Wargames Illustrated #134
Wargames Illustrated #134
Wargames Illustrated #134
Figures & Painted
Dux Bellorum:theAge of Arthur
Britain waited. Now thdtthe Roman Al deserted
westernbeaches.lrish Meanwhile the Britons,uniied,and
cloakof protectionwas gone,invasion waniorsgroundtheirboatsontogravel, led by ARTHVR" musteredlheir horse
was imminent. Anglet Saxons, andJutespressed dnd footarmies.
Fromthe North, fierceScotsand Picts forwardhungrilyfromsouthdnd€dst. Few of the invaderswould se€their
fitedthroughthe und€fended greatwall. homelands
again. llt
llverseas austdlid
EssexMiniarurcs Gamas
Fosenb 12
Via C€vour250
l2 Pl6zEStaMoria
1213ABookhud Sr.
osA 1 osA2
"Dux Bellorum" - The Age of Arthur in 25mm
PacliofFour fool lig!res !2.n0/SS.50 ,\BC0l llordred . ptradehelmer$ spefflli $ $ f d . s h r e l (dl )
A B C 1 0L r n a m o r eJdl o r s e m d
Onc mountedlieure- !1.50/Sl-20 \ B c o l c a l a l o n m s c r . { . d h . l m& s t c d t l )
RO\'\\O.ARITISII \ l l c o { C a r a l o m e e h e l m e ct L o a ts p e d l l )
{llc0i CaralOmmq plumedhelmer.jpear(l} (sutrrhlctiy lurcsaid lnqlcs as$.ll)
\BRr I lnhtrnan ( L)nrnrand 111
OSA0I Sr\on ConnMd (.1)
, \ l l R r l \ n h u . r n K n r s h n l \ m u c d l . f 1 . 1 ) ,\B( 06 \1td Stmd&dU.ee( shreldon backrl)
OSA0I Sa\on$ratriorsin amor (.1)
. \ l l R i l R i m m n B n . r h L n f $ h l l m d i h i . l d l l r 1 8 ( 0 , - ( a \ a L ^ m M\ l a r n n . L tar n n . . $
. \ d rlr
ABC08 I i!mo..d H.6cnrd..Loal,& sp.d Llr OS,'\0l Lnamrored Sa\ons$ helmets(.1)
l B R a l L f u m ! t r . Jl d r d ! r \ h t u . h . a d r d 1 l )
18C09 Lhlmo.cd Ho.scJnd\\ rcn.d hcld & Os,'\li+ trnamo d Sdons. bdeheaded (1)
OSArl5 5a\!n Unamorcdltlrsslch.n(1j
ABCoL \dhua. Il,D BntJi l rn d.t 1l)
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25mm Metal Figures THE SPANISH vlK
l0 Codi(2) f l , l 0 , 5 l 2 0 Llv3 FellponyGrallionxl)75pr! 30
SPAI Span6hFeho ad$ncins(1) ll MounredH.6n . tl506l:0 LlV4 Pa.kponywnhpmni.s(l)
STANDARD PACK PRICIS: sPA 2 spdBh Fmrfs lndii! (4) vIK l2 v'k,n!sc.lebdiis (4) .. .. 7 5 p 4 13 0
Four foot ligu.rs .... J2.60,55.50 SPAI SpannhAm0ed Foot adv (4) VIK r3 Slav* md caprr* (4) Lrv5 Packhor. heav,ryrrden( I )
SPA4 SpanahAmord Fool nd (4) VIK l4 Cipraii andcr.ms 14) 75P7S130
Onc nolnted figu.. , J1,50,53.20 sPA 5 Spmsh Arch.6 (4) LIV6 Cd(10) . . ' 2 9 0 / t 65 0
SPA6 SpankhlftsulaB(1) vlK 16 lc.landlcH.o* (4) t2 90rt6 50
'E''l. THE BYZA\TINf,S (sPc r r re 'he tre6 NMc 6 - 3) NORSE MYTHOLOGY
BYzol ByzntrESpcm.n\ karher SPCI SpanahKnighr,.ou.hedlmce VIK 13 Ol.f T!-'svason& wors (1) N M S I C r c i d . l ( l ) .. !1.?0753?5
sPC 2 Spn^hKiishr! sp€aram(1, vrK lc Vikiig fallenaid $oundedi{)
BYZ02 Brzrine Spemen ad! (1) vrK:0 vir.ii-!chrfia,n 7rp,9160
BYZ0] Vannl(i Cnad (4t sPc{ spand Knrshr\ na,rcoar. YrK lr LaE vrkrngHuscanstl) ACCESSORIES
v l K : l L a k v i r r D s B o n rdir) R.sii, exclprBhq. indieted
BYZ05 MailChd Speamen?d\ r1) sc 2 vikiE Knor . t22 00/t4s93
SPcJ s p a n j : | ' K i j g h l {m a i | c o a l & \e$ - ntounred Viking Raiders
BYZ06 ByzntrncCohmindl{) sc 3 Lars.rinberermedroshous.
vKcor Amoad vik,ns Jdr (r)
BZCoI Kdaphndo' crenedhehi ( r ) vxc02 Mrd wdiorq n&lhelm (l)
BZC02 The''arc Kahprra.ros(r) VKC03 Mount.d waior. baehaded,
BZCoI KalaphBdoimJl & s*d (l) sPc 7 spanBhunmored xtr,ghrq
. 4350/fi993
Bzc04 Kavalla;o,.hd$is(l) (
sc5 Med,mwahre dd rinbf
decoded nasalhelm | ) vKc04 Mrd chieh,rn,bd.heded I t)
BzcoJ Kavarraor sirh kir. shietd(t) de.lling !700/31675
SPC3 Spanish Unmored Knishi* VKC05 Mount.dWmor * hdm.
Bzc06 cotr.b.dspc, (r)
Kavararior, op€n racehcln ( I )
SC6 Flin!'$on. .hurchl23.00/552 93
BzCo? Krt il barehs.d, sc 7 wanlcrcn.c*c!ons,n.ral(l)
lit.-shi.ld(l) sPc a spdBh unmo.ed Kirghr,l vKC06 "Be.rr- Bondi oi ho6. ( l) fl 20/$2 75
Bzc03 Ka!2nanoi$ rearhsco*.ter
sPC l0 Span6hAmoftd Knishr!
SC3 md,l (31
azc09 Karaph6clos *i1h lanceon studdedrsrher sorsd ( r )
mor.d hors 1l ) tl6019lr0 scoTs4RtsH
& PIcTs sc 9 Tnburexndceoods.merol
]\ORMANS cEL I wdios$andiig(4) trdslsned) ']20rs493
azcr0 Amord HoBeA(hs (t) NoNl l Dnmounled knilhr (4)
BZCII T$k6h Hors Archtr(l) cELz wrioE chTEne (a) S Cl 0 S m . l l e ' l v e s e lf 3 5 0 / l l 9 9 l
cELl corkd/Hmd.d 14) SC ll vikinssaeon.n.t 1250/S530
NE'l,THE CRTISADERS NoM I Meditr'iinranty (r) cEL,l NobtewamoE(4) sc r: Medim$anreaid rimb*
cRcol Amorred kiiclir w(h fac.. cEL 5 scoclnsh .omnod (4) d$€lhns f650/!550
lrsoicouchedranc.(r) NOIV5 Fdnco-FlmislrinfaiB (.rl Sc r:r smrrrouburtdiig. rhart.d
CRCoI AmonEd knishrrtrh phr-r al?rt750
grani!re hehi. raice(r)
sc rl sroi.& tharhd*e[,ng
CRCoI Annrdltn'shr\ nrd.dD'giig \ M C r V r d K n , q l t r $S p f l f r a ' * d 1 t l C V C] l o r i r e d q a m o rr l r 4650,51550
CRC0r Amrd knrshrspearnnk,ng c\l( I \lord.d \amofr I s c r 5 A f r m . b u r d i n ts6 5 0 6 t 5 5 0
c\jc.1 \loud.dchlenah 1 ) SC16 Osbjd!stylelo'eship 12500
CRC05 C orkedkn,sll $rh $.r ilr \NlC 5 tiafrordNorsmrn\ spear sc r6a osbl.rsloncship sd (iidudes
CRC06 Knish sa Lopine$!p€a.rrl P c T z P d N o b h s ( ? , a l 1 0 r S 32 0 s c r ? m d s c1 3 ) s?493
cRUor cnradeis in $ah aniortl) tMC I Ki,Bbrdnkm,!o\sm (l) PcT I Pd crosboq (2) ll40/sr20 S Cl 7 R o u i d s h i c l d s ( 1 6 )
CRU02 Crusadermed 'nfanh adr t{j NMc 3 Kniebtnand'ns(l) s c 1 3 R o w e 6 wo d f i n s ( 1 2 )t 6 0 0
cRU0r haroNoffirn nsc.nrnes(1) PERSO\ALITIES
NMC9 Mounred Hon Blo*er ( l) EachF@t figur. bd@ ?oprsl60 SC19 Feasrins Table, Bench.
THE YOORS NMC l0 MounredSraidard Beffi ( | ) Tabhqde(ndl) 1500,5r060
MOR 1 Nrbiansp€men dv (4) NMC lr Farm KiighG 12 60/t5 50 PSN I HaBld Hrdrada of Nok-ay sc l0 ll ih/l2rhCenrury Sro. Kep
MoR 2 Nub'o Spe.meniandin,!(1) NMC ll Squne* couched lace{l) llr 00-1500p&p/t?c 50
MOR r Nub,mSp€r, padded coats(4) NMC 1l Mrd warlordl sDdEi*n(l) PsN I w'llid rheB6rld. Duk. of SC2l Palins (7
Fenc.s 12t *c -
MOR4 Bsb* Speamenad!.ncin!{4) NMc l,l Mrd wanord* mailcoif{t) Nomady(mrd) rr 5061.20 rio's.ndal) 43006675
MOR 5 B.d. Sp.amennadi.s (4) },IDDLESAXO\S BnhopOdo(mld ) ll50/Sr20 sc22 Ho$inwn eocondd Hand-
MOR 6 B.lbrt Speadenchasiig (1) sAX I sa\o. commdd(1) can tr 00/st060
MOR ? AndalulianSpcanrennd(,1) sAx 2 Aniourd rhesis({) lnrd) BATTLf, PACKS
MOR & Andalsi,n Speamei adv ({) SAX I sekcr Fr_di. h.lns(4) BPr Vik,nE wrbdd (16Infantry)
MORe AmoredAnd,rsim rnf (1) SAx 4 sehd F)rd, ln c.ps or barc 12000/s447t
MOR l0 MoorDinmmeEC )!r 40rsl :0 BPra OrarTry- evsoi W&bdd (40
MOR I I MoonslrsrandadBdeB (1) SAx J Fr-rd snh bows'nlnss (a) 'nfdrry) r22oo^4393
MOR l2 Be n6efBlack Gu[d adY(4) sAx 6 unamourcdrhesns (4) Morcar, Edl ofNonhumbna BP4 SdonSnrcrdwar (16rnfdht)
MOR lr E.i YusefBla.l Cd iands (a) sAx r Alftedrhecrer & rcraineB(4)
t20 00/s44?5
7 o p r s l 6 0 sAX3 SaxonChieftain ( l ) rlp/sl60 BP4a AlfEdrhecred sh'.rdwall (16
MoR rr MoonshArche6(4) S X CI M t d T h e s n ( l ) r 1 6 0 , 5 1 2 0 infdrry) I20 00rS44 7l
MoR l6 Moonsbcommad (4) AND r AnslcDdish Hu$arts! 2. B P i D u k .w i l l i mR . r i n u . ( 2 4 l n t , l 0
MRC I Bdb.r Hodenin nnkins(r) cav,Duke)
Cid'(nrd) fl 50/9293 t2750r56150
MRc 2 Bob.' Ho6cnai. facevc'l(l) AND2 AnslcDmiih Husrh w BP5r Nomd Cav110) 11250/t2793
MRC r B{ber Ho6em. shrerd oi back (4) CIVILTANS
sp.a6& swords crv r ro.surcdMoiks(1) BP6 CdN warbdd (36infdrry + 4
MRC4 Bdb$ Ho6em. r6sershnld VIKINGS ca$r!-) r2500/tr5s3
MRC 5 An&rusai Uimor.d CIV? Shcphdds dd no.kmln 14)
vlK r vikinscommand(4) clVr N o & w o m e n ( 5 ) f r l 0 / t 69 3 BPI .ioonshwatand (56inlmhr)
Hor*man \Y helm(l) vlK 2 Hu*els ara.LiiF (a) r3200/t7150
MRC 6 And.lus Ho6ehai $.l.imor clv4 Romanftiei andanmdar
MRC r Anddusm ,na,r.dHoe,n,n
vrKr Hu$rh srditr-e (,r) f t r 0 / t 3 2 0 BP?. Bo Yu$fsRerinu.(59int,l0
vlK4 Bond'atuckln!(4) Clv5 children( l) f2106{ 15 carrYueD f45001910050
vrKs Bondidrdcinc(r) ClV6 Sp.nnhPcrsnE (4) BP7b Moorcav (r0) fl250/127e3
MRC 3 Andarusain,rcdHor*n.n vrK 6 Bond,Mhbows(,r) BP3 ElCrdjReni&(24infanty- l0
vjl( r E6i v'krigs(sweder/Run(1)
LIVESTOCK caval'rr Elcid) r2500/t5t93
vRc9 Berb.rllonnredDnmmflrr) vJK 3 vik,n8advedureE(1)
L r vr M e x s h e p ( 6 ) n 9 0 5 6 r 0 E P 3 , S p m nC h a v( r 0 ) t r 2 5 0 / s 2 7 e r
vRC l0 Aidahs'ai Nobleman LJv: H ' g h l n d c a n l e ( 1s) 2 c 0 r ! 6 1 0
vlK 9 Bee4*(3) lr 30/5450
>U.S. Dollar ($) pric€s above are available only through BROOKHURSTHOBBIESta N. American customers
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1i300thSCALEWHITEMETALFIGURES 50 Infantryor 20 Cavalryor 6 Guns& Crew
Unit12,Semington WiltsBA146LB,England.
lvhen replying to adverts please mention Wargames Illustrated.
Front cover pboro:Son, ,, th. spLadu rcv 25mn
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Moe Anm figu6 lor our fot slic aDe.im Civil Wa. tug€ this no t, s sel s soD€dcliShdul fgu6 to dd 10our ev.r greving Napolsnic rango
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LTD,Hub€rt L.nc, Ofi DoylcRd,Sr P.t r Port Guemrcy,Channcll5land5.GE.r Brlr.ln.GYI r RGPhon..ol aar 7t:t241 Far,014a1?r/r905 rL)
THE FoUNoRy LID,1549 M.dtew Ddv., w.soatG, ohio44l16, UsA. phone. 4toi7t {587 Far 44o492-5a8? t- .1
S- ,R-o-;A; ^c- :- ; G SS
".s*-fr€ * f+S 14f Y
GLORY New Kyo' Strnley,
Co. Durham' DH9 7TJ
Calumet, Pt
Td: 724 423 35aO
The Finest" Tcl! (01207)2t3332
P,6ia d6iss Aldy cl<ra Far: (01207)2E1902 Farr 7244236E9E
FXI 0l LiDe Conmand -ftI drEss/ shrko (20 68s) (tll) FXA0I Foot Afiillery crews (20 figs) (€tD
FXI 02 CentfeConpatry - ftll dr€ss/ shakonarch attack FxA 0l FmtAnitlery @ws, bicom€s(20 figs) (f,ll)
FXI 09 Energ€ticFrerch - frn drcss/ sbah (r5 figs) (t8) FXE 02 6lb Gun (2 per pack,16-50)
FXI l8 Elite Company- campaiF drEss/ shakodefending FXE 07 24lb Howirzer (2Frpack f5-50)
F)(I 27 Elite Company- gr€atcoals/ shakoadva&ing NXG39 FrenchGenerals(6 tr8s) (t9)
FXI 37 C€ntreC-ompany- 1807ftll d.ress/ bicome advancing NXG 4l Fr€nchADCS in shako
FXI 48 Centrec@patry- 1807canpai8trdress/ bicornesadtNirs NXG 42 FrenchADC'Sin bustty
FXI 52 Elite Cmpony- | 807cdp6ig! dr6s / bicornesskimishinS NXG 43 FrenchColonelsin shtko
FXI 63 Elite Company- lm7 8r@1@ls/ bicrmesskirmishitrg NXG 44 FrenchCrlonels in bicome
FXl68 l,€grerein bearskiDs NxG 45 FrenchColonelsin o!€rcoats
FXI69 l€gerehbusbys NXG46 FrenchColonelsof the Inlp€rid Guard
FxI 73 Line C-otunand - r8r2 (20 figs) (Jll) Eb British, Rttssian,Pnssian, Polkh,
F)(I ?4 Cen[e Compony- l8l2 marchatlack Bavtri@\ Wlr tenb rge' Saxon'Austria.-.
&iqs: - 2s|d tls pa h.! of 30 foa.or 10 tMt1{ &!E 6ld tr.r.n d odEniE sd dr.rolrF for h! d.ajr'
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s.vise' ?004, Peir &44 A.ti6l sA lqllgl* 5, 23028 Madd 4gL s!r.si! E Tdica va c.lw 250, 00134 RonE '4&t!daj WtlG &
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SeplemberThe principle commader of hn amy wa! Lord George into muskelryrangeud lhereforefte GovemmemMils begin with a
moralelesl as they comeimmedialelyunderfire- BecaDse ftey m
Oeqe.alCope,the commander of Govenmentforcesin Scorland, belowaverage, ir is eminentlyposible thalsomewill routat thispoinr
landed hh small army al Dunbtu to the east md advanced on bul it is unlikelythattheyall will. Thegme shouldbeplayedf.omfiis
Edjnburgh, lo which$e Jacobires responded by advdcing ro fte easr pointin the usualway.
towardsrhem.GeneralCopechosea srong posirionfacinesouthwith \\'hen I played it. as the Highlanded advdced the d.agoonson the
a dilch and soft groundin fron1. righl refDsedto chdge bd wereoveruhelmedin a Delee.The infantry
The Jacobnesdecidednot to makea frcnlal atrackand insre.d opred did all flee. brl the dragootrsoD the lefl did actuauycha.geand roured
lo conrinuepastthe Govemnenramy and switreroundand anackir oneunn ofHigblandesbefoe theytoo wereoveRhelDedin a Delee.
from lhe east.This mdch was cdied our in lhe erly hour of the It will be htud work 1o mate fte Govednent 'fry sin in rhis
momineof 2l Seplenberlr was observedby Cope\ ,my which scenariobec.useallhoughlhe rwo sides m of equal size. fte
ioded up in a new positionfacinSeasrin orderro confromn. Borh HighlandeBareof higherquality.
side!fomed up facingeacholherAlthoughsimild ir sizetheJacobite
amyhadmarchedalittleloofdsoth ir ourflanked theleft of Cope\
amy whilehavinga gapin irs centre.The Govemment aDl did have
arlillery,but asil did nol havea significant
effect,I havelefi itout. The
inhnlry were in the cenlre,with cavalry on enher fldk. % tr
The Highlande.s attackedswiftly andCopet amy begd ro waver
almostimnedialely and the cavalryon eitherflank did nor chdge. The tr
Highlanderenred as theyclosedin and the cavalrybrokelealirg fte
infanlry,whoaho fleda5theHighlandeN madecontacr. Thebattle*as E] E]
overandit hadlastedonly a bw rninltes.
tr tr
GeneralCope had forr infantry reCinents.bu1as one of thesehad
only lwo companiesI decidedthat rhereshouldbe three in fte
war-qame, wilh a cavalrylnn of dragoons on eachflank.As the two
z tr
lrmies wereof simil& sire tun o!e. 2000men).it is appropriate to DncH
Bive the Jacobnesfive unir5 of HiChlande6The map showsthe
disposirions. Thenghrwingof rheJacobite amy stadssliehllyfunher
awaythanthe left asfte leil wing hadstarledto advancefi6r. The .ight
tluk oiCope\ armyrestedon a la€e dilchwhichyou canuseasfte
edgeof thewaryames rable.
In lhis scendio,the Ja.obnesstan6rst fromjust out of musketry Q lnnrlt Moveu:r,ns
range. The way lhrr ny tules operate,this heans ftat they Dove first.
91 BallardsLane
Fincbley,LondonN3 lXY
0r8t-346 2327
Open6daysa week9.30an- 6pD
Closelo FinchleyCenEalUndergound(NonhemLine)
The centre chargedfilsi, followed by the right. The cbarging FCANE' coMMNq DRAcoND!]E!sr DUNGEoNEUAoPA.
Highlandes sen lo hale generallyconvergedon the left hand end of E9 PMCTICAL
CuDberland s line so thai a coupleof.egimenrstookthebruntof rhe GAMES[UsrMlED'ANDMNMoRE.
attack.However,fte fire from olher.egimentsincludin-sthe one behind
tbe dyke wd significant.SomeHighlandesbroke rhJouehro rhe
secondline but lhey could nor prevail a.d rhe attackwas defeated.
The Jacobjteftont tine. gaveway, someretreatine.sone roudng.The
balile was losr Tle units of the s@ondJacobiteline coverd fte reEeat
of lhe resl of fte afty. Tle Jacobitecavalry temporeily held up rhe
cavalry of Ctrmberldd\ left flank. Thesehad managedto oudlank rhe
JacobitesaJterthe infdtry had pulled down part of the wall which had WARRIOR MINIATURES
bleked their advance.Cumberlod s calalry pDrsDedthe ftlreating
14 Tiverton Avenue,
Jacobiteaml, followed later by the infantry
Cumberland'samy had 15 infetf rcgimeni. wilh soine nilitia, GlasgowG329NX Scotland
New Caiatogueer 50 ptus a dmp€d addFs!€d mvetoF.
somecannonand lbree regimentsof dJagoons,a'ound 9000 men. To Phie *ate inkch for smph, 24hom m\eeahon€i 01{1-m 3'126.we acepr M*i
rep.esentthis :my I have used ll unils (nine of infanry, 1wo of Maneda8retc Mailo eronlt.
cavarry) wirh one cannon.In thjs batde none of $e Dni$ re below 15nr AF-\4E9- ONLy19.95pl's tt.s0 pod. Ch@ tsomFeich d BniishNrpolMic,
average.Thejr dispositions@ shownon the map. RomansECN Royilist or Pdlin€nbnm,]tO! Nodn and Soutr\ 13thGnr!ry Colmial
TheJacobibamy hadaboul5000menwhichcd berepresenred by zulus andB;rish, F ftiy Coodor E\il ri l SkekronsMminum oI r00 pi€c in ea.hmy
severunits(oneof whichis cavalry). Thisis a littlegenercus,
bu n still
mainlainsLlr baldce in favour of Cumberland\ m-r. ?5n, N,POILIONiC rrMlrs , O]!lY ,17.95pt6 t3,t4 post. 100pi*' Bn6s\ lnn h,
The iwo mies shouldbe8in wilh the aitillery bel'een 15" and 20" PtNia RNia Aurian, SPanislr
frcm the nedest Jacobiteunirs, aho rememberingthat rhe rwo fionr 5rr AXMIES- ONrYf2495 plc iljo p,* 100r'tuer CRI Rom,n,Pe6iai, Tlra.iai,
Iines m at m dgle lo eachother (seemap). The Govemenr amy M,@doiian, Noman, Srnuni, Mmgolr L.trkn€.hrt Mediwals,ACi{ Noni andSolth
begins the first tum. which is b say ftat they open fire with lheii
25nn DBAA MTES- FROMr12in, N{ {0 ro.h(N fim
anillery while their two iefl hdd Dniis of infdEy and cavalry begin
rhei outflankingmovemenrwhich will rakeften rhroushthe wall. The 15kn FICUiES - FROM15p,lsnr FROM10p. All madet r Iop qualjiy alloy. Al$
Jacobibswjll respondby attackingCumberldd\ position . 20lm sp:nish civil war \4ehad and Modn usA Errtriw l5mm cotonial md
zSm]Il (noo-uoo)with
l'lrdiflalr l''lilliam
This month{€ halc lcafl ahemdto lhc cndofour tnc rcnc _ desiBner
Paul Barnshaqjun cootdnt resisllh. call for a brl olfr.cdom rn the
T(ssachsl ll€ fceh a lot benernos, andhs alreadyproduccd fie fi6t of
Saladin: lslanic hordcs to malch against Krng R,chards (9104)
you canalwaysindulg.in abirof Anarch)-aga1n{King St.phm(94051
ln addnlonto thc ilcns lNed in lhis adrcntherearcovur 140piecescuF
rentlyavailablein our mcdrval rflA€ AlL.fthcse piecesar. suitablclor
miri.e \!ith theScols/Bordcrcrs Ask yoursupplierlorJ.ttir
c.0: vs:l ( J, al, rhrn Joar i .ird t n.rdr ,6a6 Nobleshndn3 PotrdE.$.
v S , rn r o i r , . ! r m b s o n m ! ! o L l . r x r . . n i d
9.11t \r\rr(ri ^ trr'. +on sdnl,ru.Iih
& DAV|Dn. Cttltu n truStNlAnO
?i\rti\DI G|iOUND?E
A H,lrl,a.y
' L\ku$,qonzar(Wo.lviuHodclq DcsolDtEtioosnd Dsrk,DstronWsixnma ad
Ecnoctlrol a-ndLiui0,{n"br D6oloysldlxn0s-
\ | rader 'Hish Srreel' of aro"und35 Stind\
DBA Wargrm€r Comp€tition
\lililary \lodellinp Comoctilior *ith Prizc Crrtificarcs
Arourid l5 Warismc\ ilaecd br \onh Ea\t Club\ and Individual{
HisroricalDi{Dlirs staecil b\ icre16l Socicric.
At lcasl 6 SiDcrb OfaliN'Militan l[odel DisDlrvs
Tombol, \ith Vodeuing snd Wirgaming Prizes'
Brins & Buv Stall
Fr€c Car Pcrldtrf
t^l l0 Al TO 3.30 Plrt
For further detrik sendrn S.A.I. to Drvid al 3 HcmelClosc,Ihornrby. Sl0ckton-on-Tecs,
Claveltnd,TSIT 9AP
Specicrlising in High Qucrlity Figure Pcinting
rErcs. tel. 01455284954
LE93HF Iax.01455 553589
The X-Files Matrix Game noy other things might psychologicallyfcus the playeB r@ mlch
md inhibit fteir iDaginations.I also had to mal€ it doubly cled to ihe
TheT.uth is the Resultof a Succ€sstul
Argument playeB Oat they could "create' addilional evenrs.p€Bons,placesdd
by thines Dsingluccessful dguments , dd rhesewould be addedro ihe
"map'. Oneway of doing this was to prcvide
Tim Price eachof the playeB with
idem in lhe fom of €xtra "pieces" rha! they might wish to deploy
(nsing a successfuldSument) onlo rhe map - such d Mulder's 3
INTRODUCTION Hacker-Geekj. a "Secrer Milirary Base for Cecemar, or "Fake
I m a fd of Zi, X-riler TV se.ies,dd a few episodeshavemademe Alien Ccft forscDlly.
thinl of maljng a gane aboutwhd happenson the show.Trying ro do
this hasprobablyoccuEedto mdy gamers.andthe mosl obviouseay ASSTJMPTIONS
of doing it woold be in the Role-Playitrggme fomat. While this
woDld be relatively easy,dd would probably lead to a tun gmq I I allo realisedI would haveto makecled someasumptions beforefte
wantedto lry somethingditrerent - d X-Files matrix eme.
I haveconespondedwith Chris Engle. the invenrorof naEix games. The nain assumptionwd one thar oovement requifts a successful
md he is aboutto publisb the firsr firlly comercial serin rhestatesthis mg nenr in order to be carried out. It is obvious rhat in rhis age of
Autwnn. I wd interesledto hed that he had beenworking on ..non- scheduledair flights and hir€-cN that movementwill be quick Go
wai mtrix gmeq suchas spiesud delecrivesrories,md ir inspired none of tr'e muldple-move Nomal / Forced March argumentsof
De to havea go at translatingthe TV showinlo the Dat.ix gme foma! NapoleonicMaEix Gmes), but I still feel ftar rhe moveitself requfts
a succesful argunent. Thereforc, trgumenr saying that a chdacrer
MAIRIXGAMES. A RECAP will move to a place. dd then carry out & action de not pemitted
within a single trgumenl.
In a marix gane oDly the very basic framework of a sceneio is Another dsumption is rhat rhe detaitedlcatior of Area 51 and any
oudined. dd all actions e .esolved by a stncnned sequenceof places that e ffgued ar being secrct or hidden are not knowtr to
loeical arguments.Each dgunenr has u Action, a Resulr.and tbEe anyone,exceptthosewho should be expected1oknow. Locating rhem
Reaons Whyi for exmple: suffrciendyfor acrionto be ta.kenrcquiresa successfulargument.
tn a Peninsule Wd cmpaign, Wellingtotr might argue: .I shatl
fodify tr'e town (Action). wilh rhe Resulrtbat its defencesimprcve (+l
lo tne combarrules when defending).I am able ro do rlis because: GENERAL OVERVIEW OF PLAY
. I havea rcady sourceof trained manpower.
. I havean experiencedEnginer in cotmad. and OK, so fm, but nany p€oplewill be worriedjust exactly how is rhis
. fte Bntish Govemnent has reently sem ine rhe moneywirh which Soing to work. In simple lems, fie playeB sit eund a lable wilh lhe
Umpire at one end.jusl a! you would fo. a Role,Playing game.The
to pay for the work".
mapis put in the middle whereeveryonecm seeir , I enlargedmirc at
TheF dgumen$ are weidled by an unpire based on historical
precedence,personal exlerience, and his own judgedenr (or ny Iocal "PrcntaftinC' 10At (half postersia).
You then hmd our lo the playes their sec.erpenonal briefings ed
sometimesthe olher player'sjudgemen0,and a probabiliry of succes
let ftem read dd ask questions.They then put oD rhe map theii
dived at (a dice {nornally a D6} then being rhroM to see if rhe
personalitymdke6 (I use converted l5Im figues sruck ro coins
Result was achieled). Therc re very few rules. argumenrsbeing ''PeterPig do suitablecivilian
arbwed aboutdything at all, md what rulesthere@ co be oodified 6gu€s, o. you cd usefte 30lm Calr
ofc*!/ft4 figws by Ral Partla) - aDdyoule readyb sta.r.
asthe result of a sDccessfuldgument.
At this poitrt I tell the playersany assumldonsaboutrhe game,such
Wlen d AJgument succeedsit remains in efiect unril another
as movementreqDiringn successfulkgument. and sening rhe Sround
Argumenl stops't. If two Ar8umenrsare in direcr opposirion.|hey nust
rules for my Umpiring decisions(nolhing * certain, even the mosr-
both succeedfi^t asAigumenrs.thenthe two sidesmust rotl-otr to see
warertightand compellingdSument faih if $e player rclls a l).
who wins betweenthem so following up a successfDlargumentwirh
Playersthen smn rheir Arguments.a lm being completedwhen
one that is merely contradictorypuc you ar a disadvdtage.
all playeB havemadean ArgumeDt(whethern was successfulor not).
The imponel thing to rcmemberin a narrix eameh rhatA€uments
Nomally it is easyto seea cled wiDneremergingdurine the gde,
cd be nade aboul dything that is relevet to rhe sceneio. YoDcd
dd the actuai amounrof unpinng is rcmally tept lo a minimum
dgue about yolr own personnelor aboDtrhe enemy.the existenceof
people.places,things or events,the political leadeship backhone, fte becauleeven the most poker-faced player cd be seennodding in
agreenentwith a panicularly weUput ArgDment.
weathe.,plaene.disease,public opinion, and yoq can even dgue for
changesin whateve.dles you de using to resolvecombat_With a bit Quite a few playersde really g@d at making up I or 2 compeuin8
Reasonswhy they shoDldbe allowedsomethin8.bDi falEr on rhethird.
or imnginanon,comon senseand mtional thinkng. it is po$ible ro
presenrpersuasNearSnmentss to wharshouldhappenin any sceneio I always reiteEt€ that the nles require 3 Redons. so no narer how
compellingfte fi6t two Reasonwere.if you siDply cdnor rhink of a
eventhe bizare world of rhe X-Files.
third Reason,you will be penalised.
After the allorcd numberof tums rhe Unpire shoutdcall a hatr and
PROBLEMS get lhe playeGto readout, in tm, their secretpeBonalbriefings.When
The chief difficrlty to be overcone, for me. in designingm X-Fites they have finished you can then adjudicaE on the overall ,.victory
Datrix gameis $e lack of cle& milirary objectivesdd uni$ of sotdieB althoughir is possiblefo! morc rhm one player 10 meerthe
to move donnd a nap. This necesitabd a cretul l@k ar how &e conditions on ften briefins sbeets.
chdactes personalbriefings were wrinen b eDsurcthat the playeB
woutd producefte gameI wdted, dd a winnei coDldemerge.After EXAMPLE ARGIJMENTS
all. I am a wargamerand I wdted to male quite surerhat this was not
somesort ofihappy-clappy" gamewherew€ could all work togerherin To give you an ideaof the son of Aryumenrsthat might be usedin
pere and hamony, dd live happily €verafter...Ugh an X-File Matrix Gme, I haveircluded somefrom rhe gamesI have
The type of "map" w6 also a bit of a problem since, while some run. Ir L nor d good idealo show $ese lo rhe playeE.tu. in m)
rhings were obviously .equiied, such as FBI HeadqDanen,rhe c6h expeiience,,t gives too much of fte Uot away and inhibits rheir
site (in this panicular sceneio). dd Muldels Apartment:inclnding roo
Mulder dgues: The ploe crashwas causedby a cotlision with u
Alien Crafi, witb the resqlt rhar it ws dkabled dd ca5hed nedby. THE X.FILES: A MATRIX GAME BY TIM PRICE
This happened beause:
. The realon why rhe reportssay the dsh was causedby a L'IO is BackgreDd.
becaDse ftey m tnel The dateis nos. The X-Files exisl.A reporthasju$ reachedFBI He
. The crarhedairc.afr was a Being 767. an aircrafr wirh a rhat a plde hascrashedin Nevadakilling 23 people.Thereare rcports
safetyrecord1odate,and the cew vd experienced.so the crashhad that the cEsh ws causedby a UFO.
to be causedby a collision.
. TherehavebeennumerousAlien Crafl incidenrsin Nevada,which is The piecesin play ar the slan of rhe gme ue purcly represenrative.
why Area 5 I was esrablishedin the deserrro srudythele cmft, so Playes can creab additionalevems,pe6ons,placesed rhingsby
acouisionwift sucha craftis morelikely here. succestul dgunenN. The Umpne will add theseby skerchingon the
nap, or by prodrcingadditionalcounteN.
This redonablyslrongdgument(success on 3+ lD6) prcduces: Game l*ngth and Order of Play.
. Tbe ancran-wd a BoeiDS767. The game lsls E tums od rhe order of play goes: Mulder,
. A disabledAlien Cancemd, Scully, Carter,Healey.Krycek.
Craftis somewherc in thedea.
W€llherc w are atain,Anothery€r narlt ore. andthe linalsho* of this se6on loomi.g up. Wb rhoughtw muld Emind FU ol our SlvenYed Wrr rnd
Awlfar$s to coincidewith the excell€ntpictu€ (aken t d,e illussiouseiib. ar Neklk) ot' demosm. by tne Penriihwa.sm.s Socieiyusinshordesof
our SYWfu!€.We rc still rc ins on our n4 big 25mmrelse which3omeor lo! hare s*n tt rhe shows,plusmore l5mm Md 20mmon th€ wry.
5Mr3 G4fl'fdqk|crtdE
z4i ! bt)
ffi bN$L!4r(fd (4/ ARcr Gmdr (n6) nd erF
acl cEldd (ken) dr
Arc !E !6n'/ (74116) M/A. ARG tri rilhr 16r,
AM1 !E 6hry {r D-r 7Sl i/Ar ^Rc6|#@U3hhhq
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5eG' eEidhd4@n<o*)
ftapt6!i4G iFres Fd.dG) d @tuq rtr,i t@ii &rs qtd) qi f
qlitu r n I e! Fr tulE! @ Ff sd
l5dh ?..1r?ri.€r Sddari {r,r0 (10Inr.,{ ntd or sArt cEw) comm$d a0.s0(6loor or ! nouhed)
FotdgeUK |096EECl5*OreE s.Ardo -Arr,to*, Surf..e 20X
arh darrrbre rlmm fSuE rbh hihri..rb.otonir, zommwo
of !0a€6mes
4 to 100arcnowavaibble
in NorthAmerica
- yes! onty 93.95-
WargamcsInc The Emp€ror'sHcadquarters
Box978,Route40 East 5744W€stlrvingParkRoad
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Tel,800 9919011 1e1,7131778668
TheJapanese conquests of Tdakan is a slighdy ped*haped island.measuring18by 25 kilomete6
and nosdy was in a p.istinestate.covercdbl jungle, wilh mmhes
oil-wells in the along lhe coas ine. Tbe jungle is crossedby small nve6 thar de
Nethedands East Indies fordable rhoughour. I1sinpoltdce derivedfrom the facl that oil of
excellentqualiry could be foudd ftere closero the sudacein the cente
of rhe isldd. To protectit an infantrl bamlion of the K.N.LL., Inf vll,
tbe sevemhbattalior, had been stalioned at Tdalt6. This battalioD
l)Tarakan knew ir wa| sDtioned in a hopeles oulpost. When. for exmple, a
bt companyofAnboinese trcops wd sentfron Javato reinforce it. the
companymutinied.The stength and locationof the defende6 was:
Frank aan den Bergr)
cadson comndder: Lieutenant ColonelS. deWaal
world War ll in fte Pacific. The words conjure up imagesof fierce One Battalion of hfaDtry (InfYtr) consisting of:
Japanes€soldie6. grim U.S. Marineson Guadalctualdd bitter FuselierCompany,CaptainF. Tretre6
fighnng on the fronner of lndia and Burnn. But, of come there wd FusellierCompany,CaplainA.C. Sant€r
dore 1oit. one of tbe mny mas ovemn by the Japanesein fte Srat FuselierCompdy, CaptainL. Bendeler
offensiveof l94l/42 wasthe Nelhedands EasrIndies.Because of the Mrhine'gun Compant Captainq Everads
natural resourcesthey prcvided in abunddce the Japdese had long Sevenmoured scoutca6 - lsi Lieulenmt D-P de Vos to1
covetedtheseislands.The rubber md especiallythe oil found thefe NedeneenCappel
wereof prime imponanceto the Japmese (dd, of co6e. to the Allied EachFusetiercompanyconsisredof 177me. atrdwas amed
w& effon 6 qell). To illustrate, tlle output of cnde oil of the East with rc les thanl8 light nachinegDns(doublethenomal
hdies was no les than 170.000bafiels a day. dd Tdakm alone s(dddd). The Machine-gun Conpdy hadbetween18and2.1
produced6 million barcls per year pnor to the wd. This alone was VickeB wate.cooled heavy nachine-guns dd six 80mm Dorta6.
about16%of Japanese rcquirements. lt wastbelackofoil €seres and
the tbr€atof an embugo initialed by fte U.S. that drcve Japu to take 3rd CompaDyCoast- and Anti-Airoafi Artilery.
the decisionto enterthe wal Prior to fte outbreaLof wd in the Pacific Coastalbattery at TandjoengDo€ata(four 7.5 cm gunt
the Japanesehad tried io get hold of these vital suppliesvia hder Resefle lst Lieutenantvan der Zijde.
negotiationswith the Dutch, bDtthesenegotiationshadendedin failm. TVo coslal baneriesbetweenPeningkiand Kdoenga. eachof
Noa, lhe oil wells were a prime objecnve for lhe Japaneseibrces. three7,5cm guns,underlsl Lieutenant w,J, Stormlan t eDNen
These oil wells were spreadthroughoutthe echipelaeo. There eere one coastalbauery of fou 12cm gunsat K{oengan(on tne
important welh near Palembangon Sumatra,Surabayaon Java and souft np of Tarakan)underResere lst LieutenanlJ.P.A.van
Balikpapanon Bomeo. One of the most impondl sources,however,
{as the smauisland of Tankan. easl of Bomeo. Onecoastalbatteryoflhree ?.5cd Cunsal Linl.s
(imobile battery)underlst Lt. J. Verdm
TIIE EAST IN'DIES ARMY Onecoaslalbatteryof rwo 7 cn eunsat Linkas,mannedby
The $!k of defending ftis greal dhipelago fell to the Royal Anti ailcrafl anillery (confrdded by Reserve2nd Lt. T.
Netherlandslndies Amy ro,itklijk Ne.letlan.lsladisch lzser or at ir Nijenhuis):
wasknown:K.N.I.L.).ThisArmy hadbeenfoundedh the 1830'sand fou 40lm Boto6 gun.cl KaroengMdd Peninkj.
had only beenuseds a colonial police force againsrnativeopposition. Two sectionsof 20Im gutrsat the airfield ind somesections
As suchit hadbeenactiveiD sprcading Duth autborirythJoughout the 12.?mn machine-guns (10to 12machineguno
dhipelago od suppressingany nsings agains(n. It ws rcver meot
to take on a modemeneny like fte Japdese, who also outnumbered EngineerdeDolition squadsconsising of 30 men md :10
the K.N.LL. In tbe 1920sn evenhad betr aUowedto run down as militdised civilian employeesof ihe petrc1companyBPM underLt
defencebudgen had been dashed. In the 1930s, faced with fte ftreat J.l.W vandenBelt,
ofJapan,fte budgetshadincreasedorce morc.allowing the acquisinon Military Air Force
of modemnateridl. but i1generallywd a matterof 'roo litde. too late . Four BrewsterBuffalo fighten under
Somoof tne equipment,especiallysomeof the airplues bought in the lstLr PA.C. Benjamin
middle 1930!, sere already approachir8 obsolescence by 1942. Nwy
Repleenenls had beenordered,especialtyin the United Sbtes, but a! Undercommandof CommdderMditime MeaDs (CMM) kapitein-
lhe Nefterldds Edt Indies werejusl one of mey counhies placing lieutenant(connddet F-H.VemeuleDwilh slaff
ode6, the new equipmenldid not mive in trde. The Dutch defence HrMs. ninelayer Prinr rar Oratrj?
policy for lhe EastIndiesws concenrabd on ihe defenceof the isldd
of Java-Small delachmentswould b€ sBtioned in the ondying @as ThreeDomier flying boatswith ground crews.all in all 80 men
(the so called ,!i rers?rerrer), but the defenceof tbeseffeas mos{y DnderlsrLr Va Voorthuizen) plls four nnchine-gDnsdd lwo 3,7
qas gi,vetto the Luchrr'aanaf.lelns (Air Depanmenoof the K,N.LL,
They were supposedto attack approachingenemy fleels before troop Lightship md floatitrg dry d@k
lddings could be effecled.Apet fron this air sDppondd the acnvites
of especiallythe subDaine :m in fte Duth wate6, tbe gmisons of All in all a toial slrengthof 1,365menis given,althoughil is not cled
theseoudying deas basicallywere on their own. This is illustraled by whelherthis is grcund forcesonly. The batalion was a static unit only
fte facr that tbe K.N-I.L- did no! havea pemanentbrigadeor divisional and lackedtusportion to be mobile, Suppl! seNiceswere sketchyat
organisation.Only for tbe defenceof Java two small dirisions were best. The nain job of the Dutch on Tarakan sas to ensure Oe
o.guised- For the resttherewerconly the gdison battalions-N@dle$ destructionof the oilwells and the installations.To this end the Dutch
to say,with mosl transportasets and whal was availablein moured defenceswereconcertraredon the westemlide of the isldd. in order
vehicles concentratedon Java, ftese batDlions basically were leg ro lotestall ^ .oap de nain attackon the isldd\ htubour Tbe defences
were orgmised in so called fronts , defendedded encircled by a
double wire fence.Therewere thJeeof
rH,.5{rtun.r :
llttrrttr,,,,,. |. I -/l:*:flil"""'-"'
i :;;:::1,,,,IrIrE ////II//r//I/ii/t//Ii-;_1
l t .I,I,l,I,I,I I I I I I l I I t t - - - - - J , , .
r r r r r r l I I l l f * i I i I JI I I t r , I i r r i , , , , . : _ , _ L
- ft*]""., .,,rrr\N*-
ft rrrffiiu,r,u
3 Apollo Stre€t,H€slingtonRoad, c0mp&triodrbbtnldhl
led ro a reducion in firing, bDt afie. the min stoppedit resumed takenup posiliodsdt strongpoinlsI I md 12.A1 10-00hourson the lth
again. Spdgenbe.g now cme to the wrcng conclusionthat he was the Japdese arEck on strcngpointl0 went in. This {as quickly
abour to be encircled and ftat all he could do was wilhdraw to abnndonedafier fte dealh of iis commande. Captain SaEber was
Tddjoeng Djoeata.Ar dusk on I I Januaryhe withdrew with about5tr orderedlo rauy the broken men md re occupy slronpoint 10. but he
nen. This etrecdvely€moved Spangerber€frcm the baltl€. Plans to was killed in this auenpl. After this (about1500hou6) a kjnd of
evacuaieio Bomeo failed md Spmgenbergwas capturedin civilian slalemae setin. The DutchcoDldnol advdce becauseof Japanesefirc
clo$ing on 20 March. ad the Japanesewerc pinnedby concenratedmortd firc md support
Comunicadonson theDubh sideweremakeshiftar best.Withoul from a battery of 75mD lone 30 field guns. AlftoDgh secondline
radios. fte ganison cofrnander was dependemon €lephonesand he positionswe@takenupby Dutchtroops,thelossof sfongpointl0 had
neverreceivedany noice of Spangenberg\ mival. This all led 10a lcfl a dangerclsholein Durchpositions. Nowthe€centlyfreedresetre
very ill orgdised defence. companyof CaptainTretren was orderedto relake the hill on which
Becauseof the rhreatof Japanesc rroopsto rhe coastalbaneryof strongpoidtl0 was lcared dd reoccupylbe strongpoint. But as the
TandjoenS Batoe,CaptainL. Bendelerwilh a reinforcedsecrion(65 cofrpany refused1o advace all Trctres could do was to lake up the
men)wassenl soulhlo prcvide infantry coverfor ir. Ho{ever, he never secondline posidons-Now the compmy of W- Everaarswasorderedto
reachedhis objecrive.Appdently he rar irto Japanese trcops and abandonirs posnionson ihe Nonhem 'frcnf and takeup positions800
sunendered wilhoutresistance. nefts nonh of Capt.Tretrers.Positionsbew@nTrctrersand EvenaF
TheJapanese left a$aultgmup Deanwhilehadlandedandrun inlo werelo b€ patolled by the scoutcds- However,Everads menwerenot
somep.obl€ms. Thes€werecauseby thedifficultiesofadvancingoler oi fte besrmd his machinegunnerswereunableto carrythejrguns
hiUyeroundin lhickjungle.Only lul netrespe. hourwd fte Soing acrossfte terain.Thisresulted in EveGdstdkingup hispositions *i$
mte and theyonll reachedthe.oasral barery ai(er fte Durch trcopson only 20 Den,threevicker andoner-ewismachine-ghsdd vinDally
theislandhadcapitulated. no anmunition.By theeveningof ll Januarythesecondline wd held
In lhe neandne, panic had set in mong tbe Duich defendeB. by about650Denwilh theisolated I I in ironrofir Behind
Appa.entlyat aboDt2300 hou$ ar commdder Vemenlen reportedin a lhe second line a reserye had been iomed from odds md sods
stab of shock that nll his naval insrallaionswere on lre and pesonnel. Durine the night the Dutch pldned ro laDnchone more
abandoned. Howeler,in thenoming of I I JDDaryil becme clearthat counter-atlackwith mortar and anillery snppon,bDtftis one roo came
wereidtact.evenso ftar theabddonedm.chire guns
all instaltations to nothing as the .lapaneselaunched infillration atacks belween
stoodin ftei budkeBfully loaded.All this madeLieulenant Colonel Everaa6andTreffeN'companies dd gotclosero theDulchcommand
de Waal decide to abddon rhe Linkas fronr dd use the company posr where they blew up a Durch bnack building co.taining
stationedthere(1heAmboinesecompanyof CapLF.Tetren) d mobile almDnilion. TbeseJapanesenight atlacksgavefie impresion thal lhe
resefle. The Eastem'frcnt now had no Dore back up and {as in an Dutch headquaneA had been hit ud were enough lo Dake fte
increasinglyse.ious sitDalion.The burnin8 oil weus had made Amboinesecompanybolq CaptainTretres was Klled. By now it was
stronCpoints8 and 9 DnBnableand ftis openedup the riShl flank of clear that Dutch morale wa very nuch shalen md thal they were not
stongpoiml0. As relaEdaboveSpdSenberet25 lo 30 troopshad up to facing the Japanesesuper soldie6', lel alotre unde.lake
operationsat night rifre in which the IDdonesid soldie( bad nor been guns,556 rifles, 15 amomd ca$. 67 other cus ud munitions.This
would leave 491 casDalties.but ar fes documentsof the Dutch
By daM. 12 Jduary, whar remainedof the Dutch defenceon fte remainedthe exact nlmber of killed md woundedis unknown.The
Ea$em ftont was fasl nmvelling. Although the artiUeryopenedfire gadson banalionwas takenprisonervinually in i$ entirety.
on cue lo supponthe counler-anackrhatdid not go in, the mond were Japaneseloses might have beenmininal, but the Dutch deceiled
silenl, asthe crewshad abandonedlhem. Now the colmdder senrout themselvesiDto thi*irg that tbe Japdese had useda ldge force od
a patrol that reiumed with rhe newsthat caplain Evemars'pan of the had sutrercdaccordinSlyaeainsta tenaciousDutch def€nce.A Dutch
frcnt wN abadoned andonly somedeadad bmed out scoutcarshad pmpl et f.om the wal yearsslates:
beensen, No contacthadbeenmadewith the Japanese. By 0700hours
the other foops in positionsabddored them as well and half m hour "TbDs ended ihe batde for Tdatan, wheE about l00O men had
later Lieutemlcolonel de wal judged the situalion untenableand fouShl againsl20 timesiheir numbei
decided to sDnender bis reDaiDing forces. Due to lack of
Fufinemorc, Dutch resisrdce is dedibed $:
comunications both coaral batte.ies were nor notified of rhis
''causinga slaughteramongstthe Japaese"
sunender,somethingwhich would hnve&amadc rcsultsin the hom ro
cone. Althoogh DDtcb ofEcerswere setrtour to Dotiry especiallyrhe
southembattery the situadonremaineduncted. The truth, as shown above, w3 fd less heroic. Mosr of the Dutch
The Japanese Navy wdred lo land ar Lin-ka- Sakasuchied his statr colonial Eoops laid down their weaponsdd sDrendered.The Dutch
decidednot to go alonSwith rhis. but ro land at fte Amal river on the self delusionabouttheir defensivecapabilitiesmd the lossesinflicred
eastefr side of the isldd. They wmed rheNaly not to carry out tbeir on theJapanese, however,would havegraveconseqDences in fte weeks
plds, bur the Navy went aheadayway. Six minesweepesrcundedthe
southempoint of Tdatan and tbe Dulch coatal barlery imediately Tardkd qd the firlt of the Dutch defensivebattles against the
opened up on them. An artillery duel ensued dd the 6rst rwo Japdese.AllhoDgh rhe way fte bantehad devetoFd bodedill for dy
minesweepen were sunk, iD retaliation about niddle January rhe fu.ther Dutch defensive batrles, at lesr lhe oilwelh had been
Japdese exeuled 80 men of the battery cftws wift, oI course,rhe extensivelyddaged, which was a spanner(atbeit a small one) in the
co'mddea. The final shots for Ttrata were fired in the night of Japanese plms for ataining self sufficiencyin prcviding their oil needs,
12113JeDary when the Dutch minelayer Prirr yan Orunje nied b makiDgTaEkm abil ofa'hollow victory'.
escapeto the nonl. East of Tdatd it w6 interceptedby Japuese
patrol boatsmd sunk by midnight-
ln takng Tdalan Japanese losseshad beensmall.The army (combat LL Nonle\ De Japaateaanvalon Ne.le andylndie,deel2Bomeo.
grcup Salaguchi)had losr one md killed a( seaand sevenon land and Rotterdm, t992
32 wound€d-The Nary\ losseswere gieaer Tbey had lost 47 killed P.C. Boet, De Luchtstitt nnd Bomeo deceabel 1941-febtuai
on ldd ed 200 at sen (the minesw@percrews).This in itself is an 1942,Houlen. 1987
indicalion of the defenceput up by the Dutch. For rhesecasualriesthe Brcchte Bet Konitklijk Ne.le andsch-Indischlzger in dek sdj.1
Japeesewon: 874prisoner of we, nin€ uti aircraft gDns.69 machine teSd .Iapar, M6ticbr, 1944(1)
Minialures TUMBLING
DICE SPECELorFEi lt2nd AND 20mm
16 S4alDftEt AotD 4t8,90
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dooos Red AD,v, i! ,h. pia.s dR .nned rhc
.ou$ r'.ld ofth* cqunY bush .!.!r,r
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TEL& FAx 07i 02 473986.
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Also Availablefrom
3.d Dieision - Mslbs
THE BATTLE OF ELCHINGEN lst Brigade- Marcognei- 25th trgere & 27th Ligne.
1805 znd Brigade- Labassee- 50th Licre & 59trtLigne.
A GENER/II DE BRIGADE Corps CaYalrJ - Colbert - 3rd Hussm & loth Chdsem.
Corps Artillery Reserve-
SCENARIO Fourth Dragoon Division (Attached)- Laplanche- l8rh, l9rh & 25rh
Approx. 13,500infdtry, 1,200cavalry & 14 gms.
Tbe Bade of Elchingen was fought betw@tr the forces of Mmhal
Ney's Sixth Corps and Count von Riesch'sAustriu Secod Colum
dDringNapoleon's1805AusterliE campaign. Advmce GDard Cobug ' IR6 (tDdwig) & BlankensieinHussds
Genegdegh's IRl5 (Riese),IR 35 (Mdimilien).
TIIE CAMPAIGN HohenzollemCuiralsien (2 sqns)&
SchwazenbergUnans (1 sqn.).
In early Octob€r1805the Frenchcrede Am@, including Marshal Lrh's Brigade_ IR54 (Frootr),IR5?
Ney's Sixth Corps, was engagedin encircling the ndn Austrian amy (ConoredoGrenadie6)
of Gene.al Mack based in the fortified town of Ulm. Under rhe & HohenzollemCuimsieB (2 sqnt.
protectionof a light cavalry screenthe Frenchcorpsmdched nor6 of Six cannon.
Ulm before closing in behind the AustriaN. General Mack ws
eventually nade aware that F.ench forces had cdied oui an HesstD_Homburg'sDivbion
encirclementof his army but was not particuldly upset,as he fiJr y Advdce Guard - Mescery- lR42 (Ed'ach:)&Et?lienogtuatz
believedhis posirion at Lrlm was virtually im?regmble. Nevenheless cuirassie.s(2 sqns).
snng by fte near panic of his subordinates,he stired from his AuerspergrsBngade - IR3 (Kad),IR24 (Aue6perg) &
contentedinactivily and d@idedupon the strategyof concentralinghis Eahezoe FranzCui6siers (2 sqrs).
forces on fte nonh bank of the Danube River dd then strikng Hemdn's Bngade - lR54 (Froon),lR3 (Kul Grcnadiers),
eatwards. This advancewould eff@nvely cut tbe French lines of IR24 (Aue6perg GrcnadieB)&
comunication vhilst bnngiDgtheAustrie amy closerto the Russid Enhezog Frez Cuidsie6 (2 sqm).
army under Kutuzov curently over 100 miles away on the lower Eight canDon.
Danqbe.Thus theAustrid amy beSd a slo;wearrwardadvancealong (The F@n Infatry Regimenlwd split betweenUlm and Hermann's
rhe north bank ofthe Ddube. BriSades.)
ln the face of this Auslrian advancewas supposedto be Mmhal
Neys Sixth Corps.BDt, due lo bungling by Ma$hal Murat (acting as TIIE BATTLE OF ELCHINGEN
temporarywing co'mdder). all lhar lay in the path of Macks :my
was Ney's First Division under Duponr. as Murar had orde.ed atl In orderto cros the DdDbe Ney wasrequiied rc force a bridgehead
alailable forces to the south bank despile Ney\ heabd objeclions. in the faceof a sizeableenemt Nol beingone to balk al sucha taskrhe
(Indeedthe d8umetrt was so heatedthar slaff ofticen had 10intenene redheadedmdshal imediately ordereda dawnassaultto recaprurerhe
to prcventa duell) tn duecouse Duponfs lone diviion wasattackedat vital bridges.Tl'e elire compdies ofvillattet Brignde*ere utilised for
the conlat of Hslach md despib he.oic resisrancewas forced to this task dd were soonin conrol of lhe bridgesbefore the defending
Napoleon,informedofthe Austrianattack,quickly revi*d his plds, Ney thendeployedvillarc's Brigademd s€ntthe 39thLigne inlo the
rcbukedMuat dd orderedNey backto the north banl to joiD up wilh anack.The 39th bayoneFchdgedthe AustriansdefendinSrhe bridges
the isolatedDulonl. HoweverNey w unableto cros the Danubeat dd sentthem reeling back. Howevertheir punuit took theD towdds
his proposedcrossingplace - Elchingen - a! Mackt SecondColum the main Austrif lines where they were then charged by several
under Feldmdschall-Leuindt Count von Riesch had alreadr reached squadronsof cuinssieB- The 39th withstood this atack, but AusEian
$e village od forcedthe oDtnuDbercdFrenchgdison ro reriearto lhe gcnadies despatchedby Riesch from his resenes lhen launcheda
sout bankof the Dmube. Duine the nighl of 13 OctoberNey's Sixih secondasault. AI this provedtoo mDchfor the weary 39th Ligne who
Corps eived at the Elchingen bridSehead.The following moming werc forced to retreal back 1o the bridgehead.Satisfied witb their
rcvealed that the Austrids nnder Riesch had occupied a strong vicrory the Austriu grenadierstl'en redred ro their o.iginal position.
defensivepositionon the sloping eroundjusr soulh of the bridges.The
village of ObelElchingen with ils im?osing abbeywa situalednear THE ASSALILT ON OBER-ELCHINGEN
the sumit of ftis slope.which continuedto the eastwherc the second Haling disposedof theAustriansdefendingthe brideeheadMarshal
village of UneFElchingen lay at its foot. To prcventa surlrise crossing Ney now orderedan assautton the elenentsofAue6perg's Brigadethar
Rieschhad posteda detachnentof infantrf to cover the two bridges defendedthe village of Ob€rElchingen and its abbel Led by the 6ft
present.Frcm tben respecdvevantagepoints lhe Austriatr 'kaiserlikJ' t gere Villnte\ Brigade stomed !p the slope atrd into ObeF
awaitedmy Frenchatiack. Elchingen.The nain village areaw6 soonovemn despiiesomeslitr
resisldce fron the defendingAusEios. Howeverthe abbey,defended
ORDERSOF BATTLE by the Auenperg Regi.nen! proveda toughernur to cEck. The strong
walls of the abbey kept the French at bay uDtil Ney ordercd up his
MARSI{AL NEY' SXTH CORPS. aitillery. After a bnef bonbardnent the 6th Legere chargedinto the
Approx.12,500infary, I,100cavalry& 28 guns. abbey. A fierce nelee followed from which the 6th emerged
lst DivisioD - Dupont - D€lached. triumphant.The whole of Ober-Elchingendd its abbey wd now in
2nd Division - Irison
lst Brigade- Villatte - 6rh L€gere& 39th Lign€.
2nd Bngade Rouger- 69th Ligne & 76th Ligne. NEY'S MAIN ATTACK
With RoDgefsBrigade,Colben's light cavalry and the Drag@r
Ober-Elchingenincluding tle abbey.GlorioDsvidory ir
Unter-Elchingenis also lak€n in additionlo fte above.
I Hs*rHonburs I Aust.iar - To hold ObeFElchingenincludiDgfte abb€ydd Unte.-
Elchingetr.Gloriousvictory if $e bridgeh€adis confolled
in addition to the above.
"*rf n*;rlj
rst Brieade, G€n. Loilon 2nd Brigade,Ge.. Malh€.
q'f o 6th trg€re - 36 figures{Elite) 25$ t4ee - 36r'8u€s(vetem)
This scenarioh complelely differem in sryle from eirher of the lasl SCENARIO1: "wE'\,E COME FORANGEL."
lwo, alftough once more ir does include gunning down heaps of
Mexicdq bur Federalesihis tine, wirh rheaddedatEacrionof a coDple The Bunch.
of Gemds. However I have designedrhis one as a sort of Murder l Pike Bishop - L€gend;CEck Shot,Very Hdd As Nails. Quick
Pinball, wift the ob.jectivebeing to ourscoreyou opponentin dead Shot;P/A shoEun, Colt Aulomatic, 3 lisrols.
Federales-This cd be acconplishedin one of two ways. lf onty two 2. Dutch Engstrom- Shootistivery Hard As Nails, Nenes of Steel.
playeB N available,eachplayer has a go at playing rhe wild Blnch. ToughrP/A ShoEun,Pisrol. Bag of crenades.
atrdbasedon the victory chartthe highestscorerwin!. Ifrhere ee three
or moreplayers,it is an ideato haveonepoor soul lumberedwith being 3. Lyle Gorch- Shoodsqvery Hed As Nails, Cbmed; P/A Shotgun.
Mapachedd pals, whilst eachof the other playm takeson one of the Colt Automatic,Pistol.
Bunch. attemlting then to outscorc his tem,nares before the 4. TectorGorch Shoolist;Very Hard As Nails. LucB, Knifemdr
inevitable conchsion ensues.I Isow rhat this is not fair, as the Bunch Wincheste.Rifle. Pistol, Knife.
are not all equalin ability, but hey,thafs Hollyw@d.
A. GetreralMapache- Gumani Drunt, Clumsy,Cuned:
To recap,the tem line ups de a! follows:
Pistol & Knife.
IIIE WILD BUNCH. B. Co'mtuddt Mohr - GunmaniRunt, Slow: Pistol.
P;i<eBishop - william Holden C. Emst Gumdi Clunsyi Pisrot.
Dutch Engslom - EmestBorgnine
D Federale Ol6ceA- Cmmd. Slooprd:Pirrol.
Lyle Gorch ' waren Oates
Tector Gorch - Ben JohnsoD E. RandomFederales(seeRddod FederaleChart) alt de Citizens;
Mapache Emilio Femandez NOTES
Colmdddt Mohr - Femodo WaSner The main thing to be nodcedis the wide veiety of unusuaiweaponry
Emst (the comnandantt pal) , JoryeRado available to the Bunch. This ranges ftom Colt Aulomaric pisroh
thmughto the machine'gundd Dutch\ grcnades,andbelow thereis a
special section on rules for these weapons.Th€ tedain itself is Roll anotherD6: On a I, ir is a dud and fails to go otr, olheNise
elativelyconfined,andneedsonly a 4' x 4 lableto play on. Il should everybody*irhin 3" susbins a wound! Nice.
be noredthat in lhe Amy Lisrs I havebeenpadiculady kind to Tector Thisseleclionofspecial weapons shouldkeeptheBunchin rhegane
Ben Johnsotr\ characterThis is b€causeI am a hugeBen Johnsonfe. for a while. By the way, in caseoybody has forgotten since rhe 66r
all rhe way back ro rhe Cavalry Tnbgy wirh The Duke (if you donl article, theserules de wrirten with Tle Ruleswith No Nme available
know *ha1 and who I m lalkng abourrhenyour prents broughtyou frcm Grcmsey Foundry (hey ll be in the ma8 somewhere)fimly in
up wrong), and as suchBen can do no wron8. AII the Bunch are rated
asvery Hdd As Naih. This Deansthat eachcm rakeTWO woundsfor
frce beforedmage kicks in, asopposed1othe usualone woundfo. the
basic chdacEristic. This raling is cle&ly justified by lhe dount of IIISTORICAL OUTCOME
punishmentihey lake before succunbing. unlike their fd weedier
PretF/much everybodydies herc. Obviously the Bunch g€r it, but no1
opponents.In contrast tbe Federalesare so fe€ble lhar dy hit oth€r beforedecimatingMap&he s entireamy. I defy anybodyto prcvide an
thd a gue resultsin inslar deaft- Indeed,theseareperhapsfte only accuraleheadcountibut my estimateis between50 dd I00 dead,
lroops io ane below Calvefrt bddirs, dd I'm pretty cerrainnoneof includin8 all the officers and the two Gemds.
lheseMexicds was ever in the.High Chapaml. The fact that half of
ihem slandaroundl@kine lo$ meansrh€y are all univeBally raled as
The Fedemlesdon'r havea charce of viciory. They only havedegrees
DEPLOYMENT of defeat.dd nobodycaresaboutthar myway. OnceMapacheis dead,
The Bunch de deployed as pe. then code numbeB in a diamond theyare deslinedto fall apan asa tghting fo.ce anyway,dd rhanksto
fomalion. Mapacheis on the sreps.havingjusr cut AnSeh rhroal.The his positionthis is likely Io bepreny quick. As for the Wild Bunch.rhey
Gemes and the 6 FederaleolficeE are standingabourrhe lable wirh
lhe nachine gun- A furlher l0 Federalesa.e standinSabolr lhe other
ComDandatrt Mohr, l0 poinrs.
Emst 5 points.
Rmdom FederaleThble. Fede6leOffice6- 3 poiDrs.
D10 EDtry Point Federales
I D6
2 This is for kills only,of couFe.
B D4
3 c Bl Rifles
5 E D3 Rifles
D3 Rifles The gamebeginsafier Mapachehascut Angelt thmat. For the fi61 1um
7 A&C D3 Rifles put in only the Action Cards and the caJdsbelonging to the Bunch.
8 B&D D3 Ratherbadluck on Mapache, unles theJokerconesup fiNtl Eachtum
9 E&F D2 after rhe thi.d, roll on the RandomFederaleTable to delemine how
l0 Alt D3 Rifles nany nore rdgersde likelyto aEive-So,thafs fte Wild Bunch.Now
I cant hold backdy longe. Number4 willjust havero includeThe
TERRAIN Man himselt We'll seenexttime if The RulesWirh No Namecan
The MachiDe-guD.whoeve. Setsthei. pawson this finds theDselves
wilh theequivalenrof a six-badeuedrifle. eachbftl of*hich canbe
dimeda1 a differenrtrget. rep.esenring the spmy of fte weapon.
Addirionally,the gui doesnot jam unlil four of rhe bMels bave
beconejammed, whenn is Feated4 ONEjam. The sme dpplieslo
rundingout of ammunilion-
Pump Action Shotgutr. Simply rear as an ordinary single-banelted
shoqh, bur without the needto .eload! Roll a D6 after every shor.on
INSTY castingco. (incorporaring
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39 SlessorRo{d. YORK, YO24 3JG. Englcnc.
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a d.y ot sns or 4 tp6 f6l
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1sr corps/Ehe ABry ca3rns (svF) BadaE Mi.'arurs eane Hsous
voll - ElLnt oin- DEui*d.u
vdr-rddrdtYu|llntrni l2sx6v.4!dne 6odPldyP!nb
v.t3 - xi,[r sDidt c.!ftd4 12cuiaT'et|;iliDline
v.l{ A.d I Ddllr SN - 12E!!iq t.h n.h Nd,neDdiqilAPFS)
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o. emailgeorgea@mm.
01555752453 l.@m
placedfacedowtron the temin piecein question(or undern if having
Troops In the Larlrdscape 2 bits of cardlying mund the tableoffendsyour aestheticsensibilities...)
or Random Musings on the dd may only be lookedat by a llayer whenhe / shemovesa unit into
contacl with the temin piece. This simple mechanisn cd creale a
Nature of Terraln much more flowing barde(the Oeman commanderdiscoversih ihe
forest on which he'd itrterded to rcst his flank is jn facr passablero
by armour,suchas lhe regimentof T34s approachitrgfrom the north...)
Dominic Skekon 'Ihe
secondpoint which I wish to ad.lies is tbe ralher difficult otre
ofjust how rhe troops fif into the landscape.Broadly speakng this
This anicle is mainly Mike Siggis' fault (onemorething to addto lhe comesdown to threefactors.figuE scale,unit size and the size of yoDr
lin...) While banng $rcugh old WIj the olher day (trying to find terain pieces. Therc is a tendency in warganing io stddddise
pictms of Richdd Mmh\ 20IM World W& tr ships, but that's everything.This is of coursenatural.25Im figur€slook nice jn 24 nan
anotherslory...) I siDmbledacrossthis piece. 'Trcops In The batt.lions. olr dcient terain doublesup 6 horseand Dusket lefrin
Lddscape" (hencethe deldtatingly origiral lide; it\ in W1104 by the md so on-However.this unconsciousslandardisatjoncan leadlo losing
way.)Somehowftis had failed 1ogEb me on the f$l reading(must've sobe of tle "flavoui of a given wdgames period. To tnke one of fte
beenin a confomi$ srateof mind that day) bul this dme mund, for morc obviousexdples, I ll l@k at the edly 18thcentury.If askedto
betteror for vorse. it gor me thinhng. I shanl go over the argumentsin describelhe bctics of fte period, the fint word that most peoplewitb
i! go backand Hd ir if you're itrterest€dlRather,I shall shareny own sone knowledge of the p€riod will use i! "lined", dd "riSid or
entightercd(or benightedasthe casemay be-..)thoughlson the subject. "inflexibte is likety to crop up too. However,gamesset in ftis period
The key queslion I wish to addr€ssis that of "how do ihe troops often proveto be tesslinear and nore flexible. This isn'l necestuily a
interact with the terain in a gme?' while rules invariable cover fault of fte rules in use.butather of the sizesof Dnit md teraitr used-
tenain, ir\ often ii a very cursory manner(a couple of movemenl Most wmgamersuseterain pieces6 incbeslo a foot at the most&ross,
reshictions and a couple of tuing penelties, usually-) For inshce, and field fteir troopsin ttdddd" units (16 x 25Im figws seemsto
warhanner class.s teoain as open. difficult. very difficult or be a favouriE for l8th ceniury,giving a 6" ftortage or thereabouts,in
impassable.wi$ 0, -l or -2 modifiers on fi.ing, while,4147 Replrlr two ranks). Therefore the resuh is forces that @ utrealistically
(a fine systen on which I sped too much Inoney....)is elen nore ''nippy". A battalioncan rapidly nove dound a pieceof terain, as its
simplisricin its approach.This however,canl reasonablyb€ levelledas small relative size enablesfte difficull going to be readily avoided.
a criricism of rules writeE: a serwift a list of 50 drstrncttenain l}Tes Similady, n can swifily wheello faceirs flail dd soon. This is nol, in
is going to be unplayable, dd besides, tlere are only so many Dy opitrion, realistic. A far more suitableapproach(thaiks lo Tim at
Dodifie6 that you can reasonablymake on a d6 .oll, after att. That the Grimsby club: his Sev€nYearswm gameswere enough1o8et me
d@sn't howevermed that things should automaticallybe left as rhey stanedon the penod) is to produceunits which arerot manoeur'rable.
re. Rather.a little time should be spentby the playe6, considering (40 odd 25Im fieures gives 12 to 18 inch ftontage.which is. Aankly,
whal special eff@ts the remin may have in a given gme. A few a birch ro wheel qith... In this way.the "feel of lhe period is captured
secondsspentconsideringfte tenain cd mak€ a huge difference io more readily. (You have ro pld for the terain in advance.nol jusl
gameplay.Fo! iDstance,at the local club (Gnnsby watgmes Club) we slumblethroughor aionndil, at lea$ if yoDwdr your lovely neatbattle
end b usea housetule for AK4? (OK I nention ftis set too often, bur line 10slay6at way...)
I've beenplayinSil al leastoncea fortnighi larely,so exmples de easy Finally movinS1othe other end of the spectrum,there@ instdces
ro comenp with) ro ihe effecl that sunkenrcads md river bankscounl when we Dse too |Jmy troops for nor enough table. \Warhanner
a! cover This is a very minor addition, which nonethel€sscd create 44000 playerseverywhe€ shoDldknow this one...)This is a problem
btally new tacticdl siruations.,! vehicle unih ccasionally adopt a which rendsro nmifest itself nainly in tqentietb centurygmes. The
defen\ive.ran(e. r,rher$an consbnrl)manoeulring. basic ditrculty is that noden mies lend to be dispeBed,while olr
An evenmore mdicat apprcachis for rerain efects to be variable. toy soldiers.welt. don1. Therefore modem" gameslend to become
This ce lead to ar intercstingelementof the unknown,ratherlhan m too resrrided ad rhe gamefaits to flow''h rhe way lhat ir should.
instantly appnisableprobtem.For instance,a DBM playerwhen faced This caDbasicallybe solvedin two ways:biggertables(inpracical) or
with a wood halfway acro$ the battlefield wiu checkhis rulebookand smaller:mies.. the Dodem ba0efield isnl generallyloo crowded,so
seethat his lrgionaries will nove 100laces per bound.and havea -2 our gaming tables shouldn'i be either My penonal preferenceis 1o
conbal penalryin clok conbar againslfool to their frcnt. Caes&,on sinply fighr snall battles.(For insrdce on d 8 by 5' table, I'll field
the other hdd, would have seena piece of woodlmd md wondered t500 pointsof Wofiannet t10,000or 600 pointsof WorldWd tr figures
how denseit war, if n could be palsed throtrgh.how badly ir would in Aapid F E, .arber ftd forcestwice the size which peopleseemto
hinde. his 6oopsperfomance in conbnt ed so on. like using.The o$er opinion is lo usesmrlid mies in a more liieral
This in rm leadsto bother "inprovenenf in the gmei nmely thar sense(l've tri€d ii for nodens Dsing,4r4Z md aho napid rir. with the
thellayen sl8n Dsingrdlisdc tactics.If rhererain isn't fixedin ils etrecl, nodems additionsfron the Jaunal ofthe Soci.ry ofT||entieth Cent"rr
playes haveto find om whardifficDlliesil will causedd whatbenefiLil Wu.sa,e.r. which cd also be found on the s@iety'sweb!a8e-)This is
will conlerIn orderro do rhis.$e) Uhavero useecomi\dce mop.. quite simply lo use smaller figures: using 1/300thscale Dodeh in a
slddenly we start using jeeps 6d motorcycles,not just wall-to-wall rules set designedfor 20lm cm b€ very interesting.Concenhationof
heavymour, dd lboseho6e od musketera husm find thal lhey ve forcessuddentybecomesp@tical, dd temin loo*s nore realistic (to
gol a role in the my dd en l jusl avoidingthe enemycuirasies unlil a Microtd*, a 12 inch wide pi@e of woodland is BIG!) This
lherede somerculitrg unitsto go cbsing afterl encouragesmore meoeuvrc and les amition, as flank attacksand so
At fEt glmce, this may seem difficult ro actually do, but the on become'do-able rather thm playeF sinply being forced lo line
mechanismsfor introducing such vdiabtes de actually very simple. 'em up and shoot 'em down due to lack of spacefor arything else.
Obviousty e ideal solution is to have an umpirc. This Cod-tike Well, that ll do for now: bestmt to get into too nuch of a rant on the
individual will havethe traditional omiscient view of lhe battlefield subject..-I app@iate lhat I ve mercty brushedon a couple of aspe.b
which we games take for grtuted. and witl enlightenthe playeB a ro of what is an etrectively timides ropic, but if it nakes soneone out
the stateof the nationwbenthey rctually 8el toops h a positionto fitrd therealso slop dd considerthe etr@tsof teEain in a differeDtlighl it
out. However.even in straightforwardone-on-onebatdes $erc's no wonl havebeen a completelypointlessendeavou.Anyway, I hope
Breatdifficulty in introducingthe ondom element.A sinple option is tbat these somewhatdisjointed ranblings have at lea$ given you a
to prcducea set of 3 or 4 cdds for qch ma of teEain, with ditrerent momenr'spausefor thought and that maybeyou ll try out sone of Oe
erects on each.Theseee then sbutrl€dmd one is pickedout. Il js then aboveideas,or betterstill comeup eith somebetteronesof your own!
15mn suDs d.tuii.d Wo.gdhing l inioturc3
23 l-ongLdne, Driffield, yorkshi.e yO25 5HF Englond
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by Peter Gilder
H I N D SF I G U R E SL T D :re now rvrxbe i, rh€ u K :nd EuroPe
S e c o n dN a n dW a r g a m e sF g L r r e sB. o o k s .G a m e s
Our 25mm ranee i..tudes:
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Our vast Napoleonics range includes:
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T h e B i g B a t t a l i o n s . u r l n n e r os i B c s t D e m o n s l Eot r c a m e
Aunrians Pru$ians.Baden Wlrt€mblfB
at Sa lre 98 w ll be ho d l]c tire r nexra day parlic parion
^ " . P - , D o o . c
g a m e s n N o r t hL o n d o no n r 8 O c t o b e r& 2 9 N o v e m b e r P b o .
F o ' r t € € . : ( r o g u e o r e i q u r c sc o n E . t
[ 4 ut p a y e r2 5 m n rN a p oe o nc s A f g u r e ss u p p ] e d .U m pr e
Bob Kif,
Larto ed Grand lttlanne r rules.Up to 24il x 12i11abe
9 tu e 3h Rotrd tsornse/ Lond.n N8 OID
t 2 0 l o . 1 h ed a y F u r t h e d
r c t a i s c a R o h a n 0 1 8 18 8 8 5 5 3 0
Phofc 0i8i 1.101799
Fuure plals iDctudea tull rdge of fi8Dres.Cat.logDesar€ arailableIt\ ben all go on the Smui scendio fronl recendy.Not contentwith
for i I + posiagefion ScheltrumMiniatues, PO Box 10231,Aberden, rel€ding a Ether irFiguing set of Smurai ndsed action nles. Brid
AB 12 3TT. Bladford has put togethe! two excellent scenaio booklets lo
G.abm ftickev acconpanythen. They @ by m mems perfect- whai scendio dd set
of rules are for rhat matter but they @ a muchwelcomedaddidonro
understandingthe styleof warfde of SengokuJapu. I'll dealwift each
scenadosepaEtelyand theoatremptro draw someconclusions.
WF-SSEXGAMES 25mm'?ANZERFAUSTE' FIGURE Totugawa\ Baties de ls wtn two importmt batdesin the cde€r of
RANGE I DWARFPANZER GRENADIERS $e ultimate sudivor. the BrEatTokugawaIeyasu himer. NagakDb
w6 a stmge affai. tbat saw TokDSasadd his allies squde up to fte
WessexhavelaunchedfantasygmeB itrto a new realmof conflict by mighty Toyotomi Hideyoshi, the aveng€r of Oda Nobunaga's
tackling the posibilines of a Wodd Wd II basedseting. ID cenain assassination and firm favouit€ to conquerall Japan.Nagakutefoms
respects.the backgroDndi! reminiscentof that rakenin flDdo4lc, rhe pan of the nqch wider. but losibly morc boring Kom.ki cdpaien
Napol@nic feiasy systen, esp€ciallygiven rhat the Brilish @ orcs, that saw the two gendemenconcemedlocked in a stalemte of WWI
dd the Gemds de dwarfs,but otherracesdo not corespondb€tween style, complete with trenches atrd earthworks. Nagalute was
AttMOI]lt An'l'ILI,tiltY
E-.: i:l
tia i:l
;+.:* -T;'
.: ,. -
; i2",,
l .'
fliid B:n Jd.\rrJll3ur$Ulnirh.Jrll..rr na \l\ \ldrl!\r.\irlltrft.
Augustl9i6 ad\.rnccof rhc Ann\ of Africa \\as picking up mo rcntum
It rs no$ cleerlhallhc nilitan couphasfailcdandlhe counln I he LcgionandMo.occanRegularcs $cr. bnrshingasidcthc
hasbcenplung€dirlo a \iolent cirrl \1ar lr lhe {irn l\ro lccr bu cmbl\ dr.orgrnr.cd R.publrLrdn milrtrd.
nonths ofconflid as bolh sidesstnrggl€to establishconrrol
o\er theiro$r tcrrilonthcrcis grcittse\agc{ At lcast901)0 For lhc Rcpublicango\cflncnldisaslcrIoomcd Thc rcsh
ha\cbccnc\cculcdin Nationelisr rcgion!.rlons nilh nruchcrDpo$crcd mililias\crc laking o ordcrsind somcsccnrcd
IoolingofchLrrchandslateprop.n\ aboLrt th. s.rnrcnunrbers
nrorcinr.rcsLcdin \crlingup$orkcAconrnuncs lhanfighting
ha\c bccnkillcd in th€ R.publician/on. lor thcrr\an c\ist.n.c ln sonlcplaccs'Corunand commrt-
lccs rould hold \olcs on $har lo dclcndand\hcrc 10a(tack
ForIhcNationali sls.currcnthln h1o seperatc
rreas.Gen \lola Mlhgcsnouldbc ignorcdin fa\ourof'stralcgic' hills c\cn
in th€ nonh haslargennnlbe.sofCarlisrrequelesendFalang- rcsc^oirsaroundNl.rdnditself\\|ere abindoncdbccarscofa
istsatldat lcaslonc infanlndi\ision(sth)brl \inualh no ro$ bchrccnrhc Anarchisrdcfcldcrsand lhc Socialislcorn-
annnunilion Hc cando lilllc olhcrrhenscndout irnpro\isicd nnnd ir $as onl] b] chancclhc theNalionalistsdidn\ seizc
unilslo occuprnhal thq can To lhc soulhho\c\.r thc
lub this lhen. t e phuge :t ith tht .fttst rcleasertf our 28mil periad t Llngr
28/SC\V01 Moroccanl(cgularinfantrvin Iurban J
28iSCW03 Nloroccancommand F
28/SCW0.1 Forcign Lcgion infantry J
28iSCW05 ForeignLegionconlnand F
28/SCW06 AssaultGuard infantrl J
28/SCW07 AssaultGuardcomnrand F
28/SCW08 FAI (Anarchisi)NJlltia J
t 7 OAlaFlBl,D DnllIA . llP'l'ON llEAl'll ' alllES'I'BR ' lllf 2 I LG ' O I24?l :lz!l:19:)
Hideyoshi'sanebpt to force the issue.He certainly did that, bul bit otr The oles and lheseotrerings, cenalnly make a very g@d addition
more thd he could chew. For those who re Dnfmili& with the to knowled8eof thitrgsSmuEi in general.Sone of fte intoducdons
inlricacies of the conilicl I wonl spoil it 1@ mDcb - puche the de a bit stiff dd stilted in style for my taste,bur ftey do nol detract
scendio b@klet for the oulcomedd veious deviousSmumi tricks. ftom the ovemlt etrectiveDess of $e publicrlions. My only grip€, md
The sectionon Nagakntepresenlsthe gmer with a brief int oduction peihapsI m dt picking here,is in the aJeaof henldry dd mour fd,
to the backgrcundof the battle, the eventsdd oulcome a well d the Date clu. Brian has included a secdonon bolh in Datet aadier
giving a handy gane map for the tabletop.The scalefor this baltle is dd most welcomethey would be too €xc€pt for a couple of hiccups.
for the snaUer version of options under Ktller Kararar and should The golden witch{tyle helnelJ wom by Date's bodygud unit were
work welt under rhe rules system, The amy lists and command neverwom in battle, it war pmade:mor to imprcs on1@ke6. l'm
structlB for the units involved ee w€Ulwdched and prcsentedand almost cerraintoo thar the Datenor of bamboomd birds would have
shouldplede mdy Smurai fds old and new. beenwom only by troopsvery close1othe Date fmily, perhapstheii
T€moji is m absolutepig of a batdeto fight. Even allowing for the Hatmolo unit for exmple, but in ihis caseI do not thrnk that it would
fact tlEl it is to be played under largeicale condilioN itr Kir?r be wom by lhem eithel Like many Stmurai clm the Date apped to
Katonas I still question the value of puning such a massivebattt€ have had sveral uo, ar any ode tine ed dependingon the unns
foe&d as a scendio- Even Brid admitsthat the banle is just too big anking in the clm sEuctureand the rar* of then coMdtr the nrn
1o fight etrectively using his rules. Even with ou Ame.icm ftiends could be diffqent- The bmb@ andbids of lhe Dateis so stylisedthat
peichar for fighringbanleson a huge.cale.Tennoiii( e awe\ome ordinarytoops would not havewom them, this is a no, of a powerful
unde aking. So why hav€ $is battle a! a sc€nario?Obviously fte Dainyo and his pereonal followe.s not the common Ashigaru
appeal of such a ldge battle brings out fte megalofraniacin nosr footllogger The na, of circle fd bm is much more like it for lhe
gmers, dd perbaps,6sB.ian suggesis,you could rlrer the s.ale, bnt il comon berd, the Hatmolo &d their gold circte on blu€ also makes
doess@msomelhingof a poindes exercise.TokugawawN the victor more sens too. The prcblem of tu, and hemldry in gene.arror fte
of at leNt ?0 mjor conflicts. SEly the authorcould havefound morc Smurai is huge-Wejust do not haveenoughreliable primary evidence
suitabledd playablegems for us to fi8ht on the labletop?That said opento resercb yet. The wood block prints and batdescr€ensthar are
there@ setions ofthe final batdeof 1615that de possibleto recreate often ou main rcsurc€ wec lhe prcducts of anotherage and very
on the tabletopwithour breakingrhe ba* - rhe Ii atlack in the cellre offen very prcbleBatical. I know of ar le6t tw€lve venions of the
being one item thal springsto mind. ( For thoseof you who don l have fmous Sekigahda screen for example; they're all different and in
a clue of what I'm on aboul, Temoji, .lso known as the Batde for somecasesshow clms that were not at the rcal battle at all in quiE
Osala. wd foDShi by somethinglike 1,000,000metrl The Smurai prcminentdetail.we haveto be very c{eful wirh this areaandno doubt
didn\ stint on nunbeK wh€n the tutue of the nation wN at stake.It tbereis much work to be dotreherc stil. I, for otre,m plesed to see
males Mmlon Moor l@k prelty lme by compeison md it wasfought that Brim is joining the growing numberof us westling with this litdo
thiny yean before.) Again ftough Bnan has done a fair amount of issue.Both scenanobookleise most welcome, with the promiseof
researchand the Samuraigm€r shouldbe able lo find plenty in there more in fte pipeline. The labletop mapse etrative, as de the OBs
to keepthem occqpiedfor manya long hou. od cotunander lists. If the ovenll produclion seemsa little crude
whencompred lo someof the latestofferingson the inarket one only
pare r aatrler follows the saDefomat in it! basiccontents.rhough
hasto refer to lhe all importantare! of price lo seeOat Bnan is nor out
ftere har b€enconsiderableimprovenen$ in certainarea!.Su.iagehaa lo make his work available10a lucky few. Ar only lf.00 per bookler
ed Domyoji de ctucial banles during the life of one ol Japd\ lhey ue nct exactly a strain on one\ pdkerl Brid is also aclively
mightiest wdior houses,the Date, underthe commed of one of ir\ l@king for feedback and constnctive crilicism 1oenablehim to k@p
most coloDrfDl chMcten, lhe femome 'One Eyed Dragon' Date on inpmving the rulesand bookletsand is semingly more thd ready
Mrlmune. Strfiagehda,fought in 1589,wotrld seeMasmune hecome to help out wilh oy genuineenquinesfron gde6 dd fes of the
the nost powerful Dainyo in nonh€m Japanand therefo.ea major period. Persomlly I like them a greatdeal and would reconnend lhai
play€r in the bigger political picture, cenainly ranking alongsidethe
8me6 with even a pasing itrtercstin Sanurai wefue check them
likes of Hideyoshi and Tokugawa.It was a rypicany vicious Samuni oui. At the momentI only know of two ourletsfor both the rules and
battle dd wd in manywaystypicat of lhe age- very littt€ opportunity the scendio booklets,lhose being our esteemededitor of StmtageD
for fte heroic individual challengeof Samumileg€ndhe.eI Msdune faDe atrdTwo D@BonsPrcdlctions, if the.earenore plea* torgrle me
wa. up agaidsra very detemided advenaJy in fte Ashina dd the
oDtcomeof the bllde wd in doDh for most of fte .lay. The Obs md Keep up the good work Bnan ' &d roll on Hideyoshit Korem
backercundhaveagain be€nwell resedched,md while designedfor
rhe Large Battle scale, is a pleasing batrle to nght wirh loi! of
int€reslingtwists and challenges.
Domyoji, on fte ofter hnnd,wa foughr in May 1615ed foms pait
of the much ldger dd conplicated Osala cmpaign of Tokugawa
IeyNU. Darefighting d a major ally on his side.Domyoji was one of
severaianemptsby lhe WestemAny of Toyotomi Hideyori lo bMk
out of the enclosing.ing of Eatem Amy troops rhal werc advdcing
on the buge cas e complex of Osaka.It s the lale of a gallant clatr A weighty tome ftom the daddyof westemSamurniknowledge. Price
holding groundagainstimposible odds,reinforcementslost in fog and is !25-00 for some320 pagesincluding indexes.
failing to aive aDdof self sacrifice. Creat stuff! The OBs ee again This is a radical departurefrcm fte ussal offerings fiom lhe author
weUrcserched andwhe.e doubtsexist Brian hs pointedthemout. He dd somethinglike thrc or four times $e normal iength of work
hasalsoincludeda sction on b6ic rule clarification for certainaspec$ dsociated with him overthe pst few yems.Perhapssooe will find fte
of Killet Katanas,I Bnal appearsto havehad a fair bit of feed bnck new fomat somethingof a su.prise.GoneaJethe ftrll page,full colou
and has acredaccordinely at the b€he$ of gamers.lfs good to seea pictres. The entire b@k is illushated in black md white dd while
rule writer takesucha prc-&tive sunce and Bmin is lo be comended this may not deEactftom the overall qualiry of $e work il is nol likely
for his effons. He has evengiven studentsof the eE m opportunitylo to attractreades frcD the aestheticviesToint alone.Many ofthe wood
contactone of his Japmeseconiacts,al leasl if you haveaccessto tne blockpnntswill be imilid to fds of the perioddd ind@dTumbull
Net. a cenain M. Goto whoseancesb. fought so bmvely at Dofryoji. himself has usedsone of them in previous works. This is not r bad
Mr. Gotot web pagenumberis lkted along with that of Brian himselJ thing for the newcomerto the period, thoughil nay grareon the nefles
and a specialweb sit€ for rilkr Katano fansnto. of somevetems, However,thereareplenly ot new shots1osmoothdy
Uni4ue NapoleonX and 2Uh Century Organisation Charts
Mdi Bcvis,15Hetun Sreet,Bunley,Lacdhi€, BBI I ,ux
e-mailadl,t$: md.b€[email protected]
Mi.rrMdl supplyr uniquemgc ofoea sdion.hB, prinhnindivdullyoncotou'rd
A.l cdd. byour ir N[8ameririen'lly-trorriedroey tulesrysbm, ilt rhenagaitrn nor
jus dw dab.A huSeyldiotr alaihblc.over930lj* covenng [email protected]
N.pohoiic,Wdld Wr l. Balkanrwd, SFihh CivilWd,WorldWr It.
(allombdanB ex@pr Sim...)
AnLhneli ls1a,1956,r930s,I(oredWa Udnm, GullWd,Baltm wm t9$s.
Theseare HighlyDetailedwargamesbuildings
NATO-Wdps1960s. r970s.r930siPo$CotdWtut 990+
made using a processnew to wargaming,
Mdy oI rher m [email protected]
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publididoslil qhich giv€sstrengthand lightness
Spmi.l Ofier Hillseil4pi€.6) 111-50
Complere 25mm RoadSet f6pe4) 17.50
c.Flo3ue'lebiliig os 950ln6. onlvf: 00wirhsMpk, indudingp&p. l5mm RiverSet /6pi66) 16.50
Don't forget the MimMok l5nm RoadSet lTplda) 16.50
Painting Senic€ 1/300RiverSera6pia6l 15.50
Sp.ciiliiingin 6mmscaleligues.vehi.ks,cm md trcmfi. 2 5 m m B r i d g e . . . . . . . . . .- . L 4 . 9 5
orhs EalesotrEqucn. t 5 m mB d d g .. . . , . . . . . . . . 6 3 . 9 5
information. Tnmbuu hascenainly prcducedsomelhingnew dd very
worthwhile.The book opensup Japa dd rheSamurailo serioussrudy.
For those new lo the Samuai era ftis is a b@k tbat I would
unhesitatinglyrecommend.It will sene as a poinr of eference to
constantlyrelDmto 6 your knoqledgedevelops. For thoseof us who 38 WESTST.,DLINSTABLE,
think we alreadyknow somelhin8of the period this work shoDldalso
be a classic.Elen if we do nor totally agreewith the authols tindings,
(and in severaldeas I do not). StephenTumbuUn srill the pioneer
after more the twenry yeds at the sharp end and we who have an
intercsrin the period continuero owe hirn a debt of gratirDde.
A resoundinSthumbs up from this reviewer and a resounding
'aar.ail-lhrown in for good
1 s 0 9B
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See us at
P & L includes:
. Ifltomation on everytroop type which
iought in rhe Revolutionincludingman\
uniqu€ units like the Queen s Rangersand
I-ees Legion-
. Completescenariossith mapsand ordersof
banle ro nght Bunke.Hir. Princeron,
Frceman'sFarm,and Guilford Courthouse.
' A combat systemplayable with any basing
systemiffgure remounting is not rcquir€d.
. Point values for troop types so play€rs can
STOCI(ISTS! creat€ their own "What lf scenariosand
pray rournamenls.
ut(: ESSEXMIl{IAruRES n Ol26&6A2tOq
. A French and Indianwrrs section witl a
complete listing of the Generils and units
STRATAGEIU c O1636-6rl9r3
thar fought in North A.rnerica.
w.R.G. n Or tAO-724ssA
. Optional rul€s allow players altemative
approach€sto gam€mechanics.