What Is SiRAC (ENG) Final
What Is SiRAC (ENG) Final
What Is SiRAC (ENG) Final
Assessment (SiRAC)
Control No specialist
Conduct Chemical Health Risk approach advice
Assessment (CHRA) 1, 2 or 3? (control
approach 4)
What is SiRAC?
Develop action plan
Chemical Management Division
Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH)
Level 1, 3, 4 & 5, Block D4, Complex D,
Government Administrative Centre,
62530 W. P. Putrajaya Chemical Management Division
Email: [email protected] | Tel: +603 8886 5088| Fax: +603 8889 2351 Department of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH)
Regulations 9, USECHH 2000
“An employer shall not carry out any work which may expose or is likely to
expose any employee to any chemical hazardous to health unless he has made a
written assessment of the risks created by the chemical to the health of the
Person to Conduct SiRAC
There are two (2) approaches of assessment: have adequate knowledge, training and expertise in
Full Assessment – using method of “Chemical Health Risk Assessment” understanding hazard and risk;
(CHRA); and know how the work activity uses chemicals hazardous to health;
Simple Assessment – using method of “Simple Risk Assessment and Control have the ability and the authority to collate all the necessary,
for Chemicals” (SiRAC) relevant information;
have the knowledge, skills and experience to make the right
decisions about the risks and the precautions that are needed;
Simple Assessment know how to interpret Safety Data Sheets (SDS);
have knowledge on chemical control measures;
Alternative for conducting a chemical risk assessment. know basic requirement of OSHA, USECHH Regulations and
A process of grouping workplace risks into control bands based on relevant guidelines;
combination of hazard and exposure information (“Control Banding” have knowledge on the SiRAC manual; and
approach). undergone SiRAC training programme by approved training
Simplified methodology. providers.