Model Answers Summer 2019

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Summer – 2019 Examinations

Model Answers
Subject & Code: Electric Motors and Transformers (22418)
Important Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model
answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to assess
the understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more importance (Not
applicable for subject English and Communication Skills).
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the figure.
The figures drawn by candidate and model answer may vary. The examiner may give credit for any
equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant values
may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and model answer.
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgement on part of examiner of relevant answer
based on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on equivalent

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Summer – 2019 Examinations

Model Answers
Subject & Code: Electric Motors and Transformers (22418)
1 Attempt any FIVE of the following: 10

1 a) State any four parts of the D.C motor.

Part of the D.C. Motor as follow: 1 Mark for
(i) Armature core. two parts
(ii) Armature winding. (Any four)
(iii) Field winding. = 2 Marks
(iv) Commutator.
(v) Brushes.
(vi) Yoke.
(vii) Pole core.
(viii) Pole shoe.

1 b) State the working principal of d.c. generator.

 Working principle of DC generator is the principle of dynamically induced emf
or electromagnetic induction.
 According to this principle, if flux is cut by a conductor, then emf is induced in 2 Marks
 In case of DC generator, when armature winding is rotated in magnetic field by
the prime mover, the flux is cut by the armature winding and an emf is
dynamically induced in the armature winding.

1 c) State principle operation of a transformer.

Working Principle of a Transformer:
The transformer operates on the principle of mutual induction. 1 Mark
When ac supply is applied to primary, it circulates ac flux in core which is going to
link with secondary. The changing flux linking with the secondary induces emf in 1 Mark
secondary winding.

1 d) List various losses take place in a transformer.

Various Losses in Transformer:
1) Copper losses (Pcu):
These are also known as Variable losses. The total power loss taking place in the
winding resistances of a transformer is known as the copper loss. 1 Marks
Cu loss = Primary Cu loss + Secondary Cu loss
Pcu = I12R1+ I22R2
R1 & R2 are resistances of primary & secondary winding respectively.
2) Iron losses (Pi):
These are also known as Fixed losses. These are further divided into Eddy current loss
and hysteresis loss. 1 Mark
i) Eddy current loss = KEBm2 f2T2
where, KE is eddy current constant, Bm is the maximum value of the flux density,
f is the frequency of magnetic reversals; T is thickness of core in m.
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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Summer – 2019 Examinations

Model Answers
Subject & Code: Electric Motors and Transformers (22418)
ii) Hysteresis loss = KHBm1.67 f V
Where KH is Hysteresis constant, Bm is the maximum flux density
f is the frequency of magnetic reversals and V is the volume of the core in m3

1 e) Draw circuit diagram for polarity test on single-phase transformer.

Circuit Diagram of Polarity test of Single-phase Transformer:

2 Marks

OR any equivalent diagram

1 f) Define current transformer.

Current transformer:Current transformer is an instrument transformer which is used 2 Marks
in conjunction with measuring instrument like ammeter for measurement of current.

1 g) State the function of the isolation transformer.

Functions of Isolation Transformer: 2 Marks for
i) Disconnect the load equipment from supply ground: two function
ii) Reduction of voltage spikes
iii) It acts as a decoupling device.
iv) Protects loads from harmonic distortion.

2 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

2 a) State function of following parts of D.C motor:

(i) Pole shoe
(ii) Commutator
(iii) Brushes
(iv) Yoke
Function of Pole shoe in D.C Motor:.
i)Gives machanical support to field coil and reduce magnetic reluctance due to 1 Mark
enlarged area.
ii)Distribute the flux uniformly in the air gap.
Function of commutator in D.C Motor:
i)It helps to produce an unidirectional current from the armature winding. 1 Mark

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Summer – 2019 Examinations

Model Answers
Subject & Code: Electric Motors and Transformers (22418)
ii) It collects the current from armature conductors and passes it to the external load via
Function of Brushes in D.C Motor:
i)Function of brush is to give current to the armature conductors through commutator 1 Mark
ii) It makes moving contact with commutator to facilitate the contact between
stationary and moving parts.
Function of Yoke in D.C Motor:
i) Provides mechanical support for poles. 1 Mark
ii) Acts as protecting cover for machine.
iii) Provides path for magnetic flux.

2 b) Explain the principal of working of three phase induction motor.

 When the motor is excited with three-phase supply, three-phase stator winding
produces a rotating magnetic field of constant magnitude which rotates at
synchronous speed.
 This changing magnetic field is cut by the rotor conductors and induces emf in
them according to the principle of Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction. As
these rotor conductors are shorted, the current starts to flow through these 4 Marks
 The current carrying rotor conductors are placed in magnetic field produced by
stator. Consequently, mechanical force acts on rotor conductors. The sum of the
mechanical forces on all the rotor conductors produces a torque, which tend to
move the rotor in same direction as the rotating magnetic field.
 This rotor conductor’s rotation can also be explained by Lenz’s law, which tells
that the induced currents in the conductors oppose the cause for its production.
Here this opposition is rotating magnetic field. This results in the rotor starts
rotating in the same direction as that of the rotating magnetic field produced by

2 c) Draw a neat labeled sketch of three-point starter.

Three Point Starter: 4 Marks for

3 Marks for

2 Marks for

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Summer – 2019 Examinations

Model Answers
Subject & Code: Electric Motors and Transformers (22418)
2 d) Select or suggest any two applications for:
(i) D.C shunt motor
(ii) D.C series motor
Applications of DC shunt motor: 2 Marks for
DC shunt motors are fairly constant speed and medium starting torque motors, hence any two
they are used in applications requiring constant speeds. applications
i) Lathe machine
ii) Drilling machines
iii) Grinders
iv) Blowers & fans
v) Compressors
vi) Centrifugal and reciprocating pumps
vii) Machine tools
viii) Milling machine
Applications of DC series motor:
DC series motors are variable speed and high starting torque motors, hence they are 2 Marks for
used in applications requiring variable speeds and high starting torque. any two
i) Electric tractions applications.
ii) Cranes
iii) Elevators
iv) Air compressors
v) Vacuum cleaners
vi) Hair dryers

3 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

3 a) Describe with suitable diagram speed control of DC shunt motor by field current
control method.
Speed control of DC shunt motor by field current control method:

2 Marks for

The back emf induced in the armature winding of DC motor is given by,

Since Z, P, A are constants, Eb   N

i.e N  Eb/

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Summer – 2019 Examinations

Model Answers
Subject & Code: Electric Motors and Transformers (22418)
Since Eb  Supply voltage V, we can write N  1/, thus the speed is inversely
proportional to the flux.
In this flux control method, speed of the motor is inversely proportional to the flux.
Thus, by decreasing flux the speed can be increased. To control the flux, here a
rheostat is added in series with the field winding. When the rheostat is increased, the 2 Marks for
field current and so the magnetic flux decreases. This results in an increase in the speed explanation
of the motor. Since the speed is inversely proportional to the flux or field current, the
graphical representation curve showing relationship between speed and field current is
hyperbola. The field current is relatively small and hence I2R loss in field winding
is less, which makes this method quite efficient.
With zero value of rheostat, the motor runs at rated speed and when rheostat is
increased, the field current decreases and speed increases. Thus this method controls
the speed above normal or rated speed.

3 b) Compare core type and shell type transformer on any four parameters.
Comparision of Core Type and Shell Type Transformer:

Sr. No. Core type Shell type


1 Mark for
each of any 4
2 It has one window It has two windows = 4 Marks
3 It has one magnetic circuit. It has two magnetic circuits.
4 Core surrounds the winding. Winding surrounds the core
5 Average length of core is Average length of core is less.
6 Area of cross section is less so Area of cross section is more so
more turns are required. less turns are required.
7 Better cooling for winding Better cooling for core
8 Mechnical strength is less Mechnical strength is high
9 Repair and maintenance is Repair and maintenance is
easy difficult
10 Application: Low current, Application: High current, low
high voltage voltage

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Summer – 2019 Examinations

Model Answers
Subject & Code: Electric Motors and Transformers (22418)
3 c) Draw a neat experimental set up to conduct OC test on a single phase transformer.

4 Marks for

3 Marks for

2 Marks for

3 d) Explain with circuit diagram, the direct loading tests on single phase transformer. How
the efficiency and regulation at given load condition is determined?

2 Marks for

Direct loading test is conducted on small capacity transformers whose voltage and
current ratings are within the limits of direct measurement. The transformer is directly
connected to load and subjected to various load conditions just like its operation in the
Procedure to conduct Direct Loading Test:
i) Connect the circuit as shown in figure.
ii) Adjust primary voltage to its rated value and keep it constant throughout the 1 Mark for
experiment. procedure
iii) Take first reading on No-load condition.
No-load supply voltage V0 = Rated primary voltage V1.
No-load primary current = I0

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Summer – 2019 Examinations

Model Answers
Subject & Code: Electric Motors and Transformers (22418)
No-load input Power = W0 = Iron loss of transformer.= Wi
No-load secondary load voltage = E2
No-load output power W2 = 0
iv) Increase the load gradually from no load to full load and note down all the meter
v) At any particular loading condition,
Secondary on-load voltage = V2
Secondary on-load current = I2
Input power = W1
Output power = W2 = V2 I2 (Load is purely resistive) ½ Mark for
each of
Calculation of Efficiency: efficiency
% Efficiency = (W2 /W1)×100 and
Calculation of Regulation: regulation
% Regulation = {( E2 – V2) / E2 }×100 = 1 Mark

4 Attempt any THREE of the following: 12

4 a) State the criteria of selection of power transformer as per IS:10028 (part-I)

Criteria of Selection of Power Transformer:
i) Ratings - The kVA ratings should comply with IS:10028 ( Part I) -1985. The no-
load secondary voltage should be 5 % more than nominal voltage to compensate the
transformer regulation partly. The transformer requiring to be operated in parallel, 1 Mark for
the voltage ratio should be selected in accordance with guidelines given in 12.0.1 & each of any of IS : 10028 ( Part l )-1985 four criteria
ii) Taps - On-Load tap changers on HV side should be specified, wherever system = 4 Marks
conditions warrant. In case of OLTC, total number of taps should be 16 in steps of
1.25 %. The standard range for off-circuit taps which are provided should be in
range of + 2.5 percent and + 5 percent.
iii) Connection Symbol - The preferred connections for two winding transformers
should be preferably connected in delta/star (Dyn) and star/star (YNyn). For higher
voltage connections star/star (YNyn) or star/delta (YNd) may be preferred
accordance with IS : 10028 ( Part l )-1985.
iv) Impedance:
 The value of transformer impedance is decided by considering the secondary
fault levels and the associated voltage dips. For deciding the precise value of
transformer impedance, IS:2026(Part-I)-1977 is referred.
 If the transformer is to be operated in parallel, then the impedance be selected as
per the guidelines given IS:10028(Part-II)-1981.
v) Termination Arrangement:
 The HV & LV terminals may be one of following three types depending upon on
the method of installation:
 Bare outside bushing
 Cable boxes
 Bus trunking

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Summer – 2019 Examinations

Model Answers
Subject & Code: Electric Motors and Transformers (22418)
 The types of bushings that should be specified are:
 Upto 33kV: Porcelain bushings
 66kV & above: Oil filled condenser type bushings.
vi) Cooling:
Sr. No. Rating Voltage class Type of cooling
1 Upto 10MVA Upto 66kV ONAN
2 12.5 to 40MVA Upto 132kV ONAN(60%),
3 50 to 100MVA Upto 220kV ONAN(50%),
4 Above 100MVA Upto 400kV ONAN(50%),

4 b) List the condition for parallel operation of three phase transformer.

Conditions For Parallel Operation of 3 Phase Transformer:
1) Voltage ratings of both the transformers must be identical.
2) Percentage / p.u. impedance should be equal in magnitude.
3) X / R ratio of the transformer winding should be equal. 1 Mark for
each of any
4) Transformer connections w.r.t. polarity must be that identical polarity terminals
of corresponding phases are connected together. conditions
5) Phase displacement between primary & secondary line voltages of the = 4 Marks
transformers must be identical.
6) Phase sequence of both transformers must be same

4 c) Explain the Polarity test of a transformer. Why it is necessary?

Polarity test of single Phase transformer:

2 Marks for
2 circuit

Necessity: This test is conducted to identify the corresponding polarity terminals of the
transformer HV and LV windings. 2 Marks for
The primary winding (high-voltage winding) terminals of single-phase transformer are explanation
marked as A1−A2 and the secondary winding (low-voltage winding) terminals will be
marked as a1−a2 after the polarity test. The transformer primary is connected to a low

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Summer – 2019 Examinations

Model Answers
Subject & Code: Electric Motors and Transformers (22418)
voltage a.c. source with the connections of link and voltmeter made as shown in the
figure. The reading of the voltmeter is noted.
This test is carried out on open circuit. Hence the primary applied voltage V1 is equal
to E1 and the corresponding secondary voltage V2 is E2.
If the voltmeter reading appears to be V = (E1-E2) then it is referred as subtractive
polarity connection and the terminals so connected are of similar polarity. Therefore,
the secondary terminal connected to A1 is marked as a1. The secondary terminal
connected to A2 through voltmeter is marked as a2.
If voltmeter reading appears to be V = E1+E2, it is referred as additive polarity. The
terminals connected to each other are of opposite polarity. Therefore, the secondary
terminal connected to A1 is marked as a2 and the secondary terminal connected to A2
through voltmeter is marked as a1.

4 d) A 20 KVA, 2200/220V, 50 Hz transformer. The OC / SC test result are as follows

O.C. test: 220V, 4.2A, 148W (L.V. side)
S.C test: 86V ,10.5A, 360W (H.V. side)
Determine the regulation at 0.8 pf lagging at full load.
K= V2/V1 = 220/2200= 0.1
Full load primary current I1 F.L. = (20x1000)/2200= 9.09 A 1 Mark
From S.C.test:
ZT1= VSC/ISC= 86/10.5= 8.19 ohm 1 Mark
RT1= WSC/(ISC) 2 = 360/(10.5)2 = 3.26 ohm
XT1= (8.19 2-3.262) = 7.51 ohm 1 Mark
% Regulation = 100 × I1FL (RT1cos ⱷ+XT1sin ⱷ)/ V1
= 100 × 9.09(3.26 × 0.8 + 7.51 × 0.6)/2200 1 Mark
= 2.94%

4 e) Describe the method for measurement of high voltage in a.c circuit using potential
Measurement of high voltage a.c. circuit using Potential Transformer.
The potential transformer is used to measure high alternating voltage in a power
The primary of this transformer has very large turns while the secondary has few turns
as shown in the figure. It is well designed step-down transformer. The stepped down 3 Marks
voltage is measured with a low range a. c. voltmeter.

The primary of the potential transformer is connected across the high voltage line
whose voltage is to be measured. A low range (0-110V) a.c. voltmeter is connected
across the secondary. The line voltages(Vp ) and a .c. voltmeter voltage (Vs) are related

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Summer – 2019 Examinations

Model Answers
Subject & Code: Electric Motors and Transformers (22418)

P. T. ratio
Line voltage(Vp) = A.C. Voltmeter Reading × P. T. ratio
1 Mark

5 Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

5 a) A 4 pole, 220V shunt motor has 540 lap wound conductor. It takes 32 A from the
supply mains and develops output power of 5.595 kW. The field winding takes 1A.
The armature resistance is 0.09Ω and flux per pole is 30 mWb. Calculate:
i) The speed and
ii) The torque developed in N-m. 1 Mark for
Ans: losses
Data Given:
Poles (P) = 4, Supply voltage V = 220V, Armature Resistance Ra = 0.09Ω
Output Power Pout = 5.595kW = 5595 W
Total no. of conductors = Z = 540, Lap winding: No. of parallel paths A = P = 4 1 Mark
Motor input current Im = 32A, Flux per pole  = 30 mWb
Field current If = 1A
Armature current Ia = Im – If = 32 – 1 = 31A 1 Mark
The voltage equation of motor is,
V = Eb + IaRa
The back emf is then, Eb = V – IaRa = 220 – (31)(0.09) = 217.21V 1 Mark
But Eb = = 217.21V
Therefore, Speed N = 804.48 rpm 1 Mark
Output mechanical power developed Pm = 1 Mark
Therefore, Torque developed = 1 Mark
T = 66.41 N-m

5 b) Give the specification of three phase transformer as per IS 1180 (Part-1).

Specification of 3-phase transformer:
1) kVA rating of transformer
2) Voltage ratings for the primary and secondary voltages 1 Mark for
3) HV and LV currents each of any
4) Operating frequency of the transformer six
5) % impedance of transformer specification
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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Summer – 2019 Examinations

Model Answers
Subject & Code: Electric Motors and Transformers (22418)
6) Allowable temperature rise. s
7) Wiring instructions for HV and LV windings/terminal diagram = 6 Marks
8) Model number and serial number of the transformer
9) Weight of the transformer
10) Information related to the tap changer
11) Transformer vector group
12) Winding connection diagrams
13) Type of cooling
14) Insulation class
15) Name of the manufacturer
16) Weight of core
17) Weight of winding
18) Volume of oil in litres.

5 c) A 500 kVA, 3-phase, 50 Hz transformer has a voltage ratio (line voltages) of 33/11 kV
and is delta/star connected. The resistance per phase are: high voltage 35Ω, low
voltage 0.876Ω and iron loss is 3050W. Calculate the value of efficiency at full load.
Data Given: 500kVA, 33/11kV, 3-phase, 50 Hz transformer
R1 = 35Ω R2 = 0.876Ω Iron loss Wi = 3050W
√ √
Primary (HV) line current

Since HV side is connected in delta,
Primary (HV) phase current I1ph = = = 5.052 A 1 Mark
√ √
Secondary (LV) line current

Since LV side is connected in star,
Secondary (LV) phase current I2ph = = 26.24A 1 Mark
Primary Copper (Cu) loss, W1Cu = 3(I1ph)2R1 = 3(5.052)2(35) = 2679.884W 1 Mark
Secondary Copper (Cu) loss, W2Cu = 3(I2ph)2R2 = 3(26.24)2(0.876) = 1809.48W 1 Mark
Total Copper (Cu) loss at full load = WCu = W1Cu + W2Cu = 2679.884 + 1809.48 1 Mark
= 4489.364W
Assuming load pf as UNITY,
Full load output = Pout = 500KW = 500×103 W
% Efficiency at Full-load = FL =

= 98.51% 1 Mark

6 Attempt any TWO of the following: 12

6 a) Find the all-day efficiency of 500kVA distribution transformer whose copper loss and
iron loss at full load are 4.5kW and 3.5kW respectively. During a day of 24 hours, it is
loaded as under:

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Summer – 2019 Examinations

Model Answers
Subject & Code: Electric Motors and Transformers (22418)
No. of hrs. Loading (KW) Power Factor
06 400 0.8
10 300 0.75
04 100 0.8
04 0 -------
The problem can be solved by using following steps:
Step-I : Convert the loading from kW to KVA
Step-II : Calculate copper losses at different KVA values
Step-III: Calculate iron losses in 24 hours & calculate Output energy
Step-IV: Calculate All day efficiency
No Load P.F. Load in Copper Total cu Total
of in KVA= Losses/hr = Losses in Iron
Losses at f.l.
Hrs KW kwh losses
×( )

4.5 6 hr
06 400 0.8 = 500
( ) = 4.5 kw = 27 kWh
3.5kW 3 Marks
10 300 0.75 400 2.88 28.8 × 24hr
04 100 0.8 125 0.281 1.125
04 0 - 0 0 0
Total 56.925kwh 84kwh 1 Mark
Total energy in 24 Hr = (6 400)+(10 300)+(4 100)+(4 0) = 5800kWh
1 Mark

1 Mark

% 

6 b) Describe the method of converting three-phase to two-phase transformer by neat i)

diagram. State any two applications.
Three-phase to Two-phase Transformation (Scott Connection of Transformers):

2 Marks for

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(ISO/IEC-27001-2013 Certified)

Summer – 2019 Examinations

Model Answers
Subject & Code: Electric Motors and Transformers (22418)
i) Scott connection can be used for three-phase to two-phase conversion using two
single-phase transformers.
2 Marks for
ii) Scott connection for three-phase to two-phase conversion is as shown in figure.
iii) Point ‘O’ is exactly at midpoint of winding connected between phases Y & B.

iv) The no. of turns of primary winding will be N1 for Teaser and N1 for main
transformer. The no. of secondary turns for both the transformers are N2.
v) When three-phase supply is given to primary, two-phase emfs are induced in
secondary windings as per turns ratio & mutual induction action.
vi) It is seen that the voltage appearing across the primary of main transformer is
V1M = VL i.e line voltage. The voltage induced in secondary of main transformer
is V2M which is related to V1M by turns ratio N1:N2.
vii) From phasor diagram it is clear that the voltage appearing across the primary of

Teaser transformer corresponds to phasor RO which is times the line voltage
VL. Due to this limitation, the turns selected for primary of Teaser transformer

are not N1 but . This makes the volts per turn in teaser transformer same as
that in main transformer and results in voltage induced in secondary of teaser
transformer same as that in main transformer, i.e V2T = V2M.
As seen from the phasor diagram, the output voltages to the two loads are
i) The Scott-T connection is used in an electric furnace installation where it is
desired to operate two single-phase loads together and draw the balanced load 1 Mark for
from the three-phase supply. each of any
ii) It is used to supply the single phase loads such as electric train which are so two
scheduled as to keep the load on the three phase system balanced as nearly as applications
possible. = 2 Marks
iii)The Scott-T connection is used to link a 3-phase system with a two–phase system
with the flow of power in either direction.

6 c) A 250/125 V, 5 kVA single-phase transformer has primary resistance of 0.2 Ω and

reactance of 0.75 Ω. The secondary resistance is 0.05 Ω and reactance of 0.2 Ω.
Determine its regulation while supplying full load on 0.8 leading P.F.
Data Given: 5 kVA, 250/125 V, 1- transformer.
R1 = 0.2Ω, R2 = 0.05Ω, X1 = 0.75Ω, X2 = 0.2Ω
Transformation ratio k = V2/V1 = 125/250 = 0.5
Equivalent resistance referred to secondary side of transformer is given by,
R02 = R2 + K2R1 = 0.05 + (0.5)2(0.2) = 0.1Ω 1 Mark
Equivalent reactance referred to secondary side of transformer is given by,
X02 = X2 + K2X1 = 0.2 + (0.5)2(0.75) = 0.3875Ω 1 Mark
Full-load secondary current is given by,
I2 = (kVA×1000)/V2 = (5×1000)/125 = 40A 1 Mark
1 Mark
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Summer – 2019 Examinations

Model Answers
Subject & Code: Electric Motors and Transformers (22418)
Power-factor = cos2 = 0.8 leading  2 = 36.87°
sin2 = 0.6
Approximate voltage drop in equivalent impedance on secondary side of transformer
for leading pf is given by, 1 Mark
V.D. = I2R02 cos2 – I2X02sin2 = 40×0.1×0.8 - 40×0.3875×0.6
= - 6.1 volt
% Voltage regulation = ×100 = ×100
where, = No-load secondary voltage = k V1
V2 = Secondary voltage on load 1 Mark
% Voltage regulation = ×100 = - 4.88%

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