The Fundamental Unit of Life

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Date: - 4 May 2011

MM: - 50 Time: - 1 ½ hrs
# Question 1 is compulsory and attempt one question from each unit
# Each Unit carry equal marks

QUES 1 Answer each of the following. (2X10=20)

(a) What is diffusion? How it is useful in living organisms?

(b) What are Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells?
(c) Why the cell is called the structural and functional unit of life.
(d) What would happen to the life of a cell if there is no golgi apparatus
(e) How does an amoeba obtain its food?
(f) What are cell organelles?
(g) Why is Plasma membrane known as selectively permeable
(h) What is cell Wall, What is it made up of? What is its function?
(i) Differentiate between Plant cell and animal cell
(j) Define:-
I. Endocytosis
II. Plasmolysis

Unit 1

QUES 2 Answer the following

(a) What will happen if plasma membrane ruptures or break down? (2)
(b) Define: - (6)
I. Hypertonic solution
II. Isotonic solution
III. Hypotonic solution
(c) Why dried raisins placed in water swells up? (1)
(d) Write the functions of vacuoles. (1)

QUES 3 Answer the following

(i) Why are lysosomes known as Suicide bags? (2)
(ii) What does vacuoles stores for plant as well as animal cells? (3)
(iii) Describe the main parts of typical cell with function of the parts? (5)

Unit 2

QUES 4 Answer the following

(a) Describe the complexity in structure of organisms? (3)
(b) Write the role of the following components: - (7)
i. Mitochondria
ii. Plant cell wall
iii. Endoplasmic reticulum
iv. Chromoplasts
v. Chromosomes

QUES 5 Answer the following

(i) Write the importance of osmosis for living beings? (2)
(ii) What will happen if we put a plant cell or animal cell in a
(a) Hypertonic Solution
(b) Hypotonic solution
(c) Isotonic solution
Justify your answer? (5)
(iii) Why viruses are not supported to be living? (1 ½)
(iv) Where do the lipids and proteins constituting the cell membrane get
synthesized? (1 ½)

Unit 3

QUES 6 Answer the following

a) What are cisterns? (1)
b) Explain different kinds of ER? (4)
c) What is membrane biogenesis? (1)
d) Name the two organelles that contain their own genetic
material? (1)
e) What are plastids? Explain different kinds of plastids? (3)

QUES 7 Answer the following

a) Who discovered cells? (1)
b) What is cell? (1)
c) What is nuclear membrane? (1)
d) What is functional segment of DNA? What is the full form of
DNA? (1)
e) How cell division is takes place? (2)

f) What is nucleoid? (1)
g) What is the main feature of ER? (1)
h) What is Osmosis? (1)
i) How a cell is able to live and perform all its function (any one)?
I. Due to its presence
II. Due to its structure
III. Due to cell organelles
IV. None of these

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