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The Fanes of Barovia: Additional Artifacts For The Tarokka Reading

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The Fanes of Barovia

he Fanes are ancient sacred sites dedicated to Additional Artifacts for the
three goddess that predate Strahd or even the Tarokka Reading
Zarovich line. The goddesses, though now
absent, left behind their sacred sites with If you wish to add the Fanes to your Curse of Strahd game,
remnants of their magic. Over the years, the best way to introduce them is to make the runestones be
Strahd desecrated these sites, removing artifacts whose location is drawn for using the tarokka
sacred runestones and tying the power of the reading. This can be done by Madam Eva or Esmeralda. See
sites to himself. He scattered the runestones throughout Introducing the Fanes Late in Optional Ideas for more
Barovia and allowed evil creatures to move in to desecrate information on introducing the Fanes.
the Fanes further. The Fanes empower Strahd, and if your The cards should be arranged as shown below, with cards
party wishes to defeat him, they'll have to purify the Fanes. 1-3 being the Fane cards, and cards 4-8 being the ones from
the base module. The Fane cards should be drawn from the
lower tarokka deck.
Strahd's Powers
Strahd is empowered by the Fanes. Over the course of a year,
he desecrated each Fane, removing the stones and allowing
the guardians to take hold. The power bestowed to him by
each Fane is specific.
The Forest Fane gives Strahd the gift of both stealth and
knowledge. While benefitting from the Forest Fane, Strahd is
under the benefits of a nondetection spell. Additionally,
whenever someone says his name, he can cast scry on that
person without expending a spell slot and without material
components. Depending on your game, this may lead to a
great deal of superstition in Barovia, where all NPCs refuse
to call Strahd anything but "The Devil." The benefits of the
Forest Fane add 1 to Strahd's CR.
The Swamp Fane gives Strahd the strength of the swamp.
While he is connected to the Swamp Fane, Strahd gains
resistance to fire, cold, lightning, thunder, and acid damage.
This makes Strahd very powerful, and adds 1 to his CR.
The Mountain Fane gives Strahd protection of the
mountain. While he is connected to the Mountain Fane, Have your tarokka reader say, before flipping any of the Fane
Strahd has an armor of force on him at all times. It provides cards:
+6 to his AC, and protects against incorporeal attacks as well
as while he is in mist form. This adds +1 to his CR. The Devil is powered by three corrupted sacred sites of
ancient Barovia. Their runestones were taken, and must be
returned with offerings if He is to be defeated. They were lost
centuries ago. These three cards will guide you to them.

A Three-Step Process Card 1: The Forest Runestone

Purifying the Fanes is a process with three steps.
This card is a card of knowledge and secrecy. Use it to find the
Step 1. Find the runestone and place it into the
Fane. This immediately, but not permanently, runestone of the Forest Fane.
purifies the Fane. It does not break Strahd's
connection to it. Card 2: The Swamp Runestone
Step 2. Defeat or destroy the guardian of the Fane.
This card represents that which gives Strahd strength. It will
This prevents further desecration.
lead you to the runestone of the Swamp Fane.
Step 3. Perform the purification ritual specific to
the Fane. This breaks Strahd's connection to the Card 3: The Mountain Runestone
Fane, and in combination with the other steps,
prevents it from being immediately re-desecrated.
This card shows the location of the runestone of the Mountain
Fane. It grants Strahd unholy protection.

The Fanes of Barovia by morisian 1

Forest Fane Purifcation Ritual
Forest Fane As suggested by the poem on the runestone, the purification
The Huntress was a true neutral goddess worshipped by ritual for the Forest Fane requires the players to find, capture
druids and hunters that inhabited the valley of Barovia in the or lure, kill, skin, and clean an apex predator on the Fane. For
millenia before Strahd's arrival. They would offer her the this, many creatures are appropriate: wolves, direwolves,
greatest beasts they could catch as sacrifices upon her Fane. humans, hags, werewolves, etc. Let your players be creative,
As her followers died out and her existence was forgotten, it only needs to be an apex predator.
her power dwindled until she was as a mortal, and died a
mortal death. As a dead god, her power is weak, but the
largest pieces of it linger in her most holy site, the Forest Swamp Fane
Fane. The Weaver is a spider-like, neutral good goddess associated
with fate. While she was not worshipped by any group in
Forest Fane Description particular, the people of the valley believed her to be similar
The Forest Fane is located outside Old Bonegrinder. to other fate gods and goddesses, in that worshipping her
would bring them good fortune. Offerings given to her
Ravens circle above a small circle of waist-high stones. They
included a combination of honey, milk, and berries being
spread on her Fane, to attract flies that she would consume.
might have been square once, but time has worn away the
This did not last, however, as worship of the Weaver faded
edges, and moss has grown on them. Drawing closer, you see and her power dwindled. To preserve herself, she entered a
runes etched on the stones, and one of the stones has a hibernation-like state. Her presence is no longer felt in
hollow in its center. A rotting stench assaults your nose, and Barovia aside from her Fane, the Swamp Fane.
you see that a raven is pecking at a half-rotten dream pastry
lying in the center of the stones. Swamp Fane Description
The Swamp Fane is located in Berez and is made of tall
When the runestone is placed in the Fane, prior to the stone menhirs. There is already a text box introducing it, but
purification ritual, the runes all glow green. After the ritual, all you should also mention that it is covered in runes and there
glowing stops. is a small hollow where the runestone can go.
When the runestone is placed in the Fane, prior to the
Forest Fane Runestone purification ritual, the runes all glow blue. After the ritual, all
When not held, the Forest Runestone looks like this: glowing stops.

This smooth stone is about the size of your palm. One side is
Swamp Fane Runestone
covered in runes, while the other is blank. When not held, the Swamp Runestone looks like this:
This smooth stone is about the size of your palm. One side is
When held: covered in runes, while the other is blank.
The runes begin to glow green, and glowing green words
appear on the blank side: When held:
The Huntress no longer here stalks prey.
The runes begin to glow blue, and glowing blue words appear
To return her power from the fiend,
on the blank side:
A mighty predator you must slay,
Upon her Fane, skinned and cleaned. The Weaver of fate spins no more.
To steal power from your adversary,
Present the payment of yore:
This suggests the purification ritual, as noted below.
Additionally, the runestone is a magic item that does not Honey and milk, fruit and berry.
require attunement.
This suggests the purification ritual, as noted below.
Forest Runestone Additionally, the runestone is a magic item that does not
Wondrous item, unique require attunement.
When held, the user can cast druidcraft at will, and plant
growth once per day. Wisdom is the spellcasting ability for Swamp Runestone
these spells. Wondrous item, unique
When held, the user can cast druidcraft at will, and tidal
Forest Fane Guardian wave once per day. Wisdom is the spellcasting ability for
Morgantha is the guardian of the Forest Fane. She has been these spells.
dumping children remains in the Fane, desecrating it further
with each body. To purify the Forest Fane properly, she must
be killed.

2 The Fanes of Barovia by morisian

Swamp Fane Guardian Mountain Runestone
Wondrous item, unique
The guardian of the Swamp Fane is Baba Lysaga. She has When held, the user can cast druidcraft at will, and call
been dumping the remnants of her blood-bath rituals in the lightning once per day. Wisdom is the spellcasting ability for
Fane, profaning it with dark magic. To fully purify the Fane, these spells.
she must be defeated.
Mountain Fane Guardian
Swamp Fane Purification Ritual
The guardian of the Mountain Fane is the Gulthias Tree. Its
As stated in the poem on the runestone, the purification ritual roots have reached the Fane and have been pumping evil
for the Swamp Fane involves pouring milk, honey, and berries energy into it. In order to successfully purify the Mountain
on the Fane. Due to the scarcity in Barovia, this may require Fane, the Gulthias Tree must be destroyed.
trading with the Vistani or milking one of Baba Lysaga's
goats, or even traveling to the Winery to get berries. Let your Mountain Fane Purification Ritual
players be creative.
This is the most brutal purification ritual. The Seeker
demands a willing, humanoid sacrifice to end the connection
Mountain Fane to Strahd. A willing sacrifice cannot be under the effect of any
The Seeker is the most vicious of the Barovian valley enchantment spell. If your players try to make that work, the
goddesses. Associated with Mount Ghakis, the neutral evil ritual fails. If you wanted to, you could have an NPC offer to
Seeker was known to send violent storms through the valley be the sacrifice, but it's much more fun if you make the
if she was not appeased with ritual sacrifice. She required players decide to sacrifice their own character. Whoever is
one human a year to be sacrificed to her. Early in his arrival sacrificed cannot be brought back by any magical means
in the valley, Argynvost battled the Seeker and managed to aside from Zhudun the Corpse Star's gift. Remember, let your
seal her in the Amber Temple. She resides in the south players be creative, and remember that choosing not to purify
sarcophagus in the Vault of Shalx (Area X33a), under the this Fane (or any Fane) is an option.
name Zrin-Hala, the Howling Storm. Though imprisoned, her
power can still be felt in her Fane, the Mountain Fane.
Mountain Fane Description
The Mountain Fane is located at Yester Hill and is made of
boulders. There is already a text box introducing it, but you
should also mention that it is covered in runes and there is a Breaking Strahd's
small hollow where the runestone can go. Connection
Note that the lightning storm is caused by the Fane, and
will stop once the Fane is purified. When breaking Strahd's connection to the Fanes, I find it
When the runestone is placed in the Fane, prior to the more interesting if he isn't fully aware that the connection is
purification ritual, the runes all glow purple. After the ritual, broken at first. When the Forest Fane connection is broken,
all glowing stops. he will at first assume that no one is using his name, which is
why he hasn't been scrying for free. When the Swamp Fane
Mountain Fane Runestone connection is broken, he won't be aware of it until he takes
damage from a type he used to be resistant to. When the
When not held, the Forest Runestone looks like this: Mountain Fane connection is broken, he won't be aware of it
until a hit lands that wouldn't have before. This could lead to
This smooth stone is about the size of your palm. One side is some epic moments where Strahd is legitimately surprised to
covered in runes, while the other is blank. have taken damage from the PCs.
Of course, once Strahd realizes the PCs have been
When held: breaking his connection to the Fanes, he will try to stop them.
The runes begin to glow purple, and glowing purple words
appear on the blank side:
The Seeker slumbers in her prison.
To take her power there is a price,
To vanquish evil long arisen,
She demands a willing sacrifice.

This suggests the purification ritual, as noted below.

Additionally, the runestone is a magic item that does not
require attunement.

The Fanes of Barovia by morisian 3

The additions of the magic items, poems, descriptions for
Optional Ideas the tarokka reading, and fleshing out of the goddesses is my
Here are some options that you could choose to work, intended for the DMs of Curse of Strahd and Ravenloft
use alongside the Fanes in your campaign. facebook group and the r/CurseofStrahd subreddit. I am

A Higher Level Adventure. If you want more of a

challenge, you could run Curse of Strahd from level
1 to level 20. To do so, I recommend using the CR
27 Real Devil Strahd available on DMs' Guild. If you
choose to do this, use the Fane purifications as
milestones for milestone leveling.

Stealing the Devil's Power. If you are running Curse

of Strahd to level 20 and you are concerned about
your players dying, you could choose to have an
apparition of a druidic priestess appear after
purifying each Fane. The priestess could offer the
benefits the Fane was previously offering to Strahd
to a single player. Be careful when doing this, as
while nondetection just frustrates Strahd and scry
probably won't come up often, the resistances and
+6 to AC will make your players very strong.

Corruption Rules. If you want to use the Corruption

rules by Matt Mercer (available on DMs' Guild), use
the desecrated Fanes as corrupted sites. I also used
the Amber Temple as a corrupted site.

Introducing the Fanes Late. If your campaign has

already passed Madam Eva (or Esmeralda's) tarokka
reading and you want to introduce the Fanes, it is
simple to have Esmeralda say to the players, "I
heard something once, that Strahd is powered by
ancient druidic sites. I can try to do a reading, to
see what we can do to take that power away from
him." Then have Esmeralda do a reading with just
the Fane cards.

The benefits the Fanes provide Strahd were taken from the
CR 27 Real Devil Strahd statblock available on DMs' Guild
(though I recommend buying it, there's a lot more than a few
Fane benefits in that pdf). Ideas about the goddesses and
purification rituals were taken from this reddit post on adding
the Fanes to Barovia. Obviously, Curse of Strahd belongs to
the Wizards of the Coast. If I have violated any copyrights or
intellectual property, please tell me and I will remove or
change the parts that are in violation.

1 The Fanes of Barovia by morisian

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