Keep Locked Out of Reach of Children. Fungia Mbali Na Watoto

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COMMERCIAL AND AGRICULTURAL Date of manufacture/Tarehe ya

CLASS. L1017491 KENY/01U PPE 4062518 kutengeneza:

Batch no./Nambari ya kifurushi:
Distributor / Wauzaji:
FUNGIA MBALI NA WATOTO. Syngenta East Africa Ltd.
P.O. Box 30393
SOMA MAELEZO YOTE KWENYE FURUSI Suspo-Emulsion Tel.: 254-0703018000/9000
NA UKURUSA ULIOBANDIKWA KWA Herbicide for pre- and Fax: 254-020-3007885
FURUSI. early post-emergence
Shelf life: 2 years from date of manufacture in control of grasses
original sealed containers. and broad leaf weeds in
sugarcane and maize
Maisha rafuni: Miaka miwili kuanzia tarehe
ya kutengenezwa ikiwa imehifadhiwa katika Huchanganyika na maji
viwekeo vyake asili vilivyofungwa vizuri. Kiuamagugu kwa ajili ya kuzuia magugu
ya aina ya nyasi na majani mapana
In case of an emergency kwenye mahindi na miwa.
Call Toll free No.:
Kukiwa na jambo la dharura piga simu GUARANTEE: / DHAMANA:
isiotozwa Nambari: Mesotrione: 37.5 g/lt, S-metolachlor: 375 g/lt,
0800 720 021 / 0800 730 030 (24 hr). Terbuthylazine: 125 g/lt.
® Registered Trademark PCPB(CR) 0556
of a Syngenta Group Company

Manufacturer: / Watengenezaji:
Net Content: 1 Litre
Syngenta Crop Protection AG Ujazo: Lita 1
Basle, Switzerland

L1017491_275x122_lft_BA.indd 1 25/01/16 17:13

Suspo-Emulsion. Sedges this herbicide and other herbicides. As the active ingredients in Lumax® DIRECTIONS FOR USE
Cyperus esculentus act in three different modes of action this forms an excellent resistance On sugarcane Lumax® can be used on plant and ratoon cane as pre and
Herbicide for pre- and early post-emergence control of grasses and Broad leaf weeds management strategy. However use in rotation with other herbicides with post emergence application. Lumax® can be used in all maize tillage sys-
broad leaf weeds in sugarcane and maize. Abutilon theophrasti....................................Datura stramonium different modes of action and in combination with cultural methods is the tems from conventional to no till. A burndown herbicide such as Gramox-
Amaranthus spp..........................................Galinsoga parviflora best defence against development of resistant weeds. one® or Touchdown Forte® may be tank mixed with Lumax® if emerged
Active ingredient content Ambrosia spp..............................................Ipomea hederacea weeds are present at the time of application.
Mesotrione: 37.5 g/lt + S-metolachlor: 375 g/lt + Terbuthylazine: 125 g/lt. Atriplex patula..............................................Polygonum spp. Rotation and minimum re-cropping interval: Maize maybe replanted im-
Cannabis sativa...........................................Portulaca oleracea mediately while sunflower may be planted (ploughing required), following CROP Time of application Rate of application
Mode of Action: Lumax is a selective herbicide with three active ingre-
Capsella bursa-pastoris...............................Richardia scabra application of Lumax® to maize in the previous year. Do not plant alfalfa, lt/ha
dients all with different bio chemical modes of action and mechanism of Chenopodium album...................................Solanum spp. tobacco, potato, vegetables, peas, beans or small seeded legumes within Sugarcane plant Pre- to early post-emergence 4
uptake. Cirsium arvense...........................................Sonchus arvensis 18 months following application of Lumax®. Do not follow Lumax® with ap- to weeds
Mesotrione acts by blocking the function of the essential plant enzyme plications of other mesotrione or sulcotrione containing products within the * Sugarcane Pre- to early post-emergence 4
HPPD and is taken up by the roots, shoots and leaves of weed seedlings. Tolerance same growing season. ratoon to weeds
S-metolachlor is an inhibitor of cell division and elongation. Mainly taken Lumax® gives excellent crop tolerance when applied up to 10 days pre- Maize Pre-emergence 4
up by the shoots of germinating seedlings with some uptake via the roots. planting, pre-emergence or early post emergence of maize and sugar- Additives: The post-emergence activity of Lumax® can be improved es-
Terbuthylazine is an inhibitor of photosynthesis. Mainly taken up by the cane. pecially, by use of non-ionic surfactant or crop oil concentrate. Use of ni- * In ratoon and in early post emergence situations it can be tank mixed
roots of weed seedlings but some uptake occur via the leaves or shoots. trogen based adjuvants (AMS or UAN) or methylated seed oil may result in with Gramoxone® 0.5 lt/ha or Touchdown Forte® 1 tr/ha to kill emerged
severe crop injury if applied after crop emergence. weeds. Tank mix with Gramoxone® in ratoon cane can cause damage to
Spectrum of Activity cane so should be used inter-row. Do not apply later than spike stage of
• Lumax® should not be applied either post emergence in a tank mix with
Lumax® is active against a wide spectrum of the key grass and broadleaf the crop.
an organophosphate or carbamate insecticide or if the crop has been
weeds present in sugarcane and maize. Use rates range from 3.0-4.0 lt/ha
treated with an organophosphate or carbamate insecticide to prevent
depending on weed spectrum. For good control of grasses they should be 2-3 leaves without tillers and
crop damage.
• If there is no significant rainfall within 7 days of application the perfor- broad leaf weeds 4-6 leaf stages. Residual activity of 10-12 weeks can be
Grasses expected under favourable conditions.
mance of Lumax® maybe reduced.
Brachiaria platyphylla...................................Echinocloa crus-galli Lumax® can be used in drip irrigation cropping systems though it isn’t suffi-
• Do not graze or feed forage from treated areas 45 days following ap-
Cenchrus incertus.......................................Eleusine indica cient to activate and distribute Lumax® in the absence of rainfall. Overhead
Dactylocterinium aegyptium........................Eriochloa spp. irrigation should be at least 20 mm. It should not be used in flood irrigation
Digitaria spp................................................Setaria spp. systems other than for achieving post emergence knockdown. It reduces
Resistance Management: Naturally occurring biotypes of certain broad
Pannicum spp. the activity of Lumax®.
leaf species with resistance to triazines or ALS herbicides are known to ex-
ist. However no known resistance to the combination of herbicides in Lu-
max® exist and there are no known instances of cross resistance between
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L1017491_275x122_lft_BA.indd 3 25/01/16 17:13

Application Technique Precautions: FIRST AID: INSTRUCTIONS: If poisoning is suspected, stop work imme-
Spray equipment KEEP LOCKED OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN, unauthorised persons diately and call a physician. Show label to the physician. In case of contact
Lumax® may be applied with any medium or high volume sprayer, which and animals. with skin, remove contaminated clothing; wash affected body parts im-
is capable of adequate coverage and even distribution. Best results are mediately with plenty of water and soap. Rinse splashes from eyes with
obtained using flat fan-type nozzle with spray volumes of 200 lt/ha. AERIAL Operator safety: fresh clean water for 15 minutes. If inhaled move to clean air. If swallowed
APPLICATION IS NOT RECOMMENDED. Avoid any contact of skin, eyes or clothing. Avoid inhalation of vapour or repeatedly administer medicinal charcoal in plenty of water. Seek medical
spray mist. Do not eat or smoke while handling the product. Wash hands advice immediately.
Mixing: The spray tank must be clean, thoroughly rinsed and decontami- and face before eating, drinking or smoking. If indisposition occurs, stop NOTE: Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious patient and never
nated before adding Lumax®. work, follow First Aid measurers, and call a physician. induce vomiting.
Used alone: Add recommended amount to the spray tank when tank is Wear protective clothing and footwear during application. Wash off splash-
half full, add rest of the water or fluid fertiliser. Provide sufficient agitation es of concentrate and spray mixture. After work wash entire body thor- Antidote:
during mixing. oughly with soap. Clean protective clothing, equipment and shoes before No specific antidote is known. Apply symptomatic therapy.
Cleaning equipment after application In case of an emergency Call Toll free No.:
To avoid subsequent injury to crops other than sugarcane and maize, clean Environment and wildlife: 0800 720021 / 0800 730030 (24 hr).
application equipment thoroughly immediately after spraying. Avoid drift to other crops. DO NOT apply, drain or flush equipment on or
• Drain the spray system completely. Flush tank, hoses, boom and nozzles near trees or other plants. DO NOT contaminate water used for irrigation or NOTICE TO USER: This pest control product is to be used only in ac-
with clean water. domestic purposes and water areas such as ponds, ditches, lakes, drain- cordance with the directions on this label. It is an offence under the Pest
• When available use a pressure washer to clean the inside of the spray age systems. Newly treated areas must not be grazed and all livestock is Control Products Act to use or store a pest control product under unsafe
tank. 1/2 fill the spray tank with water and start agitation for at least 15 to be kept out. conditions.
min. Flush hoses, spray lines and nozzles for at least 1 min.
• Dispose the rinsate in an appropriate manner. Repeat the above steps. Product and container disposals: WARRANTY: Sellers guarantee is limited to the terms set out on the label
Remove nozzles, screens, strainers and clean separately in water. Rinse Do not re-use empty containers for any other purposes. Rinse the contain- and subject thereto, the buyer assumes the risk to persons or property
the whole system with water. ers several times and add the rinsate to the spray tank. Then dispose the arising from the use or handling of this product and accepts the product
containers in a landfill site or dispose of in a safe place. Stay away from in that condition.
Storage: Store away from sun and damp in original tightly closed contain- the smoke. Collect up spilt material thoroughly and dispose of it in a safe
ers in a well ventilated area. Avoid storage above +35°C. Prolonged stor- place. Rinse spill area with plenty of water. Dispose surplus product on a
age above +35°C may reduce shelf life and activity of the product. DO NOT landfill site approved for pesticides or dispose of away from water supplies.
stack in piles more than 2 m high to avoid product compaction or damage.

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Huchanganyika na maji. Ambrosia spp..............................................Ipomea hederacea Mzunguko wa mazao ya aina nyingine * Yaweza kuchanganywa na nusu lita Gramoxone® au lita 1 Touchdown
Kiuamagugu kwa ajili ya kuzuia magugu kwenye mahindi na miwa. Atriplex patula..............................................Polygonum spp. Mahindi yaweza kupandwa tena mara tu uotaji ukionekana uko mbaya bila Forte® ili kuua magugu yaliyokwisha kuota. Kuhakikisha Gramoxone®
Cannabis sativa...........................................Portulaca oleracea kurudia unyunyizaji wa Lumax®. Alizeti yaweza kupandwa baada ya kukat- haijadhuru miwa nyunyiza katikakati ya miwa.
Kiambato amalifu Capsella bursa-pastoris...............................Richardia scabra ua kunyunyIzwa Lumax® msimu uliopita. Usipande tumbaku, viazi, mboga, Ili kuamgamiza nyasi matawi yake yawe 2-3 na kwa magugu yenye matawi
Mesotrione 37.5 g/lt + S-metolachor 375 g/lt + Terbuthylazine 125 g/lt. Chenopodium album...................................Solanum spp. maharagwe au njegere na mikunde baada ya miezi 18 kupita baada ya kun- mapana yawe 4-6. Inafanya kazi wiki 10-12.
Cirsium arvense...........................................Sonchus arvensis yunyizwa Lumax®, au sivyo mazao yaweza kuathirika. Usinyunyize Lumax® Lumax® yaweze kutumika kwa drip irrigation ingawa matokeo yake si nzuri
Namna ya uamalifu: Lumax® ni kiuamagugu kinachoua magugu jamii ya na dawa zingine zenye mesotrione au sulcotrione katika msimu mmoja. mvua isiponyesha. Kwa overhead irrigation maji yawe angalau 20 mm.
nyasi na majani mapana katika miwa na mahindi. Lumax® ina dawa aina Ustahimilivu: Lumax® huvumiliwa vizuri na mazao ikiwa itanyunyizwa hadi Lumax® isitumike kwa flood irrigation kwani nguvu zake zinapunguzwa.
tatu na hufanya kazi kwa njia tofauti na huingia kwenye mimea kwa kupitia muda wa siku 10 kabla ya kupanda, kabla ya kuota au baada ya kuota kwa Nyongeza: Ufanyaji kazi wa Lumax® iliyonyunyizwa baada ya kuota hu-
njia tofauti. mahindi na miwa. weza kuboreshwa kwa kutumia vilowanisho. Hata hivyo kama mazao ya- MAELEZO JUU YA UNYUNYIZAJI
S-metolachlor huingia kwenye mimea kupitia mashine ya mbegu inayoota mesha ota vilowaanisho vitokanavyo na mafuta ya mbegu vyaweza kuathiri Bomba la kunyunyiza
na pia kwenye mizizi. Terbuthylazine huchukuliwa na mimea kupitia hasa Vikomo mazao kwa muda. Matumizi ya vilowanisho vyenye nitrogen (AMS au UAN) Bomba lolote lenye uwezo kwa mtawanyiko mzuri wa dawa lina weza ku-
kwenye mizizi lakini pia kupitia kwenye mashina au majani. Mesotrione hu- • Kiuawadudu chochote chaweza kutumika ikiwa Lumax® itanyunyizwa yaweza kudhuru mazao. tumika kwa unyunyizaji wa Lumax®. Matokeo mazuri hupatikana kwa ku-
fanya kazi kwa kuzui utendaji kazi wa kimenge’enyo cha mimea kiitwacho kabla ya mazao kuota. Kama ni baada ya mazao kuota isichanganywe na tumia vipenyo vya «flat fan». Tumia lita 200/ha za maji.
HPPD. viuwa wadudu wa jamii ya organophosphates au carbamates. MAELEZO JUU YA MATUMIZI
• Ikiwa hamna mvua siku 7 baada ya kunyunyizwa Lumax® ufanisi wake Miwa: Lumax® yaweza kutumika kwenye miwa ya kupanda au machipikizi. HAIPENDEKEZWI KUNYUNYIZA LUMAX® KWA NDEGE AU KUTOKA
Mweneo wa matumizi unaweza kupungua. Lumax® inyunyizwe kabla magugu hayajaota. Ikiwa itanyuyizwa baada ya ANGANI.
Lumax® ina mweneo mpana wa kuzuia magugu kwenye miwa na mahindi, • Usilishe mifugo kwenye shamba lililonyunyizwa Lumax® kabla ya siku 45 magugu kuota, wakati wa kunyunyiza ichanganywe na Gramoxone® au
kwa kiwango cha lita 3.0-4.0 kwa hekta kutegemea aina ya magugu. kupita baada ya kunyunyiza. Usivune mazao kabla ya siku 45 baada ya Touchdown Forte® ili kuua magugu yalikwisha kuota. Uchanganyikaji: Tanki la bomba lazima liwe safi lililooshwa vizuri na kutoa
kunyunyiza Lumax® zitimie. mabaki yote ya dawa kabla ya kuweka Lumax®.
Magugu aina ya nyasi Mahindi: Lumax® yaweza kutumika katika aina yoyote ya kilimo cha ma- Kama Lumax® itatumika peke yake weka kiasi kinachotakiwa kwenye tanki
Brachiaria platyphylla...................................Echinocloa crus-galli Kuzuia ukinzani: Matumizi ya dawa hii katika mzunguko na viuamagugu hindi kama vile kupanda bila kukatua na kilimo cha kukatua kabla ya ku- lililojazwa nusu kwa maji safi. Koroga vizuri, na kisha jazia kiasi kilichobaki
Cenchrus incertus.......................................Eleusine indica vya namna moja ya utendaji kazi yaweza kuleta ukinzani. panda. cha maji hadi kujaza tanki.
Dactylocterinium aegyptium........................Eriochloa spp. Aina fulani ya magugu ya jamii ya mboga zinajulikana kuwa na ukinzani Zao Wakati wa Kunyunyizia Kiasi cha dawa/ Kuchanganya na dawa zingine zingatia maelezo ya jinsi ya kuchanganya
Digitaria spp................................................Setaria spp. kwa viuamagugu vya triazines. Hata hivyo hakuna ukinzani unaojulikana ambayo yanayo weza kuwa tofauti na yaliotolewa hapa. Baada ya kuthibiti-
Pannicum spp. kwa kuchanganya dawa zilizomo kwenye Lumax®. Mbinu bora za matumizi sha utangamano wa dawa unazotaka kuchanganya jaza nusu tanki kwa
Ndago na utunzaji mzuri wa mazao vinaweza kupunguza uwezekano wa kuji- Miwa ya Ku- Kabla na baada ya magugu haya- 4 maji na tikisa wakati wote wa kuchanganya.
Cyperus esculentus tokeza ukinzani. panda jaota • Kama sumuchangwa ni aina ya poda tengeneza uji uji kwanza kwa ku-
Magugu ya mboga mboga * Miwa ya kabla na baada ya magugu haya- 4 koroga kwenye maji. Weka uji uji huo kwenye bomba kupitia kwenye ki-
Abutilon theophrasti....................................Datura stramonium maotea jaota chujo.
Amaranthus spp..........................................Galinsoga parviflora Mahindi kabla ya kuota 4

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• Kama sumuchangwa ya mmumunyo au aina ingine weka pole pole kwe- Baada ya kazi fua nguo zote ulizokuwa umevaa wakati wa kazi na oga Kukiwa na jambo la dharura piga simu isiotozwa Nambari:
nye tanki huku ukitisa. mwili kwa maji na sabuni. 0800 720021 / 0800 730030 (24 hr).
• Baada ya hayo weka Lumax®. Uchanganyaji wa dawa kwenye bomba la kunyunyizia ufanyike mahali pe-
• Weka Gramoxone® au Touchdown Forte® na kilowanisho mwisho kama nye hewa nyingi. ILANI KWA MTUMIAJI: Dawa hii ni sharti itumiwe kulingana na maagizo
kinahitajika. Malizia kujazia bomba kwa maji huku ukitikisa. yaliyo kwenye kibandiko. Ni hatia chini ya sheria za madawa ya kuangamiza
• Dawa iliyochanganywa haina budi kutumika siku hiyohiyo. Kama unyuny- Hifadhi ya mazingira: Hakikisha dawa haipeperushwi na kufikia mazao wadudu waharibifu kutumia au kuhifadhi dawa hii katika hali isiyo salama.
izaji utahairishwa kwa sababu zozote zile Lumax® yaweza kugandamana mengine. Usinyunyize, kumwaga au kuosha vyombo karibu au kwa miti au
chini ya tanki. mimea mingine. Usimwage dawa kwenye mifereji ya umwagiliaji au mtoni. DHAMANA: Dhamana ya muuzaji ni maelezo yaliyo kwenye kibandiko am-
Usilishe mifugo kwenye shamba lililonyunyizwa dawa. bayo ni lazima yafuatwe kikamilifu. Mnunuzi lazima akubali hatari zozote
Kusafisha bomba baada ya kunyunyiza zinazoweza kutokana a matumizi ya dawa hii kwa binadamu au mali na
Ili kuzuia uharibifu kwa mazao mengine tofauti na miwa na mahindi osha Kuvuja na kumwagika dawa: Ondoa udongo uliovujiwa au kumwagikiwa lazima aikubali dawa hii katika hali hiyo.
vifaa vyote vya kunyunyizia dawa mara tu baada ya kumaliza kazi. na dawa na utupe mahali salama mbali na vyanzo vya maji. Kusanya dawa
• Pitisha maji safi kwenye tanki, mipira na vipenyo. Tumia maji yenye msu- iliyomwagika na utupilie mahali pasipo na mazao na mbali na maji au mto.
kumo mkubwa kuosha ndani ya tanki la bomba. Suuza viwekeo na uweke maji yake kwenye tanki la bomba. Viponde, na
• Jaza 1/2 ya tanki la bomba na maji safi. Anza kusafisha ndani ya bomba uvitupilie mahali salama palipoidhinishwa.
na kuzungusha maji kwa muda usiopungua dakika 15. Osha mpira, vipe-
nyo na sehemu zote za bomba kwa angalau dakika 1. HUDUMA YA KWANZA: Ukijisihi sumu imekuingia, acha kazi mara moja
• Nyunyiza maji yaliyo safishia bomba shambani. Rudia sehemu 2-3. Ten- na fuata huduma ya kwanza. Endapo dawa imekumwangikia, vua nguo zi-
ganisha vipenyo, vichujio na sehemu zote za bomba na suuza na maji lizochafuka, nawa haraka kwa maji mengi na sabuni sehemu zote za mwili
safi. zilizopata dawa. Kama dawa imeingia kwenye macho, yasafishe kwa maji
safi kwa dakika 15. Kama umevuta utusitusi wa dawa, nenda kwenye se-
Kuhifadhi dawa: Dawa ihifadhiwe kwenye viwekeo vyake asilia, mahali pa- hemu yenye hewa nyingi. Endapo dawa imemezwa, mgonjwa apewe mkaa
kavu na penye kivuli na hewa ya kutosha. Usiweke sehemu ya joto lililozidi wa hospitali uliochanganywa na maji mengi. Daktari aitwe mara moja kama
35°C. Weka mbali na vyakula, vinywaji au chakula cha mifugo. Hifadhi pa- kiasi kikubwa cha dawa kimemezwa. Mgonjwa aliyetupa fahamu asilishwe
sipoweza kufikiwa na watoto na wanyama. au kunywenshwa kitu chochote kwa njia ya mdomo, na wala asitapishwe.
nayo na mifugo.
Makataa: Hakuna kinga maalum. Matibabu yafanyike kulingana na dalili
Usalama kwa wanaonyunyiza: Usijimwagie dawa. Vaa mavazi ya kinga za maumivu.
wakati wa kuchanganya dawa. Usivute sigara, wala kunywa au kula cho-
chote wakati unapofanya kazi na dawa. Nawa vizuri ndipo ufanye hivyo.

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