Strategies For Increased Learning
Strategies For Increased Learning
Strategies For Increased Learning
Brandy Hoffman
April 27th, 2022
Adapted from Jamie Bailey at BER
Would You Rather?
● Click on the Jamboard link below and drag a sticky note with your name on what you would rather do
Educational Hook 2
Objectives & Standards
1. Explore resources to increase engagement and success in reading and writing.
2. Locate free technology resources to enhance learning in math.
3. Strengthen communication skills for students to work together more efficiently during group work and
problem solving.
● Teacher Leader Standards: Domain 3: Promotes Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement,
Domain 7: Advocates for Student Learning and the Profession.
● NBPTS Proposition 1: Teachers are committed to students and their learning.
● ISTE Standards: 2.4.a Dedicate planning time to collaborate with colleagues to create authentic
learning experiences that leverage technology.
Explore resources to
increase engagement
and success in
reading and writing.
Informational Writing Using Dash Facts
● Strengthens reading, writing, and listening
skills integrated into science or social studies
● Students use the research notes sheet to
record “dash facts” (key facts or details) about
their 3 main ideas/research questions.
● Helps teach paraphrasing
● Students can turn into a five paragraph essay
● Sets a purpose for reading nonfiction text
Dual coding 5
Informational Writing Using Dash Factstep
Watch learning video Using Dash Fact page, Watch video again Cut out Dash Facts and Model how to create
and complete a watch video again but without sound and add sort into three different sentences using the
word/picture splash. pause and write down additional Dash Facts. piles according to the 3 details that go
What do you hear and key facts or details. research questions. together. May also add
see in the video? Explain that some an intro and concluding
Teacher writes down facts may fit into more paragraph.
what kids say and than one pile.
draws picture on the
Research Notes
● Strongest argument has a claim with numerous examples that support the claim. 8
Change My Mind
Round 1 - Everyone writes their argument in response to the statement 2 minutes
in their own colored space.
Round 2 - One at a time each person shares their argument while 2 minutes
everyone listens.
Round 3 - Synthesize the arguments into one solid argument supported 2 minutes
with a few examples.
Dual coding
Now You Try!
4th Grade
students are not
able to use
Google docs,
Flipgrid, or
1 10
Free Math Technology Resources
❖ Choose at least two different resources above and spend a couple minutes exploring each one.
Think, Pair, Share!
1. Think about one math resource you could implement in you classroom and how?
2. Share you thoughts with a partner.
communication skills for
students to work
together more
efficiently during group
work and problem
Scored Discussions
● Instructional strategy that incorporates reading, writing, speaking, and
● Allows for teachers to assess students understanding of a text and
provide feedback to students regarding their ability to effectively
engage in collaborative discussion.
● Click on the Jamboard link below and add three sticky notes with your top three favorite resources
Culminating Activity/Question
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Culminating Activity/Question