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ISSN 2747-2671 (online)

Vol. 2 No. 6, 2022

Gamification in Education: Evoking Students’ Learning

Interest and Achievement in EFL Class
Gamifikasi dalam Pendidikan: Membangkitkan Minat dan Prestasi Belajar Siswa di Kelas EFL

Hendri Muzakkir, Kisman Salija, Muh. Asfah Rahman

Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar, Indonesia
*Penulis Koresponden: [email protected]

The main focus of this research was to know the improvement of the students’ learning interest and achievement by using
gamification in learning English. The data were collected by asking the students to fill out the questionnaire before and after being
given the treatment and answer questions at pretest and posttest. The objective of this study was to find out whether the students’
learning achievement and interest had an improvement or not. This study was a pre-experimental research design. The population
of this research was the eleventh-grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Barru in 2022/2023 academic year. The total number of
populations was 363 students. In selecting the sample of the research, the researcher used cluster random sampling technique. XI
MIPA 3 was chosen as experiment class which consists of 28 students. The instruments of this research were questionnaire and
students’ achievement test. The questionnaire was assessed and analyzed to determine the students’ interest in learning English.
The result of the data analysis showed that the students’ learning interest could increase from 75.37 average score to 82.47 average
score after given the treatment. Meanwhile, students’ achievement test was assessed and analyzed to determine the students’
achievement. The result of the data analysis showed that the students’ achievement could improve after being given the treatment.
It was proved by the mean score in pretest was 55.35 improved to 81.42 in posttest. Then the correlation between students’ interest
and their achievement is not significant (rxy = 0.148 < 0.374).

Keywords : Improving, Gamification, Learning English, Questionnaire

Fokus utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui peningkatan minat dan prestasi belajar siswa dengan menggunakan gamifikasi dalam
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara meminta siswa untuk mengisi angket sebelum dan sesudah diberikan
perlakuan dan menjawab pertanyaan pada saat pretest dan posttest. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah prestasi dan minat
belajar siswa mengalami peningkatan atau tidak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pra eksperimen dengan desain penelitian. Populasi
dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Barru Tahun Pelajaran 2022/2023. Jumlah total populasi adalah 363 siswa. Dalam
pemilihan sampel penelitian, peneliti menggunakan teknik cluster random sampling. XI MIPA 3 dipilih sebagai kelas eksperimen yang terdiri
dari 28 siswa. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah angket dan tes hasil belajar siswa. Kuesioner dinilai dan dianalisis untuk mengetahui minat
siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa minat belajar siswa dapat meningkat dari skor rata-rata 75,37
menjadi skor rata-rata 82,47 setelah diberikan perlakuan. Sedangkan tes prestasi belajar siswa dinilai dan dianalisis untuk mengetahui prestasi
belajar siswa. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa prestasi belajar siswa dapat meningkat setelah diberikan perlakuan. Hal ini dibuktikan
dengan nilai rata-rata pada pretest 55,35 meningkat menjadi 81,42 pada posttest. Kemudian hubungan antara minat siswa dengan prestasi
belajar tidak signifikan (rxy = 0,148 < 0,374).

Kata Kunci: Peningkatan, Gamifikasi, Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris, Kuesioner


1. INTRODUCTION To show that, Flores in 2015 presented the

implementation of six products or games in motivating
As we know, to achieve great result in English, and promoting learners to learn a second language,
students need the fundamental basic which is an namely Duolingo, Class Dojo, Edmodo, Zondle
interest in learning. Interest can boost students’ Socrative, and Brainscape. The results of reviewing
awareness and focus in learning so that they can have several pieces of research related to the
an improvement. Without an interest in learning, the implementation of gamification in ESL in which one of
learning process will not run properly. Interest is one them bravely to claim that students' grades improved
of the strongest motivations for learning English, and 9%, and the number of students who failed the course
motivation has been identified as one of the main decreased by 16%. Similarly, Mufidah in 2016 stated in
factors affecting English language learning (Gardner, the result of her research that gamified learning
1985). Meanwhile (Idit Katz et al., 2006) call interest as brought positive impacts to the learners. The gamified
intrinsic interest or intrinsic value defined as “the learning activities that she used were effective in
enjoyment people experience when doing task, or their promoting students' grammar achievements, as well as
subjective interest in the content of the task”. Intrinsic to enhance students' engagement in the preparation
interest may enable children to remain occupied in a class. Likewise, Tan in 2018 investigated Kahoot! as the
task without receiving immediate feedback because it gamified product to boost the learning environment
can allow them to perceive the task as enjoyable and as among English learners in higher education in
containing personally meaningful information, which Malaysia found that Kahoot! beneficial in inducing
they can connect with various issues that interest them. motivation and engagement, as well as fostering and
In addition, children who have an interest in a certain reinforcing learning for both theoretical and practical
topic, might be able to rely on internal cues as to how aspects. The results reflected the respondents' attitudes
well they are doing due to their experience with similar towards Kahoot! was notably positive, with a
tasks. percentage of 100%.

If we talk about students’ interest, game is definitely in As a consequence of this pandemic which has
high list. Better learning occurs when students want to happened for almost 2 years causing many students
engage in activities because of a motivation to learn. are stressful to learn virtually. Many students lose their
That is where games come into the equation. Games spirits and interests to learn at their houses. They
can provide an emotional tie to our lesson and a reason prefer playing battle royale games instead of playing
to engage. If not overused, it can arise emotional brain teaser game. Then, it becomes the reason for
responses. Emotion increases attention and retention. researcher to conduct this research in one of favorite
When playing games, students become more engaged school on Barru Regency.
in their learning, taught content is reinforced and class
positivity is increased. Based on the observation that has been done by the
researcher in UPT SMA Negeri 1 Barru, it has showed
Gamification of education is a strategy for increasing that most of learners get trouble in finishing their
engagement by incorporating game elements into an assignments from their teachers since they are addicted
educational environment (Dichev and Dicheva, 2017). playing games than learning or doing their tasks. Thus,
The goal is to generate levels of involvement equal to it triggers the researcher to do research whether
what games can usually produce (Fardo, 2014). The applying gamification can increase students’ interest in
main goals of gamification are to enhance certain learning English or not at all.
abilities, introduce objectives that give learning a
purpose, engage students, optimize learning, support Based on the description and explanation above, the
behavior change, and socialize (Knutas et al. 2014; researcher the researcher formulated a research
Krause et al. 2015 and Borges et al. 2013). In conclusion, questions, as follows:
gamification of learning is an educational approach to 1) Is teaching by using Gamification able to increase
motivate students to learn by using video game design students’ interest in learning English?
and game elements in learning environments. 2) Is teaching by using Gamification able to improve
students’ learning achievement in learning English?


3) Is there a correlation between students’ interest and 4) Lopes (2014) found that using game-thinking and
their learnig achievement in learning English by game mechanics to solve problems and engage an
using Gamification? audience derives from the intrinsic characteristic of
humans since early development stages. The
gamification in education is a pedagogical and
2. LITERATURE REVIEW psychological approach. It is an interesting
educational strategy because it can provide intrinsic
The uniqueness and effect of learning by using motivation to students through curiosity,
gamification has made many language teachers and challenges with adaptive difficulty levels, some
researchers explore and expose it in their study and degree of chance and an award system. Moreover,
classroom. There were some researchers have it can be more pleasant by stimulating creativity.
conducted research by using gamification. The results Educational games extend this by focusing the
of the research are cited briefly below: mechanics and narrative to cope with a subject
curriculum, allowing the student to learn while
1) Rahmani (2020) conducted research in reviewing playing.
research-based articles about gamification in the
context of learning English to find out the benefit. 5) Kiryakova (2014) concluded that E-learning is
Her research shows that gamification is indeed suitable for easy and effective integration of
beneficial for students in the English class. It gamification. Game techniques and mechanisms
appears to be the solution for an unsuccessful and can be implemented in the learning process as
passive learning environment as it is beneficial to activities which purpose is to achieve certain
assist teachers in creating a more exciting and learning objectives, increase learners’ motivation to
meaningful learning experience for students. A complete them and engage students in a friendly
livelier learning environment, more active competitive environment with other learners.
engagement, better English skills (especially
speaking skill), and improved cognitive Based on the previous research, the researcher
achievements (proven by good scores) are the concludes that gamification is an effective tool to
indicators of successful implementation of increase the students’ interest because they enjoy
gamification in the English class. learning while playing game. Moreover, playing
games can creates good or positive enthusiastic
2) Samson (2020) states that from this viewpoint, that towards the materials and they can magnify their new
games are shallow exercises that may not add to knowledge as learning experience by playing the
learning. In the subsequent perspective, analysts thinking-game. The researcher really believes that
concentrated on games and gamification properties using gamification is a persuasive way to encourage
and saw them as transformative and advancing a the students’ interest to keep focusing in their subjects
method of interfacing and fruitful learning. Also, at school especially in English lesson.
gamification is at present being applied with
instructive purposes as a strategy to the quicker
investment of understudies in various branches of 3. RESEARCH METHOD
knowledge like English language learning. The
gainful impact of gamification and genuine games 3.1. Research Approach
on learning is likewise an understudy consolation. This research used pre-experimental research design
by using pre-test and post-test with quantitative
3) Nikmah (2019) has proved in his research that the approach, because the researcher wanted to
item “The Kahoot! was interesting.” It was established possible cause and effect between
responded by the 4.3% of the students as “no”, by dependent, independent and mediating variable. The
the 8.7% of the students as “sometimes”, and by the researcher intended to describe the improvement of
87.0% of the students as “yes”. As a result, it was students’ learning achievement and interest of the
concluded that the students were mostly satisfied eleventh-year students of UPT SMA Negeri 1 Barru by
with the Kahoot! application. comparing between the students’ score before and after
being taught by using Quizizz, also after analyzing
data of students’ interest from questionnaire.


3.2. Research Design going to do. After that, the researcher checked the
This research used pre-experimental research design students’ work and gave it score.
by using pre-test and post-test with quantitative
approach, because the researcher wanted to In the treatment, the researcher taught analytical
established possible cause and effect between exposition text material by using Quizizz. It was held
dependent, independent and mediating variable. The in four meetings to improve the students’ reading skill.
researcher intended to describe the improvement of Each meeting spent 90 minutes. In this case, the
students’ learning achievement and interest of the gamification was usually used by the researcher and it
eleventh-year students of UPT SMA Negeri 1 Barru by was carried out by the researcher in the reading class.
comparing between the students’ score before and after The following are the steps of the researcher in
being taught by using Quizizz, also after analyzing treatment process.
data of students’ interest from questionnaire. This
research was classified as pre-experimental design The researcher explained about what exposition text is
because it did not have a control variable. In this (Analytical), introduced to students what was Quizziz
research, the researcher only has one group and used and how to analyze and write exposition text. These
pre-test and post-test to see the results of the test. treatment activities have same steps in each meeting.

Gay (1992) defines that the experimental method is the 3) Posttest

only method of the research that can truly test After giving treatment, the researcher administered a
hypotheses concerning cause and effect relationships. posttest. The posttest was conducted at the end of this
Creswell (2012) explains that experimental researchers activity or after doing treatment. This test used reading
test and idea (or practice or procedure) to determine its skill test by giving multiple choice questions from
effect on an outcome. There are three designs included Quizizz. Then, the researcher explained what the
in pre-experimental. They are one-shot case study, one- students are going to do. After that, the researcher
group pretest-posttest design and static group. The checked the students’ work and give it score.
researcher used one-group pretest-posttest design.
3.4. Analysis Data
3.3. Research Instrument 1) Questionnaire
The questionnaire was designed by providing five
1) Questionnaire
choices. Choices used were ‘Strongly disagree,’
The questionnaire was used to get data filled in by
‘disagree,’ ‘neutral,’ ‘agree,’ and ‘strongly agree. The
students themselves, commonly called a self-
data was analyzed by the technique that was followed.
completed questionnaire. On this occasion, the
This design used five choices to reduce the bias of
researcher made sure all students filled out the
answers from subjects. This type was the so-called
questionnaire. The form of the questionnaire in this
Likert Style questionnaire. The questions were
research was close-ended with simple questions to
minimize difficulties in understanding the questions. designed to minimize uncertainty. The participants
were expected to fill by clicking the answer in the
The questions were related to students’ interest in
online form or give tick mark on the questionnaire
learning English.
paper on the space provided based on their own
choices to let us know what their choices are. The
2) Collecting data to determine students’ learning
researcher calculated all the scores of each statement
and perceive the total scores as a result of a percentage
The procedure of collecting data was divided into three
stages, namely:
Table 1. Scoring Classification of the Students’ Interest
Score interval Classification
The researcher administered test firstly. The pretest
85-100 Very high
was conducted at the beginning of this activity or
69-84 High
before doing treatment. This test used reading skill test
52-68 Moderate
by giving multiple question along with the analytical 36-51 Low
exposition text. The question was taken from Quizizz. 20-35 Very low
Then, the researcher explained what the students were


2) Pre-test and Post-test 3) Correlation

Finding the mean score of pretest and posttest, the
researcher used the following formula: ( X )( Y )

X =
X rxy =
 XY − N

N ( X ) 2
( Y ) 2
Where: X = The mean score / average X 2

Y 2


 X = The sum of all score rxy= correlation coefficient between X and Y

= The number of subject (students)  XY
(Gay, 2014: 323) = sum of cross products of deviation scores for
Standard deviation X and Y
SD X1 =
= Total score of X
 ( X 1 − X 1)2
( N1 − 1) Y
= Total score of Y
N = the number of subject (students)
D Table 3. Guideline for Interpretation of Correlation
( D ) 2 Coefficient Interval Correlation Level
D− N
Very low
N ( N − 1) 0,40-0,599 Medium
0,60-0,799 Strong
t = Test of significance
0,80-1,00 Very strong
D = The difference score between pre-test and post-test
(Sugiyono: 2008)
D = The mean of the difference score
 D = The sum of D score
( D ) 2

= The square of the sum of D 4.1. Research Result

To begin this study, the students completed a
N = The number of subjects
questionnaire (see appendix) that established their
(Gay, 1981: 366)
learning interest in English. The questionnaire asked
students to determine their interests by answering 15
This table used to categorize score based on the gain
items. Once the responses were collected, over the next
score of students’ reading skill test:
four meetings, the researcher taught the students by
using Quizizz based on the lesson plan arranged
Table 2. The Qualification of Students’ Achievement
before. Students watched videos, read the text, learned
Qualification Score
things related to analytical exposition, discussed it
Very good 93 – 100
Good 85 – 92 with their seatmates, answered the quiz, and made
Fair 78 – 84 conclusions. After that, the researcher administered the
Poor < 78 same questionnaire as in the first meeting to the
(Curriculum 2013) students. It was to find out the students' interest after
being taught by using Quizizz, whether there was an
increase in their interest or not.

The result of students’ learning interest before and

after being taught by using Quizizz is shown in the
following table.


Table 4. Classification of Students’ Interest

Table 5. The Students’ Achievement in Pretest
After treatment
Score treatment
Classificatio After treatment No. Qualification Score F %
l Percentag Percentag
F F 1 Very good 93 – 100 1 3,57
e (%) e (%)
2 Good 85 – 92 4 14,3
85-100 Very high 7.14 2 50 14 3 Fair 78 – 84 1 3,57
4 Poor < 78 22 78,56
69-84 High 85.71 24 42.85 12
Total 28 100
52-68 Moderate 7.14 2 7.14 2
The result of posttest of the students on reading skill
36-51 Low - - - -
test of eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Barru
20-35 Very low - - - - is classified as follows:
75.37 82.47
Score Table 6. The Students’ Achievement in Posttest

No. Qualification Score F %

The table 4. above shows that before treatment, most of
students were classified as high. There were 24
students (85.71%) were classified high and 2 students 1 Very good 93 – 100 4 14,3
(7.14%) were classified moderate. Only 2 students
2 Good 85 – 92 7 25
(7.14%) were classified very high.
3 Fair 78 – 84 8 28,56
Meanwhile, the result of students’ interest
classification after being taught by using Quizizz 4 Poor < 78 9 32,14
shows that most of the students were classified in very Total 28 100
high category. There were 14 students (50%) were
classified very high, 12 students (42.85%) were
classified high, and only 2 students (7.14%) were The table 6 above shows that in posttest, most of
classified moderate. students were classified in very good category. There
were 9 students (32.14%) were classified poor, 8
In addition, average score of students’ interest before students (28.56%) were classified fair, 7 students (25%)
and after the treatment has increased from 75.37 to were classified good. Then, there were 4 students
82.47. It indicates that after giving treatment by using (14.3%) classified very good.
Quizizz as learning media, the researcher got
information that the students’ interest in learning The data in posttest indicated that after giving
English has increased than before. treatment by using Quizizz as learning media, the
researcher got information that the students’
The result of students’ pretest on reading skill test of achievement was better than in pretest.
eleventh grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Barru was
classified from very good to very poor. Very good level
The test result of students’ means score and standard
was 86-100, good level was 71-85, and fair level was 56-
deviation of pretest and post-test is shown in the table
70. Here is the students’ achievement as follows:
5 below;

The table 5 shows that in pretest, many students were

classified in very poor category. There were 22 Table 7. The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of the
students (78.56%) were classified poor and 1 student Students’ Pretest and Posttest
(3.57%) were classified fair. 4 students (14.3%) were No Mean Score
classified good category. Only 1 student (3.57) were
classified very good. 1 Pretest 55.35 23.64


2 Posttest 81.42 11.77 This research supports some previous researches as

conducted by Kiryakova in 2014. She found that game
techniques and mechanisms can be implemented in the
After calculating the result of the students pretest and
learning process as activities which purpose is to
posttest, the researcher presented the t - test in the
achieve certain learning objectives, increase learners’
following table:
motivation to complete them and engage students in a
friendly competitive environment with other learners.
Table 8. The t-Test Value of the Students’ Pretest-
Gamification is an effective approach to make positive
change in students’ behavior and attitude towards
t-Test Value df t-table Value
6.6 27 2.051 learning, to improve their motivation and engagement.
The results of the change have bilateral nature – they
After calculating the students’ score before and after can affect students’ results and understanding of the
the treatment, the researcher found that the t-test value educational content and create conditions for an
was 6.6 (see calculating t test value in page 119) by effective learning process.
probability significance (two tailed) was 2.051 or the
probability was higher than 0.05 as the level of As well as Rahmani in 2020 also found that
significance for two tailed tests, and the degree of gamification is indeed beneficial for students in the
freedom (df) = 27, so (6.6 > 2.051). English class. It appears to be the solution for an
unsuccessful and passive learning environment as it is
beneficial to assist teachers in creating a more exciting
After the the researcher got the total of students’
and meaningful learning experience for students. A
interest score and their achievement scores, he
livelier learning environment, more active
continued to count them both of the students’ interest
engagement. Then, research of Al-hadithy & Ali (2018)
score and their English learning achievement score
about gamification in learning English for academic
were correlated by using Pearson’s Product Moment.
purposes and the result was an increase in active
From the calculation, it was known that rxy = 0.148 and
learning, student involvement, self-efficacy,
df = 26. If we compare with the table of “r” values at
independent learning and an increase in student
the degree of significance of 5%. Then the correlation
summative assessment after the application of
between students’ interest in learning English and their
gamification in the form of Kahoot. Suryadi in Aina
learning achievement was not significant (rxy = 0.148 <
(2018:14) state that someone can be interested in
0.374). It was also classified very low (0.00-0.199) based
learning activity if they do the activity with pleasure
on the interpretation of correlation coefficient table.
and will prepare much time for that activity, having
high attention and curiosity toward the activity and
Hence, students’ interest influenced the improvement having fun in doing activity.
of their learning achievement but was not significant.
The increase in students’ interest before and after As a result, the researcher found those criteria during
treatment was not too much but the students’ teaching in the classroom. Quizizz is one of the
achievement improved a lot. It can be said that alternatives to boost up the students’ learning interest.
students’ interest was not the main factor in this The students looked more active, enthusiastic, and
matter. It could be because students only focus on interested in learning. They were actively asking
studying and doing tasks related to analytical questions, saying their opinions and discussing the
exposition for four meetings so that their topic of the lesson with each other. Besides that, they
understanding is much better than before. enjoy the learning process without being nervous
asking and answering questions.
4.2. Research Discussion
By utilizing one of gamification types, Quizizz, the
Regarding to the research that was done in SMA researcher was able to enhance the students’
Negeri 1 Barru, it was found that there was significant knowledge in reading comprehension for analytical
difference in the students’ interest and achievement in exposition text due to the fact that this online
learning English before and after given the treatment. application has several features and uses such as we
can add pictures, input equation, use some possible


answers, and set up the time. Quizizz also enables the and practicing the lesson material in every meeting.
teacher to present the materials as well as the review Interest cannot be the main factor in the improvement
quiz for each meeting so that the students can figure of students’ achievement.
out whether they have already mastered the analytical
exposition or not and it can be done in an interesting
and fun game. In improving the students’ mastery on 5. CONCLUSION
how to distinguish among the text, Quizizz has a
randomized answer feature by which the students can In relation to the research findings and discussion in
notice the correct or incorrect answers for each the previous chapter, the conclusions are presented;
question and why the errors have occurred. Besides this research shows that learning by using Quizizz can
that, Quizizz can assist the students to understand increase students’ interest in learning English and
structure of text per each paragraph. Moreover, improve the students’ comprehension of analytical
students could learn new vocabularies and get the exposition text. It shows that through Quizizz, the
feedback immediately about their learning progress. In students’ achievement in reading skill gets an
addition to having invaluable features, Quizizz also improvement. As a result, it means that there is
possesses some other interesting characteristics such as significant difference between average score of
leader board, rewards, and player icons. Moreover, not students’ interest and students’ test score before and
only can it be accessed using laptop, the students can after learning by using Quizizz. Therefore, this
also use their mobile phones to get connected to research proved that using Quizizz in teaching reading
Quizizz so that the students can play the game anytime skill such as analytical exposition text for the eleventh-
and anywhere. grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Barru has a significant
influence in improving the students’ learning
Gamification can also provide learning model achievement. In short, the use of Quizizz improved the
characteristics such as challenges, satisfaction, students’ learning interest and achievement.
rewards, and dependence. Several studies concur with
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