Math Basics
Math Basics
Math Basics
2. A fraction that is the same as another fraction with a different denominator is called
a/an _____________ fraction.
A. Like B. Equivalent
C. Unlike D. Improper
3. The _________ is the amount gained by selling an item for more than its cost price.
A. Loss B. Percentage
C. Total D. Profit
9. Lines that intersect and form right angles are ________________ lines.
A. Parallel B. Bisecting
C. Perpendicular D. Crossing
11. A line that divides a figure into two matching parts is called a line of
A. Symmetry B. Intersection
C. Reflection D. Bisection
17. John had a list of nine numbers he arranged the numbers in descending order and
then circle the number in the middle. The number he circled is the ____________.
A. Range B. Mode
C. Mean D. Median
19. Two lines in a plane that never intersect are _________________ lines
A. Perpendicular B. Parallel
C. Bisecting D. Straight
20. There is an angle that measures 124o. What type of angle is this?
A. Obtuse B. Reflex
C. Acute D. Right
21. The distance around the outside of a shape is called the ____________.
A. Area B. Volume
C. Perimeter D. Surface
A. 6 B. 12
C. 4 D. 8
23. A polygon with five sides is called a/an________________.
A. Octagon B. Hexagon
C. Pentagon D. Decagon
A. B.
C. D.
25. A quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides is called a ________________.
A. Rectangle B. Square
C. Trapezium D. Parallelogram
26. Tony took the sum of three numbers and then divide it by three. What is he
A. Total B. Quotient
C. Mean D. Median
29. The amount of space covered by a two-dimensional shape is called the ___________.
A. Perimeter B. Area
C. Circumference D. Volume
30. The value the appears most frequently in a set of data is called the ____________.
A. Range B. Mode
C. Mean D. Median
32. An angle that is less than 90o is called a/an _____________ angle
A. Obtuse B. Reflex
C. Acute D. Right
34. Which unit of measure will be best suited to measure the height of a door
A. Centimeters B. meters
C. Kilometers D. millimeters
35. John sold his i-phone 8 to Tom for $1500. He subtracted this amount from the price
he paid for the phone. He is calculating his _____________.
A. Percentage B. Loss
C. Gain D. Money
39. The line that separates the top part of a fraction from the bottom part.
E. Numerator F. Denominator
G. Vinculum H. LCM
C. D.
C. The diagonals intersect each other D. It has four sides and four corners.
43. Which math problem below means the same thing as ( 12 ×5 ) +(8× 5)
A. 20 ×5 B. 72 ×5
C. 20 ×10 D. 72 ×25
44. A/An ____________ triangle has two equal sides and two equal angles.
A. Right Angle B. Isosceles
C. Equilateral D. Scalene
C. 3428 D. 3426