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Attachment 1-A: Inventory of LGU Functions, Services, and Facilities for Provinces/Cities/Municipalities
[1] LGUs legal basis for the devolved responsibilities.
Enumeration of devolved functions and services according to Section 17 of the LGC and other pertinent laws on devolution,
[2] and/or functions and services that LGUs will fully assume with reference to LGU consultations with NGAs concerned and NGA
DTPs, if available.
[3] Indicate if the LGU is already performing the devolved responsibilities or not.
[4] The specific program, project, or activity being implemented by the LGU under the devolved functions and services.
If LGU is already performing the devolved responsibilities, indicate the LGU office or unit responsible for the delivery of
devolved responsibilities.
[6] If LGU is already performing the devolved responsibilities, indicate the staff complement and number of positions.