Answers To Exam Practice: Chapter 6 Food and Humans
Answers To Exam Practice: Chapter 6 Food and Humans
Answers To Exam Practice: Chapter 6 Food and Humans
2. D
3. B
Vitamin D is produced by the skin under sunlight.
4. B
5. D
The orange is rich in vitamin C and dietary fibre.
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. B
The amount of vitamin C needed to decolourize 1 cm3 of DCPIP solution = 0.1% × 12 drops
Let Y be the concentration of vitamin C in the kiwi fruit juice,
Y × 24 = 0.1% × 12
Y = 0.1% × 12 ÷ 24
Y = 0.05%
10. C
11. D
(b) An essential amino acid is one that cannot be synthesized by the human body / must be
obtained from the diet. (1)
13. (a) A balanced diet supplies all the necessary nutrients in appropriate amounts but no single
food can do this. /
Vegetarians need to eat a wide range of foods in appropriate amounts so as to obtain all
the major nutrients. (1)
Cereals / legumes lack some vitamins. (1) /
Roots lack vitamins and minerals. (1) /
Fruit and vegetables lack proteins and energy. (1)
(Any two, 2)
14. Too much energy is taken in, which could lead to obesity. (1)
Too much sugar is taken in, which could possibly lead to diabetes / obesity / tooth decay. (1)
Too much fat is taken in, which could lead to obesity / heart disease / circulatory disease. (1)
Too much salt / sodium is taken in, which could lead to high blood pressure. (1)
A lack of exercise affects heart and circulatory functions. (1)
Only one meal is being studied and therefore when all the daily meals are considered then the
overshoot of the GDAs is large. (1)
(b) A serving of wholemeal bread contains more carbohydrates, fats and proteins than a
serving of white bread. (1)
Wholemeal bread contains dietary fibre while white bread contains no dietary fibre. (1)
Both wholemeal bread and white bread contain more or less the same amount of
sodium. (1)
Both wholemeal bread and white bread do not contain any trans fats or cholesterol. (1)
16. (a) Milk contains certain ‘accessory factors’ (vitamins) which are essential for the healthy
growth of young rats. (1)
(b) From day 0 to day 24, the mass of the rats in group A increased rapidly. (1)
From day 24 to day 36, the mass of the rats increased slowly (plateaued). (1)
After day 36, the mass of the rats decreased. (1)
(c) The mass of the rats in group B increased only a little, (1)
because no milk was provided. (1)
(d) Changes in mass are more significant in young rats than in adult rats. (1)
Adult rats may have reserved some vitamins in their bodies. (1)
(e) This gives more accurate results / avoids failure of experiment due to accidental death of
an individual. (1)
(b) Grind pieces of cabbage of a known mass with distilled water to obtain an extract. (1)
Add the extract drop by drop to a fixed volume of DCPIP solution until the solution
becomes colourless. (1)
Add vitamin C solution of a known concentration drop by drop to the same volume of
DCPIP solution. (1)
Calculate the concentration of vitamin C of the cabbage extract, hence the vitamin C
content of a unit mass of cabbage. (1)
(ii) The enzyme / ascorbic acid oxidase would have been denatured more quickly in
boiling water. (1)
(d) Stored sauerkraut still contains some vitamin C but cabbage would rot / decompose. (1)
(ii) A (1)
(iii) B (1)
(iv) A (1)
(b) The participants should have the same (or similar) levels of activity. (1) /
The energy content of breakfast should be the same (or similar). (1) /
The energy content of other meals / drinks during the day should be the same (or similar).
(1) /
The duration of investigation should be fixed. (1) /
Other health factors (e.g. smoking, fitness, stress) of the participants should be controlled
the same. (1) /
The participants should have the same BMI at the start of the investigation. (1) /
Each participant should have the same type of breakfast throughout the investigation. (1) /
Body mass should be measured at the same time of the day. (1)
(Any two, 2)
(c) Those participants who ate no breakfast had the third highest BMI / a higher mean BMI
than most other groups. (1)
Their mean BMI is 1.5 higher than those who ate cooked cereal / 0.5 higher than those
who ate fruit and vegetables / 0.5 higher than those who ate bread / 0.85 higher than those
who ate ready-to-eat cereal. (1)
20. (a) (i) Men have a larger body size than women. (1) /
Men tend to do more exercise (or are more physically active). (1) /
Men have a higher proportion of muscles (or lower proportion of fat). (1) /
Men have a higher metabolic rate. (1)
(Any two, 2)
(d) The actual amount of protein needed varies with body size (or height / mass / age). (1) /
Children need more protein when they are growing. (1) /
Children may need more protein after injury or illness. (1)
(Any two, 2)
Essay (p.6-44)
21. HKDSEE Biology 2014 Paper 1 Section B Q11