Talk 26.plant Kingdom 4-Rajan Sankaran
Talk 26.plant Kingdom 4-Rajan Sankaran
Talk 26.plant Kingdom 4-Rajan Sankaran
Hello and welcome back! Today we compare two families which both have the
common sensation of Shock. In both these families, the patients are sensitive to
and affected by injury, accident and fright. They experience the trauma physically
and mentally. There is great pain, and the opposite of this – numbness and
Family Papaveraceae
This family has remedies like Opium, Sanguinaria canadensis, Sanguinarinum
nitricum, Codeinum, Morphinum and Chelidonium majus.
On studying these remedies we found several common symptoms, let us study
some of them:
In Opium we have:
Mind: Ailments from excessive fright [Hering]
Gen: Pain and shock from traumatism [Clarke]
Sleep: Sleepiness, pain, with [Boeninghausen]
Gen: Complete anaesthesia and muscular relaxation [Allen]
Gen: Painlessness of complaints usually painful [Kent]
Mind: Complete insensibility [Allen]
Mind: Blissful feeling [Boenninghausen]
Fever: All complaints: with great stupor, painless, complains of nothing, wants
nothing [Allen]
So when you look at these symptoms from the provings, from the remedies you
see on the one hand there is intense pain, fright and shock, and trauma. On the
other side, you have painlessness, numbness, anaesthesia and drowsiness.
For example:
- Mind, stupor, apoplexy, from (Morphinum purum, Opium)
- Mind, stupefaction, as if intoxicated, waking, on (Chelidonium majus, Opium)
- Mind, unconsciousness, coma, general, apoplexy, in (Chelidonium majus, Opium)
Here I want to narrate an experience that I had about a month ago. My mother
she landed up in the hospital with acute breathlessness and in the hospital she
went into a kind of Psychosis. You couldn't understand whether it is due to carbon
dioxide retention or it was due to her being in the Intensive Cardiac Care Unit for
3 or 4 days. They have this ICU Psychosis. But I was sleeping with her one night
So I started putting all her symptoms in the Repertory this talking continuously,
talking of death, imagines she is dead and I don't exactly remember those
symptoms; but when I put all these symptoms in the Repertory, this intense
fright, this intense talk of death and intense sleeplessness and excitement of the
mind - the remedy that came was Opium. But I didn't give it to her at that point
because she was on another remedy at that time so I didn't want to interfere so I
just was noting. I thought should I give her the Opium or should I not give.
At that point, she had a Cardiac Respiratory Arrest and she was revived due to
Cardiac Resuscitation. She was revived and she went into coma and she was
completely unconscious for the next day. So when she went from this state of
great fright, great excitement, great sleeplessness and intense shock of death,
fear and fright and excitement and sleeplessness. Her intensity took completely
extremely of total insensibility and coma. So at that point, I knew this has to be
So though they said she is 80 years old and the brain is hypoxic and you know she
had lost her heart beat. She had arrest and so there was brain hypoxia. So she is
not going to recover with her age and the prognosis is not good at all. But I just
kept on giving her Opium. In fact I gave her Opium CM almost every hour for the
next 3 or 4 days. She remained in total unconsciousness and I just kept giving her
Opium because there was just nothing else to do. And after 4 days she started
coming slowly back into consciousness. That was a really very, very nice thing to
see and it has been a very stressful time. But now she has come out completely.
She is completely conscious. Then after that she was quadriplegic, she couldn't
move her limbs and we needed another remedy and now she is on another
remedy and she is improving. Though she is on ventilator but she is doing very
very well. There was a period of lots of stress in the last month. But Thank
Heavens she is doing very much better, very unexpectedly. So that experience
So there is a kind of an intensity of the pain and fright which is not found in
any other family and this it is so intense that they need to go very quickly is so
intense opposite which is the numbness, the anaesthesia, the sleepiness, the
coma, a kind of hibernation, a kind of shutting off, a kind of total numbness.
Many times in the Papaveraceae family, when we ask the patient type of
pain because for us for example: we know that the sensation is very very
important. So when we ask the person what is the type of pain in papaveraceae.
Very often they are not able to give you specific type of pain but what they insist
is the intensity of the pain. So the patient can tell you ‘I have pinching pain,
cutting pain, throbbing pain, burning pain and it keeps shifting’. The nature of the
pain will keep shifting but always it will be preceded by an adjective – very, very
severe pain, very severe shock, very, very severe fright. It's an agony; it is a
suffering, untold suffering.
Case Example - 1
A woman aged sixty-five years
The outpatient department
Chief complaints:
In 1996 she has had a ‘heart attack’ and she was admitted. Then she started
having blood pressure and breathlessness on walking and talking. Another
myocardial infarction occurred after two years. After which there was a lot of
numbness and heaviness of the right side of the body.
I cry very easily and especially when there are scenes with son-mother
relationship in the movies.
My children have no uncle or aunt. And I feel that if I die there will be nobody for
P: I can’t see accidents. Even when I hear a vehicle strongly applying brakes, I feel
very frightened. I close my eyes and I sit quietly, “Has an accident happened
L: So what you see here that this woman is very sensitive to a certain situation.
What is that situation? Her heart attack, situation in heart attack of her son –
scared, fright, accident, and after that particular incident with her husband’s
death of an accident she seems to have got be sensitized to the idea of accidents.
And what she does is she just shuts it out, she just closes her eyes I don’t want to
face too much. And yet she says ‘I have to be very strong. Even when my son had
a heart attack I wasn’t scared’. So this whole theme – this sensitivity to fright, the
sensitivity to shock, the sensitivity to accidents is the theme of Papaveraceae and
the need to shut it out.
P: And he came and said to her in the dream, you have to give food to nine
L: Another time she dreamt of a snake but she did not have any fear of it.
The MRI of the brain showed “mild diffuse cerebral atrophy with significant
narrowing of the origin of the right external carotid artery with tortuous bilateral
cervical internal carotid arteries.”
Rx: Opium 30
She followed up treatment, she got Opium 30. She is a strong pathological case
mainly local symptoms, so she got 30. And she was better with 30. she followed
up for 6 yrs and the remedy in six years has been repeated eight times and she
has responded very well to the remedy overall feeling much better, her anxiety
much less. Her symptoms significantly better with the treatment.
Another case:
Case Example-2
The clinic
10th August 2006
A woman aged fifty-two years, married, having four children
In her questionnaire form, these are the complaints she has written:
She talks of being very affected by disorder and uncleanliness, and wants
everything to be very tidy.
She says:
Looking from high places: she is ‘scared’
Sudden noise: she is ‘shocked’ etc
Why does this happen to me? (Suddenly she weeps) My family life is disturbed
because of me. I don’t do it on purpose. My children are suffering because of me.
Everything has to be clean.
L: Now this is very typical symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive disorder; this
cleanliness mania, this washing mania etc. and they are not to be given too much
D: Any dreams?
P: Yes. A man is coming and I feel fear. I shriek and I am unable to say anything.
P: Yes. Before all this illness started, there was an incident. My father died of
heart attack. I opened up the telegram and read it. At that moment I collapsed
and fainted. I was very attached to my father. It was a big shock. I had never seen
death before. I would always remain alone, stayed at home and I would only cook
and clean.
L: So this is a very interesting thing that she is saying. She is saying, it was a big
shock. I had never seen death before. For the first time, I saw death that was a
shock and I wouldn’t stand the intensity of the shock, I just fainted, I just
collapsed. I lost sensibility.
So that is where we have to pitch in, this is the whole secret. We have to find the
person’s most sensitive spot and that is her spot. That’s the incident that kind of
moved her.
The Buddha was Prince Siddhartha who was never exposed to any suffering, pain
or death. His father put him in a kind of a golden cage where he was with the
servants were especially told Prince Siddhartha should never see suffering, he
should never see death, he should never see pain and as the story goes...
Once Prince Siddhartha by accident he took his friend outside of the palace. He
escaped and he saw for the first time death, suffering and pain. And this was such
a huge shock for him. The idea that there can be so much intensity of suffering
and pain and death that this completely converted him into a philosophical or a
spiritual attitude and he wanted to find in his suffering what is the cause of
suffering, what is the cause of suffering, what is the end to suffering. And I think a
lot of his philosophy and his later life was devoted to this question. So that's very
interesting. This is the story that comes to me when I think of Opium or
So the second idea of Papaveraceae is death and life, life and death; is this man
alive or is he dead. From death they can come to life and from life they can go to
a death like state - like coma, like what happens to a person in coma, is this
person alive or dead is always this question in Papaveraceae.
The incident of the death of her father had a tremendous impact on her. It
gave her such a shock so severe that she fainted and she collapsed on reading the
news. It was an extreme fright and shock! She had never seen or been exposed to
death before.
Again in a dream she experiences a man coming towards her. Again a sense of
fright with the snakes, again fright and trembling.
So in life we see the opposite that there is no fear of anyone and that she being
very courageous. She also expresses a strong sense of responsibility and guilt
about her sister who she was not able to help.
In all the situations, she sees herself alone; that she has to handle things
independently, and often they are too much to handle. This is the cancer miasm.
The idea of Cancer miasm is as if you need a kind of a super human effort or
strength in order to manage that situation. It’s too much for you.
And also you know there are very Significant symptoms of Opium. One of them
Benevolence: General [Allen]
- wanting to do good. Bene – is good , volence is action, good action , wanting to
help people.
Syncope: when fainting is the result of the fright [Blackwood]
Mind: Courage, fearlessness, [Allen]
Gen: Cheerfulness, liveliness, contentment, increased strength [Hahnemann]
Loquacity [Gross]
So the remedy for her is also Opium. Now I want to read to you some
characteristic symptoms of Opium which I use very often as confirmatory.
One of the symptoms of Opium is that they find the bed too hot and they are
looking for the cool place. Like Arnica is finding the bed too sore and is looking for
a soft place.
Alive yet dead, dead yet alive, it’s like almost being buried alive
There is a theme of skeleton. Opium has:
Rx: Opium 1M
And later Opium LM-8 for several months with a marked improvement in the
obsessive compulsive neurosis and in the overall state of health.
So in the Papaveraceae remedies also there is a ‘drug like effect’, so that there
could be cheerfulness, pleasantness, peace, quietness, sleepiness, anesthesia and
sometimes a lack feeling both to pleasure and pain. Because of the painlessness
on one side and on the other side, a lack of a very specific type of pain sometimes
Papavareaceae family remedies become difficult to identify because either there
is nothing or nothing specific.
I think I told you of a case of a man who was a victim of a terrorist attack and the
main thing he told me was – there was absolutely no symptoms, as if nothing
happened. During the attack he was in perfect control and he was one of the
three LIVE victims among twenty four hostages. The rest were all shot dead in his
presence. And yet in that situation he remained in absolute control, still, as if
dead, and then he survived. The perfect control in a situation of absolute terror
and almost total insensibility indicated Opium, which belongs to the cancer
miasm of the Papavaraceae family. This remedy helped him significantly.
We will take
Case Example 3:
The clinic on 10th December 2007
A man aged thirty two years old
Chief complaint:
He says “I have a problem of acidity. It started after I joined the call centre,
around four or five years ago. In the call centre there would be night duties and
I asked him about his complaints but he could not elaborate any further. Then he
describes his dreams. In one dream, he is riding a motorbike or a car, sometimes
at a good speed.
Another dream,
- Somebody is pointing a gun at me.
Another dream:
- Dead bodies.
- People going out for marriage.
Another dream:
- Suddenly things becoming big. I get scared and I get up.
- Failing in exams.
- Of rainfall, where I am relaxed and I am enjoying.
D: Scared of what?
P: Of dying, I am scared of graveyards, of evil spirits, of dead bodies. I see bodies
in the mud and insects are eating them up. They are all buried. I get scared to
touch the dead body, fear sets into me. My blood starts circulating faster. What if
the body gets up? What if he talks to me?
L: This theme of dead bodies, dead bodies getting alive, very very important
theme in Papaveraceae. I really have seen this in many cases.
In his dreams, we find the maximum energy. He has dreams of dead bodies, of
guns, of shooting, of war, of killing, of blood, of fear, of scared, of evil spirits, of
graveyards, of dying, of dead bodies and what if the dead body comes alive.
So what is it in his dreams that is most peculiar? We have the issues of violence,
killing, shooting, murder, of the dead bodies, etc and a lot of suffering.
And the opposite you get in another dream is relaxed, peace, calm, content…. the
opposite sensation. He also
All this gives us the remedy Chelidonium majus from the Papaveraceae family. In
this remedy, the characteristic are rage and violence, dreams of being murdered,
the fear of funerals, the fear of death, dreams of dead bodies, the dreams of
being buried alive.
So let’s check out some of the rubrics of Chelidonium:
Rubrics of Chelidonium majus:
- Dreams soldier, being a
- Dreams murdered, of being
- Dreams death, of dying, of
- Dreams dead bodies which spring from dissecting table and seized throat
- Dreams buried alive, being
5th April 2008
He is already much better. His acidity is 60% gone, his mood is better, his energy
is better etc. and over the past two years he has required infrequent repetition. I
just shifted him back to 1M Potency by infrequent dosage. Acidity is much better.
And his dreams, he still had some frightful dreams of gun and killing, funeral etc.
But the frequency of the scary dreams reduced considerably. He reports much
better in all ways.
Now I want to point out to something specific which is the themes of dead bodies
and of war in the Papavaraceae.
There are many intense fears found in Papaveraceae remedies and the delusions
of the remedies give an idea of war. War represents fear and pain, violence,
shock, suffering, killing and turmoil. It is a hell-like situation; the opposite of war is
peace, tranquility and calmness. So war and peace is the theme of Papaveraceae.
We could infer that the Papaveraceae family, the survival of the plant is through
its ability to adapt to extreme conditions, and in the human this translates as an
ability to withstand any kind of pain.
Vital Sensation
Pain of any sort of any character, but the main thing is of great intensity
Torture, intense suffering, agony, a hell-like state
War, violence, murder
Fright and shock
- These are the sensations of the Papaveraceae family.
Passive Reaction
Analgesia, coma, anaesthesia, painlessness, numbness
Fainting, hibernation
Active Reaction
Calmness in situations where there is great pain
Peaceful, serene, tranquil
Untouched by pleasure or pain
Key words
Intense pain, intense suffering, agony, hell, misery, fright, punishment, war,
murder, execute, cruelty, nightmare, terror, torment, torture, hostility, battle,
brutality, carnage, slaughter, havoc, war etc.
In the family Solanaceae, the main sensation is sudden violence, rage, outburst,
explosive, jerking, shooting. Sudden danger, fear, the 'fright or flight response',
escape, panic. There are delusions with wild animals, of darkness, of pursued, of
being killed, of robbers.
Family Compositae
Many remedies of this family are well-known and well proven in our Materia
Medica. The remedies are: Arnica montana, Calendula officinalis, Chamomilla,
Senecio aureus, Bellis perennis, Eupartorium perfoliatum, Echinacea angustifolia,
Millefolium, Taraxacum, Cina, Abrotanum and Gnaphalium.
A detailed study of the symptoms of the different drugs from this family show the
following symptoms:
Generalities: injuries, blows, falls and bruises; operation, disorders from (Arn,
Bell-p, Calen, Echin, Mill)
Female: Injuries to the pelvic organs (Abrot, Arn, Bell-p, Calen, Tarax)
Somebody asked me the question in the Discussion session today how does
Compositae family manifest in the mind? How does injury represent itself in the
mind and one of the answers is: abuse and insult which is often experienced as a
blow or a slap; and that's how it experiences this trauma at a mind level. So the
main sensation of the Compositae family is injury.
At the mental level, the sense of injury corresponds to or translates into the
feelings of shock, of being hurt and insulted. And the active reaction is to be
insulting, abusive and harsh - like Chamomilla.
When one is injured, the injured part is very sore and sensitive to touch. Hence
there is a fear of being approached, which is a well-known symptom of Arnica
montana. There is also sensitivity to things which are hard and soft. Hard things
are perceived as causing injury, soft things give a soothing feeling.
Case Example-1
10th July 2001
A woman aged thirty-three years old, she comes to the clinic.
Chief complaints:
Migraine headaches and recurrent sore throat which gets aggravated by dust and
D: What is hit?
P: They can bang me on the head with something.
If somebody is talking, it’s like something is hitting her head. If her head aches she
wants to hit her head. And the another thing about this is everything is sudden
and scary and the action is instinctive.
Like what can you do? You are walking on the streets to get run over by car.
I asked her;
D: Tell me about your Interests and hobbies?
P: My interest is Music.
So I gave her
And very soon her headaches are so much better. We continued the treatment
for a year or so, after which she had no episodes of migraine. Her moods are
much better. Her anxiety about her parents have become much more realistic and
no panic. And she did very very well with this remedy.
Case Example 2:
On 3rd April 2000
A thirty-four-year-old woman
Chief complaints:
Irregular menstrual period since the very beginning. She has been diagnosed as
having polycystic ovaries and has taken birth control pills for seven months. She
has had no menstrual period since she stopped the pill, and she has to take a drug
to start her period again.
L: She has been on hormones. If she does not take hormones she does not get
I have always been very conscientious. I must always study the whole matter
before the exams. I never wanted anything the easy way out. I was always on the
top five, very conscientious.
L: So what is interesting is when we ask the person about her nature and what she
describes we have to see what does it indicate. Here I see a soft data towards the
miasm where she cannot take anything casually. Everything is serious, everything
a lot of effort that has to go in. everything has to be just right, just perfect. So
that's giving a kind of a clue towards the maism.
She had a big injury and a large piece of flesh tore away and yet there was no
crying. It was a brave front when facing a major injury. The need to put a brave
front or to keep everything under control is a feature of Cancer miasm. And we
see that in her case- the main area is injury and shock.
So in her theme we see running through her state is the idea of “being in control
when injured or hurt whether it is self or somebody else.”
This indicates the Compositae family and the Cancer miasm. So that’s what she
got. She got Bellis pereneiss 200 C which is the remedy in the Compositae family
which falls in the Cancer miasm. So I gave it to her and she came on 7th December
P: I started my period after two-and-half months without hormones.
D: When you say that this situation happened, what did you experience?
P: It was like numbness, a cold feeling in the pit of my stomach. I felt shaken.
L: She continued to improve; she remains well with her periods, with her state of
mind and everything. We have followed her up now for quite a few years.
You will recall that in Talk 24, two Wednesdays ago, Anne Schadde, my colleague
from Munich and Willi Neuhold from Austria they gave us some very very nice
cases of Compositae.
If you recall Anne Schadde described a case of infertility and this woman at some
point manifested a sudden acute problem of cystitis. The pain in the bladder she
described, it felt like soreness, like a wound. And when she asked to describe this
sensation, she connected it to a very significant traumatic incident in her life. In
that she had become pregnant as a teenager. The pregnancy was medically
terminated. And her experience of it was described was that the gynaecologist
“tore” the foetus out of her womb. This is another injury experience, one of
sudden injury. Anne gave her the remedy Calendula, because this also falls under
the acute miasm of Compositae family. Calendula not only cured her cystitis but
also her infertility and she went on to have two children.
Willi Neuhold also described an acute case, where the miasm was not acute. The
situation was acute but the miasm was not acute. It was a case of a patient with
acute tonsillitis - severe inflammation, fever, swollen lymph nodes and
membranes covering the tonsils. The tonsils were so painful that patient could
hardly swallow. When Willi asked her to describe the pain. She said it felt very
raw, sore, wounded. The pain was distinctly aggravated by touch, even from the
outside. She also said that if nothing touched her and she kept quiet, she felt that
everything was numb.
So in this case, both sides of the sensation could be elicited – very intense sore
pain on the one side, and on the numbness on the other. Based on his
understanding of the Syphilitic miasm – because the pains were very severe, the
patient was hopeless, the pain was going into the bones and there was
So it was a very interesting case where at even in such an acute situation he could
use the sensation method straight from the experience in the chief complaint and
he could solve the case.
Vital Sensation:
Hurt or insulted
Burnt or scalded
Fear to be touched, hurt and approached
A tough person; who takes all the injury, who takes all the beatings.
-And also it can be a protective person.
Protective to see that others do not get hurt.
- So there also they are sensitive to injury to other people also.
Key words
Banging, beating, burn, injury, hit, hammer, hurt, scald, shocked, accident, blows,
concussion, crash, knock, pound, punch, smack, smash, thrash, etc
The main sensation of Family Solanaceae is sudden violence, rage. The people
that require remedies from this family relate to symptoms like strokes, being
pursued and/or attacked, murder, snakes, wild animals. All this speaks of sudden
violence, of sudden danger and the reaction is 'fright or flight response', escape,
panic, spasms.
In the Compositae family we do not see danger, terror, fright and violence and
the escape as in Solanaceae. We see more injury and we see more numbness over
In the Umbelliferae family, there is also an injury, a blow, a big injury. But the
main difference is in Umbellifereae this injury is unexpected. It’s an unexpected,
sudden, huge blow, a big injury. You can say it’s like a stab in the back. You can
say it’s like an axe fell down.
So for example: Conium is the remedy from Umbellifereae family. It’s a well
known remedy for injury to the breasts, so the theme of injury also occurs in
Umbellifereae. But the difference is in Umbellifereae this injury is sudden, huge,
violent and especially totally unexpected, a bolt from the blue. Things come and
attack, a violent attack. So many of the dreams and delusions that are there in the
family are like Mutilations, riots, cruelty, without notice and the response to this
sensation is convulsion, rage and violence.
So when one thinks of Compositae – Arnica like you are thinking of things like
boxing, wrestling, falling, injury, hurt etc. but when one thinks of :
Umbellifereae – a sudden attack, stab in the back, rape, abuse, a violent blow etc.
The main theme of the Papavaraceae is the intense suffering, pain, agony and a
hell-like state. This kind of suffering is often connected to the experience of death
and dying, the death agony and the half-alive-half-dead state, like being buried
alive. Intense suffering and the opposite is a kind of numbness, hibernation,
You'll find it everywhere and then you identify whether this is a kingdom - Plant,
Mineral or Animal. And if it is a plant which specific sensation is this and be able
Like this Homoeopathy is simple, it's easy. Only you have to to just get the hang of
getting to the depth of the case, to the sensation and then to know clearly where
is the sensation in the map of all these kingdoms and then from the intensity, the
depth and pace of that sensation experience you get to the miasm and that helps
to indentify the remedy and that's what we do.
We are coming to the end of this talk and I invite you to send in your feedback,
your comments. Let us know how it went for you. If you have any questions, any
queries. Please send it in write to us on the email and we will be happy to answer
it on the forum.