Counter Collection Supers & Moderns (FDP4023)
Counter Collection Supers & Moderns (FDP4023)
Counter Collection Supers & Moderns (FDP4023)
Lifestyle of the Rich, Famous and Daring: Fairline Targa 30 (above and belowdecks), Lamborghini Diablo, Ducati 998, Harley-Davidson, Porsche convertible, Lifeboats,
Crimelords, Personalities, Daredevils, Mechanics, Gang Members, Bodyguards and Diver.
Traffic News Update: Civilian Helicopter, Schoolbus, Freight Truck, Cars (typical, sedan and SUV) and Reporters.
Military Emergency: Apache Helicopter, Humvees and Soldiers.
Military Emergency: Abrahams Tanks, Soldiers, Military Battlesuit, Prototype Jetpack, Super-General, Nazi Commanders, Nazi Arcanists, Nazi Über-Robot, Villain Troops, Alien
Invaders, Robot Aerial Units.
Streets of Crime: Armored Truck, Security Guards, Asian Tong Members, Thugs and Mobsters, Snakeblooded Crime Boss, Gunslingers, Costumed Vigilantes, Costumed
Brawlers, Ninja, Infiltrators, Martial Artists, Hacker, Large Criminal Freaks.
New Generation: Superhero Jet Transport, Skysleds, The Mage, Spitfire, Patroller, Flex, Torc, Moondancer.
Nature vs. Science: Humanoid Animals, Animal-Themed Characters, Animal-Human Hybrids, Battlesuits, Alien and Biotech Armors, Scientists and Techies, Radioactive
Villains, Robot and Cyborg Masterminds and Robot Troops.
Supernatural Heroes and Villains.
Superheroes, Supervillains and Superspies.
Supernatural Horrors and Pulp Heroes
Lovecraftian Things That Weren’t Meant To Be, Ghouls and Degenerate Savages
The Stars Are Right! Iä! Iä!