the ones you removed separately and place
them at the bottom of the stack, so that they are the last 9 tiles which will be drawn.
Shuffle the Event deck and deal 3 cards to each player (face down).
Each player also receives 3 ammo and 3 life tokens at the start. No player may ever have
more than 5 life tokens any given time during the course of the game, but may have as
many ammo tokens as they can collect.
1) Draw a map tile and place it
4) Move. The number of spaces that a player may move is determined by how much
life that player has plus two. A player never has to use all his moves if he doesn't want
to. Every time a player moves onto a space occupied by a zombie they must fight and
defeat that zombie before they can continue to move. They may continue after defeating a
zombie up to their total movement allowance. If at any point a player is alone in a space
with a life or bullet token (I.e. no zombie is in that space), they may claim it. Claiming a single token
costs one movement.
4) Heal. A player may spend their turn without moving but regaining some health. They must put two
zombies from their kill pile back to the zombie pool. In return, they gain one health. This cannot be
used to go over 3 health and they cannot gain more than one health in a turn.
5) Move zombies. The player must move 3 different zombies. A zombie may only move one space.
6) At the end of your turn, you may discard one unwanted card from your hand. Play continues
• When playing "Named" (ie a tile with a name written in white in the corner)
buildings get the number of Zombies, Bullet, and Life tokens indicated by the "Z-"
"L-" and "B-" under their names. All tokens and zombies must be placed inside the
building, not on the street spaces. A zombie may exist in a space with a life token
or a bullet token, but no space may contain more than one zombie or more than
one token. This means that a bullet token and a life token can never be placed in
the same space, nor can 2 or more bullets or lives.
• It is possible to place map tiles in such a way that no further tiles can be placed
(very rare though) If this occurs the player who played the last tile loses their turn
and play continues until a player collects enough zombies to satisfy the victory
condition depending on the number of players.
• When a map tile with an "unnamed" building is played, it comes into play with a
number of zombies on it equal to the number of road access points it has. They
may be placed on any legal road space on that tile.
• When the Heliport card is turned up, players (starting with the player who drew
the Helipad) bid a number of kills to see who places it on the table. Each player in
turn following the normal turn order after the first must bid at least one more kill
than the last player or pass. Once a player has passed, he may not bid again.
Bidding continues until the last person passes, at which point the highest bidder
places the heliport in any legal position and discards however many kills they bid.
• Any time a player begins their turn in the same space as a zombie, or they land on
a space occupied by a zombie during movement, combat ensues.
• Combat is resolved by rolling a die. On a roll of 4, 5 or 6 you win the combat and
add the zombie to your kill-pile. A roll of 1, 2 or 3 means that the player must
either forfeit a life token or spend enough bullet token(s) to raise your roll to a 4.
• Otherwise, if a player would normally lose a life token (because they lost a
combat and didn't have enough bullets to raise their score to 4) but has none, the
player's turn ends immediately and they must remove their pawn, discard half their zombie kills
(rounded up), all of their event cards on hand, and all of the equipment cards they played. On
their next turn, their pawn is placed on the center space on the Town Square with 3 health and 3
bullets. However, this is considered their entire turn so they cannot move (but can still play
cards). On their next turn, play continues as normal.
• Events may be played at any time.
• Players may only play one event card per round (from the beginning of their turn
to the beginning of their next turn). The only expectation to this is Ooooh, what luck! Card in
the Zombies 3.5 expansion.
• Players may never have more than 3 event cards in their hand at once, but may
have any number in play face up in front of them.
• A player doesn't have to move the full amount and may stop at any time.
• Any zombies encountered must be fought (Unless the event card "Alternate Food
Source" is in play, in which case players way move through zombie occupied
spaces as if the zombies were not there).
• All spaces in "named" buildings are used as indicated by the lines in the buildings
( for example, the Sporting Goods Store has 7 interior spaces and 1 Road space)
• If a player does not use any movement on his/her turn, they may trade two of their zombie kills
for one health token. They cannot gain more than one health on their turn.