HeroSystem DigitalHero 15
HeroSystem DigitalHero 15
HeroSystem DigitalHero 15
Keeping the costs of the DEX
Characteristics at 1 Character Point per point
each in theory results in characters spending as
much on these three Characteristics as they tend
to spend on DEX. But theory doesn’t always
work in practice, so this may cause problems.
First of all, if you want to prevent “DEX
abuse,” this may not do the trick; characters can
end up with the same “DEX” as they would
otherwise have by buying all of the DEX
Characteristics to the same level. ACC 20, AGI
20, and REA 20 costs 30 Character Points in
total, just like DEX 20.
Second, you may find players “min-maxing”
their characters by buying one or two of the DEX
Characteristics to high levels. For example, with
ACC costing only 1 Character Point per point, a
base CV 10 only costs 20 Character Points. This
could unbalance some campaigns (though since
all characters have the same ability to buy high
CVs, it’s just as likely simply to increase CVs
across the board, leading to no significant
balance changes in many games).
Correcting or compensating for these
problems is usually just a matter of changing the
costs of the DEX Characteristics. For example, if
you change them all to 2 Character Points per
point, min-maxing becomes less attractive, and
“DEX abuse” across the board becomes twice as
expensive. Alternately, you could weight them
depending on what you think is most important
or useful in your campaign. For example, maybe
ACC is 2 Character Points per point, AGI is 1
Character Point per point, and REA is 3
Character Points per point (thus allowing SPD to
be 1 + REA/10 and provide the same results as
DEX). If you like to alter character standards
based on archetype, you could vary the cost that
way as well – perhaps speedsters and rogues pay
only 1 Character Point per point for all of the
DEX Characteristics, bricks and warriors pay 3
Character Points per point for all of them, and all
other characters pay 2 Character Points per point
IS DUE You Gotta Have Character by Jason Walters
I would like to
personally thank “Life is lived forwards, but understood point to the sky, and whisper something
Digital Hero reader backwards” - Kierkegaard briefly into her dainty ear.
Daniel Dickson for “That constellation, my Pharaoh, is
pointing me in the known as The Cat,” he murmured
The small fleet of seven ships rowed quietly, “while we call that one The
direction of Pharaoh quietly through the still night, a bright
Hatshepsut, yet Scorpion. They hunt one another across
and watchful moon staring down upon the night eternally, each seeking to best
another of history’s their labors like the face like a chubby,
great neglected the other for the pleasure of the gods.
cheerful midwife. With the winds still There are many, many patterns in the
heroines. Once again, and silent, each ship surged forward
gentle readers, I ask sky, placed there by your father Amun-
under the power of thirty skilled rowers, Ra when the world was shaped to help
you to have patience powerful yet thin fellows whose arms
with me as we untie guide men in their daily tasks. This is
moved back and forth with that casual why the oracle of your father sleeps
the royal barge of grace which can only be produced by
imagination from the through his days; so that he might spend
those who are thoroughly confident in his nights pouring over ancient scrolls
solid dock of their work. They needed no drum nor
accuracy so that we atop his ziggurat, watching the ocean of
taskmaster; each ship’s captain had only stars spin above….”
might better navigate to glance periodically down the length
the Nile of “The oracle of my father Amun-Ra,
of his narrow, arrow-like vessel to make blessed be his name, sleeps during the
roleplaying, stopping certain that everyone was performing
off in the fabled lands day because he spends his nights
their duties. Perhaps the gaunt, silent drinking the fermented juice of tamarin
of What If and figures had been practicing their art for
Wouldn’t It Be Cool. fruits and chasing naked teenaged slave
so long that it was no longer a task at girls up and down his ziggurat,” she
As usual, I have taken all, but a meditation. A prayer.
quite a few literary retorted, “he only sobers up when the
Up front on the lead boat, a bald, lookouts that he has rather wisely
and factual liberties well-muscled man in an ornate kilt
with this fascinating posted along hilltops nearby spot the
leaned casually against the ship’s royal entourage winding its way into the
historical character narrow mast. He gazed impartially
who, at one point, valley my grandfather gave him. How
about in every possible direction: down the old drunken fraud figured out that
may very well have at the nearby shoreline, out to the
been the single most drought was coming, I’ll never know,
seemingly infinite sea, upwards at the but he’s made the most out of it ever
powerful person in even more unlimited sky where only the
the Western World. since. The only reason he sent us on this
gods dwelt. Beside him an ‘sacred expedition’ is that my regular
Enjoy. indescribably lovely woman sat stiffly visits – just to get our holy and sacred
upon an equally startling throne made money’s worth, you understand – has
of sandalwood, ivory, and gold. She been getting in the way of the constant
always seemed to stare straight ahead. frolics which constitute his oracular
The two were like a pair of uneven duties.”
bookends, a study in contrasts: the man The large man chuckled deeply.
bulky, hairless, and almost naked save “Then why go?”
for his decorative cloth sari. The “Because,” she responded, a
woman, on the other hand, was slim, somehow charming sneer winding its
impeccably coifed, and dressed in the way across her lovely, somewhat
most ornate clothing imaginable for an phosphorescent cheek, “eight years of
Egyptian noble: the shendyt kilt, the ruling the Kingdom of Upper and
nemes headdress with its uraeus, and a Lower Egypt has left even me, the
khat headcloth, She even had an daughter of a god, bored, tired, and
insanely long false beard strapped to her cynical. They say that Punt isn’t boring
dainty chin. It was made of camel hair or stressful or even especially
woven with gold and silver thread. dangerous, so I’m all for a vacation in
The woman glowed a bit, which Punt. Yea Punt! Plus, from the time he
seemed to make her ship’s crew a bit was old enough to take himself to the
nervous but didn’t appear to bother her royal latrine, my idiot nephew
companion in the slightest. One could Thutmose has been freakishly eager to
gather from his calm expression that rule the nation… so I’ve let him. Three
very few things made him nervous – or winter months isn’t enough time for
6 even frightened. Every so often, he him to invade Palestine, pull off an
would lean over to his stern counterpart, insurrection, or impregnate every
serving girl in the palace, so I figure it’s Queen Hatshepsut was one of the very few WHAT’S IN A
safe enough. Maybe a taste of women pharaohs to rule ancient Egypt. Though NAME?
responsibility will sour his appetite for there had been female rulers of that venerable
Hatshepsut’s full
conquest.” and mysterious land before her, Hatshepsut was
name is composed of
“Perhaps, my goddess, but it’s a a uniquely independent, intelligent, irreverent,
four parts. The first,
gamble. What if a taste of conquest and effective leader who combined a shrewd
her “standard” name,
merely whets his appetite for understanding of the intricacies of royal power
is “she who is rich,
responsibility?” with a widely successful cult of personality.
powerful through her
“I’m not sure that actually makes During her reign, Hatshepsut accomplished what
‘ka’s, her doubles.”
sense, Senmut, but it at least sounds no woman before her ever had: she successfully
The second, read as
profound so I’ll respond in kind: then, ruled the most powerful, advanced civilization in
nebti refers to the
at some point in the distant future, the world for an unheard of period of almost
pharaoh’s dominion
Egypt gets a better ruler than it would twenty years.
over both East and
have otherwise. What about you, royal Before she was born, Hatshepsut’s mother
West. The third is her
courtier, what’s your reason for taking a Ahmose was visited by the great god Amun-Ra,
“Horus” name,
break from your eternal building and Lord of the Hidden Sun, who appeared to her in
reading “The divine
going on sabbatical? Aren’t there the form of her husband Thutmose I. When the
one in her risings.”
sphinxes to erect out in a deserted god drew near her, however, his unearthly scent
Finally, her name
valley somewhere or the other?” betrayed his divine nature, so that when he took
continues with two
Senmut stiffened, frowning slightly. her to bed the Queen knew that she had not slept
cartouches, the first
“It is my duty to serve my Queen with her mortal husband. When he finally
reading Kamara, the
Hatshepsut, goddess and Pharaoh, revealed himself to her as one of the most
“true double of Ra.”
wherever she may go, even if I have to powerful of ancient Egypt’s deities, both
The second cartouche
row the royal barge myself….” Ahmose and her husband felt blessed. The
has no holy meaning
Hatshepsut snorted. product of this divine union was Hatshepsut, the
but instead reads her
“It wouldn’t exactly be the first time infamous transvestite woman-pharaoh of the
name given at birth,
you rowed the royal barge, my noble ancient world.
architect, now would it?” The twenty-year rule of Hatshepsut was one
Thus her full name,
To a man the ship’s crew all stared of the most prosperous and peaceful in Egyptian
as inscribed on her
studiously off into the night in an history. A great deal of energy was put into
official “great seal,”
incredible imitation of a sudden, rebuilding temples and other public buildings
was: The Horus,
contagious outbreak of mass deaf- destroyed during previous conflicts with early
mighty by his Kas, the
mutedness, hoping that they wouldn’t Semitic peoples (known as Hyksos or “desert
lord of East and West
be put do the sword for overhearing princes”). Trade with other nations was
abounding in years,
anything that they couldn’t help but improved or expanded, allowing for a significant
the good goddess, the
overhear. Senmut smiled gaily. increase in the average Egyptian’s standard of
pious lady, the golden
“Well, it’s a rugged job only suitable living. Although well liked by her people,
falcon, divine in her
for an equally rugged man, my Queen, Hatshepsut wasn’t without her enemies. Many of
rings, the King of
but even the noblest of ships have to be the more traditional members of the priesthood
Upper and Lower
taken out to sea every now and again. resented her ascension to power, her obvious
Egypt, Kamara, the
Plus, who better to help you retrieve the divine constitution, and (perhaps most of all) her
daughter of Ra,
treasures of Punt than myself – noted irreverent, almost irreligious nature. As her reign
Khnumit Amon,
scholar, soldier, architect, and went on, these powerful priests made common
conversationalist. There are prodigious cause with her disgruntled nephew, Thutmose
amounts of pygmies, giraffes, and the Third, who feared that her demigod abilities,
unicorns to be tracked down and which seemingly included physical immortality,
imported….” would prevent him from ever ascending to the
“And cinnamon wood, myrrh, pure throne of Egypt. Together they conspired to get
ivory, and khesyt,” she interrupted. rid of Hatshepsut, eventually casting a powerful
“Not to mention apes, panther skins, spell with the help of a renegade Canaanite
cosmetics, ebony, and green gold,” he wizard which threw her from her own time into
finished the 21st Century.
They smiled at one another. Then,
seemingly on some sort of cue, grew
quiet again, resuming their pre-
conversational brooding. The evening’s
waves lapped soothingly against the
ships sides as the moon began to rise,
huge and yellow, above an eastern sky
filled with seemingly endless ocean.
Furthermore, the perception and position of HE SAID, “SHE”
women in Egypt at the time was markedly SAID
different from that of other ancient
When I was six
Mediterranean cultures. Egyptian women were
my father Thutmose
allowed to own property, hold official positions,
the First
inherit from their parents or deceased husbands,
lifted me up to sit
and, in the case of a dispute, were entitled to take
beside him
their case to court to defend their legal rights.
on his throne of
So, when Thutmose II died in 1504 leaving
the infant Pharaoh Thutmose the Third (a love
He said, Flower of
child by his somewhat more leprosy-tolerant
mistress Isis) as a successor, his step-
you will be a ruler.
mother/aunt Hatshepsut was made regent until he
came of age. Only Hatshepsut didn’t want to be
He took me with him
regent; she wanted to be Pharaoh! A favorite
on his royal barge
daughter of a popular monarch, as well as a
down the Nile to
charismatic, beloved ruler in her own right, she
Memphis, to
sat down with her friend, confidant, lover,
professional architect, and member of the court
to Giza, to see my
with 15 other titles Senmut to plan out a PR
campaign amongst the Egyptian people. First,
Hatshepsut gathered together a meeting of the
He said to the farmers
most important leaders of Egypt’s various
and nobles
religious cults, where she certified her divine
crowding the water
bloodline through a series of demonstrations:
glowing softly, blinding them with bursts of
This is my goddess
Background/History: Maat-ka-Ra Hatshepsut, light, and (as a direct result) having sword blows
better known in 21st Century America as “She,” glance off of her holy person. With the
was born in the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes priesthood convinced, or at least terrified into
who will be crowned
during the 18th Dynasty in 1524 BCE. The submission, she donned the clothing of a male
with the crown
product of a bit of deific adultery between the Pharaoh down to the smallest detail before
of Upper and Lower
Royal Queen-Sister Ahmose and the powerful taking her show on the road to the common
god Amun-Ra, Lord of the Hidden Sun, Egyptian people. For six months she rowed up
when she becomes a
Hatshepsut was raised by her loving step-father and down the Nile river from Tanis to Edfu,
Thutmose the First to take an active role in the giving out food, cash, and prizes while putting
running of the newly reestablished Egyptian on a stupendous (if blinding) lightshow. When
I knew that Amen-Re,
State, which had only risen from the ashes of her tour was concluded, Hatshepsut declared
Lord of Thebes,
Hyksos conquest due to the efforts of her herself Pharaoh as well as sole ruler of the
King of Karnak, took
grandfather Ahmose. Kingdom of Upper and Lower Egypt. Everyone
my father’s form
Though Hatshepsut had two brothers, was either too stunned or frightened to argue.
and came down to my
Ouazmosou and Amenmosou, both died at a With the unpleasantness of a public relations
mother, Ahmose,
young age, leaving her half-brother Thutmose campaign concluded, Hatshepsut got down to the
as she slept in the
the Second in direct line for the throne. When business of ruling with a vengeance. Trade
beauty of her
Thutmose I died in 1509, the succeeding Pharaoh relations with the neighboring countries of Nubia,
(Thutmose II) followed traditional customs and Kush, Libya, and Phoenicia were reopened or
She woke at the
married the oldest daughter of his father, who in expanded. Temples destroyed or damaged by the
fragrance of the
this happy case was Hatshepsut. Together the Hyksos were rebuilt, while ambitious new
two ruled in what was technically a co-regency, construction projects were undertaken left and
and rejoiced at the
although Thutmose II seems to have been in poor right: a massive three-tiered temple to Amun-Ra
sight of his
health, afflicted with a crippling skin disease, was constructed by the banks of the Nile, new
and therefore content to leave the reigns of sphinxes carved in Thebes, enormous red granite
and he went into her
power firmly in the hands of his bright, obelisks from Central Africa were raised at
and his love
ambitious wife. This wasn’t a radical or Abydos, and new (if small) pyramids were
came into her body.
unthinkable situation in ancient Egypt; assembled at Giza to name but a few. In the eighth
And my mother
Hatshepsut was preceded by a number of year of her reign as Pharaoh, Hatshepsut
influential queens, Tetisheri, Ahhotep II, and undertook a fantastic journey to the near-mythical
Ahmose-Nefertary, who during the 17th Dynasty land of Punt (modern day Somalia). To the
succeeded one another in the successful running ancient Egyptians, the land of Punt, with its
of the government. This gave the Egyptian distinctive beehive-shaped houses raised on stilts
establishment an understanding that women above water, its native pygmies, and its bizarre 9
rulers could provide stability and order. animals was the most exotic and mysterious of
How wonderful to see places to visit – or to receive visitors from, for feeling worn down by her duties as the sovereign
you face to face, more than once the Royalty of Punt came to the ruler of the most powerful and advanced nation
your dew is in all my court of the Pharaoh in Egypt. They considered it on Earth; her rigidity and snippiness are merely
limbs. a sort of bizarre private garden for the gods, an byproducts of her exhaustion. She has a wicked,
And Amen, Lord of emporium of goods for powerful deities such as sharp, and “snarky” sense of humor, which she is
the Two Lands, Amun-Ra, which gradually acquired an air of extremely fond of turning on those fortunate (or
said to her, fantasy, like that of El Dorado or Atlantis. When unfortunate) enough to be close to her, especially
Khnumit-Amon- Hatshepsut’s trade fleet returned with its ships’ her councilor/lover Senmut and her irritable
Hatshepsut is the holds laden with spices, precious metals, bizarre nephew Thutmose. The former found this deeply
name of the animals, curious slaves, and exotic woods, the amusing, while the later wasn’t amused at all –
daughter Egyptian public went wild. Once again, she had which is presumably why he has spent most of
I have planted in your achieved a smashing public relations success with his adult life plotting against her.
body. She shall her people. Hatshepsut’s divine nature and powers have
be king For fifteen years Egypt enjoyed a period of made her more than a little arrogant… even for
in this whole land. prosperity, peace, wealth, and strength which an absolute monarch! This has blinded her to the
My soul is hers, would, in later generations, come to be thought fact that “lesser” people (like her nephew) can
my crown is hers. of as one of the golden ages of that nation’s really be very dangerous to her, given enough
history. Yet, like any great age in any country, it time, energy, and motivation. It is also why she
— Ruth Whitman, was not destined to last, for success inevitably is currently inhabiting the 21st Century.
from Hatshepsut, breeds enemies. Thutmose III, whose seething Nevertheless, it will take several more hard,
Speak to Me anger at having been pushed aside in favor of his painful lessons before she will accept that she
aunt had made him something of a national joke, isn’t completely invulnerable – lessons that the
had secretly been meeting with a variety of very metahumans of the modern era will almost
powerful, very reactionary priests who resented certainly be quick to administer.
Hatshepsut’s reign for a wide variety of reasons. You would think that Hatshepsut would be
Together they made contact with a renegade eager to return to her own time; but with both
Canaanite wizard named Benebaal. Using Senmut and Nefrure dead, she has little desire to
powers given to him by the evil god Melech, return home to the intrigues of 18th Dynasty.
Lord of Murder, Benebaal surprised Hatshepsut Modern America seems to be filled with wealth,
while she was praying at her temple and opportunity, and (best of all) enormous numbers
banished her to the future through a swirling of people looking to be led, especially by an
time vortex. With the powerful Pharaoh Queen incredibly attractive demigod: why, just look at
gone, Thutmose III massacred her priests, her how well that young fellow from Palestine is
lover Senmut, and their young daughter Nefrure. doing for himself after two thousand years!
He then set about a decade-long campaign of
removing every memory of Hatshepsut that he
could find: her name was erased from
hieroglyphics, her image defaced, replaced, or
renamed on sculptures, and her obelisks tumbled
down. Her fabulous three-tiered temple to
Amun-Ra was abandoned, left to be buried by
the sands of the desert.
Hurled through time and space, Hatshepsut
was flung out of the vortex directly onto the
streets of Dearborn, Michigan, very close to
Millennium City. After some initial
misunderstandings and misadventures, she has
been taken in by the local arab community in the
Dix neighborhood in the eastern portion of the
town. Having learned how to speak English,
Hatshepsut has renamed herself “She” in
preparation for her new career as a superhero…
or villain… or movie star. She hasn’t really
decided yet.
Personality/Motivation: Hatshepsut is
extremely ambitious, exquisitely attractive,
highly intelligent, and frankly more than a little
irascible. A modern person would probably
10 consider her a “control freak,” but in reality
Pharaoh Hatshepsut spent a great deal of time
Hatshepsut, who is now going by the simpler Campaign Use: If some incredibly inventive
name “She,” is uncertain of what path to take. GM were to adopt Scott Bennie’s fabulous book
Should she try to restart her cult of personality? Testament (Green Ronin Publishing) for use with
Should she become one of what these modern the HERO System (hint, hint, people),
people call “superheroes,” or would villainy be Hatshepsut instantly becomes a wonderful NPC.
more to her liking? Should she continue dressing Or perhaps the PCs have been hurled back
like a man? Maybe she should become what they through time to the Middle Kingdom to help her
call a “movie star” so that she can do all of these destroy some sort of evil foreign deity which
things at once…. threatens her land. Maybe you are running a
Fantasy Hero campaign which takes place in an
Quote: “You! Yes, you over there, smart guy! ancient, mysterious desert kingdom run by an
Stop gawking at me and get over here so that you all-powerful legendary queen who dresses like a
can make yourself useful: there isn’t any break man… which beats having the kingdom ruled by
time when the Pharaoh is in town. Now pick up an all powerful king that dresses like a woman.
that suitcase and follow me.” That’s been done to death, girlfriend!
Powers/Tactics: Hatshepsut is as beautiful and Most likely, however, She will be used as a
powerful as many of the legendary gods which minor villain, hero, movie star, or religious
populated her ancient land. During her reign as leader (she is hoping to combine three of the
pharaoh she learned how to be a skilled above) in the Champions Universe. To bring her
diplomat, a compelling orator, an accomplished up to date, replace her Hunted: Thutmose III
bureaucrat, and a decent (if untested) tactician. with a Hunted: Anubis (he wants to make her his
Her nearly inhuman beauty, when combined with bride, or steal some magic item, or whatever;
her actually inhuman presence, made her almost he’s crackers) and her Hunted: Evil Priests with
impossibly persuasive, especially with men. One a Hunted: Amoral Archaeologists (they have
of the single most wealthy monarchs of her time, questions, dammit!). Then remove her Contact
she commanded the largest, best equipped and Head of State perks, as they are no longer
military force that existed during the Bronze valid. Add Light Beam of Amun-Ra: EB 12d6,
Age, which was, in turn, backed up the largest, Beam (-¼), No Knockback (-¼) and Flight 12”
best organized bureaucracy in the world. In before raising her STUN to 32 points.
short, she was the greatest non-military leader of Appearance: Maat-ka-Ra Hatshepsut or “She”
the greatest superpower of her age. is a short, insanely attractive woman with
Hatshepsut is the daughter of Amun-Ra, shoulder length brown hair, a petite yet aquiline
Lord of the Hidden Sun, gifted not only with the nose, and large almond eyes. When in costume,
inhuman DEX, CON, and PRE of a god but also she wears the royal attire of an 18th Dynasty
with a variety of light-based powers as well. Egyptian Pharaoh: the shendyt kilt, the nemes
These include an innate glowing field of pleasant headdress with its uraeus, and a khat headcloth.
soft light which emanates 8” around her on all She has an insanely long false beard of woven
sides, a reasonably powerful force field which camel hair and golden thread strapped to her
also has flash defense built into it, and a damage dainty chin. To be honest, she looks a little bit
field which can constantly emit 2d6 flash attacks. like Cher. Only younger.
She generally uses this in conjunction with a
zero-Phase 5d6 PRE attack to frighten and
confuse opponents. Hatshepsut, while not BIBLIOGRAPHY
immortal, is incredibly long-lived. She will look Books:
like a teenager for the next 100 years. Atlas of Holy Places and Sacred Sites, Colin
If Hatshepsut is used in the modern era, she Wilson (DK Publishing), 1996
will gain the use of a very powerful light beam Hatshepsut, Speak to Me, Ruth Whitman (Wayne
(see below) as well as the ability to fly. She will S.U. Press), 1992
naturally use both of these to her best advantage Hatshepsut: The Female Pharaoh (Penguin
in a combat situation, staying well away from USA), 1998
opponents so that she can blast them or blind Testament, Scott Bennie (Green Ronin
them at a safe distance. Publishing), 2003
FOOD FOR entire pointless war… as if the murder of your The next several days are spent traveling
THOUGHT grey-haired Pappy, lying in a grave behind his through this labyrinthine ruin of nature, seeing
own cabin with a Yankee bullet in his chest, had neither man nor beast. Then one humid morning
“Shouldn’t we bury
some point to it. as you come around the corner of a narrow,
’em Josey?”
The Lawrence Massacre, as they call it, led bramble flanked deer-trail you are confronted
“To Hell with them
to swift retribution. Cruel-eyed Union troops with a choice. Your route splits in two – one path
fellas. Buzzards gotta
fresh from the slums of the North forced the continuing in the southwesterly direction you
eat, same as worms.”
residents of four Missouri border counties onto have been traveling while the other heads off in
— The Outlaw
the open prairie while Jayhawkers looted, an uncertain northern direction. But before you
Josey Wales
burned, and ravaged their way through everyone can make up your minds one way or t’other, a
and everything that got left behind. Quantrell’s bizarre figure on horseback rides seemingly
Raiders naturally took part in the Southern straight out of the roadside brambles. He’s
retaliation for this atrocity, but when Union obviously some sort of ancient, wizened Indian
forces drove the Confederates back, your leader perched atop a dappled pony, his brow adorned
fled to Texas in fear of his life. Your valiant with the tanned hide of a buffalo and his
band had to break up into several smaller units, withered flesh dyed a darkest purple-black. In
including one headed by his most capable addition, there are various bizarre symbols
lieutenant “Bloody Bill” Anderson, a man painted upon his surprisingly well-proportioned
known for his amusing habit of wearing a chest and arms. He clutches an odd-looking
necklace of Yankee scalps into battle. tomahawk in one hand and a bag made of
That would be your unit, soldier. deerskin in the other.
For The GM: Attempts to follow him The town, which probably wasn’t much to
will prove futile; he has simply begin with, appears to have been looted and
vanished off the face of this Earth. Have burned at some point in the last year. Its
your players make a PER roll. If they unpainted pineboard buildings sag in their
succeed, they notice that there is a face foundations, looking for all the world like a
clearly painted onto the back of his bunch of battered old men sitting wearily around
buffalo skin headdress in a substance a card table which, like themselves, has seen
the color of fresh blood. The face is better days. For the most part, the remaining
very much like his, save that it is buildings are the usual assortment of structures
grinning like a skull. one would expect to find in just about any tiny
southern hamlet: a battered looking tavern with
The northern road, as you could well its second story burned completely off, a general
imagine, is not a pleasant road. Every step down store with all of its windows smashed, and a
it finds your horses’ hoofs ever deeper in the primitive stable which looks to not have been
muddy earth as the “clop-clop” of their unshod much in the first place. But the most remarkable
feet grows ever more weary. Most of you building in Dreadwood is its church; an
instantly begin to regret following the old man’s enormous, unadorned black structure which
advice; it looks as though nobody has used this seems to have been built right in the middle of
trail in years. It stands to reason that it couldn’t the road on the far end of town, effectively
possibly lead to a town. Yet, after a half an hour blocking the only other exit from this depressing
of slow, plodding riding the brambles clear out little burg.
in front of you and you find yourself confronted 1) Notelek’s Tavern: This roomy, two story
with a small town. structure appears to have been constructed of
Or what used to be a small town. roughly cut pine boards held together with a fair
amount of pitch, plug, and prayer. A sign which
Dreadwood, Missouri
must have once adorned its now missing upper
No more than a dozen decaying, partially level lies facedown in the mud on the street
burnt buildings line up along a mud street. None below (GM: If the players flip it over it reads
of them have back yards as they end right where “Notelek’s Tavern” on the other side). Its one
the seemingly impenetrable forest of brambles remaining swinging door hangs limply on a
and scrub begins. It seems impossible that single hinge. Inside, you can hear the sound of a
anyone would voluntarily build this way; it’s piano’s ivories being tickled. Its musician is
more likely the town’s inhabitants forced a banging out a melancholy, off-key version of
begrudging opening from the ever-hungry maws Yankee Doodle Dandy.
of the Bramblewood. A pair of battered wooden The inside of the tavern is gloomy, foul
signs hang high overhead, suspended between a smelling, and damp. A long crude bar covered in
pair of roughly hewn tree trunks. Ravens swirl cobwebs and broken bottles dominates the far
evilly in the purple-hewed, gloomy sky far side of the structure, while behind it the remains
above, occasionally alighting on building or of an enormous shattered mirror still cling
bramble. One caws at you mockingly from the tenaciously to the wall. A half dozen card tables
sign above. lay scattered across the floor in various states of
disrepair. The corpse of a man, flesh obviously
For The GM: If the players chose to long rotten from its frame, lays face down on one
look up and read the signs (you can table with a hand of poker still clenched in his
never be certain), the larger of the two bony fist (GM: A PS: Bushwhacker roll by any
reads “Dreadwood, Missouri” while a of the characters will tell them that its a marked
smaller one below conjectures deck; the stiff had been cheating. Bushwhackers
“Population 50.” It seems, however, know this kind of stuff). Two other bodies,
that the “50” has been crossed out and similarly heavily decayed but attired in tavern-
replaced with a “20,” which has in turn keeper’s clothing, lay sprawled across the bar
been crossed out and replaced with an and piano respectively. The piano, obviously a
eight. This in turn gives way to a three, “player” piano, is slowly but finally spewing its
then a zero, and finally a negative ten. music roll out of a ragged hole in its side and
onto the floor. As you come in it slowly winds
down and stops.
For The Game Master: There are “Rebel scum!” she hisses at you through
several items of potential interest to the clenched teeth. She has a distinct, and to your
players left in this structure. Behind the tiny minds sexy, German accent. Actually, she
bar are 3 full bottles of Old Revelator looks and sounds just like Madeline Kahn’s
whisky which, although stoppered with character Lili Von Schtupp from Mel Brooks’
knucklebones and lead, are still Blazing Saddles (GM: Make your R’s sound like
reeeeaaaal potent. Anyone taking a pull W’s.) “This used to be a nice, respectable town
should make a constitution check; before you traitors came through and wrecked it!
failure means that the character suffers You rebel scum make me feel ashamed to have
a 1d6 CON Drain which lasts for a full been alive. Oh, you should really never have
minute. However each swig will also killed me – because now I’m going to return the
restore one point of BODY permanently favor! Get them boys! Get them out of my bar!”
(there are five shots in each bottle.) At this point the three skeletons rise up,
There is also a fully loaded and gripping long sharp slivers of glass from the
functional black powder shotgun behind floor as they rise….
the bar which is nearly identical to
For The GM: The dead hooker (you
Henry Hockensmith’s. Their liquor
don’t get to say THAT every day, do
worries are over.
you? Actually, if you do and you’re not
Once the characters disturb any of
an LA cop, don’t tell me) is a ghost as
these objects, however, the following
spelled out on page 120 of the HERO
System Bestiary. Her “boys” are
Suddenly you hear a high, feminine voice skeletons as detailed on page 123 of the
clear her throat from above. As you all look up, same book. The slivers of glass when
you see a luminescent figure descend down the combined with the Skeleton’s strength
stairs from where the building’s second story are a 2d6 KA. The skeletons will fight
would have been. A tall, rather attractive, and until destroyed, but the ghost will
undeniably translucent woman with long blond disappear and flee before being
hair glares down at you, her hands gripping the terminated.
air where a railing undoubtedly used to lie. She Ghostly Hooker
has the dress and mannerisms of what you
10 STR 18 DEX 10 CON 10 BODY
imagine to be an expensive prostitute (GM:
10 INT 18 EGO 20 PRE 15 COM
George Maddox can make an KS: Ladies of Ill
5 PD 5 ED 3 SPD
Repute roll to determine this if you like).
4 REC 20 END 20 STUN
Abilities: Drain STUN 2d6, Affects Physical
World, Reduced Endurance (0 END);
Telekinesis (10 STR), Affects Physical World,
Reduced Endurance (0 END); Invisibility to
Sight, Hearing, and Smell/Taste Groups, No
Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0 END), Persistent,
Inherent; Desolidification (affected by Medicine
Man’s objects), Reduced Endurance (0 END),
Persistent, Inherent, Always On; +20 PRE, Only
for Fear-Based Presence Attacks; Life Support:
Total; No Hit Locations; Flight 8”, Reduced
Endurance (0 END); Spatial Awareness; Detect
Rebel Scum 11-, Range, Sense
75+ Disadvantages: Physical Limitation:
Human Size; Physical Limitation: Reduced
Leap, Cannot Leap (Infrequently, Slightly
Impairing); Psychological Limitation: Destroy
Rebel Scum (Very Common, Strong)
Skeleton 2) Eibmoz’s General Store: This large, single-
15 STR 12 DEX 10 CON 10 BODY story structure appears to have been converted
5 INT 0 EGO 13 PRE 6 COM into a general store from an old barn of some
2 PD 2 ED 2 SPD considerable size. Its battered tin roof has seen
5 REC 0 END - STUN better days, though, as it seems to have been
patched up with boards and tar where it’s rusted
Abilities: Reduced Endurance (0 END) for
through. There’s a large sign over its front door
STR; Does Not Bleed; No Hit Locations; Takes
which reads “Eibmoz’s General Store.” (GM:
No Stun; +2 PD, Only Protects Against Slashing
assuming the players chose to go in…) Inside, the
or Piercing Attacks; +2 PD, Only Protects
store seems to be comprised of a single giant
Against Piercing Attacks; Damage Resistance (6
room crisscrossed with four rows of shelves
PD/2 ED); Life Support: Total; Reduced END
which are approximately four feet tall. All of
(0 END) on Running; Reduced END (0 END) on
them are easily visible from a single long wooden
Leaping; Reduced END (0 END) on Swimming;
counter which runs along the back wall
Infrared Perception (Sight Group); +4 PER with
(obviously to prevent theft of any sort). There are
all Senses, Only to Perceive Images Created By
four townspeople currently shopping in the store:
Means Other Than Necromancy
two men in farmer’s clothing with large, floppy
75+ Disadvantages: Physical Limitation: straw hats, a woman in her tattered Sunday’s best
Affected By Necromancy (Infrequent, Greatly with a bonnet on, and what might be her child
Impairing); Physical Limitation: Machine standing next to her. They are scattered amongst
Intelligence (Frequently, Greatly Impairing); the shelves, examining the store’s dry goods
Physical Limitation: Can Only Leap 1” closely and obviously shopping. A storekeeper
(Infrequently, Slightly Impairing); Vulnerability: stands behind the counter, contemplating its
2x BODY from Blunt Weapons (Very Common) surface as he very, very slowly wipes it clean with
a washrag.
Skeleton As the players enter the storekeeper slowly
looks up from his work; his face is a rotted,
maggot-infested ruin. “Brains!” he cries out
through puttered lips, his voice little more than a
sickening wreck. His customers all look up, but
their faces are also little more than disgusting
mockeries of their former humanity. “Brains!”
they all echo as they begin to slowly move
towards the characters….
Zombie 3) The Stables: This medium-sized structure is
20 STR 10 DEX 10 CON 10 BODY basically a large lean-to built out of small pine
5 INT 0 EGO 13 PRE 6 COM logs which have been stripped of their bark
4 PD 2 ED 2 SPD before being driven into the ground at an angle.
6 REC 0 END Its walls are constructed out of shaped stones
crudely mortared together with a mixture of mud
Abilities: Reduced Endurance (0 END) for
and ox blood (gross, but not unusual). Through
STR; Does Not Bleed; No Hit Locations; Takes
an opening in the front of the building you can
No Stun; +2 PD, Only Against Slashing or
hear the sounds of horses from within, as well as
Piercing Attacks; +2 PD, Only Against Piercing
the sound of a man singing happily to himself.
Attacks; Damage Resistance (8 PD/ 2 ED); Life
“Goober peas, goober peas, how I love those
Support: Total; Running -4”; Reduced
goober peas! Goodness how delicious, eating
Endurance (0 END) on Running; Reduced
goober peas….”
Endurance (0 END) on Leaping; Reduced
(GM: Assuming the players go in…) There
Endurance (0 END) on Swimming; Infrared
are a dozen good, strong horses in various stalls
Perception (Sight Group); +2 PER with all
within this building, all obviously well fed and
Senses; Only To Perceive Images Created By
properly taken care of. On the far end of the
Means Other Than Necromancy; Climbing 11-;
construction from you a large figure in dirty
Stealth 11-; WF: Common Melee Weapons
coveralls is moving hay into one of the stalls
75+ Disadvantages: Physical Limitation: using a pitchfork, singing to himself all the
Affected By Necromancy (Infrequently, Greatly while. When you come several feet into the
Impairing); Physical Limitation: Machine building, however, the figure suddenly spins
Intelligence (Frequently, Greatly Impairing) about to face you for the first time. He is wearing
Physical Limitation: Can Only Leap 1” some sort of bizarre white wooden mask
(Infrequently, Slightly Impairing ventilated with tiny holes over his face (GM: A
successful KS: Indian Fighter roll will tell
Bloody Bill that this is NOT any sort of Indian
Zombie mask) and is gripping the pitchfork in his hand
so tightly that his knuckles are turning white.
With a shriek he screams “Goober Peas!” before
charging straight for you….
Goober Peas (Slasher) 4) The Black Church: This long plain black
15 STR 15 DEX 20 CON 20 BODY structure seems to have been built right in the
15 INT 15 EGO 20 PRE 10 COM middle of the road, effectively blocking the only
8 PD 8 ED 3 SPD western exit from Dreadwood. Although
10 REC 40 END 40 STUN obviously a church, it has no steeple, bell, nor
any remaining windows – they all seem to have
Abilities: HKA 1d6 (2d6 with STR); +10
been knocked out before being boarded up.
REC, Requires CON Roll 13-; Healing 2d6
There’s glass everywhere.
(Regeneration; 2 BODY per Turn),
The church’s two front doors swing back
Resurrection (others can stop by burning body),
and forth on their warped hinges, making
Reduced Endurance (0 END), Persistent, Self
periodic yet always shocking slamming noises.
Only, Extra Time; Combat Luck; +3 with
From within you can hear the familiar sounds of
Hand-To-Hand Combat; Climbing 12-,
a sermon being given, although you cannot make
Contortionist 12-; Stealth 13-
out any distinct words. You’re going to have to
75+ Disadvantages: Psychological Limitation: go in to do that.
Unquenchable Urge To Kill Southerners (Very (GM: Assuming the players go in…) Pews
Common, Strong) lay broken and scattered throughout this
elongated rectangle of a building, creating an
open path through a seeming ocean of wooden
Goober Peas (Slasher) debris wide enough to ride a horse through.
Obviously a portion of the inner roof collapsed
into the structure at some point in the past. On
the far side of the room a man in the garb of a
protestant minister is giving a sermon. He is
waving his Bible in the air wildly, beating it
against his pulpit, and gesticulating to some
unseen crowd of churchgoers. As you center you
catch the very tail end of his sermon.
“And when JE-S-EUS stepped out of that
boat he was immediately met by a man, a DE-
MON-IAC, fresh out of the tombs of Gerasenes
an’ filled with an unclean spirit of SATAN! He
lived amongst the tombs, for none of his kinfolk
could restrain him with chains any longer. For
though he had been oft restrained with shackles
he done wrenched those chains apart and broken
those shackles into pieces. No one had the
strength to subdue him, no one had the strength
The minister seems to notice you all for the
first time. He looks up at you warily for a
moment, then grins a magnificent grin entirely
comprised of long, sharp teeth. For the first time
you notice that there are two tiny black horns
growing straight out of his forehead into the
wide brim of his parson’s hat. The letters “L-O-
V-E” are tattooed on his left fingers while the
letters “H-A-T-E” are tattooed on his right.
“You need some churchin’ you rebel scum,”
he howls, “an’ I aim to give you some churchin’
– Dreadwood style churchin’ that is!”
For The GM: The Minister is a Lesser The Minister (Lesser Demon)
Demon very similar to the one detailed 25 STR 20 DEX 23 CON 20 BODY
on page 54 of the HERO System 20 INT 20 EGO 25 PRE 8 COM
Bestiary. He will enter combat by 15 PD 15 ED 4 SPD
unleashing a series of “demonic blasts” 12 REC 46 END 45 STUN
before charging down amongst the Abilities: Energy Blast 10d6, Reduced
player characters and attempting to rend Endurance (½ END); HKA 1½d6, Continuous,
them with his claws. While he fights he Damage Shield, Penetrating, Reduced Endurance
will spout out various Bible quotations (½ END), No STR Bonus; HKA 1½d6 (2½d6
in mangled rural American English with STR), Armor Piercing; Damage Resistance
(chose your personal favorites). The (8 PD/8 ED); Physical and Energy Damage
only character with anything capable of Reduction, Resistant, 50%; Mental Defense (9
cowing The Minister is Jim Whitsett, Points Total); Power Defense (5 Points); Life
who is not only a religious man but Support: Total; Running +3” (9” Total); Infrared
possesses a well thumbed (if ragged) Perception (Sight Group); +1 Overall;
copy of the King James version of the Concealment 13-; Stealth 13-; WF: Common
Bible. The Minister is kind of allergic to Melee Weapons
holy objects (his “bible” is actually a 75+ Disadvantages: Distinctive Features:
copy of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Horns and Sharp Teeth (Concealable With
Tom’s Cabin), so if Whitsett “presents” Effort; Causes Fear); Enraged: If Confronted
his Bible in conjunction with a Presence With Rebel Scum (Uncommon, go 11-, recover
Attack and a good ol’ “hellfire” 11-); Psychological Limitation: Overconfident
quotation of his own, he gets to make a (Very Common, Strong); Psychological
5d6 PRE roll against The Minister, who Limitation: Utterly Evil (Very Common, Total);
must match or best Whitsett’s roll with Susceptibility: to Bibles, see blue text
a 5d6 roll of his own. If the Minister (Common)
fails, he has to skip his next Phase,
presumably giving the players a chance
to fill him full of .44 clay bullets.
Some of The Minister’s sample
bible quotations might include:
“My eye will not spare ya, I shall
have no pity – I shall punish you
for your rebel ways while yer
abominations number amongst ya!
Then you shall know that I am the
Lord! Ezekiel 7:04, you lily-livered
“Withhold not correction from the
child for if thou beatest him with
thy rod he shall not die… Proverbs
23:13, you rebel scum! Church
“I came not with peace but with a
sword. For I am come to set every
man at against his father, and every
daughter against her mother…
Matthew 10:34, you heathens!”
“Y’all are of your father the Devil,
and y’all want to do the desires of
your father… yer not the chillens of
God! John 8:44, sinners!”
When, and more importantly if, he
is defeated, the players at long last have
a clear path out of Dreadwood. They
can ride their new horses straight
through the church and into the next 21
Appendixes The Stranger Wore A Gun (1953) with Randolph
Appendix Three: Speed Chart Scott
and Bibliography Quantrell’s Raiders (1958) with Steven Cochran
Ride With The Devil (1999) with Toby Maguire
Speed Chart Appendix Two: Character Sheets
This handy speed chart will help you keep The following character sheets are to be
track of combat in Dreadwood, Missouri without given as handouts to the players. Each one lists
having to use the standard HERO System speed the characters statistics, skills, and equipment,
chart. The number on the left represents a along with a brief historical quote relating to the
segment, while the characters who can take an character. It should be noted that all of the
action on that segment are listed in order to the characters have KS: Bushwhacker, a general skill
right with DEX scores already factored in. This covering the art of guerilla fighting. This
chart should help to speed up the process of includes ambushing, concealment, small-scale
playing this scenario, allowing you and your tactics, improvised weaponry, and general rural
friends to complete the entire thing in three to terrain knowledge as well as a working
four hours (at the most). knowledge of the history of the Missouri Border
War. A roll with this skill should be made
1) Nobody whenever the player feels that his character may
2) Nobody know a reasonable item of information on those
3) The Minister, James subjects that he himself does not.
4) Ghost Prostitute, Goober Peas, Anderson
Younger, Maddox, Hockensmith, Whitsett
5) Nobody
6) The Minister, James, Skeletons Zombies
7) Nobody
8) Ghost Prostitute, Goober Peas, Anderson,
Younger, Maddox, Hockensmith Whitsett
9) The Minister, James
10) Nobody
11) Nobody
12) The Minister, Ghost Prostitute, Goober Peas,
James, Anderson, Younger, Maddox,
Hockensmith, Whitsett, Skeletons Zombies
Noted Guerrillas or the Warfare of the Border,
1861-1865 by John Edwards
Western Lawmen & Outlaws by Jay Robert Nash
The Story of Cole Younger by Himself; Being an
Autobiography of the Missouri Guerrilla
Captain & Outlaw, His Capture & Prison
Life by Cole Younger
Jesse James and the Civil War in Missouri by
Robert Dyer
George Maddox
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 2½d6 HTH
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
13 CON 6 12-
10 BODY 0 11-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll: 12-
11 EGO 2 11- ECV: 4
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6
12 COM 1 11-
5 PD 2 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD)
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
6 REC 0
32 END 3
26 STUN 2
Total Characteristics Cost: 44
Movement: Running: 7”/14”
Swimming: 2”/4”
Cost Powers END
2 Running +1” (7” Total) 1 Description
Skills “All tenacity and endurance. Tried in the
4 +2 with Revolvers fire of fifty desperate combats, he was a fatalist
to the extent of believing that the fates took good
5 Fast Draw 13- care of him. He did not speculate, he did not
2 KS: Ladies of Ill Repute 11- build air castles at night for the mists of the
3 PS: Bushwhacker 12- morning to dissipate; if he was an hungered and
3 Riding 12- could not get to eat, he drew his revolver belt a
1 Shadowing 8- hole or two tighter and forgot that he had an
5 Stealth 13- appetite. As he rode he sang, or was glad or gay.
3 Tactics 12- Air and exercise put iron into his blood as wine
3 WF: Blades, Small Arms puts fire into the brain.”
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 31 — Noted Guerrillas or the Warfare of the
Border, 1861-1865 by John Edwards
Total Cost: 75
50+ Disadvantages
15 Hunted: Jayhawkers 11- (Less Pow, NCI)
10 Psychological Limitation: Fatalist
(Common, Moderate)
Total Disadvantage Points: 75
Two .44 Confederate Navy Revolvers
(2d6-1 RKA, five shots loaded, -1
Bowie Knife (1d6 HKA)
Pearl Handled Shaving Kit
Light Warhorse with Saddlebags
Tattered Grey Clothing and Boots
Henry Hockensmith
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
15 STR 5 12- Lift 200 kg; 3d6 HTH [1]
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
12 CON 4 11-
11 BODY 2 11-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll: 12-
11 EGO 2 11- ECV: 4
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6
10 COM 0 11-
6 PD 3 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD)
3 ED 1 Total: 3 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
5 REC 0
24 END 0
25 STUN 0
Total Characteristics Cost: 41 Description
Movement: Running: 7”/14” “Solid as a young oak, built like a grizzly
Swimming: 2”/4” bear for depth of chest and might of muscle, cool
as a grenadier, schooled by Quantrell, drilled by
Cost Powers END George Todd, and graduated from a school that
2 Running +1” (7” Total) 1 knew no peril that would not flee if faced and no
10 Tough Fellow: Physical Damage bloody ground that would not give up its ogres if
Reduction, 25% 0 penetrated.”
7 Bare Knuckle Fighter: HA +2d6 (5d6 — ”Noted Guerrillas or the Warfare of the
with STR); HA Lim (-½) 1 Border, 1861-1865” by John Edwards
5 +1 with Hand-to-Hand Combat
2 AK: Rural Arkansas 11-
3 PS: Bushwhacker 12-
3 Riding 12-
2 WF: Small Arms
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 34
Total Cost: 75
50+ Disadvantages
15 Hunted: Jayhawkers 11- (Less Pow, NCI)
10 Psychological Limitation: Violent
(Common, Moderate)
Total Disadvantage Points: 75
LeMats Pistol (2d6-1 RKA, eight shots
loaded, -1 OCV, +1 STUN with
miniature shotgun underbarrel 3d6
RKA, one shot, +3 OCV, +1 STUN,
-3 Range)
Double Barreled Shotgun (2½d6 RKA,
two shots, +1 OCV, +1 STUN, +2
Light Warhorse with Saddlebags
Tattered Grey Clothing and Boots
Cole Younger
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 2½d6 HTH
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
13 CON 6 12-
10 BODY 0 11-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll: 12-
11 EGO 2 11- ECV: 4
12 PRE 2 11- PRE Attack: 2d6
10 COM 0 11-
4 PD 1 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
6 REC 0
26 END 0
26 STUN 2
Total Characteristics Cost: 38
Movement: Running: 7”/14”
Swimming: 2”/4”
Cost Powers END “Conflicts and troubles centered on our
2 Running +1” (7” Total) 1 home that planted a bitterness in my young heart
which cried out for revenge, and this feeling was
Skills only accentuated by the cruelties of war which
5 +1 with Ranged Combat followed. I refer in particular to the shameful
2 AK: Rural Missouri 11- and cowardly murder of my father for money
3 Demolitions 12- which he was known to have in his possession,
5 Fast Draw 13- and the cruel treatment of my mother at the
4 KS: Literature 13- hands of the Missouri Militia.”
3 PS: Bushwhacker 12- — The Story of Cole Younger by Himself: Being
3 Riding 12- an Autobiography of the Missouri Guerrilla
5 Stealth 13- Captain and Outlaw, His Capture and Prison
3 Tactics 12- Life, by Cole Younger
2 WF: Small Arms
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 37
Total Cost: 75
50+ Disadvantages
15 Hunted: Jayhawkers 11- (Less Pow, NCI)
10 Psychological Limitation: Vengeful
(Common, Moderate)
Total Disadvantage Points: 75
Two .44 Confederate Navy Revolvers
(2d6-1 RKA, five shots loaded, -1
Sawed-Off Double Barreled Shotgun (2d6
RKA, two shots, +2 OCV, +1 STUN,
-2 Range)
Light Warhorse with Saddlebags
Tattered Grey Clothing and Boots
Jesse James
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
11 STR 1 11- Lift 115 kg; 2d6 HTH [1]
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
13 CON 6 12-
10 BODY 0 11-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll: 11-
10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6
12 COM 1 11-
6 PD 4 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD)
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)
4 SPD 16 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12
6 REC 2
26 END 0
26 STUN 3
Total Characteristics Cost: 49
Movement: Running: 7”/14” “He seemed to be afraid of nothing. In one
Swimming: 2”/4” skirmish with the enemy… [James] was seen
Cost Powers END riding pell-mell into the Union ranks, the reins of
2 Running +1” (7” Total) 1 his horse held by his teeth, firing two pistols. He
shot down six Northern soldiers and was
Talents credited with killing three of them.”
3 Ambidexterity (Reduce Off Hand — Western Lawmen & Outlaws, by Jay Robert
Penalty to -2) Nash
6 +3 with Colt Navy Pistols
5 Fast Draw 13-
2 KS: Train Robbing 11-
3 PS: Bushwhacker 12-
3 Riding 12-
2 WF: Small Arms
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 26
Total Cost: 75
50+ Disadvantages
15 Hunted: Jayhawkers 11- (Less Pow, NCI)
10 Psychological Limitation: Reckless
(Common, Moderate)
Total Disadvantage Points: 75
Two .44 Confederate Navy Revolvers
(2d6-1RKA, six shots loaded, -1
Light Warhorse with Saddlebags
Tattered Grey Clothing and Boots
Jim Whitsett
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 2½d6 HTH
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
13 CON 6 12-
10 BODY 0 11-
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll: 12-
12 EGO 4 11- ECV: 4
13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2½d6
12 COM 1 11-
5 PD 2 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD)
4 ED 1 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
6 REC 0
26 END 0
26 STUN 2
Total Characteristics Cost: 45
Movement: Running: 7”/14” Description
Swimming: 2”/4” “All nerve, and dash, and rugged
Cost Powers END — ”Noted Guerrillas or the Warfare of the
2 Running +1” (7” Total) 1 Border, 1861-1865” by John Edwards
10 Danger Sense 12- (Intuitional)
3 Lightsleep
2 KS: Ancient History 11-
2 KS: Religion 11-
3 PS: Bushwhacker 12-
3 Riding 12-
3 Tracking 12-
2 WF: Small Arms
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 30
Total Cost: 75
50+ Disadvantages
15 Hunted: Jayhawkers 11- (Less Pow, NCI)
10 Psychological Limitation: Religious
(Common, Moderate)
Total Disadvantage Points: 75
New Texas Army Pistol (2d6-1RKA, five
shots loaded, -1 OCV, +1 STUN)
Enfield Black Powder Rifle (2d6+1RKA,
one shot, +1 OCV, +1 STUN, +2
Light Warhorse with Saddlebags
Tattered Grey Clothing and Boots
King James Bible
Battleforge by W. Jason Allen PLOT SEEDS
The largest
Background/History: Jake Sullivan’s hands on yer face. Here, take ye this.” He handed Jake a museum in town is
glowed red with power as he focused his will into small leather pouch that jingled when he took it. featuring a new
the long sword he had recently taken hot from the “What is it?” exhibit – rare gems
forge. The glow spread from his hands to the “Payment fer a job well done. Dinna open it from around the
blade, suffusing the sword from pommel to point, now; ye’ll know when. And get used ta making world. Security will
then slowly fading to nothing. Grinning, Jake things for others, young Jake. Yer good at it, and be extra tight, but
hefted the blade, and it burst into flame. Satisfied, it’s a terrible skill ta waste.” The bearded man Battleforge is
he placed it carefully on a rack, next to other was gone before Jake thought to ask his name. confident he and a
items he had recently empowered. Soon he would That night, Jake couldn’t sleep. Restless, he few friends can get
be ready to seek his vengeance. finally got out of bed and went outside. He sat on the goods. Will the
As he cleaned the forge-soot from his face, a stump in the backyard, staring out into the night, PCs arrive in time to
Jake recalled how he grew up in a small town when he realized the leather pouch was there on stop him?
deep in the Midwest, hating every moment. The the stump next to him. Jake didn’t remember
only joy he found was in blacksmithing, working bringing it out with him, yet there it was. Jake A PC pauses his
for a local historical museum. His parents picked it up and opened it without thinking, patrol when someone
disapproved of his learning such a “useless” skill; pulling out the gold coins within. yells for help from a
they wanted him to be an engineer, or something “Good evening, young Jake.” nearby alleyway.
useful and profitable. Jake just enjoyed making Jake yelped in fright, the coins flying Three street thugs
things with his own two hands. Working the forge everywhere. It was the bearded man, sitting on his threaten a terrified
made him feel complete somehow. horse, suddenly there with no sound of approach. citizen! When he
One day, as Jake tended the forge by himself, “Who – who are you?” moves to aid the
a large, well-built man with a thick black beard “I have been known by many names, Jake. hapless victim, one of
entered the shop. He remembered it as though it Ye may call me Wayland.” the thugs points a
were yesterday: “You, lad. Who runs this “What do you want from me?” dagger at him – and
establishment?” Wayland smiled. “I want nothing from ye, the dagger shoots a
Jake frowned. The man’s speech marked him lad. Rather, I wish to give ye something. The bolt of lightning,
as a foreigner, probably a Scot, though he forging of the horseshoes was but a test. While ye knocking the hero
couldn’t quite place the accent. He didn’t like the worked, I observed. Ye have a rare talent for through a wall. Where
way the man called him “lad.” Jake was nineteen, making things. Ye put yourself into whatever it is did they get such a
a man grown! “My manager does, sir. But he’s off yer makin’, and that’s rare in this day. The smiths dangerous weapon?
at a meeting right now. Something I can do for of old could make things of power by doing as ye Has Battleforge
you?” Jake just wanted him to leave. did. Alas, that talent is all but lost now.” He eyed lowered his prices?
“Can ye forge shoes?” Jake carefully, as though measuring him Or is a more dire plot
“Shoes?” Jake blinked in confusion. somehow. about to unfold?
“Horseshoes, lad. M’ horse threw a shoe and “Will ye learn from me, lad? I can teach ye to
Battleforge returns
I couldna find the thing. I need ye ta make me a imbue magic inta everythin’ ye make. Only a
home one night to
new one, if’n yer master’s nae here ta do it.” handful in this age have the talent fer it, and yours
find his items of
“Well, yeah, I can make horseshoes. You just is the strongest I’ve yet seen. What do ye say lad?
power missing. He’s
caught me by surprise, that’s all. Most people who Will ye become a true smith?”
been robbed!
need them mail order their horseshoes. It’s “I’d like that. All my parents can talk about is
Respecting the PCs
cheaper.” how I should go to college and learn some real
despite their clashes
The man chuckled. “Well, I’m not most skills I can make money with. I don’t care much
in the past, he goes to
people, lad. Come check m’ horse, then get to about making money, really. I just enjoy making
them for help in
makin’ that shoe. I have things ta be about, and things. But I can’t just disappear. What will
reclaiming his
standing here is’na gettin’ ’em done.” happen to them if I leave?”
property. Will they
Jake got to work making the horseshoe. He “Well, they’ll miss ye, lad, as all parents do
help him, or seize the
ended up making a whole set, as the shoes that when their sons leave home. They want what’s
chance to bring
hadn’t been thrown needed to be replaced. They best for ye, and in this day, that means being
Battleforge to justice?
were severely worn, as if they hadn’t been made wealthy. Once I’ve taught ye, yer talents will be
Who raided his forge,
to withstand being ridden on pavement. Before he much sought after. Wealth will likely be yours
and what all did they
realized it, the set was done and on the horse’s whether ye want it or no.”
hooves. Jake grinned, realizing the potential of
“Lad, ye have the knack of forging. What’s showing his parents that his own dreams could be
yer name?” of value, despite what they thought. “All right,
“Jake, sir. Jake Sullivan.” Wayland. I’ll go with you.
The man smiled. “And yer polite, even when
ye’d rather a stranger like me be off and away. 31
Dinna be offended, lad. Yer thoughts were plain
artwork by Dave Schrader
“That’s a good lad. Go and collect yer things. mercenary, making contacts and earning favors.
Leave yer parents a note, if ye wish, but dinna Nearly anyone might find reason to employ
mention my name or what it is ye’ll be learning. Battleforge, but his services don’t come cheap. He
They wouldna understand. Now hurry, lad; time is sometimes raids warehouses or laboratories for
short.” raw materials, especially if he hears of inherently
Jake spent years in the Land of Legends, magical materials such as Dwarven silver-steel,
learning the art of Artificing. He stayed away adamantine, and orichalcum.
from the natives of the Land of Legends as much The price Battleforge charges depends largely
as he could, fearing them for their strange on the person making the purchase. He will sell to
appearances and practices. Several natives asked anyone, hero or villain, as long as they have cash.
Jake to forge items for them, but he refused, The only people he won’t knowingly sell to are
saying he was only an apprentice and not ready to Dark Seraph and anyone associated with
accept commissions. But he promised to DEMON. DEMON once raided his forge for the
remember them, and would accept commissions secrets of making items of power, believing his
when his learning was done. secret to be arcane in nature rather than inherent
Shortly after his 30th birthday, Jake skill. Battleforge, upon discovering his ruined
completed his apprenticeship. Wayland returned workshop, quickly and messily took his revenge,
Jake to his home, where the smith gave him one causing immense property damage and making a
last instruction. name for himself as a dangerous villain.
“Lad, always remember – what I have taught
ye is yours. Use it as ye will. There are those in Quote: “Don’t tell me what to do. And if you
the world who would seek to use ye as a tool for think you can force me, think again.”
their own ends. Dinna let them. Yer power canna Powers/Tactics: Battleforge’s primary ability is
be forced from ye, only bought or given as ye making magic items, or items of power, as he
choose or coerced as ye allow. Ye are yer own calls them. It isn’t easy, though. He must
master now. Dinna allow another to usurp yer free physically create or forge whatever he wishes to
will.” enchant. Then the enchantment process takes at
Wayland’s last lesson echoed in Jake’s mind least an hour of concentration. Once he performs
as he looked over his handiwork. When Dark an enchanting, it takes a week before he has the
Seraph heard of Jake’s skill, the villain quickly energy to enchant something else.
moved to capture Jake’s skill for his own ends. It is suggested the GMs use the Enchant Item
Jake refused, even when he was forced to watch power as follows: when Battleforge enchants an
his parents suffer torture and death at Dark item, he rolls the 15 dice and adds the total. In
Seraph’s hands. Scoffing at Jake’s tears, the addition to determining if the enchanting was
villain released him, promising that Jake would successful (by rolling double the target object’s
come to serve him freely. Jake promised a silent body or more), the roll indicates the maximum
vengeance. Real Points that can be spent on building the item.
Jake went into hiding and set up a forge for The maximum Active Point value is
himself. There he made his armor and weapons, recommended to be 90, the maximum possible
and empowered them from his imagination. He roll on 15d6. GMs may wish to waive that if a
took the name Battleforge and began a personal specific plot calls for a more powerful item.
crusade to destroy Dark Seraph and any others Any points not used are lost, and he can
who would usurp his free will. create any sort of powers in the item he desires.
Personality/Motivation: Battleforge remains He prefers Multipowers (like his Flaming Sword
very bitter over the deaths of his parents. He left and Wand of Day and Night), items with multiple
home to develop his skill at smithing and prove to powers outside of a Power Framework (like his
his parents that it was worth learning. Instead, his Plate Armor of Glory) and single power items
parents were tortured to death for the skill he (like his Helm of Defense and Ring of Phasing).
learned. Battleforge fully intends to kill Dark Though not reflected in a Limitation, GMs should
Seraph, by any means necessary. This drive for disallow Battleforge from making Variable Power
vengeance hardened Battleforge to the point that Pool items, unless required for a specific plot.
he became willing to commit crimes in order to Anyone buying something from Battleforge
gain the strength and resources needed to destroy must either pay Character Points for the item (in
Dark Seraph. addition to whatever monetary price Battleforge
Battleforge knows that destroying Dark charges), or be able to fit it in a Power Framework
Seraph won’t be easy or swift. In the meantime, of some kind. Battleforge can use any item he has
he makes items of power for any who will pay his made without paying points for it, unless he
price. Both heroes and villains have improved begins using it on a regular basis. In that case, he
must pay points for it, as he did for his current
32 their arsenals with items he has forged. He also
equipment. GMs who wish for Battleforge to keep
accepts custom orders, and has worked as a
extra items of power on hand should give him a insult or actually wound him though, earn his
suitable Variable Power Pool. undying enmity. Battleforge creates some
Battleforge fights in a fairly straightforward deviously unpleasant things in the name
manner. He won’t resort to stealth tactics unless vengeance….
he knows he’s outmatched or planning an Battleforge lives outside of Campaign City,
ambush. Ranged combat, however, is his favorite on a small plot of land near a mountain where he
way to start a fight, most often using his Flame set up his second forge after DEMON destroyed
Blast or Ethereal Crossbow. If he needs a tactical his first one. He created a portal to the Land of
advantage, he’ll create a couple of Night-Shrouds Legends recently, and charges a moderate fee for
or go invisible. For melee combat, he leads in its use. He has thought about making portals to
with his Flaming Blade, and sometimes throws a other realms, but has not yet done so.
punch with the Shocking Gauntlet. The sudden To make Battleforge more powerful, add
switch sometimes draws a Surprise bonus. The more items to his arsenal and improve the power
Amulet of Phasing is used for strategic of his current items. You might give him a VPP
maneuvering, the Ring of Hiding for a stealthy for plot-based items he makes. To trim him down,
retreat. decrease the power of his items, and have his
Enchant Item power take a month to recharge.
Campaign Use: Battleforge can be the origin for
characters who purchase or otherwise obtain Appearance: Jake Sullivan is a large, well-built
magic items from him. One such character is man in his early thirties, over six feet tall, bald
Shadowspy, a mutant speedster and thief who with a thick, red beard and green eyes. He
bought several shadow-based items to normally wears a well-worn leather apron while
complement her mutation. working at the forge. When out relaxing, he
Battleforge’s continuing quest for vengeance typically wears jeans and a t-shirt.
against Dark Seraph and (to a lesser degree) Battleforge wears plate armor of a late
DEMON can easily bring him into conflict with medieval style with a great helm and full,
the PCs. He stages a raid on most any valuable midnight blue cloak. His sword bears runes unlike
metal he hears about, especially if it has magical any known on Earth, which glow through the
properties. Often he’ll hire some villains to help flames it creates. The shield appears to be of
him, if the take is big enough or he expects simple white oak with steel bands, and like the
opposition. On the rare occasion when he wants to breastplate of his armor, bears his insignia in red –
get away from the forge and relax, he makes his a smith’s hammer poised over an anvil with rays
way to a favorite bar in the city, plays some pool of light surrounding them. The armor is
and talks sports with the other patrons. surprisingly quiet when Battleforge moves.
Any PC with a sense of vengeance might find The Wand of Day and Night appears to be
a bit of sympathy for Battleforge. He came to about 2 feet long, made of blue metal with a
villainy through tragedy, after all. Had large round crystal at the tip. His crossbow and
circumstances been different, Battleforge might gauntlets appear to be normal, except for runes
have become a hero. Who knows? Perhaps he still etched in gold upon them. The Amulet of
may. Phasing depicts a starburst pattern on a gold
Heroes who severely cross Battleforge may medallion, while the Ring of Hiding is a simple
find themselves regretting it, however. He silver band with runes carved around the surface.
remembers those who thwart him, and enjoys 35
giving them a sound thrashing later. Those who
SLIME IN SLIMER Ghost Stories by Michael Surbrook
Ectoplasm is a
“From ghoulies and ghosties. Skeptics have pointed out that many ghosts
semi-solid substance
and long-legged beasties, and other alleged hauntings have natural
said to extrude from
and things that go bump in the night; explanations. Many ghosts are witnessed by
the pores and other
good Lord deliver us.” those in their beds, and in this case the person
bodily orifices of a
— Scottish prayer seeing the ghost is probably still asleep, although
spiritual medium.
they think they are awake. Other ghosts are
This material can
The belief in ghosts, defined as the spirit (or hallucinations brought on by stress, fear or
assume life-like
soul) of someone who has died and is still exhaustion. Still more ghosts may be explained
forms, including
wandering the earth, is an almost universal as tricks of the light, clouds of mist or fog, or the
arms, faces, and entire
concept among all the cultures of the world. manifestation of an electrically charged
figures. When
According to many belief systems, the soul is atmosphere (many ghosts are associated with
extruded, it is warm
released from the body after death and eventually thunderstorms).
to the touch, but may
have a rubbery or travels to some form of underworld or afterlife.
doughy feel. Depending on the culture, there may be a period
Ectoplasm apparently of time between death and the actual trip to the
reacts strongly to afterlife in which the soul may remain near its
bright light, and can original body. For some tribes of American
only be produced by a Indians this was a period of four days; the
medium in a dark or Chinese, 10 days; for the Japanese this time
dimly lit room. The period can be as long as 42 days; and the
production of Egyptians believed that one portion of the soul,
ectoplasm was a large the ba, never left the body. If the soul becomes
part of many séances lost, isn’t given the proper funeral rites, or never
of the late nineteenth leaves to begin its trip, then it may become a
and early twentieth ghost.
centuries. According to more modern belief systems,
Photographic ghosts seem to occur when someone dies
evidence of ectoplasm suddenly, especially from violence, or if a person
gives one the dies before some important task can be
impression it is a completed. Other ghosts are said to be the
fairly disgusting psychic impressions of a person, usually attached
substance to to something the person particularly liked (such
encounter, especially as a favorite chair or room).
when one sees from The modern image for the “classic” ghost is
where ectoplasm was a white, sheet-draped figure, usually moaning
commonly produced. and howling and accompanied by clanking
Naturally, skeptics chains. In reality, most alleged hauntings involve
have tried to expose strange sounds and odors, spots of cold, and
the production of moving objects. Actual figures are usually hazy,
ectoplasm as visual and if clear enough to be identified, are dressed
trickery, and small in clothing typical of the time period in which
samples of the the ghost originally lived. Homer described the
material, when ghosts of the Iliad and the Odyssey as shades,
analyzed, have proved which assumed solid form after being given
to be ground-up paper animal’s blood to drink. In Japan ghosts are said
or altered animal to have no feet, while Chinese ghosts are said to
organs. lack their chin.
Old Hag
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 HTH [2]
14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5/DCV: 5
18 CON 16 13-
10 BODY 0 11-
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll: 12-
23 EGO 26 14- ECV: 8
35 PRE 25 16- PRE Attack: 7d6
2 COM -4 9-
10 PD 5 Total: 10 PD (0 rPD)
6 ED 2 Total: 6 ED (0 rED)
3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12
9 REC 0
36 END 0
32 STUN 0
Total Characteristics Cost: 106 (+26 w/ NCM)
Movement: Running: 6”/12”
Flight: 12”/24”
Leaping: 5”/10”
Swimming: 0”/0”
Cost Powers END
16 Paralyzing Fear: Mind Control 12d6,
Telepathic (+¼); One Charge (-2), No
Range (-½), Set Effect (“Stay with
me”; -1), Mind Control Effects are
Automatically Dispelled if the Victim 100 Insubstantial Form: Desolidification
Moves or is Moved (-¼) [1] (affected by magic), Reduced
183 Suffocation: EB 2d6, NND (Defense is Endurance (0 END; +½), Persistent
No Need to Breathe, or Self-Contained (+½), Inherent (+¼) 0
Breathing; +1), Affects Physical World 5 Can See In The Dark: Night Vision
(+2), Continuous (+1), Reduced
Endurance (0 END; +½); No Range
4 +2 OECV with Mind Control
(-½), Only Affects Victims Under Mind
Control (-½) plus Riding: Transfer 1d6 3 Concealment 12-
(Target’s BODY to Character’s 7 Shadowing 14-
BODY), Delayed Return Rate (5 7 Stealth 14-
Character Points per Season [3 months]; 3 Tracking 12-
+3), Affects Physical World (+2),
Continuous (+1), Reduced Endurance Total Powers & Skills Cost: 409
(0 END; +½), Linked (to EB; -¼) plus Total Cost: 515
Riding: Transfer 1d6 (Target’s END to
Character’s END), Delayed Return Rate 75+ Disadvantages
(5 Character Points per Hour; +1), 15 Physical Limitation: Dispelled (forced to
Affects Physical World (+2), flee) if Mind Control is Broken
Continuous (+1), Reduced Endurance (Infrequent, Fully)
(0 END; +½), Linked (to EB; -¼) 0 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
47 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total 15 Physical Limitation: Restricted by
(except for Diminished Eating, Certain Talismans (Infrequent, Fully)
including Longevity: Immortality) 0 20 Psychological Limitation: Malicious;
36 Floating About: Flight 12”, Reduced Enjoys Tormenting Humans (Very
Endurance (0 END; +½) 0 Common, Strong)
-2 Doesn’t Swim: Swimming -2” (Total 10 Reputation: nighttime horror 8-
0”) 0 (Extreme)
380 Experience
Total Disadvantage Points: 515
Baron Roberto
Doctor Brutallo the Dimension Z Project activated with a terrible, PLOT SEEDS
The Most Brilliant Mind on Earth! ratcheting shudder.
Russia Redux:
The explosion transformed Carlton into a
Background: Doctor Brutallo was born Nicolai Russian Agents
paragon of Justice, physically perfect, handsome,
Borodenko, in 1907, to a family loyal to the contact Brutallo, now
and powerful, capable of projecting eyebeams of
Tsar, in the outlying reaches of Moscow. As he that the menace of
the strange Dimension Z energy. Doctor
grew up, he was treated well, and his family communism is over,
Borodenko apparently disappeared in the
discovered that he had something of a brilliant and ask him to work
explosion, hurled through the wall in a fit of
mind, sending him to the best schools available for his old country.
quantum light. Outside, he discovered that
in Moscow for young nobles. But at the age of Brutallo accepts, but
something wonderful had happened to him. He
ten, all that came to an end, and he was spirited is he sincere, or is it
understood all there was about Dimension Z, and
out of the country by a faithful servant, watching really a sinister step in
more concepts filled his mind at an astounding
his parents burn in a proletarian riot as the his latest plan to take
rate. He mastered fields at which he was a novice
communists came to power. He would never over the world?
in seconds, putting together concepts he never
forgive them…. could have before. Then he howled in agony as Doctor Brutallo
He fled first to Europe, then to America, just he stared into a car mirror, at the apish, devolved Falls in Love: (with
ahead of the communist agents who wanted his face that stared back at him from the light of the one of the PCs, of
blood. Conservative elements in the United window. Seeing Carlton’s perfection in the light course.) Brutallo’s
States agreed to protect him in exchange for his of the window, he grew filled with rage. The affections are sincere,
working on secret government projects regarding Dimension Z energy had evolved his mind, and although he faces two
mysterious dimensional energies, which he devolved his body. How could he, the brilliant major obstacles in
gladly accepted out of fear for his life. By 1935, Doctor Nicolai Borodenko, be transformed into pursuing the object of
he was well ensconced as the theoretical director this horrible apelike creature, while his weak- his desire. One, he’s
of the top secret Dimensional Project Z. He minded assistant had received the true powers of still evil, and he will
became best friends with the military attaché, a Dimension Z? He had become a monster! attempt to prove his
Carlton Hughes, who he began to confide in as a Fleeing into the night while Carlton repaired the love for the PC by
close friend, the first American he had ever truly burning laboratory, he vowed revenge on the doing things like
felt comfortable around. small-minded and the puny who had forced him stealing national
Throughout the war, he worked on into this. If he had become a brute, then he monuments and
Dimensional Project Z, always hoping that when would become the noblest brute ever. With his delivering them to
the time came, the United States would roll over brilliant mind, he would rule the world! And her, capturing her
the Germans and crush the communist threat that thus, Doctor Brutallo was born. enemies and
he knew to be on the horizon. Several attempts to The battles between Doctor Brutallo and reprogramming their
kidnap him by Nazi superbeings were thwarted Captain Unity, as Carlton now called himself, minds, and vowing to
by superheroes, and he began to theorize a way quickly escalated into open warfare, which the conquer the world in
that it might be possible to infuse a target with government strove hard to keep quiet in light of her name (always bad
the energy of Dimensional Project Z, granting the developing situation with the Soviet Union. for a stalwart hero’s
them superpowers and abilities. Carlton was still As Doctor Brutallo acquired allies, built robots, reputation). Two,
there, though he was much older, and slowly, the and stole the wealth of ancient civilizations, Brutallo is hideously
government began to cut funding to the hiding it for his own evil purposes, Captain ugly, and this obstacle
Dimension Z project, as the war had ended. Unity recruited superbeings of his own in the is probably far more
Doctor Borodenko pressed on as funding secret war against the forces of Evil. Several difficult than the first.
slowed to a crawl, his friend Carlton carrying times, Doctor Brutallo nearly triumphed in
him onward as his health began to fail from the Doctor Brutallo
taking over the world, once in a very public way.
dangerous radiation experiments he was Dies!: In the course
To cover up the fact that Doctor Brutallo was
conducting, unable to afford the funding for of a combat with the
real, the United States Government created
shielding against the lethal radiation. Slowly, PCs, or even with
Mighty Comics in 1949, and called the whole
members of the project began to turn against NPCs, Brutallo is
thing a publicity stunt. Mighty Comics was very
him, suspecting him of being a communist and killed. At his funeral,
successful, featuring “The Secret Adventures of
maintaining Soviet Sympathies, even though that a cryptic note is
Captain Unity and the Super Six.” The false
was the furthest thing from his highly rational received that indicates
adventures were almost more bizarre than
mind, though slowly, Carlton had begun to that Brutallo might
Brutallo’s real plans, though some of the villains
suspect that his friend had suffered from the still be alive. Has the
that the Super Six faced were either real, or
radiation, and was slowly going mad. In most brilliant mind on
parodies of the enemies of other superteams.
December of 1945, shortly after the war was Earth faked his death,
In 1951, the Super Six cornered Doctor
over, Nicolai Borodenko, in a laboratory bereft or is a sinister
Brutallo and the Alliance of Evil, as Brutallo
of assistants, decided to activate the Dimension imposter out there,
now called his allies and minions, deep inside an
Z Device, and prove to the world that his somewhere…?
abandoned Salt Mine in Southern Virginia, and
research for fifteen long years had not been in Doctor Brutallo was defeated, just before he
vain. Carlton tried to stop him, in a struggle that could activate his sinister Seismotron. The 49
carried the two men far beyond camaraderie, but villains were too dangerous to keep in a standard
prison, but Captain Unity, unable to put his old Armageddon Mind. Once Doctor Brutallo
friend in jail, hoped that the future would find a discovers that no one uses Vacuum Tubes
way to deal with the villains properly. Placing anymore, he will find this vastly amusing and
them in specially designed suspended animation continue to use them, as everyone will continue
capsules of Doctor Brutallo’s own design, to be afraid of electromagnetic pulses…but him.
Doctor Brutallo and the Alliance of Evil were
buried deep beneath the earth, never to be seen Appearance: Doctor Brutallo appears to be a
again. Or so they thought…. Cro-Magnon apish man, hairy and stunted, with
The Present… A group of construction long arms and bow legs, wearing a yellow
workers breaking ground for a new housing jumpsuit covered with devices, as well as a belt
project drilled slowly downward, testing for to hold up the pants of the jumpsuit. On his head
surface stability, broke into the cavern housing is an old style helmet with a large side pod for a
Doctor Brutallo’s suspended animation capsule, radio, and his eyes are concealed behind an
pushed slowly towards the surface of the earth ominous visor. His voice is gravelly and rough,
by a massive explosion caused by a super-battle and were it not for his intelligence, it would
in the mountains some years before. The capsule seem to be little more than a piggish grunt.
opened, to the shock and surprise of the workers, Campaign Use: In lower powered campaigns,
to reveal Doctor Brutallo, clad in a yellow give Doctor Brutallo’s gadget pool a half-Phase
jumpsuit. When he told them of his plans to to change, or even a full Phase, unless he is in a
recover his might, and rule the world, they laboratory. Reduce the amount of sciences on his
laughed at the ape-man, as he stumped down the sheet so that he cannot be as effective with the
road. How much of a threat could he really gadget pool. Remove one of his gadget levels as
be…? well.
Quote: “You may think my apish countenance Remember that Doctor Brutallo needs to
foolish, but know that you face the most brilliant operate a portion of his defenses out of his
mind on earth, in this or any century! Face gadget pool in a standard campaign, or he will
Doctor Brutallo, dolt! And know that your become a super smear.
powers are no match for his ultimate genius!” In high-powered campaigns, increase Doctor
“Know that you are doomed, at the hands of Brutallo’s gadget pool to 75, 90, or even 120
the (fill in the appropriate thing here, followed Active Points. Increase his body armor to 20 PD,
by a dramatic pause) …of Doctor Brutallo!” 20 ED to give him defense outside of his gadget
pool. Whatever devices are most commonly used
Author’s Note: This led to several comments should be removed from the pool as well, and
on the part of the players of the playtest scenario bought on his standard power listing. Replace the
such as “We have disabled The Jeep …of Doctor leaping boots with a 25” flight belt, and add 2
Brutallo,” and “Observe …The Line Drawing of Combat Skill Levels.
Doctor Brutallo,” not to mention the ominous
“The Flowers …of Doctor Brutallo” which
deserves special mention here.
Powers/Tactics: Doctor Brutallo was the most
brilliant mind of his time, but even in the modern
era, his brilliance shines in devious and terrible
ways. Doctor Brutallo’s gadgets cannot be
affected by electromagnetic pulses, since all of
his devices still work on vacuum tubes
composed of the mysterious element he created
himself, Brutonium. He carries a Brutonium
battery back on his belt to power his mysterious
devices. His goal is to rule the entire world, and
nothing less will satisfy him. His tactics are
typical of an evil genius, though he will follow
the code of villainy to the letter. Even in
suspended animation, his brilliant mind
functioned, building and designing weapons of
subtle power as well as brute force. If a character
has a weakness, Doctor Brutallo will exploit it
with a device located somewhere in his awesome
arsenal. He deliberately builds devices to exploit
50 the strengths of his teammates, the Titanoid,
Atomicus, Kanga the Dominator, and the
Doctor Brutallo
The Most Brilliant Mind on Earth!
PLOT SEEDS The Terrible Titanoid At last, activating the switch on the small
Dimension Z generator, the robot was infused
Rampage: The Background: Soon after Doctor Brutallo’s with power, and as the horrible crackling
Titanoid goes on a first evil plan was foiled by Captain sounds rang through Doctor Brutallo’s
rampage, and the Unity, he realized that the reason for secret base, The Terrible Titanoid at last
heroes have to stop it, his defeat had been Captain Unity’s strode through the world of men!
but something goes superior physical strength. Doctor Brutallo no longer needed
horribly wrong, and it Regrettably, he was not the to do battle with
breaks open a physical superior of Captain Unity.
genetics facility. Can Captain Unity, The awesome
the heroes stop the and so he was power of the
Titanoid before it forced to Titanoid
spreads a deadly resort to would do
virus? other means it for
Into the Titanic of dealing him.
Realm: The Titanoid with the
is found unconscious flying
in the desert, and sentinel.
emitting strange
waves of Dimension
Z radiation. When the
characters approach
the Titanoid,
they are
transported to
a place where they
are all giants, and
everyone around Rarely did
them is very the loyal robot ever
tiny. How will leave Doctor Brutallo’s
the players Carefully stealing
side, except when
cope when components in secret, he
commanded by his master.
they are treated as managed to build a small Captured along with the
they treated the Dimension Z generator
other members of the
Titanoid in his that would enable him
Alliance of Evil, the
previous plot seed? to build a robot strong
Titanoid was allowed to
How will they get enough to battle
return to normal size, and
Captain Unity in
home? placed in suspended
combat, when
animation, hidden
properly infused
somewhere deep within
with the mysterious
the bowels of the Earth.
energy. For months
he labored, Quote: None, the
creating a Titanoid does not speak.
powerful robot
capable of
energy from
any source,
the material
designed to
expand upon
contact with
almost any sort
of power.
PLOT SEEDS Kanga the Dominator Kanga, or so the humans called him,
Original Concept by James Silverstein traveled with the Alliance of Evil, longing for the
Life’s A Zoo:
day when he would return to the world of Ru,
Kanga hides out in the Background: Kanga the Dominator was born and conquer it for his own. However, Doctor
local city zoo, and Kaangaa, in the City of Valperon, on the world Brutallo’s enemies, the Super Six, tracked them
mind controls the of Ru. A poor and shiftless Ru, he was easily down and placed them in suspended animation,
staff into committing turned to a life of crime by several of his equally their dreams of conquest frozen in icy sleep.
robberies for him. poor associates in the slums of Valperon. He
Hiding out with the never knew his pouch-rearer, and may not even Quote: “Bah, you pitiful humans dare to match
local Kangaroos, he have had one, a sign of shame among the Ru. wills against Kanga the Dominator? Feel the
believes his disguise Kaangaa grew up cold and heartless, awesome power of my mind, and know that
to be impenetrable. stealing from his fellow Ru, and rising in the Ru yours is puny in comparison!”
Hostile Takeover: underworld, his ability to cause illusions Powers/Tactics: Kanga the Dominator fights
Kanga the Dominator indicating that perhaps, he was the result of a mostly with his mental powers, though he has
slowly manipulates tryst between a Ru noble and a common pouch studied the primitive Ru of Earth and discovered
Doctor Brutallo into for coin. The idea that his parents had thrown their aptitude for a unique sport which humans
doing his will, using him into the street, to be raised by cutpurses favor. He has become an excellent boxer, though
subtle mental inspired in him a dark rage, and he began to plot he prefers to rely on his psychic abilities to crush
movements and against the crown of Valperon. opponents from a distance, and enters hand-to-
diversionary tactics. Over the years, Kaangaa’s plots bore fruit, hand combat only as a last resort. The future
Suddenly, Kanga is in and eventually, he managed to assassinate the Dominator of Ru does not sully his hands with
control of the Dominator of Valperon, through his physical fighting unless absolutely necessary.
Alliance of Evil, and manipulations of two Ru princesses and an Kanga enjoys using suggestions to crush his
Doctor Brutallo must outworlder named Jorath. This was too much for foes, humiliating them with his subtlety.
figure out a way to the royalty of Valperon, and after many brutal
wrest control back battles in the slums of Valperon, Kaangaa was Appearance: Kanga the Dominator is a six foot
from him. captured, and sentenced to imprisonment in the two kangaroo with a pouch. It is, however, a
Zone beyond life. With horror, Kaangaa was cast male kangaroo with a pouch, which should clue
Ru Invasion: The into the nebulous void, to float forever in the in PCs with animal handling that something is
Ru invade Earth, and horrid space, screaming and wailing that one not quite right. He is occasionally carrying
Kanga comes to the day, he would return to Valperon, and have his several of Doctor Brutallo’s gadgets in his
PCs for help. The revenge on those who had opposed him. pouch, which should prove a rude surprise for
invasion must be Kaangaa floated in the void for what seemed heroes who dare to reach inside.
repelled, or Kanga like an eternity, until suddenly, a golden sphere
will be executed for of light seemed to float before him, widening Campaign Use: In lower-powered Campaigns,
his crimes against the reduce Kanga’s Mind Control to 10d6 or even
into an enormous portal. Barely sane, Kaangaa
Ru. He will not tell 8d6, reduce his EGO to 23 and his SPD to 4.
drifted towards the light, and slammed on to the
them this part, of cold concrete floor. Drop his DEX to 18 and remove his Martial
course…. “Goodness,” purred a deep gravelly voice. Arts. Lower his defenses to 15 PD and 15 ED,
“What have we here?” and eliminate his Danger Sense.
Kaangaa struggled to move, but the In higher-powered games, increase Kanga’s
DEX and SPD to 26 and 6, his EGO to 30, and
dimensional travel had made him weak, too
weak to resist as Doctor Brutallo’s Hypno-ray his Mental Powers to a whopping 20d6. Add
bored into his mind, making him reveal all of his levels and damage classes with his martial arts
deepest secrets to the strange, hunched monkey abilities, and increase his defenses by 10 PD and
creature. As Kaangaa and Doctor Brutallo spoke, 10 ED. Add 5 to his Damage Resistance as well,
and add Mind Scan 15d6 at 0 END outside his
Kaangaa felt a strange kinship with the outcast
creature, and vowed to rule this world as he had
once planned to rule Ru. Of course, eventually,
he would replace Doctor Brutallo as the ruler of
this world, and then return to conquer Ru, as his
scheming mind plotted the possibilities of
ultimate power. The foolish ape creature could
not even pronounce his name properly, clearly a
sign of inferiority.
The ape creatures and Brutallo’s enemies
feared him greatly, choosing to name him The
Dominator, which brought him great amusement,
though the strange little ape man’s brilliance,
56 while disturbing, seemed to find it fitting with
the Ru’s mental abilities.
Atomicus, The Radioactive Man Leonard committed crimes throughout the PLOT SEEDS
southwest for a while, robbing a bank here and
Background: Leonard Carlsen was a smalltime Mutation
stealing a car there. He barely made enough
thug in 1947 – the kind of smalltime thug who Madness: Another
money to survive, and his money was running
made cheap talk but could never get anything villainous scientist
out when Doctor Brutallo found him, asking him
done. He had run out on his family; he couldn’t kidnaps Atomicus in
to front an operation to steal the legendary
trust his friends; and he had stolen three order to mutate his
treasure of the City of Gold from its rightful
thousand dollars of Big Frankie’s money. He minions into
holders. It was better than the life he had, so he
was leaving town to set up a new life somewhere something else by
joined Doctor Brutallo’s Alliance of Evil,
in New Mexico, where Big Frankie and his thugs bathing them in the
becoming Atomicus, the Radioactive Man.
couldn’t find him. radiation field of the
Leonard never did see any of the money,
Regrettably, Leonard also was not Dastardly Villain!
though he knows that Doctor Brutallo holds it in
particularly adept at covering his tracks, and Big Doctor Brutallo tells
a secret location, to mint the currency he will
Frankie’s thugs trailed him into New Mexico, the heroes, in the
need to keep the world running. Leonard figured
always a step behind him. He finally noticed hope that they will
as long as he stuck with Doctor Brutallo, he has
them driving into a small gas station, and hurried track down Atomicus
a bright future in the New World Order.
into the desert, the gunshots cracking behind and save him from an
Such was not to be, however. Leonard and
him, gas slowly leaking from the hole in the tank awful fate.
his compatriots were cornered by the Super Six
as he drove into the sand dunes, heedless of the deep in South Virginia, as Doctor Brutallo was Revenge of the
signs warning of atomic testing. about to activate his Seismotron, and crumble the Radioactive Man:
Leonard chose that moment to look behind country beneath a wave of earthquakes. Leonard Atomicus has
him, as the bullets flew, and one caught the gas was placed in suspended animation with his discovered that Big
tank again just as he vaulted over the edge of a comrades, hopefully never to be freed from Frankie has
tall cliff, the car sailing downward, erupting in a captivity, buried deep in the New Mexico atomic descendants living in
fireball in midair, the bright white light in the testing area that first created him… the heroes’ campaign
distance signaling that some sort of radiation test city, who still have
was being conducted. Big Frankie’s thugs Quote: “Shut yer yap! Yer lookin’ at Atomicus. mafia ties. Atomicus
headed back the way they had come, intending to Dat’s Right, Atomicus! The Radioactive Man! attacks these people,
report that Leonard Carlsen was dead. Now yer gonna Fry!” trying to erase them
But Leonard did not die…. for trying to kill him
Powers/Tactics: Atomicus is a rather powerful over fifty years ago.
Leonard’s body hurtled through the air, dull man without much education. He is a good team
and limp as the radiation suffused his dying The Mafia retaliates,
player because Doctor Brutallo has trained him and the Alliance of
body, filling it with power as his senses slowly to respond tactically to situations. His radiation
returned to consciousness, his eyes filled with Evil retaliates against
field can be shut off if it suddenly presents a the Mafia. All out
stark terror as he commanded his falling body to danger to his own team. Left to his own devices,
stop. It did. Leonard could fly, and he was battles ensue!
he simply blasts away at the weakest opponents
surrounded by a reddish-hot field of blinding he can, trying to cause as much harm with his
energy. He flew down towards the retreating car, radiation powers as possible.
laughing maniacally as he approached the
somewhat quiet men inside. Appearance: Atomicus is the most colorful of
The men turned to look, the driver placing the Alliance of Evil. He wears a bright red
his foot on the accelerator as the laughing, costume with a greenish visor, spiked gauntlets
glowing man closed in on them, wishing they and spiked shoulder epaulets. He has a bright red
could drive faster than he could fly. belt with a shiny “A” etched across it, and the
They had not driven far before Leonard helmet shows most of his jaw and mouth. He
caught up with them…. sports a bright red cape that trails behind him,
down to his knees. There is a large biohazard
symbol on the chest of the red costume, and the
gauntlets and shoulder epaulets, as well as his
boots, are a sickly medium olive color.
Note: This costume is very similar to the
costume on the cover of the first Champions
Rulebook from 1981. This is intentional.
PLOT SEEDS The Armageddon Mind Quote: “You who stare at my horrifying
Original Concept Geoff Depew appearance, know that it is the will of Doctor
Rallying Point:
Brutallo, the greatest genius ever to walk the
The Armageddon Background: Jacob Cosmovich was a Earth, and future ruler of the world! Now, my
Mind takes over a speechwriter, a pamphleteer trying to save the beauty, you shall reside forever at the side of The
printing press, in an world from Communism in the late 1940s. His Armageddon Mind!”
attempt to replace the writing was not terribly inspirational, and in the
main character of postwar atmosphere, the Russians were still Powers/Tactics: The Armageddon Mind is a
every novel with friends to the United States. Looking for people slow, ponderous engine of destruction. It lumbers
Doctor Brutallo. (The who shared his views of facing down the forward, and tries to destroy anything Doctor
Armageddon Mind is Communist threat, he found very few takers, and Brutallo orders it to, except women, which it tries
not a great planner.) If he fell upon hard times. to capture and collect. Doctor Brutallo has tried to
The Armageddon Using the last of his savings, he put an ad in cure it of this habit, however, everything he has
Mind isn’t stopped, the newspaper, as his last few pamphlets failed to tried has failed. The Armageddon Mind is easily
this leads to novels sell, collecting dust on bookstore shelves, the most powerful member of the Alliance of Evil
like The Secret Affair advertising for a speechwriter. Unfortunately for in a fight, though it often spends lots of time
of Doctor Brutallo Jacob, it was Doctor Brutallo who answered his expounding on why Doctor Brutallo should rule
and self-help books ad. Doctor Brutallo did not need a speechwriter. the world. This irritates Atomicus greatly. Note
like Cooking However, Doctor Brutallo needed a brain. In that the Armageddon Mind does not have any idea
Malaysian With Jacob, he had found the right sort of brain he what to do with the women it collects. Sometimes,
Doctor Brutallo. needed. in the middle of combat, the Armageddon Mind
False Mind: Jacob didn’t make a sound as his body will pause to place one of its Why Doctor Brutallo
Doctor Brutallo sends slumped to the floor, and Brutallo carried him Should Rule The World pamphlets on the body of
The Armageddon from the building where they met. He didn’t make a defeated foe.
Mind on a rampage, a sound on the operating table, as his life slipped Appearance: The Armageddon Mind is a nine-
but when the away from him, his girlfriend, his car, his tiny life. foot tall saucer shaped robot with four extendable
characters get there It all seemed so insignificant now. When Jacob legs, rocket pods, and a central brain surrounded
and fight it, The awoke, he felt strange, different. He tried to look by cameras, floating in a liquid preservation gel.
Armageddon Mind is around, but it felt like he was looking out of a Sliding doors on the rotating saucer reveal various
a pale imitation of its television camera at Doctor Brutallo, a man who weapon ports and long mechanical tentacles,
usual self. Where is was supposed to only exist in comic books. ending in various claw and hand shapes. It is a
the real Armageddon Jacob listened to Doctor Brutallo, for in his highly disturbing creation. If knocked out, the
Mind, and what is new body, at the side of Doctor Brutallo, he creature slumps to the ground, unmoving.
Doctor Brutallo up would fight communism as no one ever had. Attempts to dismantle the Armageddon Mind in
to? Jacob turned to look at himself in the mirror, and the past have proved fruitless, as they would
he was impressed. Whereas, before he had been a clearly kill the brain inside.
weak, scrawny individual, now his brain was
encased in a massive robot body, a titanic metal Campaign Use: In lower-powered campaigns,
saucer with retractable legs and ten tentacle arms. remove The Armageddon Mind’s Damage
Whereas before, he had to struggle to get a Reduction, add 5 points of raw PD and ED, and
girlfriend, now he could simply take any woman reduce the Multipower to 60 Active Points.
he wanted. Jacob decided to test his new abilities, Remove one Combat Skill Level, and remove the
and together, with the rest of the Alliance of Evil, Hardening from its defenses.
they stormed a drive-in theatre and made In higher-powered games, increase the
everyone flee in panic. Jacob was christened The Armageddon Mind’s Damage Reduction to ¾
Armageddon Mind, the newest member of the Resistant to Physical and Energy, and add 10
Alliance of Evil. points of Physical and Resistant Energy Defense.
Jacob worships Doctor Brutallo, for Doctor Doubly Harden its PD and ED, and increase the
Brutallo had taken him away from an unhappy life Multipower to 120 Active Points. Increase the
and made him one of the most powerful SPD of the Armageddon Mind to 6, and its DEX
supervillains on Earth. Clearly, Doctor Brutallo’s to 20. Add 4 more levels with OCV for its main
brilliant mind had made Jacob a better person. weapons systems.
Clearly, Doctor Brutallo was best suited for ruling
the Earth, precisely as he had explained. Clearly,
the brain transplant had driven poor Jacob mad,
for he was Jacob Cosmovich no longer. He was
simply The Armageddon Mind.
The Armageddon Mind was placed in a
suspension chamber somewhere underneath
62 Wyoming, where, the Super Six prayed, no one
would ever discover its whereabouts.
The Armageddon Mind 16 +2 with All Combat
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
80 STR 70 25- 1600 tons, 16d6 HTH [8] 3 KS: Why Doctor Brutallo Must Rule
18 DEX 24 13- OCV: 6/DCV: 6(4) the World 11-
30 CON 40 15- 3 Power 11-
15 BODY 4 12- 3 PS: Composer 11-
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll: 11- 3 PS: Musician 11-
15 EGO 10 12- ECV: 5 3 PS: Pamphleteer 11-
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 3 Teamwork 13-
4 COM -3 10-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 330
20 PD 4 Total: 20 PD (20 rPD)
Total Cost: 502
20 ED 12 Total: 20 ED (20 rED)
4 SPD 12 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 200+ Disadvantages
22 REC 0 25 Distinctive Feature: Brain in a Robot
60 END 0 Body (Not Concealable, Causes Horror)
60 STUN 5 20 Hunted: UNTIL 8- (Mo Pow, NCI)
20 Hunted: US Government 8- (Mo Pow,
Total Characteristics Cost: 172 NCI)
Movement: Running: 20”/40”
Flying: 20”/640” Physical Limitation: Large (16x Mass, -2
Leaping: 12”/24” DCV, -4” Leap)
Swimming: 2”/4”
Cost Powers END 15 Psychological Limitation: Covets Women
75 Weapons Systems: Multipower (75- and Collects Them (Common, Strong)
point Reserve) 20 Psychological Limitation: Loyal to
7u 1) Armageddon Missiles: RKA 5d6, 4 Doctor Brutallo (Common, Total)
Charges (-1) [4] 15 Psychological Limitation:
7u 2) Protonic Ray: EB 12d6, Reduced Overconfidence in Doctor Brutallo
Endurance (½ END, +¼) 3 (Common, Strong)
5u 3) Mindwave Ray: EGO Attack 3d6, 30 Vulnerability: 1½x STUN and BODY
Explosion (-1 DC per 3”, +1), Reduced from Electricity (Common)
Endurance (½ END, +¼); Based On 211 Experience Points
DEX (-½) 3
7u 4) Sonic Ray: EB 6d6, NND (Defense
is Hard Ear Coverings or Hearing Flash
Defense, +1), Reduced Endurance (0
END, +½) 0
5u 5) Synth-Gel of Doctor Brutallo:
Entangle, 8 DEF, 4d6 BODY; 8
Charges (-½) [8]
60 Robotic Body: 50% Damage
Reduction, Physical and Energy,
Resistant 0
25 Robotic Body: Damage Resistance, 20
PD, 20 ED, Hardened (+¼) 0
10 Robotic Body: Hardened PD and ED 0
10 Robotic Body: Mental Defense, 13
points 0
10 Robotic Weight: Knockback
Resistance -5” 0
60 Rocket Pods: Flight 20”, 32x
Noncombat Multiplier 4
28 Robot Legs: Running +14” (20” Total) 4
5 Robot Limbs: Extra Limbs (Up to 14,
10 Arms, 4 Legs) 0