Ve GL Hirarc
Ve GL Hirarc
Ve GL Hirarc
for Hazard
Risk Assessment
and Risk Control
JKKP DP 127/789/4-47
ISBN 978-983-2014-62-1
• D e p ar tment of O c c up ati on a l S afe ty an d He a lt h •
HIRARC • Guidelines for Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control •
JKKP DP 127/789/4-47
ISBN 978-983-2014-62-1
• D e p ar tment of O c c up ati ona l S afe ty and He a lt h •
HIRARC • Guidelines for Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control •
n recent years, Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control
(HIRARC) has become fundamental to the practice of planning, management
and the operation of a business as a basic of risk management. The organizations
that have carried out risk assessment at the work place have noted numerous changes
in their working practice. Those who have already carried out risk assessment in
their work, have reported positive changes in their working practice, they recognize
substandard act and working condition as they develop and take necessary corrective
action. Legislation requires that this process should be systematic and be recorded
so that the results are reliable and the analysis complete. The risk assessment process
should be continuous and should not be regarded as a one-off exercise.
The Department would like to thank all the staff from Major Hazard Division for
their effort and contribution in the preparation of this guideline.
Director General
Department of Occupational Safety and Health,
Page Numbers
Table of PREFACE
1. Purpose 5
Contents 2. Term and Definitions
3. Basic Concepts
3.1 What is risk?
4. Planning And Conducting Of HIRARC 6
4.1 Purpose of HIRARC
4.2 Planning of HIRARC Activities
4.3 Process of HIRARC
4.3.1 Classify Work Activities 7
4.3.2 Hazard Identifications Health Hazards Safety Hazards 8 Environmental Hazards Hazard Identification Technique The hazard identification and
assessment methodology 9
4.3.3 Analyze and Estimate Risk Probability of an Occurrence 10 Severity of Consequence 11 Risk assessment 12
5. Control
5.1 Selecting a Suitable Control 13
5.2 Types of Control
5.2.1 At the source of the hazard
5.2.2 Engineering control 14
5.2.3 Administrative controls
5.2.4 Personal Protective Equipment 15
5.3 Monitoring Controls
5.4 Safe work Procedures
5.5 Personal Protective Equipment 16
The purpose of this guideline is to provide a systematic and objective approach to assessing
hazards and their associated risks that will provide an objective measure of an identified
hazard as well as provide a method to control the risk. It is one of the general duties as
prescribed under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994 (Act 514) for the employer
to provide a safe workplaces to their employees and other related person.
Likelihood is an event likely to occur within the specific period or in specified circumstances
Severity is outcome from an event such as severity of injury or health of people, or damage
to property, or insult to environment, or any combination of those caused by the event.
Identify Hazards
Risk Assessment
Prepare Risk Control Action Plan
(If Necessary)
hazards include chemicals (such as battery acid and solvents), biological hazards (such as
bacteria, viruses, dusts and molds), physical agents (energy sources strong enough to harm
the body, such as electric currents, heat, light, vibration, noise and radiation) and work
design (ergonomic) hazards.
hazard identification and assessment methodology shall include -
a. Steps and time frame for identifying and assessing the hazards.
One must define the steps for the identification of hazards and a time frame for
this identification. The following information should be included -
i. who will be responsible for the identification: for example, it may be the work
place health and safety committee, or an individual or individuals appointed
by the committee;
ii. the way in which the identification reports are processed: for example,
they may be compiled and processed by the commit tee, or by individuals
appointed by the committee; and
iii. the identification time frame: for example, the identification of hazards for
workshop A must be completed in December, for workshop B in April and
for workshop C in November.
b. The keeping of a record of the hazards.
After having identified the hazards, one must establish and maintain an
identification record, either in print or electronic format.
c. A time frame for reviewing and, if necessary, revising the methodology.
The date for the review of the identification: for example, the review of the identification
method will be carried out every three years.
To complete hazard identification, one can use techniques to identify hazards. Some
examples of techniques include, but are not limited to -
i. work place inspections;
ii. task safety analysis or job hazard analysis;
iii. preliminary investigations;
iv. potential accident factors;
v. failure analysis;
vi. accident and incident investigations.
It is in your interest to adopt your own process and your own identification techniques
so that they match oner management procedures and the size of business. In fact, the
identification method may vary depending on the size of the work place.
A qualitative analysis uses words to describe the magnitude of potential severity and the
likelihood that those severity will occur. These scales can be adapted or adjusted to suit the
circumstances and different descriptions may be used for different risks. This method uses
expert knowledge and experience to determine likelihood and severity category.
In semi-quantitative analysis, qualitative scales such as those described above are given
values. The objective is to produce a more expanded ranking scale than is usually achieved
in qualitative analysis, not to suggest realistic values for risk such as is attempted in
quantitative analysis.
Quantitative analysis uses numerical values (rather than the descriptive scales used in
qualitative and semi-quantitative analysis) for both severity and likelihood using data
from a variety of sources such as past accident experience and from scientific research.
Severity may be determined by modeling the outcomes of an event or set of events, or by
extrapolation from experimental studies or past data. Severity may be expressed in terms
of monetary, technical or human impact criteria, or any of the other criteria. The way in
which severity and likelihood are expressed and the ways in which they are combined to
provide a level of risk will vary according to the type of risk and the purpose for which the
risk assessment output is to be used.
Table A
Severity can be divided into five categories. Severity are based upon an increasing level
of severity to an individual’s health, the environment, or to property. Table B indicates
severity by using the following table:
Risk can be presented in variety of ways to communicate the results of analysis to make
decision on risk control. For risk analysis that uses likelihood and severity in qualitative
method, presenting result in a risk matrix is a very effective way of communicating the
distribution of the risk throughout a plant and area in a workplace.
Risk can be calculated using the following formula:
L x S = Relative Risk
L = Likelihood
S = Severity
Severity (S)
Likelihood (L) 1 2 3 4 5
5 5 10 15 20 25
4 4 8 12 16 20
3 3 6 9 12 15
2 2 4 6 8 10
1 1 2 3 4 5
Table C
To use this matrix, first find the severity column that best describes the outcome of risk.
Then follow the likelihood row to find the description that best suits the likelihood that the
severity will occur. The risk level is given in the box where the row and column meet.
The relative risk value can be used to prioritize necessary actions to effectively manage
work place hazards. Table D determines priority based on the following ranges:
15 - 25 HIGH
A HIGH risk requires immediate action to control the
hazard as detailed in the hierarchy of control. Actions
taken must be documented on the risk assessment
form including date for completion.
Table D
Hazards assessed, as “High Risk” must have immediate actions, to resolve risk to life safety
and or the environment. Individuals responsible for required action, including follow up
must be clearly identified. A further detail risk assessment method may require such as
quantitative risk assessment as means of determine suitable controls measures.
5.0 Control
Definition: Control is the elimination or inactivation of a hazard in a manner such that
the hazard does not pose a risk to workers who have to enter into an area or work on
equipment in the course of scheduled work.
Hazards should be controlled at their source (where the problem is created). The closer
a control to the source of the hazard is the better. This method is often referred to as
applying engineering controls. If this does not work, hazards can often be controlled
along the path to the worker, between the source and the worker. This method can be
referred to as applying administrative controls. If this is not possible, hazards must be
controlled at the level of the worker through the use of personal protective equipment
(PPE), although this is the least desirable control.
5.1 Selecting a suitable control
Selecting a control often involves –
a. evaluating and selecting short and long term controls;
b. implementing short-term measures to protect workers until permanent controls
can be put in place; and
c. implementing long term controls when reasonably practicable.
For example, suppose a noise hazard is identified. Short-term controls might require
workers to use hearing protection. Long term, permanent controls might remove or
isolate the noise source.
5.2 Types of Control
5.2.1 At the source of the hazard
a. Elimination - Getting rid of a hazardous job, tool, process, machine or substance
is perhaps the best way of protecting workers. For example, a salvage firm might
decide to stop buying and cutting up scrapped bulk fuel tanks due to explosion
b. Substitution - Sometimes doing the same work in a less hazardous way is possible.
For example, a hazardous chemical can be replaced with a less hazardous one.
Controls must protect workers from any new hazards that are created.
f. where two or more workers required for a job, and each must perform specific
tasks simultaneously; and
g. specific tasks are done infrequently.
PPE is usually chosen to provide protection appropriate to each of type of hazard present.
There are specifications for the types of PPE used for protecting an individual’s head,
eyes, footwear, limb and body, fire retardant clothing, respiratory, hearing, and personal
flotation devices.
It may also include required apparel for example when traffic hazards are present high
visible and distinguishable “vests must be worn”
6.0 Documenting HIRARC
6.1 Responsibility and accountability
Proper management of hazards sporadically identified in the workplace can be done
through effective process. Ultimately, the individual or team who identified the hazard
must ensure proper communication of the hazard to the appropriate workplace authority
(manager, department head, or designated person). Each HIRARC must be fully
documented. The HIRARC form must be completed by the HIRARC team and signed
by the in charge personnel of the area. Departments responsible for the hazards and their
control are required to maintain all records of assessments for at least 3 years. (In some
cases, legislative requirements will determine the minimum time to retain records).
The appropriate authority is responsible for ensuring that effective and timely controls are
applied to the hazard and communicating the results back to the originator. Management
or employer must endorse and approve the HIRARC results. Employer must communicate
all HIRARC to employees, monitor the follow up action and keep the records. The HIRARC
Form (see APPENDIX C) is an example to document the HIRARC process.
6.2 Documenting process
Instructions to team leader and persons conducting HIRARC -
a. complete HIRARC Form. It is recommended to use a single form for each work
b. record the names and designation of HIRAC team members;
c. outline the process workflow and indicate in the form under ‘process/ location
e. list all activities ( routine and non-routine) for each work process under the “Work
Activity” column;
f. identify the hazards associated with each activity and record in “Hazard” column;
g. determine the effect of each hazard identified and record in “Effect” column;
h. record any existing hazard control measures;
i. determine likelihood (L) from Table A and severity (S) from Table B for each
hazard. Assign P and C rating in respectively column. The existing control
measures should be take into consideration while determine (L) and (S);
j. by using Risk Matrix ( Table C and D ) assign one risk and record in “Risk”
k. based on the risk assigned, recommend appropriate risk control measures ( see
Table D);
l. assign a suitable person to implement the recommended risk control and indicate
the follow up action date and status;
m. repeat the HIRARC for other activities and process;
n. conduct another round of HIRARC after control measures have been implemented;
o. review HIRARC for every three years or whenever there are changes in process or
7.0 Consultation
If practicable, there must be consultation with the relevant health and safety
representative(s) when identifying, assessing and controlling risks. Consulting directly
with employees and drawing on their experience and knowledge is more effective in
reducing risk.
8.0 Training
Information, instruction and training provide employees with the skills and knowledge to
perform their work in a manner that is safe and without risks to health. It enables them
to -
a. follow health and safety procedures;
b. use risk controls set in place for their protection; and
c. have an appreciation of the nature of the hazard; the risks associated with their
use; and the reason why risk controls are used.
Managers, Supervisors Health and Safety Representatives and others who may be required
to perform risk assessments by agreement with management shall be trained in hazard
identification risk assessment and control methods. They must be trained in the risk
assessment process and be familiar with -
i. the regulations associated with the hazard;
ii. have a practical understanding of the work hazards; and
iii. consult with the Health and Safety Representative.
of Workplace Hazards
The Hazard Identification listed is to assist in the identification of hazards in the work place.
This table provides some additional explanation of the meaning of the hazard classifications.
Adequate Access Refers to adequate access to, from and within the
Air Conditioning Refers to uncontaminated air in the work space
Confined Spaces Means enclosed work space where people do not normally
work (defined in standards)
Temperature Extremes:
a) Heat This includes contact with hot objects, hyperthermia, fire
(Not explosions)
b) Cold This includes contact with cold objects and hypothermia
Lighting Refers to adequate illumination for the particular work
being done
Mental Stress Includes bullying, workplace violence, shift work, excessive
work loads
Dehydration Adequate water supply for the individuals while working
Electrical Includes contact with exposed wires and contact with high
Gravity Includes falls, trips and slips of persons as well as objects
falling, working at heights
Kinetic Energy:
a) The body hitting objects Hitting objects with part of the body
b) Hit by moving objects Being hit by moving objects but excluding falling objects
c) Explosion An explosion may also include heat as a hazard
d) Penetrating objects This includes all objects that can penetrate including
Vibration Includes vibration to parts or to the whole body
Acoustic/Noise Includes exposure to single, sudden sound or long term
Pressure Pressure in hydraulic and pneumatic systems
Vehicles Being caught between, struck by or against vehicles
(includes fork lifts)
Mobile and Fixed Plant Being caught between, struck by or against plant (defined
in legislation)
Biological /Microbiological Includes bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic or human/animal
tissue/fluids blood products
Structure Collapse Loss of building
Structure Damage Wall crumbling
System Component Loss of monitoring system or suppression system
Water Damage Plumbing leak,
Utility Disruption Loss of essential services - gas, electricity, water
Checklist for Workplace Hazard Examples
Company: Conducted by:
Process / Location: (Name, designation)
Approved by: Date: (from... to ...)
(Name, designation)
Date: Review Date: Next Review Date:
• Guidelines for Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control •
Company: 2F Furniture Entp Conducted by: Mr. S (Supervisor), Miss M & Mr. L (Operator)
Process / Location: Wood cutting/Panel Sect. (Name, designation) 24 Jun 2007 to 28 July 2007
Approved by: Mr. K Date: (from... to ...)
(Name, designation) (Manager)
Operating the Unguarded Hand get caught into rotating parts / Safe work practice, daily To Fix L-guard Chia (26 Ogos 2007)
machine machine amputation pre-use check and regular 12
2 4 3 (Medium) / In progress
Flying Serious cuts & eye injuries by flying Warning signs; Training, 12 Use stronger blades; Mutu (26 Ogos 2007)
4 3 (Medium) To Fix L-guard / completed
fragments fragments of blades that break during cutting Safety goggles
Unloading cut wood Heavy load Muscular strain / back pain Manual lifting procedure 3 1 3 Use mechanical lifter
3 (Low) Ali (20 Ogos 2007) / KIV
Repair and Unguarde Serious cuts from blade & getting cought Cover ‘on button’ Safe work 4 4 16 To make delay start Ahmad (18 Ogos 2007)
4 maintenance of the machine; in rotating parts if machine is practice (High) button / completed
machine unsafe work accidentally started
Worked example
Scenario 2: Wall exterior plastering work
A group of three workers was instructed to do plastering work at exterior wall at first floor of the building. Their work includes
erecting working platform, wall plastering with concrete and do clearing work. (Caution: This example may not be applicable to
similar work in your workplace).
Company: 3D Construction Eng. Entp. Conducted by: Mr. B (Supervisor), Mr. S & Mr. R (Plasterer)
Process / Location: Plastering Work/Exterior Wall. (Name, designation) 24 Jun 2007 to 30 July 2007
Approved by: Mr. J Date: (from... to ...)
(Name, designation) (Site Manager)
Date: 25 Julai 2007 Review Date: 1. 2.
Clearing unused material Sharp object Finger cut Nil 3 1 3 (low) Use leather glove, use tool 26 July 07 in progress
Example of Hazard Identification Technique
A. Job Hazard Analysis
Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) breaks a job or task into specific steps, analyzes each step for
specific hazards, develops safe work procedures to eliminate or reduce those hazards, and
integrates safe work procedures into safety and health programs. JHAs must be developed
for each job or task. Supervisors and workers must complete the JHA together.
Basic Steps - Job Hazard Analysis is broken down into 6 major steps:
a. Select the job task to be analyzed.
rioritize which job tasks to analyze. Those job tasks where accidents and injuries
are occurring should be analyzed first. Look at job tasks where there is a potential for
serious injury. Look at new job tasks, these are important if a new process requires the
development of new procedures and job tasks
ii. Eliminate the Hazard - Substitute with less hazardous substance/ material
v. Reduce Worker Exposure - This is the least effective option in most cases, but
may have to be used when permanent work process change is impossible or
impracticable. Examples of this option include job rotation, where worker exposure
is reduced, and the provision of personal protective equipment (PPE) to workers.
e. Develop a worker-training program
Reformat the job hazard analysis into a training program to help the employee
eliminate or reduce hazards.
f. Re-evaluation
Re-evaluate the job descriptions and modify the job hazard analysis’ accordingly
iv. Are there any chemical, physical, biological, or radiation hazards associ ated with
the job or likely to develop?
vi. Is there excessive noise in the work area, hindering worker communication or
causing hearing loss?
vii. Are job procedures known and are they followed or modified?
ix. Are trucks or motorized vehicles properly equipped with brakes, overhead guards,
backup signals, horns, steering gear, and identification, as necessary?
x. Are all employees operating vehicles and equipment properly trained and
xi. Are employees wearing proper personal protective equipment for the jobs they are
xiv. Have tests been made for oxygen deficiency and toxic fumes in confined spaces
before entry?
xv. Are work stations and tools designed to prevent back and wrist injuries?
xvi. Are employees trained in the event of a fire, explosion, or toxic gas release?
Naturally this list is by no means complete as each worksite has its own requirements and
environmental conditions. You should add your own questions to the list. Photographs,
if appropriate, may be used in creating a more detailed analysis of the work environment.
d. Breaking the Job Down
Nearly every job can be broken down into job tasks or steps. In the first part of the
job hazard analysis, list each step of the job in order of occurrence as you watch the
employee performing the job. Be sure to record enough information to describe each
job action, but do not make the breakdown too detailed. Later, go over the job steps
with the employee.
e. Identifying Hazards
After you have recorded the job steps, next examine each step to determine the hazards
that exist or that might occur. Ask yourself these kinds of questions:
i. Is the worker wearing personal protective clothing and equipment, including
safety harnesses that are appropriate for the job?
ii. Are work positions, machinery, pits or holes, and hazardous operations adequately
iii. Are lockout procedures used for machinery deactivation during mainte nance
iv. Is the worker wearing clothing or jewelry that could get caught in the machinery
or otherwise cause a hazard?
v. Are there fixed objects that may cause injury, such as sharp machine edges?
vi. Is the flow of work improperly organized (e.g., Is the worker required to make
movements that are too rapid)?
viii. Can the worker be injured by reaching over moving machinery parts or
xi. Is the worker required to make movements that could lead to or cause hand or
foot injuries, or strain from lifting— the hazards of repetitive motions?
xii. Can the worker be struck by an object or lean against or strike a machine part or
xiv. Can the worker be injured from lifting or pulling objects, or from carrying heavy
Repeat the job observation as often as necessary until all hazards have been identified.
1. Determine Improper oxygen level Establish confined space entry procedures (Code of
what is in the Chemical exposure - Practice for confine space).
tank, what Gas, dust, vapor - • Obtain work permit signed by safety, maintenance,
process is irritant, toxic and supervisors.
going on in Liquid - irritant, toxic, • Test air by qualified person.
the tank, and corrosive, heated • Ventilate to 19.5% -23.5% oxygen and less than 10%
what hazards Solid - irritant, LEL of any flammable gas. Steaming inside of tank,
this can pose. corrosive flushing and draining, then ventilating, as previously
Moving blades/ described, may be required.
equipment • Provide appropriate respiratory equipment - SCBA or
air line respirator.
• Provide protective clothing for head, eyes, body, and
• Provide harness and lifeline. (Reference: ......).
• Tanks should be cleaned from outside, if possible.
3. Set up Hoses, cord, equipment • Arrange hoses, cords, lines, and equipment in orderly
equipment - tripping hazards. fashion, with room to manoeuvre safely.
Electrical - voltage • Use ground-fault circuit interrupter.
too high, exposed • Lockout and tag mixing motor, if present.
Motors not locked out
and tagged.
4. Install ladder Ladder slipping. • Secure to manhole top or rigid structure.
in tank.
6. Place Trip or fall. Use mechanical-handling equipment.
equipment • Provide guardrails around work positions at tank top.
at tank-entry • Provide personal protective equipment for conditions
position. found. (Reference:......).
8. Cleaning Reaction to chemicals, Provide protective clothing and equipment for all
tank. causing mist or operators and helpers.
expulsion of air • Provide lighting for tank (Class I, Div. 1).
contaminant. • Provide exhaust ventilation.
• Provide air supply to interior of tank.
• Frequent monitoring of air in tank.
• Replace operator or provide rest periods.
• Provide means of communication to get help, if needed.
• Provide tow-man standby for any emergency.