Psii Goals

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Teacher Professional Growth Plan 2021

PSII Student Name Alexandra Hassel School GS LAKIE

Inquiry: How can appropriate and consistent classroom management ensure flow and
effectiveness within the classroom?

Professional Goal #
Enforce classroom management strategies used are consistent and work for the students
within my activity/option classes.


Having an effective and consistent classroom management plan/strategies in place can

help the overall atmosphere in the classroom. If students know and understand your
expectations, controlling them will become easier for you as a teacher and the students. If
students know what is expected of them and the behaviors that are appropriate, they will
respect their peers and classroom community.

Teacher Quality Standard:

1(a): acting consistently with fairness and integrity;

1(b) demonstrating empathy and a genuine caring for others;

4(f) employing classroom management strategies that promote positive, engaging

learning environments

Strategy(s) Timeline Resource(s) Indicator(s) of Success

Have several attention Throughout TA/UC Students respect the boundaries and
grabbers that work to get- March 8- feedback, rooms we are in - following
students attention 10th online expectations, (if go for a drink of
experiment resources water, they come straight back
Have students with a Input from outside)
understand and carry out variety of classes.
expectations within and options. Students listen and quiet down
outside the classroom. when attention is asked for
Ensure students are Students do not talk when the
aware of the expectations March 8-10 teacher is talking.
in various rooms as we and ongoing
do travel from rooms to as we move
outside. into new
** Start strict and loosen
up - Establish
rapport -
Ensure students know
this is a shared space and Ongoing
everyone is expected to
be respectful

Reflection Mid Round:

As I reach the end of my 3rd week in my practicum I feel as though I am making a great
start in achieving these goals. I have found a variety of ways to improve my classroom
management with one being achieving and putting forward confidence and assertiveness
within the classroom. I have been able to put myself in front of the classroom and show
the students the things I expect when in the gymnasium and following through with these
rules when we are in the gymnasium.

I have planned a variety of classes for students to participate in dance! I choreographed a

swing dance and taught it to my students in Grade 7. All of them really enjoyed it and
participated well! It was simple enough as well as something that students could see
themselves doing at events like weddings. I am excited to also continue this throughout
my last 3 weeks.
Reflection End of Practicum:

Teacher Professional Growth Plan 2021

PS1 Student Name: Alexandra Hassel School G.S Lakie

Inquiry: How can I encourage students to try and engage in dance activities?

Professional Goal #
Allow students to try and experience the benefits and engagement of dance


Due to COVID students do not have the opportunity to choose their options. Each class
rotates through options of dance, music, drama. Not all students in every class have
experience with dance or enjoy dancing, I would like to find ways to have student enjoy
in a variety of dance even for short periods of time.

Teacher Quality Standard:

providing culturally appropriate and meaningful opportunities for students and for
parents/guardians, as partners in education, to support student learning;

building capacity to support student success in inclusive, welcoming, caring, respectful

and safe learning environments;

using appropriate universal and targeted strategies and supports to address students’
strengths, learning challenges and areas for growth;
incorporating students’ personal and cultural strengths into teaching and learning;

(h) providing opportunities for student leadership.

Strategy(s) Timeline Resource(s) Indicator(s) of Success

Teach easier, simple Ongoing TA/UC Students enjoy and understand

steps in classes. My own the dances.
opinion and
Give students an knowledge Students are able to do the dance by
opportunity to try a from dance. themselves without my help
variety of simple dance
Students understand and are able to
Allow student input discuss the history behind dances

Split classes in half -

allow students to do
activity of choice once
they have learnt dance,

Use dances they will be

able to do at weddings
etc popular dances.

Allow opportunity to
learn history behind

Reflection Midround:
Reflection End of Practicum:

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