Photogrammetry in Qgis
Photogrammetry in Qgis
Photogrammetry in Qgis
This is to certify that Mr. Rohan Sheshadri, Suhas Monli, Chinmay Prasad of III Semester, BE, Civil
Engineering, has successfully completed the assignment prescribed by the institution in the course
Surveying -18CV33, for the academic year 2020-2021.
Steps of the tutorial are designed to create a simple and clean map.
• Change projection
• • Import a spreadsheet
You can download setup for file for QGIS using following link in Google. After downloading
the setup file, execute the file and install the software simply clicking “Next” for all dialog
CODs are core sets of data to be used in GIS software. Set includes administrative
boundaries, populated places, road and river infrastructure of the country
Data, created by DGMM, downloadable also from our IM Toolkit (link provided below).
Includes province names, related p-codes and population of Syrian Individuals.
A representation of the world using vertices or points, connected vertices or lines, and closed
connected vertices or polygons. We will use the data of administrative boundaries and
province centers.
You will see QGIS launch with an empty project. The various parts of the QGIS Interface are
listed below.
Menu bar:
Browser Panel:
A spatial file browser allowing drag and drop content into the map frame.
Layer Panel:
Status Bar:
General information about the map and access to a universal search bar.
Using these five areas, you can add a data layers, zoom to a specific area in the data,
hide or show relevant layers and see the coordinates, scale and projection of your
displayed map.
To load a dataset, start QGIS and click on the Layer>Add Layer and, Add Vector Layer or
simply press ctrl+shift+v (cmd+shift+v). This will bring up a new dialog:
When File option selected as Source type, hit Browse, and look for
“tur_polbnda_adm1.shp” under Separated Files/Admin Boundaries folder.
To add a title or text box to your map, hit Add new scale bar and draw a rectangle for your scale
bar anywhere you like. To change the properties of the scale bar, use the Main properties and
change the visual settings from Style and Segments from Item properties menu at the right
Real Estate -As so many home buyers are relying on an online listing to find new homes, real
estate agents are tasked with the challenge of creating striking visuals about their properties.
Modern drone and photogrammetry techniques make it easier to create clear, accurate images
of homes without spending extensive time or money. A buyer is more likely to consider a how
they can see from all angles clearly. This creates a virtual buying experience that we haven’t
seen before in the real estate market, but it’s a cost-effective way for both buyers and sellers to
Land Surveying -An industry that’s been booming in the past few years is land
determine the surface of the Earth. This information is used by construction crews, architects,
and even local governments to decide property boundaries, building planning, or just data
analysis. Land surveyors can utilize photogrammetry to make more accurate measurements.
This research can be applied in broader ways, benefiting the entire community.
Engineering-Since photogrammetry is so dependent on accurate measurements, it is no
surprise that one of the first industries to adopt this technology is engineering. When
building complex structures, buildings, or other feats of technology, everything needs to be
as accurate as possible. By using photographs from drones, engineers are able to evaluate a
construction project on a step-by-step basis to ensure everything runs smoothly. Another valuable way to
utilize this technology in this industry is to show clients and construction workers perspective images.
With regards to 3D renderings, it’s easier than ever to create in-progress visuals or prospective results.
Various Applications of Photogrammetry:
Since QGIS is free and open-source software, it is very much useful in various applications some
of the applications are as follows:
1. Forestry
2. Mining
QGIS allows users to write, modify source code. It makes the applications of QGIS widespread.
QGIS integrates with other open-source GIS packages, including PostGIS, GRASS GIS, and Map
Bouali EH, Oommen T, Vitton S, Escobar-Wolf R, Brooks C (2017) Rockfall hazard rating