Professional Growth Plan Essay

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Madeline Edwards

Spring Semester 2022

Final Conference 4/27/2022
Professional Growth Plan

Artifacts in e-portfolio -
1. Music Selection (InTASC 1)
2. 7th-grade lesson (InTASC 2)
3. Rubric from 6th-grade lessons (InTASC 6)
4. EdTPA lessons (InTASC 7)
5. Vibrato Lesson (InTASC 8)
6. EdTPA Instruction Commentary (InTASC 9)
7. Professional Growth Plan (InTASC 9)

 This experience has taught me many things and has confirmed that this is what I want to
spend my life doing. I didn’t realize how much these students would impact me in just a
short time. I am quiet and I have a hard time talking to people and expressing myself.
Teaching allows me to be comfortable with that part of me that I don’t usually show. I
have become very comfortable with teaching and no longer feel nervous. I am excited to
begin teaching on my own. I hope to find a job in as a middle school orchestra director. I
have applied to a few positions, but am most hopeful about getting a position at Colonel
John Wheeler Middle School.

 Experiences/What I want to use in my own classroom

o ISSMA solo/ensemble
 Students were preparing for this during the beginning of my student
teaching. I had opportunities to work individually with students to help
them with their music. This experience allowed me to learn a few names
and connect with those students right away. I helped the group I string
quartet work on their music. I watched them improve every day and got to
see them perform and district and at state. I helped students find their
performance rooms and watched many of the students perform their solos
and ensembles.
o ISSMA contest
 I worked with all of the classes while they prepared for ISSMA contest. I
worked most with the 6th grade classes and even conducted them on Rustic
Dance. My EdTPA lessons were for 6th grade with a focus on dynamics. I
think these lessons helped them perform dynamics well at contest. This
experience helped me greatly improve my conducting. I also got to work
on assessment as I listened to and judged the students on their
performances and gave them feedback before contest.
o Monday after school practice
 This is something that I would like to bring to my future job as long as
students are interested. Students can practice after school and get help
from teachers or their peers.
o Bell Work
 I did not really learn any music theory in middle school or even high
school. My first real experience with in-depth music theory was in college.
I really like the bell work because it helps the students develop
fundamental skills that will help them be more successful on their own.
This is something I would like to implement into my own program when I
get a job.
o Individual Goals
 The 6th graders have individual goals for themselves that are posted in the
classroom. This gives each student something to work towards to improve
their individual playing. It also helps motivate the students because their
goal is posted for them and everyone else to see. This is something that I
would like to use in my own classroom.
o Lead teaching
 It has been very exciting and a little bit stressful to plan lessons and teach
class every day. In my planning, I have made mistakes and I have adjusted
while teaching. Not everything has always gone exactly as planned.
o Accommodations
 I have had to make adjustments to my teaching to better meet the needs of
the students. The biggest change I had to make was for 4th period. While
teaching, I have to make sure to be clear in my instructions and describe
what I want the students to do.

The Learner and Learning

Standard 1: Learner Development
The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning
and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional,
and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging
learning experiences.
 Rating: Proficient
o I understand how students learn and develop. I plan and adapt my instruction to
meet the needs of the students. When planning a new lesson, I consider the
previous lesson. I analyze what went well and what didn’t and use that
information to guide my next steps. I also consider the grade level of the students
that I am teaching.
 Examples/Artifacts:
o Music selection that demonstrates appropriate challenges and opportunities for
learning in each grade level.
8th grade
Starlight – challenges and opportunities for learning
 Syncopation
 Challenges students to count and perform rhythms that do not fall on the beat
o Quarter note/Drag Triplets
 This is a new rhythm for the students
 This also introduces the concept of hemiola
7th grade
William Tell Overture – challenges and opportunities for learning
 In 2/4
o This is a times signature that they don’t often play in.
 Bass shifting

Themes from Harry Potter – challenges and opportunities for learning

 In 3/4
o This is a times signature that they don’t often play in.
 Key change
o Discussion of D major and D minor (+ F major) and how they are
o Opportunity to learn about parallel and relative key relationships
 D minor
o C natural, F natural, and B flat
o Challenges students to listen for correct intonation and play with a
different hand frame/finger pattern.
 Accidentals
6th grade
Themes from Jurassic Park – challenges and opportunities for learning
 Pickup notes
o Introduction of this concept
 Key change
o C Major and D Major
o Challenges students by having them with hand frames/finger patterns in
the piece.
 C string notes for viola and cello
o Introduces new notes
 E string notes for violin
o Introduces some new notes and challenges them to read E string notes
Pirates of the Caribbean – challenges and opportunities for learning
 Legato vs. Staccato
o Challenges students to change style in the piece
o Challenges students to work on bow control and technique
 G Major
o F# and C natural
 Different hand frames/finger patterns on different strings
 E string notes
o Introduces some new notes and challenges them to read E string notes

 Plan for improvement:

o It is important to know the strengths and needs of every individual student. In my
future job, I will need to figure out what the students have previously learned. I
can do this by talking to the previous director, if possible, by talking with the
students, and by listening to them play and answer questions.

Standard 2: Learning Differences

The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities
to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.
 Rating: Proficient
o I feel that I understand individual differences and I try to create an inclusive
learning environment. I know which students are more willing to share and
answer questions. I give them opportunities to answer questions and play for the
class. I encourage students who are more hesitant to share and play for the class. I
also give them opportunities to share in a more comfortable way such as allowing
them to play with a partner. I want the students to do well and working on how to
most appropriately set high standards. I sometimes struggle to know when to keep
working on something or when to move on from it and come back later. Because I
want the students to do well, I try not to fall into a trap of over working on
something that I want to be better.
 Examples/Artifacts:
o IEPs/504
 I was able to look at some of the IEPs and 504 plans that some of the
students have. While planning and while teaching, I try to be
conscientious of these individual needs. I try to offer opportunities for
group and individual work. I have incorporated stretching sometimes to
give the students a short break.
o Adapting Instruction for different class strengths and needs
 Lesson Plan for 7th grade – This shows differentiation between the classes.
The 3rd-period class had learned their music and was ready for a new
challenge. The 4th-period class was still struggling with some of their notes
and rhythms on Harry Potter. 4th period did not receive the new piece
because they were not ready for it.
Anchor Standard 8: Performing a varied repertoire of music by playing instruments,
alone and with others, from rote memory and written notation.
 Play accurate pitches and rhythms, as modeled and/or visually notated, in tune
with a steady beat, good tone quality, and appropriate technique throughout the
known range of the instrument(s).
7th Grade

William Tell Overture Score
Harry Potter Score
Eleanor Rigby Score

Students will be able to
 Demonstrate proper technique for learning vibrato
 Play accurate notes and rhythms
 Play with good tone

 Tune
 Electric instrument demonstration
 Vibrato
o Practice vibrato motion
 Gradually speed up tempo
o Practice on instrument with metronome
 E on D string
 Eleanor Rigby - New piece (3rd period)
o What do you see?
o Work on beginning
 Harry Potter
o 3rd period
 Play through and work beginning as needed
o 4th period
o D minor section
 Accidentals and cello shifts
Class will end with a final performance of Harry Potter.

Assessment will be informal and will be done by listening to students as they perform
and by asking questions.

 Plan for improvement:

o For my future job, I need to be aware of the culture and community of the school.
It is also important to know information about individual students such as their
interests and experiences. IEPs and 504 plans can be used to help me with my

Standard 3: Learning Environment

The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative
learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-
 Rating: Proficient
 I think that I have created a positive and safe learning environment while teaching. I have
tried to get to know the students and their interests. I have talked and engaged with
students when they have shared their interests such as art, track, and swimming. I have
helped students with both individual and collaborative learning. I give students
opportunities to explore and figure out new music by themselves and with others. I try to
actively engage students in the learning process. Instead of always giving them the
answers, I try to guide them to the answer through questioning. Often when a student
asks a question and I think they can get the answer, I ask them questions to lead them to
their answer rather than just telling them. I want the students to have an active role in
their own learning and have opportunities to take some responsibility for their own
 Examples/Artifacts:
o I have had a few students make comments in class that show that they are
comfortable and enjoy me teaching. A student in 3rd period has said things to me
such as “You’re my favorite teacher” and “We love you Ms. Edwards”. A student
in 5th period has asked me to come back next year as a teacher.
o I try to have fun with the students as I am teaching. This helps them stay engaged
and become more invested. For example, the 6th graders are playing Jurassic Park
and I have told that when they play wrong notes a dinosaur will come and eat
 Plan for Improvement:
o Classroom management has been and continues to be (at times) a struggle for me.
In my future job, I will set clear expectations in the beginning and hold the
students accountable for them. I need to be consistent with my rules and
procedures so that the students know what to expect.

Content Knowledge
Standard 4: Content Knowledge
The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s)
he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline
accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of content.
 Rating: Proficient
 I feel that I know and understand string pedagogy. I know and feel comfortable teaching
basic, intermediate, and advanced string skills. I feel confident in my aural abilities and
can identify out of tune notes that the students play.
 Examples/Artifacts:
o Cello extensions!
 While I don’t have a tangible example of this, I now have a much better
understanding of cello extensions (both forward and backward). This was
something that I struggled to grasp in String Tech a long time ago (I used
really weird fingerings on one of the scale quizzes), but something finally
clicked. I practiced this skill a little bit on my own. I have also helped the
cello students in class know when to use this skill. I also had practice
identifying when students were not understanding the skill while grading
their C scale videos.
 Plan for improvement:
o While I feel that I have grown in my cello knowledge and have become more
comfortable with teaching it, I still feel that it is my weakest instrument. Over the
summer, I plan to spend some time practicing and building up my confidence
while playing the cello. In my future teaching, I would like to challenge myself to
model on the cello for my classes, especially for beginners.

Standard 5: Application of Content

The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage
learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic
local and global issues.
 Rating: Proficient
 I have given students opportunities to engage in critical thinking, creativity, and
collaborative problem-solving. We have had class discussions about why you would use
dynamics in music and why you would use vibrato.
 Examples/Artifacts:
o 6th grade Dynamics Lessons (Part of EdTPA)
 These lessons had the students use their critical thinking skills. After
learning about dynamics, I asked them why they thought dynamics were
used in music. During these lessons, we also discussed Medieval times
and connected it to the music.
 Plan for improvement:
o I will continue to work on planning lessons that actively engage students. Finding
resources from ASTA or colleagues can help me expand on this skill.

Instructional Practice
Standard 6: Assessment
The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own
growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making.
 Rating: Proficient
 I use multiple methods of assessment in my teaching. During class, I listen to and
evaluate the students while they are playing as a group. I provide opportunities for
students to play by themselves, which allows me to better assess their individual playing.
I have students assess and rate their own playing by holding up a number of fingers to
show where they feel they are in terms of learning.
 Examples/Artifacts:
o Informal Assessment
o I have done a lot of informal assessments in class. I do this by listening to
students and asking questions. I also have the students assess themselves by
holding up a number of fingers or thumbs up. I also create opportunities for
individuals and smaller groups of students to play so that I can better assess their
o Formal Assessment
 I have helped with grading bell work and scale videos. I was able to assess
how individuals were doing on the assignments and determine if the class
was understanding the concepts in the bell work. A few times, I
determined that many of the students were still struggling and needed to
review before the test.
 On the written bell work assignments and quizzes and the scale videos, I
gave the students feedback about what mistakes they made and how to fix
 I helped assess and grade students with a rubric during their advanced
orchestra auditions. I also got to assess their sightreading. This helped me
determine how well the students could read notes, rhythms, and key
 4/27/22 6th grade lesson
 During this lesson I will work with the students to design their
grading rubric for their playing test that will take place of Friday
 Plan for improvement:
o I would like to continue with many of the assessment strategies that I have been
using. As I practice these skills, I will get better at identifying issues and
correcting them. I have a hard time listening to and assessing the bass players in
class. I could work on this by listening to the basses individually.

Standard 7: Planning for Instruction

The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by
drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy,
as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.
 Rating: Proficient
 I have improved my skills in lesson planning. I try to plan for what the students need to
work on most. I also consider the previous lesson that I taught and what could be
 Examples/Artifacts:
o EdTPA Lesson Plans
 These lessons show thought-out planning and consecutive lessons that
build off each other. I also connected their music to medieval times by
discussing context and style.
 Plan for improvement:
o I will continue to work on planning lessons that actively engage students. Finding
resources from ASTA or colleagues can help me expand on this skill.

Standard 8: Instructional Strategies

The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to
develop a deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply
knowledge in meaningful ways.
 Rating: Proficient
 I try to incorporate different means of representation in my lessons to address the
different ways in which students learn. I use modeling, echo patterns, clapping, and
videos in my lessons. I also try to use figurative language in my teaching.
 Examples/Artifacts:
o Lesson Plan for Vibrato
Anchor Standard 8: Performing a varied repertoire of music by playing instruments,
alone and with others, from rote memory and written notation.
 Play accurate pitches and rhythms, as modeled and/or visually notated, in tune
with a steady beat, good tone quality, and appropriate technique throughout the
known range of the instrument(s)
8th Grade

Starlight Score
American Landscape Score
Memory (From the musical “Cats”) Score

Essential Questions:
What proper technique is needed to practice vibrato?
What do I need to know before playing a new piece of music?

Students will be able to
 Demonstrate proper technique for learning vibrato
 Differentiate between simple and compound time
 Play accurate notes and rhythms
 Play with good tone

1. Tune
2. Vibrato Introduction
a. Review of independent fingering from last class (play D scale in 6/8)
b. What is vibrato? Why do you use it?
c. How do you do it?
i. Discuss wrist vs. arm vibrato for upper strings
ii. Practice vibrato motion with nerd boxes using a metronome as
a guide
iii. Gradually speed up tempo
d. Practice on instrument with metronome
i. F# on D string
3. Simple vs. Compound
a. With metronome (2 beats) switch between duple and triple
i. ♩♩/♪♪ ♪♪
ii. ♩.♩. /♪♪♪ ♪♪♪
b. Conducting demonstration
i. 6 beats or 2 for 6/8?
4. Memory - New piece!
a. Cats
i. Talk about the musical
ii. Discuss the context of the song
b. Sight-reading
i. Key signature, times signature, tempo, accidentals, difficult
rhythms, bowings, dynamics
ii. Clap through difficult rhythms
iii. Play through the piece
1. Rehearse from beginning
Class will end with a final performance of Memory and a review of what was learned in

Assessment will be informal and will be done by listening to students as they perform
and by asking questions.

 Plan for improvement:

o I will continue to work on planning lessons that actively engage students. Finding
resources from ASTA or colleagues can help me expand on this skill.

Professional Responsibility
Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate
his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners,
families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts to practice to meet the need of
each learner.
 Rating: Basic
 While teaching, I am constantly assessing to see if the students are understanding what is
being worked on. If they don’t, then I adapt and change my instruction.
 Examples/Artifacts:
o Professional Growth Plan (This document)
o Instruction Commentary (EdTPA)
 This allowed me to reflect on my teaching and determine what went well
and what I can improve upon.
 Plan for improvement:
o I will continue to work on this skill through practice. Finding resources from
ASTA or colleagues can help me expand on this skill.

Standard 10: Leadership and Collaboration

The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student
learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and
community members to ensure learner growth, and advance the profession.
 Rating: Basic
 I have taken leadership roles in the classroom and have taken responsibility for student
learning. I have not collaborated with families, community members, or school
professionals in a significant way.
 Examples/Artifacts:
o After school practice
 I have participated in all after school practices since beginning my student
teaching. This has given me an opportunity to work with students
individually. I usually try to move around during the practice to check in
with the students to see if they need/want help.
o ISSMA Contest
 This was my first major leadership role in the classroom.
 Plan for improvement:
o Once I start teaching on my own, I will have more opportunities to communicate
and collaborate with more people and colleagues. I think that this is the standard
that I struggle with the most. I am not very good at talking and communicating
with others and is something I struggled with my whole life. With time, I do
become more comfortable with people and have an easier time working with

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