Curse of Strahd Notes
Curse of Strahd Notes
Curse of Strahd Notes
1. Recap
a. Dean (Jace) is NOT in love with Strahd.
b. Eat a ration.
c. Izmark is dead (Ireena’s brother).
d. Godfrey is in Izmarks body
e. Vallaki is in flames
2. Order of Events as planned
a. Vallaki and Krezk are both in flames. Vallaki went crazy after the only merchant in town died. Krezk went
crazy because they couldn’t have any more wine.
b. The party adventures to Castle Ravenloft and explores.
c. They fight Strahd and either they win, or they lose. (Session end)
3. Little Notes
a. While describing Castle Ravenloft, use a lot more enthusiasm! Even if you screw up, keep doing it! Make a
shock factor! It’s horror after all.
b. Maybe start a combat timer for each player.
c. Have the heart of sorrow tower plummet into the whole castle and smash into part of the crypt below. Allow
for it to be sort of a stone slide into a 3ft pool of water.
4. Argynvostholt
a. Possibly have the players travel to Castle Ravenloft to retrieve Argynvost’s skull.
b. Have phantom warriors reenact the events of Strahd slaughtering them.
c. Have the party hear random whispers in the air.
d. The air is cold and still. Smells of dust. The walls are covered in webs.
e. Dragon skull is said to be hanging someplace in Castle Ravenloft as a display of strength.
f. Godfrey cannot go to rest until he completes his final task. Light the beacon of Argynvostholt
i. Godfrey explains that he is a fallen knight of the Order of the Silver Dragon.
5. Ruins of Berez
a. The town was destroyed over a century ago. The people defied Strahd (a woman named Marina strikingly
resembled Tatyana and Strahd became obsessed with her. The local Priest killed her to protect her from
eternal damned nation with Strahd), and he decided to drown the town in a river, killing most of the
townspeople. All that’s left now is ruin.
b. Difficult terrain due to knee or waist high water and knee or waist high mud.
c. The location is swampy, marshy. Flies are everywhere so the party is unable to short/long rest here.
d. Lazlo Ulrich is a ghost, trapped forever. Strahd is punishing him for having Marina executed. Lazlo
explains to the party that the local priest (whose name he can’t recall as it’s been over a century) and him
decided to execute a little girl named Marina because Strahd was trying to seduce her and turn her into a
vampire. It was the only way to protect her soul.
i. If the party explains that Ireena is Tatyana reincarnated, and Ireena is visible in the flesh then Lazlo
is laid to rest and MAKE IT OBVIOUS. Also point the players towards Marina’s Monument
before he dies. He points towards a large stone monument in U5.
e. The river is about 500ft wide. Goodluck crossing it! The current is strong.
6. Tsolenka Pass
a. When the party starts getting near the pass, they see a large mountain before them. Mount Ghakis. The road
suddenly turns to gravel.
b. The area is windy and cold. Like cold. If the players have no proper way of dressing warm, then they suffer
Extreme Cold effects (DMG pg 110). Snow is blowing all around as well.
c. Read Area R on page 40. Check for a random encounter.
7. Vallaki
a. The killing of Bildrath drove the town mad. The guards abandoned their posts, and the Burgomaster hasn’t
been seen.
b. 2 Vampire Spawn are seen running around the outside of the city killing innocent people. Strahd appears
to talk to the players. He says “Hello boys. Look at the beauty that is behind me. Isn’t it impressive? You
did this you know. I couldn’t have done it better myself to be honest. I’m just waiting for someone to take
those ugly bones and smash them to pieces. Thank you for the help. Oh, by the way, Krezk is gone too
which is fortunate because that was an ugly town anyway.” Roll a stealth check for every monster. If
anyone looks (DC Perception 14) they see the monsters surrounding them. If the monsters pass stealth
checks, then they get a surprise round. Then Strahd says “Good luck by the way, you’re surrounded.” The
encounter has: 4 Ghouls, 2 Vampire Spawn, 1 Werebear, 2 Werewolves.
c. Urwin is still in his bar hunkered down. If the party visits him, he says he isn’t going to leave the city while
the bones are still at St. Andrals church.
8. Castle Ravenloft
a. Use the encounters table to SPEND the parties’ resources as much as possible.
c. Lightning routinely flies around the skies above raven loft.
d. The drawbridge is falling apart. Don’t forget to make the checks to see if anyone falls.
e. Every 10 minutes alone in Ravenloft, roll on the table for dangers! (Ignore Strahd’s slot on the table)
f. Strahd is going to remain in K6 due to the fortune card.
g. In K10, the illusion doesn’t yield any useful information but, he does talk about how the armies have tried
to assault Ravenloft before and all have failed. The illusion is surprised that the castle has guests to be
honest. After 30 seconds of conversation, Strahd’s illusion vanishes with a mocking laugh. A loud shrill
scream erupts (continue reading on page 57).
h. K18, the wall can be broken down in an hour but, they will only be able to crawl through it. In 2 hours, it
will be completely gone. Vampires in mist form may come through the crack so during the hours they spend
breaking it down, have some stuff attack the party.
i. In K20 the party rolls initiative against the tower. It shakes and pitches on its turn to try and toss the party
around. (Reference the height of the tower and the party position for damage). A character who is prone
automatically succeeds. (don’t make it obvious that’s why though)
j. Once the heart is damaged, Strahd senses it and sends 4 Vampire Spawn to protect it (arrive in 3 rounds).
10 Flying swords (Halberds specifically so AC 15, damage 1d10+1) protect the heart and attack once its
threatened or spot a prone crawling player.
k. In K27, there’s a mannequin that impersonates Strahd and sort of fakes a fight.
l. K28 the zombies attack if the characters are within reach, otherwise they don’t move unless provoked.
m. Lief Lipsiege is an accountant. He doesn’t voluntarily leave the room. If he feels threatened, he pulls the
rope alarming creatures nearby. He keeps all the books for Strahd and records his conquests and riches.
i. If the party treats him with kindness, he will divulge the hiding place of the Holy Symbol of
Ravenkind and he draws a crude map quickly for the party to locate it. He admits that he doesn’t
know the dangers along the way so be careful. He knows there’s a key that unlocks the chests near
him but, he doesn’t remember where it is.
n. K32 Helga (Vampire Spawn) will join the party if they ask but, secretly wishes to kill them soon.
o. K36 the cake is old. A figurine can be found DC 10 Perception. When the cake bursts, option 1 happens. If
a character succeeds in playing the harp, Pidlwick appears. He says, “Why have you summoned me from
the grave?” and then after some conversation he says “In my crypt below the castle, you shall find a treasure
worthy of one so talented. May it help you set this place to rest.” And he fades away.
p. K37, the painting is Tatyanna but, she looks exactly like Ireena.
q. K38, the chest is trapped. If the players are ALL paralyzed, then some witches drag the players to room
K50. They leave them unharmed. Placing the torch from the skeletons hands into the empty sconce opens
the secret door into K39.
r. K40 the giant spiders attack if the bell is sounded or if attacked. Walking into the webs is bad (see dungeon
s. K41, the treasury is sealed with adamantine walls and an adamantine door. It uses Daern’s Instant Fortress
t. K42 Gertruda is innocent. She is a basic white girl and doesn’t think she’s in any danger at all even from
Strahd. She even talks like a basic white girl.
i. Strahd does intend to turn her into a vampire!
u. K45, the ten statues change their facial expressions to horror every time lightning flashes over their faces.
The statues each answer one question if addressed directly. There’s a 20% chance it yields incorrect
v. K46, if the characters linger for 5 minutes, Strahd’s Animated Armor appears to attack the party! It turns
to dust when defeated.
w. K47, the portrait depicts Strahd before he became a vampire. He was still very pale. The eyes of his portrait
follow the players and the frame is bolted to the wall. The guardian portrait attacks if they remove an item
or the rug attacks.
x. K49, Escher is a well-dressed vampire spawn who is feeling neglected by Strahd. He retreated here until
Strahd’s mood improves. If attacked, Escher hurls himself out the window and lands lightly on the roof of
the keep. He leads the party to Strahd if pursued. He thinks Strahd is growing bored of him. He doesn’t
want to be thrown into the catacombs with the rest of his consorts.
y. K51 the trapdoor leads to area K55.
z. K55, any characters who investigate find a short trail of dust on the floor leading from the northeast corner
of the room to the easternmost door. Looks like something heavy was dragged across the floor. The secret
trap door can be seen plainly due to the trail of dust. Just merely touching it causes the trap door to fall
aa. K56, if the witches aren’t aware of the players, then they can hear cackling! If the witches are aware of the
party, then they cast invisibility spells and hide in the corners of the rooms. They surprise attack the party
with spells when they feel the chance is right!
bb. K59, ignore Pidlwick 2.
cc. Elevator Trap: Once 4 characters walk on, trap activates. 2 steel portcullises drop from ceiling and cut off
the rest of the party. The box is then thrust upward and begins raising up. Magic sleep gas starts to pour into
the box, DC 15 Con save or fall unconscious to a sleep spell. The extra space next to the trap is the counter-
weight location. Anyone there when the counterweight hits the ground, dies instantly. A DC 19 Dex save,
saves them. Everyone now rolls initiative. The elevator remains locked at the top of the shaft until the lever
in K31 is moved to the down position. The trap then resets in 1 round. When the elevator reaches the top of
the shaft, it becomes connected to the secret trapdoor in K47.
dd. K62 Cyrus Belview is a mongrel-folk and one of Strahd’s faithful servants. He’s 4.5 feet tall and talks like a
goblin. He has a hunched posture and carries a lantern around. He is crazy. He deliberately lies to the party
saying there’s a teleportation spell on the floor in the (secretly) elevator room. Around his neck is an iron
key (unlocks chest in K60). If he goes into the elevator and survives the gas, he pulls the party members to
safety through the trap door and then he escorts them to the kitchen K65 to make them dinner.
ee. K65, Cyrus notices the zombies in the huge pot and grabs a large club to begin beating them back into the
pot. Claims his meals tend to get out of hand these days.
ff. K72, if Rahadin isn’t dead yet, he assaults the party here. After one round of combat, a Shadow Demon
joins the fray.
gg. K73 has traps in it so be careful. Every 10 pounds on a pressure plate adds 5% to the likelihood of the
character teleporting to the given cell. When the trap activates, an explosion of air and water fly around the
quickly dissipate. The cells that they may get teleported to are under 5 feet of brackish/salty water.
hh. K74 is submerged in 5 feet of salty water.
ii. K75A Emil is secretly a werewolf and Strahd imprisoned him, so he wants to make it up to Strahd
somehow. He decides to help the party until they’re vulnerable then he will turn on them and kill them.
jj. K76, the water is 3 feet deep here. The zombies emerge from the water to attack the players!
kk. K78, tossing a stone into the fire changes the flame color and the sand begins falling in the hourglass. If a
creature touches the brazier during this time, they teleport to the given location. It magically resets after 5
rounds. If the hourglass or the golems are attacked, the doors magically slam shut, and the golems release
their poison breath from the horses’ mouths. The golems are modelled after horses. They won’t leave the
room. They also don’t hold grudges.
ll. K79, A trap triggers at the landing of the stairs which creates an illusion of Strahd. Have the party roll
initiative. Spend their resources!
mm. K81, Trapdoor swings open when at least 1 person is standing on it. There is no Dexterity Save.
nn. This room is covered in 3 inches of bat poop. The arched walkways are 10 feet wide. Removing or resetting
a stone slab takes DC 15 Strength check. The players notice the thousands of Bats hanging from everywhere
in the room. If any bat is harmed, 2d4 Bat Swarms attack them! Then to attack again, the players need to
be in a different area of the room. If a player walks onto the teleportation spells around Strahd’s tomb, it
swaps that players position with a Wight.
oo. K85, Sergei is preserved so well that he appears to be sleeping in his coffin but, he’s dead.
pp. K87, the curtains at the bottom of the stairs teleport any non-lawful good creatures to the top of the stairs.
qq. When/If Strahd is killed, he turns to mist. He tries to evade the party. If the party can somehow get him into
his coffin and put a stake into him, they destroy him!
rr. If Strahd is attacked early on, simply have him fight for 2 rounds of combat then retreat. His minions shall
cover his retreat. He assaults the party later when the time is perfect! His goal is to kill all of them. He also
will assault the party when there is an hour left in the session. This will hopefully ensure the last session of
Curse of Strahd.