Edutainment With Computer Game As A Chemistry Learning Media

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Achmad Lutfi1, Suyono2, Erman3, dan Rusly Hidayah3

FMIPA Universitas Negeri Surabaya

E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The research aims to get answers to whether chemistry learning with
computer-based games as learning media can create fun learning (edutainment). The
study was conducted on students in three high schools in chemistry learning according to
plan, during the learning activities were observed by students, before and after learning
the learning outcomes tests and student questionnaires were conducted. The results
showed that learning activities were 90.4% to 92.0% as expected, 90% to 100% of
students stated that learning was fun with games as learning media, and learning
outcomes had achieved 93% to 100% classical completeness. These results indicate that
the use of computer-propelled games as chemical learning media can create chemical
learning that pleases students and can be used by teachers as an alternative to edutainment
chemistry learning.

Keywords: edutainment, game, chemistry, student-centered

INTRODUCTION Learning chemistry in 3
Edutainment is a fun learning (three) senior high schools obtained
process, one of which is by using the data that 40-50% of students stated
game so that students easily grasp that chemistry learning was
the essence of the learning without unpleasant, meaning that it needed
feeling they are learning. Learning improvement during chemistry
does not have to be a tedious or even learning. Students who wish to learn
painful process for students. that there is innovation means that
Learning success is highly dependent students want to learn more fun. 70%
on the strategies and methods used, -75% of students want learning
one of the alternatives used is media in the form of games that are
edutainment. With edutainment expected to help the learning process
students undergo the learning that is fun and helps understand
process but will not feel they are chemistry.
learning (Hamid, 2014). Active learning is all forms of
Meanwhile in the field of learning that allow students to play
psychology, Csikszntmihalyi (1998) an active role in the learning process
presented a flow theory and showed itself, both in an interactive form
the positive role of the game in between students and between
learning. Flow theory describes a students and teachers. Active
condition in which humans are learning is also one of the most
involved in an activity carried out effective ways to be able to provide a
with full concentration. In addition very effective learning atmosphere
Caillois (2001) also argues that play that provides an interactive,
is the center of human existence or interesting and fun learning
existence. atmosphere so that students are able
Permendikbud No. 22 of 2016 to absorb new knowledge and
states that the learning process in knowledge, and use it for their own
educational units including chemical benefit and their environment.
learning is held interactively, Learning media is something
inspirational, fun, challenging, that can be used to convey subject
motivating students to play an active matter, the media can provide
role, and providing sufficient space incentives for students to occur in the
for initiatives, creativity, and learning process. The better the
independence in accordance with learning media, the better and
their talents, interests, and physical maximum the ability of students to
development and student psychology receive and digest the material in
(BSNP, 2016). Badan Standar learning (Hamid, 2014). A good
Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP), as learning media must attract the
contained in the Century-XXI attention of students, can develop
National Education Paradigm, states student interest, according to the
that the National Education characteristics of students, according
Paradigm is democratic, nuanced, to student learning styles, and in
open-minded, challenging, accordance with the objectives to be
exercising a sense of responsibility, achieved (Lutfi, 2017).
will stimulate students to come to Every learning requires careful
school because they are happy, not planning in choosing learning media
by force. so that effective learning is obtained.
One medium that can be used is a includes students learning feels
computer-based game that allows in playing, students feel learning is
visual and verbal forms, each of easier, and students want to continue
which is related to episodic and learning, then research is done by
semantic memory, according to the using computer-propelled games as a
theory the Code predicts that chemical learning media to create
information can be remembered enjoyable learning without leaving
better than and has a contribution in learning objectives planned.
improving the quality of learning. METHODS
The presence of the game as a The study was conducted in 3
learning medium has a challenging (three) schools in chemical learning
and fun advantage that eventually by using computer games as learning
students can learn easily and feel media according to planned
happy in following the learning activities. The games used are
(Indriana, 2011). Through the game different in the three research
students can show their ability to locations and the game meets the
overcome problems and master the eligibility criteria, the class and
knowledge and skills learned school determination is done in a
(Pribadi, 2011). The game can random way. During learning,
provide a diverse learning experience observations were carried out on
and can be in a variety of classroom student activities, before and after
atmosphere from all classes to learning the learning outcomes test
individual activities. Games can also was carried out, and students
be an effective way to get students' questionnaire was given to get
attention to learn certain topics or responses to the use of the game as a
skills (Smaldino et al., 2012). This learning medium. The subject matter
means that chemical learning should and location of the study are
please students so they can achieve presented in Table 1.
learning goals.
For this reason, efforts are
needed so that edutainment which
Table 1 Research Subjects and Location

Number Matter Class School/group

1 Chemical Element XI SMA N Ponorogo (A)
2 Acid Base XI SMA N Sidoarjo (B)
3 Hydrocarbon XI SMA N Sidoarjo (C)

Data obtained during the study categories of positive and negative

included: (a) student learning questions, in a positive statement
activities, (b) student responses to getting a score of 1 if answered "yes"
chemistry learning by using games as and a negative statement will get a
learning media, and (c) student score of 1 if answering "no", the
learning outcomes test scores. score of the response is expressed in
Student activity data obtained each statement. Learning outcomes
were calculated as percentage of tests are arranged according to the
each aspect of student activity in learning objectives and student
each group. Questionnaire for learning outcomes calculated in the
student responses consists of classical completeness level in each
group, and tested the difference in percentage in each aspect of student
the average score between the initial responses and calculation results are
test and the final test. Questionnaires discussed qualitative description.
are arranged to determine students' RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
responses to the use of computer Student activities during
games as chemistry learning media, learning using games as learning
questionnaire results are calculated media are obtained as follows.

Table 2. Student Activities

Student activities
Number Student Activities Group A Group B Group C
(%) (%) (%)
1 Students complete the task according to the time provided. 20.3 22.5 23.5

2 Students use various strategies for gathering information 21.2 20.3 19.4
from the game used.
3 Students convey ideas clearly. 15.0 14.8 12.4

4 Students try to ask questions and answer questions that 11.6 10.3 11.0
arise in class.
5 Students try to keep trying to follow the flow of the game. 22.3 24.1 25.2

6 Students divert attention from teaching and learning 9.6 8.0 8.5
activities or irrelevant activities

The results above show active activities are outside learning

students while learning to use the activities, namely 8.0% to 9.6%.
game as a learning medium, it seems
that students want to continue to Student responses
follow the flow of the game and try The results of student
to find information from the game responses after learning chemistry
during the learning process. It is also using games as learning media are
seen that only a small proportion of presented in Table 3 below.

Table 3. Student Questionnaire Results

Number Statement
Group. Group. Group.
A/32 B/30 C/31
1* I felt that learning Chemistry was too long. 31 30 31
(97%) (100%) (100%)
2* I feel learning Chemistry with this boring game. 30 30 29
(94%) (100%) (93%)
3 After learning Chemistry with the game, I became more 29 29 30
happy with Chemistry. (91%) (97%) (97%)
4 I want to study Chemistry again with the game. 30 29 29
(94%) (97%) (97%)
5 I feel that learning Chemistry by playing earlier has 30 27 29
become easier. (94%) (90%) (97%)
Number Statement
Group. Group. Group.
A/32 B/30 C/31
6 If possible, I want to take the game home to study at 31 30 30
home. (97%) (100%) (97%)
7 I want to tell friends or parents about learning Chemistry. 32 28 29
(100%) (93%) (97%)
8* I want to study chemistry with the game immediately 30 30 29
stopped. (94%) (100%) (97%)
* Negative statement

The results of the questionnaire closest person, and want to continue

above show students do not feel the learning chemistry and playing.
time used is over, not boring, prefer Student Learning Outcomes
to learn, want to play while learning Student learning outcomes
again, and want to share the learning after taking chemistry learning using
experience with the game to the games as learning media are
presented in Table 4 below.

Table 4. Student Learning Outcomes

Number Group Number of Initial test Final test

students completeness completeness
(%) (%)
1 A 32 6.25 93,75
2 B 30 6.67 93,33
3 C 31 6,45 96.78

The results above show that the paired samples t test, for this reason,
final test had achieved the classical the normality of each group was
completeness of the three groups tested using the Kolmogorov-
even though at the beginning the Smirnov test assisted by the SPSS
initial test learning had not yet program. The following results were
reached completion. To test the obtained.
difference in the average score of the
initial and final tests is done with

Table 5. Results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Class A Score Class B Score Class C Score

Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final
Significance value 0.150 0.120 0.093 0.128 0.283 0.055

Based on the results in Table 5, class (Trihendradi, 2007). With the

it shows that the significance value is help of the SPSS program, the price
greater than 0.05, meaning that all of t is calculated to test the null
groups are normally distributed, so hypothesis (Ho), which is stated as
that they meet the requirements for the average initial test score and the
paired t tests on the scores of each
final score, the results of the calculation t are presented in Table 6.
Table 6. Results of Paired Samples t Test

Class A Class B Class C

Initial Final Initial Final Initial Final
Average 29.21 83.50 29.66 83.83 28.55 84.68
t value 14.37 13.72 17.22

The results of the paired t Poulsen (2011). The results of the

test above indicate that the value questionnaire can show students
of t in the area of rejection of the 'desire to continue to study
null hypothesis (Ho) means Ha is chemistry, games can increase
accepted, meaning that there is a motivation and increase students'
significant difference between the enthusiasm in learning so that the
average initial test score and the learning process becomes more
final test in class A, B, and C. This enjoyable (Virvou et al., 2005;
result means chemistry learning Lutfi, 2013). Other results based
using computer games showed a on the questionnaire show students
significant increase in scores in all are eager and eager to play and
three classes. learn again both at school and at
The data obtained above home, this shows students eager to
shows that during chemistry learn and motivate learning when
learning using games as learning students are familiar with playing
media makes students happy or (Agarwal & Saha, 2011).
makes the learning atmosphere The results of the
happy. Joy here means the rise of questionnaire showed conformity
student involvement in play and with the results of observations of
learning. Student activity is student activities, namely students
dominated by the expected felt happy to learn chemistry with
activities in the learning plan, games and students tried to
these results are in accordance continue to follow the flow of the
with the opinion of Suger & Suger game, and during learning students
(2002) which states the game as a were enthusiastic and interested in
learning medium can involve playing, these results were
students to interact with the consistent with the results of
material being studied. The Aprianto & Lutfi (2018), what is
observations of student activities stated as a learning media game
show conformity with the results creates fun learning for students
of the questionnaire, students want and teachers.
to continue playing even though Achieving the completeness
the available time has run out, of learning outcomes above is in
meaning students want to continue accordance with previous research
to complete the mission in the which states the game has
game. advantages over other media,
Students' interest during because the game makes learning
learning shows that the game used more interesting, not monotonous,
as a learning medium can attract and exciting (Freitas, 2010).
students to understand the concept Another opinion on the game as a
of chemical material, this result is learning media was revealed by
in accordance with the opinion of Beck & Wade (Ridoi, 2018) who
stated that the game can create a master the subject matter in a
good training environment to solve shorter period compared to
problems in a collaborative students who are less intelligent.
manner. Students who learn with This learning result also
games can show better visual, shows the suitability of student
psychomotor, and affective activities and the results of student
abilities (Aguilera & Mendiz, questionnaires that during
2003). The use of computer- chemistry learning using
assisted learning media has been computer-based games learning
able to help students overcome the activities are dominated by
difficulties of learning chemistry at students, students are interested
the submicroscopic level and this and always follow the gameplay so
is a result of the development of that student learning outcomes
representations of submicroscopic have reached classical
levels through visual media completeness.
(Farida, 2012). The results of other
studies also found that the use of CONCLUSIONS AND
computer-propelled games as SUGGESTIONS
learning media has been able to Conclusions
achieve thorough learning of These results indicate that the
chemistry on the topic of the use of computer games as chemical
nomenclature of inorganic learning media can create chemical
learning that pleases students, can
compounds (Lutfi & Hidayah,
create student-centered learning, can
2018). Student learning outcomes achieve mastery learning, and can
are still there that have not reached motivate students to study chemistry.
completeness, this can be possible Suggestions
because not all students can master The use of computer-propelled
the subject matter in the same time games as a chemical learning media
period, this is in accordance with can be used as a teacher as an
Majid's opinion (2016) that alternative to learning chemistry as
students who are smarter will edutainment.

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