Lesson Topic 5 Component
Lesson Topic 5 Component
Lesson Topic 5 Component
1. Lesson Topic: Rhyming 2. What are your learning targets for the lesson: ability to identify words that rhyme ability to produce rhyming words 3. What Content Standards or EEOs will the lesson address: Content Area: Reading, Writing, and Communicating Standard: 2. Reading for All Purposes Prepared Graduates: Interpret how the structure of written English contributes to the pronunciation and meaning of complex vocabulary Grade Level Expectation: Sixth Grade Concepts and skills students master: Word meanings are determined by how they are designed and how they are used in context Students can: a. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 6 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. (CCSS: L.6.4) i. Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence or paragraph; a words position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. (CCSS: L.6.4a) 4. Goals: By 02/05/2014 Student will increase his reading fluency from 100 words per minute at the 4th grade level to 130 words per minute at the 5th grade level given/during/ in special education setting as measured by a special educator using an oral fluency curriculum based measure. 5. Describe Specific Strategies to be taught/modeled during the lesson: Students will watch a video of a rap song with the lyrics display. Students will be taught to recognize and differentiate sounds by rhyming and see how the sounds are hooked on letters. They will also begin to understand that language sounds, are separate from its meaning. They will also begin to understand word families. (Cat and bat are two totally different things, even though they rhyme and have similar spelling) 6. What background (prior) knowledge do the students need to have to be successful? Student must be able to hear sounds, and see letters. 7. How will you address classroom and behavior management/grouping issues during the lesson? Redirection, Priming, Ignoring rules, Routine, Interrupting, Rewards, Praise, Prompting, Speak and Spin, Hurdle Help, active engaging activities, addressing the different learning modalities, activating prior knowledge, help students make connection to real world applications
8. Materials and Resources (What do you need? How/where will you get it?) Projector, music, internet connection, speaker, computer, handout, pencils,
Anticipatory Set
I will talk to the students about the importance of words and their sequencing when talking. I will ask if the students have any examples of words that are in a sequence. ( I know that several of the students love rapping and often try to relate L.A. to Rapping) So once they mention rapping I will say exactly. I will the play a video of showing the words of one of Commons songs.
What, if any, scaffolding and/or additional accommodations / modifications are needed for specific students?
If students needed larger print I would keep the overhead up. If a student had a hard time initiating task, I would choose a word for him/her. If a student had a difficult time finding rhyming words, I would highlight the word on their paper. I might give some students less words to read through. I might give other students more freedom and let them choose their own rhyming words.
If I needed to re-teach the lesson, I would pull the small group that needed help. I would use the same video and song, but I would highlight different words in the song that rhymed. I would make the kids stand up every time a word rhymed with the word I choose (all of these words would be highlighted). I would then pull up a different song or poem and we would highlight rhyming words together.
How/where will students integrate (generalize) this learning into future lessons/activities?
Students would be able to use these skills for the upcoming poetry lessons. The student that I have been targeting would use this skill to help improve his rap skills. More importantly this is one of the fundamental of reading, and being able to read effectively is a life skill.
I would end the class by asking some of those same questions that I used for checking for understanding, I would make sure different students answered. I would also ask a couple of true false questions to some of the struggling learners and some compare and contrast questions to some of my high flyers. The students exit ticket would be a 3-4 sentence rap, using rhyming words.
Independent Practice
As the students exited the classroom and turned their exit tickets in, I would hand each of the a piece of paper with a word and who ever had the most rhyming words the next day would get to choose the daily warm up. If the students didnt want to participate they would have to come up with a minimum of 7 words.
My assessment would be given throughout the entire lesson; from the different levels of questioning to the exit card. My para professional and I would also be walking around the room and checking for understanding with each student. I would end the class by having the students give a thumbs up, down, or to the side.