Topic 1
Topic 1
Topic 1
Assigment 2:
Listening is one of the most challenging skills for our students to develop and yet also one of the most
important. By developing their ability to listen well we develop our students' ability to become more
independent learners, as by hearing accurately they are much more likely to be able to reproduce accurately,
refine their understanding of grammar and develop their own vocabulary.
This activity can be held in lesson at school. Teacher can teach this activity about 25-30 minute. It can
used to teach student when the lesso is going on in class. Teacher will prepared a lesson and activity.
Target group to all student but it is must different for each level. The lesson and activity must be
prepared suitable with student level. Example level 1 for student year 1,2 and 3 must be simple and easy to
understand. Activity level 2 for student in year 4,5,and 6 must be more challenge beside it must fun and
interesting too.
In this activity teacher must prepared a listening lesson in three part. It will develop your students'
listening skills. The three parts teacher need to prepared a lesson for listening and speaking activity must have.
1. Pre-listening
2. While listening
3. Post-listening
There are certain goals that should be achieved before students attempt to listen to any text. These are
motivation, contextualisation, and preparation.
It is enormously important that before listening students are motivated to listen, so you should try to select a text
that they will find interesting and then design tasks that will arouse your students' interest and curiosity.
When we listen in our everyday lives we hear language within its natural environment, and that environment
gives us a huge amount of information about the linguistic content we are likely to hear. Listening to a tape
recording in a classroom is a very unnatural process. The text has been taken from its original environment and
we need to design tasks that will help students to contextualise the listening and access their existing knowledge
and expectations to help them understand the text.
To do the task we set students while they listen there could be specific vocabulary or expressions that students
will need. It's vital that we cover this before they start to listen as we want the challenge within the lesson to be
an act of listening not of understanding what they have to do.
While listening
When we listen to something in our everyday lives we do so for a reason. Students too need a reason to listen
that will focus their attention. For our students to really develop their listening skills they will need to listen a
number of times - three or four usually works quite well - as I've found that the first time many students listen to
a text they are nervous and have to tune in to accents and the speed at which the people are speaking.
Ideally the listening tasks we design for them should guide them through the text and should be graded so that
the first listening task they do is quite easy and helps them to get a general understanding of the text. Sometimes
a single question at this stage will be enough, not putting the students under too much pressure.
The second task for the second time students listen should demand a greater and more detailed understanding of
the text. Make sure though that the task doesn't demand too much of a response. Writing long responses as they
listen can be very demanding and is a separate skill in itself, so keep the tasks to single words, ticking or some
sort of graphical response.
The third listening task could just be a matter of checking their own answers from the second task or could lead
students towards some more subtle interpretations of the text.
Listening to a foreign language is a very intensive and demanding activity and for this reason I think it's very
important that students should have 'breathing' or 'thinking' space between listenings. I usually get my students
to compare their answers between listenings as this gives them the chance not only to have a break from the
listening, but also to check their understanding with a peer and so reconsider before listening again.
For the post - listening, teacher can prepared an activity based to the lesson. The activity likes worksheet for
exercise and other activity also can be used to test student
Here is example of teaching plan for listening and speaking activity.
Year : Year 2
Level of English Language Proficiency:
High / Average / Low / Mixed ability :
Topic : Animals
Objectives : By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to :-
1.Says / names the animals correctly.
2.Recognise the animal sounds.
10 minute Post- 1.Teacher revise back the lesson to 1. Pupils listen to teacher revise Worksheet
listening pupil. lesson carefully. Picture
2.Teacher give a worksheet to 2.Pupils answer the exercise /
pupils. activity given in the worksheet.
3. Teacher give instruction to pupil. 3.Pupils will ask teacher if they
don’t understand.
Teaching plan listening and speaking review.
Teacher play a song and pupils will sing together loudly. They really likes and enjoy the song of “ Old
Macdonald had A Farm Song “ because its have an animals and also the sounds of animal makes. Pupils enjoy
to say the sounds likes…Old Macdonald had cow…and the sound is “ mooo-mooo here…and mooo -moo there
“. Pupils so happy and very enjoyed its.They want to sing a song for many times. So we know , using the music
in teaching and learning is very effective because pupils enjoyed and likes it.
Teacher will ask question to pupil after they sing a song . example…what animals in the song?. So pupils will
names it. Some of them will pull up their hand to answer and say…cow teacher…duck teacher…and so on.
Pupils can names all animals in song.
For the next activity ,teacher write down the animal names and their sounds on whiteboard to meke sure pupils
understand what they have learn. Teacher also teach pupil again how to say that words. Example:-
• Cow - moo
• Duck - quack
• Sheep - baa
• Chicken - cluck
“ Cow…..mooo-mooo , Chicken…cluck-cluck , Sheep….baaa-baaa , Duck…..quack-quack and so on.
Pupils will says it together loudly.
For the exercise pupils can answer question on worksheet given. Teacher give instruction to pupil . There is lots
of activity or woksheet can be prepared likes coloured a picture , write a names , match
picture with words and other .Example pupils will look to the picture in worksheet given and marks all the
animal that they listen in the song. Teacher can help and guide pupils to do the activity given.
For enrichment activity, teacher can revise back the lesson for one minuteand ask pupil what animals that they
have learn. Teacher also can give more example of animal and their sounds not include in the song.
Example :-
• Cat - meow…meow
• Dog - woof…woof
• Turkey - gobbie…gobbie
The strengths and weakness for this lesson is
1.The lesson for listening and speaking that have been done is very effective.
2.Pupils is very interested in music.
3.They likes to listen music especially a song.
4.They really enjoyed to sing.
1.The activity must be prepared based student level and not to difficult.
2. Teacher must try to involve student in every activity.
Here is some suggestion to makes the lesson more enjoyful and fun teacher can used more activity. This
activity can be used from other source likes internet,CD-ROM and other. To make the lesson more
interesting…teacher also can use internet to search and shows pupil another version of “ Old Macdonald song “.
It can be found in google. Just type “ Old Macdonald song and click search button. There are many song can be
found in youtube website. Teacher can play it to pupils.
Lastly, to prepared a lesson we need to divide a lesson in three parts like pre-listening,while-listening
and post-listening. Teacher plan an interesting activity for each parts. This isn't the only way to develop our
students listening or to structure a listening lesson, but it is a way that I have found to be effective and
motivating for my students