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The document discusses various homeopathic remedies and their indications based on symptoms.

Aconite, Bryonia, Chamomilla, Colocynth, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Staphysagria are mentioned as remedies for anger.

Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium are mentioned as remedies for delirium.



Worse From:

Wet Weather Aggravation Remedies

Aranea, Natrum Sulph, Dulcamara, Nux Mos, Rhus Tox, Rhododendron

Better From:

Anger Remedies

Aconite, Bryonia, Chamomilla, , Colocynth, Ignatia, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Staphysagria

Aconite: suddenness and violence in any organ of the body, the brain, the
lungs, the liver, the blood, the kidneys. It is suited to the complaints that
come on suddenly from the very cold weather of winter, or from the
intensely hot weather of summer suddenness and violence in any organ of
the body, the brain, the lungs, the liver, the blood, the kidneys. It is suited to
the complaints that come on suddenly from the very cold weather of winter,
or from the intensely hot weather of summer, fear of death, restless.
There is moaning and irritability, anger, throwing things away, all
attended with the violence and anxiety.

Bryonia: disease with continued fever; to rheumatisms that come with

gradually increasing severity, gradually increasing and involving one joint
after another, until all the white fibrous tissues are in a state of inflammation,
pain and distress, languid and tired, does not want to be spoken to, does not
want to move; often indicated in injuries of joints where Arnica would be a
failure. Anger, from being aroused, from being disturbed, from controversy

Chamomilla: Child wants many things which he refuses again. Piteous

moaning because he cannot have what he wants. Child can only be quieted
when carried about and petted constantly. Impatient, intolerant of being
spoken to or interrupted; extremely sensitive to every pain; always
complaining. Spiteful
Colocynth: Extremely irritable. Becomes angry when questioned.
Mortification caused by offense. Anger, with indignation (Cham;
Bry; Nux)

Ignatia: Changeable mood; introspective; silently brooding. Melancholic,

sad, tearful. Not communicative. Sighing and sobbing. After shocks, grief,

Lycopodium: Melancholy; afraid to be alone. Little things annoy,

Extremely sensitive. Averse to undertaking new things

Nux Vomica: Very irritable: sensitive to all impressions. Ugly, malicious.

Cannot bear noises, odors, light, etc. Does not want to be touched; Disposed
to reproach others. Sullen, fault-finding

Staphysagria: Impetuous, violent outbursts of passion, hypochondriacal,

sad. Very sensitive as to what others say about her; Child cries for many
things, and refuses them when offered.
Delirium Trio

Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium

Belladonna: The blood all seems to be rushing to the head. (Amyl nitrite,
Glonoine, Melilotus) The head is hot while the extremities are cool. The eyes
are red and blood-shot. The face is also red, almost purple red. The carotid
arteries throb so as to be plainly visible; patient "imagines he sees ghosts,
hideous faces and animals and insects." Fears all sorts of imaginary things and
wants to run away from them; breaks out into fits of laughter or screams and
gnashes his teeth; bites or strikes those around him .

Hyoscyamus: With Belladonna the violent form predominates, while the quiet or
stupid form is the exception. With Hyoscyamus it is just the other way. The stupid
muttering form predominates, with occasional outbreaks of the violent form; face
of the Belladonna patient is red, that of Hyoscyamus pale and sunken; the patient
is very suspicious; will not take the medicine because he thinks you are trying to
poison him, or thinks some plot is being laid against him. He is jealous of others,
or the first cause of the attack is jealousy. Again, the mania often takes on the
lascivious form. The patient uncovers and exposes himself, sings and talks
amorously. "Every muscle in the body twitches, from the eyes to the toes." This
is one of his chief indications for its use in convulsions, whether epileptic or not.
Stramonium: awful singing, laughing, grinning; whistling, screaming, praying
piteously or swearing hideously, and above all remedies loquacious. Again the
patient throws himself into all shapes corresponding to his changeable delirium,
crosswise, length-wise, rolled up like a ball, or stiffened out by turns, or,
especially, repeatedly jerks up suddenly his head from the pillow. There may
be complete loss of sight, hearing, and speech with dilated, immovable pupils
and drenching sweat which brings no relief and death must soon close the scene
unless Stramonium helps them out.

Fright Remedies

Aconite, Ignatia, Opium, Veratrum Album

Aconite: ailments brought on by fright, either immediate or remote. The patient

has received a fright in the dark and is always afraid in the dark afterwards. From
fright vertigo comes on, or fainting; trembling; threatened abortion, or suppressed
menstruation, Jaundice may be induced by it, and become chronic

Ignatia: changeable mood, the patient is at one time full of glee and merriment,
to be followed suddenly with the other extreme, of melancholy sadness and
tears, and so these states of mind rapidly alternate; an impatient, quarrelsome,
angry mood; easily frightened. Twitching all over the body, hence it becomes one
of our best remedies for chorea, especially if caused by fright or grief

Opium: Fright; the fear of the fright remaining. Very hot skin with sweating;
perspiration; Stupid, comatose sleep, with rattling, torturous breathing

Veratrum Album: Disposed to silence, but if irritated gets mad. Scolds, calls
names and talks of faults of others.

Nervous Remedies

Aconite, Chamomilla, Coffea Cruda, Ignatia, Nux Vomica

Aconite: Complaints from exposure to cold, dry cold. Pains insuppressible < at
night, especially in the evening; neuralgic; Fear of death; of crowds; of going out.
Anything, always fearful

Chamomilla: Very irritable mood; snaps and snarls; will not speak or answer
civilly; mad.
Exceedingly sensitive to pain, which makes her mad: numbness alternates with,
or attends the pains; sweats with the pains
Excessive uneasiness; anxiety; agonized, tossing about; will only be quieted by
carrying the child about.
Coffea Cruda: All senses more acute; reads fine print easier; smell, taste and
touch acute; unusual activity of mind and body; full of ideas, quick to act, no
sleep on this account etc.
Affections from sudden surprises, especially joyful surprises; very emotional.
Pains insupportable, drive to despair; exasperation, tears, tossing about in
agony; great sleeplessness
Headache, from over-mental exertion, thinking, talking; one-sided, as from a nail
driven into the brain (Ign., Nux); as if
the brain were torn or dashed to pieces; < in open air.
Jerking toothache; relieved by holding ice water in the mouth; returns when water
becomes warm.

Ignatia: Sad, sighing, changeable, moody disposition. Twitching or spasms, or

convulsions from exciting or depressing emotions, fright, etc.
All-gone, weak, empty sensation in stomach not > by eating

Nux Vomica: For very particular, careful, zealous persons, inclined to get
excited or angry, spiteful, malicious disposition, mental workers or those having
sedentary occupations.
Over-sensitiveness, easily offended; very little noise frightens, cannot bear the
least even suitable medicine; faints easily from odors, etc.
Twitching, spasms, convulsion, < slightest touch
Chilliness, even during high fever; least uncovering

Restless Remedies

Aconite, Arsenicum, Chamomilla, Rhus Tox

Aconite: Fear: of death; of crowds; of going out. Anything, always fearful

Complaints from exposure to cold, dry cold.
Congestions and inflammations, acute, first stage with great anxiety, heat and
restlessness; tosses about in agony; throws off covering. Inflammatory fever

Arsenicum: Great anguish and restlessness, driving from place to place.

Great and sudden prostration, sinking of vital force, intense burning pains
Intense thirst; drinks often, but little, as cold water disagrees.

Chamomilla: Very irritable mood; snaps and snarls; will not speak or answer
civilly; mad.
Exceedingly sensitive to pain, which makes her mad: numbness alternates with,
or attends, the pains; sweats with the pains.
Excessive uneasiness; anxiety; agonized, tossing about; will only be quieted by
carrying the child about.
High fever with sweating, especially on the head; thirsty; one cheek red and hot,
the other pale and cold
Rhus Tox: Great restlessness cannot lie long in one position, changes often
with temporary relief, and tosses about continually.
Lameness and stiffness on beginning to move after rest; on getting up in the
A. M. > by continued motion
Twitching Remedies

Agaricus, Cuprum Met, Hyoscyamus, Ignatia

Agaricus: Jerking, twitching, trembling, and itching are strong indications

Cuprum Met: SPASM is the one word characterizing this remedy. Cramps
or convulsions, in meningitis, cholera, cholera morbus, whooping cough,
scarlatina, etc.
Spasms begin in fingers and toes and spreading from there become general.
Mental or bodily exhaustion from over-exertion of mind or loss of sleep.
Affections arising from suppressed skin troubles, especially from acute

Hyoscyamus: General twitching of all the muscles of the body; in spasms or

convulsions. The mania often takes on the lascivious form. The patient
uncovers and exposes himself, sings and talks amorously.
Fears being poisoned; Suspicious and jealous.

Ignatia: Twitching or spasms, or convulsions from exciting or depressing

emotions, fright, etc.
Brain Typhus

Apis: burning, stinging pains better cold; dangerous affections as

hydrocephalus, cerebral-spinal meningitis and typhus cerebrals; we get these
pains in the mucous membranes, as in the throat and hemorrhoids;
redness and swelling with stinging and burning pain in the eyes, eyelids,
ears, face, lips, tongue, throat, anus, testicles, better cold; affections of the
brain and meninges caused by a sudden suppression of skin diseases;
edematous or dropsical condition with no thirst (with thirst - Acetic acid,
Arsenic and Apocynum).

Helleborus Niger: serious brain troubles, such as meningitis; effusion, head

rolling from side to side on the pillow, with screams; great stupidity; greedy
drinking of water: wrinkled forehead with cold sweat; motion of jaws, as
chewing something; dilated pupils
Zinc metallicum: Brain troubles with twitching and trembling

Pulsations or Throbbing

Belladonna, Glonoine, Melilotus

Belladonna: All acute inflammatory diseases present prominent head

symptoms, pain, red puffed face, throbbing carotids and delirium, and
spasms, or jerks and twitching.
Eyes staring, red, and blood-shot and pupils first contracted, then greatly
Mouth and throat very dry, red, sometimes greatly swollen; all mucous
surfaces correspondingly dry and hot.
Pains appear suddenly, and after a while disappear as suddenly as they came.

Glonoine: Sudden local congestion, especially to head and chest; bursting

headache rising up from neck, with great throbbing and sense of expansion
as if to burst; cannot bear the least jar.
Can't bear anything on the head, especially hat; or pressure as of a hat;
Over-heating in the sun, or sunstroke

Melilotus: The congestion to the brain is equal to that of Belladonna and

Glonoine, and the most characteristic symptom of such congestion is intense
redness of the face, with throbbing carotids, which is often > by a profuse


Arg. Nit _ Hemicrania, feels better tightly wrapped, , vertigo with buzzing
In ears –Gels

Bell – red puffed face, throbbing carotids, mouth and throat very dry.
Inflammations streak out in radii from a centre. Worse after 3 AM or
midnight. Better covering and keeping the head high, agg. By cold worse
least jar – abdomen, wants wrapped up like Sil. Glonoine can’t bear hat.

Bry – Bursting in hot weather

Epiphegus- Cures headaches coming on after a hard day's work, over-
fatigue from work or excitement, what is often called "tired headache”.

Gelsemium - sometimes the headache is relieved by a profuse flow of urine.

(Lac defloratum has a profuse flow of urine during sick headache to which it
is adapted, but the pain is not so markedly relieved by the flow). Gelsemium
has also a sick headache that is preceded by blindness, patient wants to lie
with head raised upon a high pillow.

Glonoine- Belladonna and Glonoine both have the fullness, pain and
throbbing, but that of Glonoine is more intense and sudden in its onset, and,
on the other hand, subsides more rapidly when relieved. Belladonna is better
by bending the head backward; Glonoine worse. Belladonna is made worse
by having the head uncovered, and suffers from having the hair cut;
Glonoine must have the head uncovered, can't bear to wear his hat, least jar
or shaking of it greatly aggravates the pain..
Melilotus also has great congestion to the head, with pain and sense of
fullness. Not being so thoroughly proven as Belladonna and Glonoine, we
cannot so clearly indicate the exact place for it, but there is one very
prominent symptom which always makes one think of it, viz.: "Glowing
redness of the face." No remedy that I know of has it more strongly.
Glonoine and Belladonna may both have very red face; on the other hand, a
pale face, with the other congestive symptoms, does not contraindicate them,
but does Melilotus. Then, again, with Melilotus the head symptoms are often
relieved by a profuse epistaxis

Ignatia - Headache as if a nail there driven out through the side of the head
relieved by lying on it. Ignatia headache is sometimes accompanied by
hunger like that of Psorinum. Ignatia cases, in addition to the aggravation
when swallowing liquids and relief from swallowing solids. This is like
Lachesis, you remember, but is the reverse of Baptisia, which can swallow
liquids only; the least solid food gags, “extreme aversion to tobacco smoke."

Iris Versicolor - Iris is also one of our best remedies for sick headache.
These headaches seem to be of gastric or hepatic origin, and often begin
with a blur before the eyes.

Kali Bichromicum - The pains are peculiar. They appear in small spots,
which can be covered with the point of a finger. This is markedly so with the
pains in the head. In sick headache often so. Farrington says: "There are
quite a number of remedies having blind headache, but Kali bichromicum is
the best of them."

Lachesis - It is one of our best remedies for sun headaches; of course it does
not compare with Glonoine for the immediate effects of sunstroke, but does
come in well after the first effects are overcome by that remedy. The patient
is troubled with headache every time he is exposed to the sun's heat, and the
trouble has become chronic (Nat. carb.); very pale face, and the patient
sleeps into the headache

Magnesia Mur - it has a peculiar nervous headache, which is better from

strong pressure (Pulsatilla), or wrapping head up warmly (Silicea). This
headache also is often hysterical.

Melilotus Alba - intense redness of the face, with throbbing carotids, which
is often > (ameliorated) by a profuse epistaxis

Natrum Carb -aggravated by mental exertion.; The patient is unable to

think or perform any mental labor without headache (Argentum, nit.,
Sabadilla) vertigo or a sense of stupefaction . Persons suffering from over-
heating from the sun may find relief from Natrum carb, Glonoine, Lachesis
or Lyssin.

Natrum Mur - is one of our best remedies for chronic headaches. They
come in paroxysms and would, by their intense throbbing nature, cause one
to think of Belladonna, only that they occur mostly in the anemic, and the
face is pale, or at least slightly flushed. If the face is red and burning, eyes
injected, and pain of beating or throbbing nature, we would immediately
think of such remedies as Melilotus, Belladonna, or Nux vom, and then look
for concomitant symptoms to decide between them. The headaches of
Natrum mur. are very apt to occur after the menstrual period, as if caused by
loss of blood, and you know that China also has throbbing headache in such
cases. With Natrum the throbbing headache occurs whether the menses be
scanty or profuse. Natrum mur. also cures the headaches of school girls, and
here it may be difficult to choose between it and Calcarea Phos., both
remedies also being particularly adapted to anemic states. Map tongue is
found under Natrum mur, Arsenicum alb., Lachesis, Nitric acid, and
Taraxacum. Intense thirst of salt is well known, and keep pace with the
hunger. Now this is the case with diabetes, for which Natrum is a curative
Petroleum - Petroleum has headache in the occiput, which is as heavy as
lead, also vertigo in the occiput.

Pulsatilla - Pressure, or tying up tightly, relieves the headaches." (Argentum

nit, Apis Mellifica). Silica is it’s chronic.

Sanguinaria - Sick headache. Pain commences in the back of the head, rises
and spreads over the head, and settles down over the right eye (left eye,
Spigelia), with nausea and vomiting; patient wants to be in a dark room and
perfectly quiet.

Sepia - is one of our best remedies in hemicrania of women of the Sepia

temperament, and who are suffering from uterine trouble, the pain comes in
terrific shocks, so as to jerk the head.

Silica - This condition of weakness seems to attack the general nervous

system, affecting the spine, and so we get those cerebro-spinal headaches, or
headaches beginning in the nape of the neck and running forward over the
head to the eyes, for which Silicea is so useful. Vertigo also ascends from
the nape to head, < looking up. (Pulsatilla). Relieved by "wrapping up the
head" (Magnesia mur.).

Spigelia - The headaches are generally one-sided, beginning in the occiput

and extending forward, and settling over the left eye (right, Sang. and
Silica). They are aggravated by the least noise or jar. They increase with the
rising of the sun and decrease with its going down (Natrum mur., Tabacum),
and the eye on the affected side often runs clear water. (Chelidonium. Maj,
right side with water gushing out). Spigelia is so efficacious, the patient is
made worse from motion, noise, inspiration or moving the eyes, and
especially in cold, damp, rainy weather. It makes us think of Bryonia,
Kalmia and Natrum mur, and Actaea (motion), Belladonna (noise), and
China (touch, especially light touch).


Vertigo on Turning the Head - Con, Calc, Kali C

Vertigo on Moving the Head - Bry, Calc Ost., Con

Vertigo on Looking Up - Puls, Silica

Vertigo on Looking Down - Phos, Spig, Sulph

Vertigo from Odor of Flowers - Nux V, Phos

Vertigo on Watching or Loss of Sleep - Cocculus, Nux Vom

Vertigo on the Least Noise - Theridion

Vertigo while Walking - Nat M, Nux V, Phos, Puls

Vertigo while Studying - Nat M

Vertigo while or after Eating - Gratiola, Nux V, Puls

Vertigo as if Whirling - Bry, Con, Cyclamen, Puls

Vertigo as if the Bed Turned - Con

Vertigo with Fainting - Nux Vom

Vertigo with Staggering - Arg N, Stram, Theridion

Vertigo with Dimness of Sight - Cyclamen, Gels, Nux V

Vertigo when Rising from Seat - Bry, Phos

Vertigo when Rising from Stooping - Belladonna

Vertigo when Rising from Bed - Bry, Chel, Cocc

Vertigo when Stooping - Bell, Bux, Puls, Sulph

Vertigo when Ascending - Calc Ost

Vertigo when Descending - Borax, Ferrum

Vertigo when Lying - Con

Vertigo must Lie Down - Bry, Cocculus, Phos, Puls

Vertigo Occipital - Gels, Sil, Petrol

Vertigo after Sleep - Lach

Vertigo after Suppressed Menses - Cyclamen, Puls



Argentum Nit: Purulent Ophthalmia (Merc)

Graphites and Staphisagria: Blepharitis

Euphrasia: In colds with cough and severe fluent coryza it will sometimes
cure, but here the choice must be made between it and Arsenicum, Cepa and
Mercurius. (See Cepa for comparison. Cough, sometimes dry, but generally
loose, worse during the day, not troublesome at night. This is important, as
more coughs are < at night.

Graphites: Eczema of lids, eruptions moist and fissured margins of lids

covered with scales and crusts. In Sulphur lids the margins are very red. All
the orifices under Sulphur are very red. Graphites leads all the remedies for
eczematous affections of the lids, Staphisagria stands next

Ruta: The eyes feel weary and ache as if strained, or they burn like balls of
fire. Two other remedies must be remembered for eye-strain, viz.: Natrum
Muriaticum and Senega

Staphisagria: There is only one remedy that can compare with this one in
chronic blepharitis, and that is Graphites (see also Borax).
Falling of the Eye-lids

Causticum, Conium, Gelsemium, Sepia,

Causticum: "faint-like weakness, or sinking of strength, with trembling." In this it

resembles Gelsemium, and it has another symptom, in connection with its
general weakness which resembles Gelsemium, viz.: "Drooping of the lids." Also
found in Sepia; < in clear fine weather > in damp wet weather. (Nux vom, asthma
< in dry weather > in damp weather)
Conium: may or may not be ulcers on the cornea. Conium is also one of our
best remedies for falling of the eyelids, "Swelling and induration of glands, with
tingling and stitches after contusions or bruises." Many cases of lumps or
swellings in the breasts

Gelsemium: eyelids droop (Sepia, Caust.) until they are completely closed. The
fingers become unmanageable, so that he can no longer guide them over the
keys of the piano in playing; he cannot guide his feet where he wants to in trying
to walk, notwithstanding the sensorium remains clear, with perhaps the exception
of a little drowsiness. He knows perfectly well what he wants to do, it cannot do it.

Sepia: Yellow saddle across upper part of cheeks and nose, and yellow spots
on the face," is a characteristic of great value, but the yellowness and yellow
spots do not always stop here. You may find them in abundance on the

Half-Sight Remedies

Aurum (Lower), Lithium Carbonicum, Lycopodium (Left half of object)

Aurum: one of the few remedies that has Hemiopia or half-sight, and has cured
it even in the 200th potency. Lycopodium and Lithium carbonicum also have
half-sight, but Aurum sees only the lower, while the other two see only the left
half of objects

Fluent Coryza Remedies

Arsenicum Album, Allium Cepa, Euphrasia, Mercurius

Arsenicum Album: fluent watery discharge which corrodes the lips and wings of
the nose and more burning than the other two remedies. It often follows well after
Mercurius if that remedy only partially relieves

Allium Cepa: It has constant and frequent sneezing, with profuse acrid
discharge, which burns and corrodes the nose and upper lip, and it is worse in
the evening and indoors and better in open air. It has also profuse lachrymation,
with burning, biting and smarting of the eyes, but the discharge is bland; that is, it
does not make the eyes sore afterwards.

Euphrasia: tendency to an accumulation of sticky mucus on the cornea,

photophobia and lachrymation, Cough, sometimes dry, but generally loose,
worse during the day better night

Mercurius: creeping chilliness, profuse and persistent sweating without relief,

the mucous membranes are everywhere affected; the discharges from them are
at first thin and excoriating, even from the catarrh of the nose to the diarrheic, or
dysenteric, discharges. Afterwards they become thicker or blander, like the
Pulsatilla discharges.

Quinsy Remedies

Baryta carb, Lachesis, Phytolacca, Lac Canninum

Baryta carb: Tonsils inflame, swell and suppurate repeatedly, on every cold
exposure; chronic hypertrophy afterwards.
Glands swell, infiltrate, hypertrophy; neck, parotids, sub maxillary, groin,
lymphatic, in the abdomen; hypertrophy, sometimes suppuration
Great sensitiveness to cold

Lachesis: Left-sided affections generally, especially throat, chest, ovaries.

Inflamed parts very tender to touch and of bluish or dark color

Lac Canninum: the soreness of the throat and the pains alternate sides

Phytolacca: Tonsils red, swollen, with white spots, which sometimes coalesce
and form patches; pains run up into the ears, and aching, bruised, sore feeling in
head, back and limbs; < on motion, but must move; he aches and is so sore.

Stuffed Coryza

Ammonium Carb (Breathes with the mouth open). Sambucus (Children), Sticta

Ammonium Carb: Nose-bleed when washing the face in the morning.

Weak, anemic, flabby women; Weak, no reaction; Addicted to the smelling bottle;
Tendency to gangrenous degeneration of glands, as in scarlatina; the parotids

Sambucus: Is a prime remedy for "snuffles" in small children. It is of the dry

variety, completely obstructing the nose; child must breathe through the mouth. It
is also one of the best remedies for asthma millari. The attacks come on
suddenly in the night; child turns blue, gasps for breath and seems as if almost

Sticta: Heavy full feeling, and pain and pressure forehead and root of the nose >
by discharge.
Secretions in the nose dry up and form crusts; constant inclination to blow the
nose, without result, on account of the excessive dryness


Asthmatic complications

Arsenicum; Ipecac and Natrum sulph

Arsenicum: Burning, thirst for small quantities

Ipecac: Nausea, distressing, constant, with almost all complaints, as if from the
stomach, with empty eructation, accumulation of much saliva, qualmishness and
efforts to vomit

Natrum sulph: chronic asthma worse damp weather

Aconite: No remedy has more prominently acute inflammations arising from dry,
cold air Croup, Pleurisy, pneumonia and rheumatism also come under this head

Spongia: Croup often comes on after exposure to dry, cold winds. It generally
comes on in the evening, with high fever, excitement and fearfulness. Cough is
dry sounds like a saw driven through a pine board, worse on awakening out of
sleep, of use after Aconite

Hepar Sulph: After the Croup becomes loose, but still retaining some of its
croupy sound, Hepar sulphuricum comes in, especially if inclined to get worse
after midnight or in the morning hours. If the case inclines to relapse, or gets a
little croupier every evening, Phosphorus will often finish the cure

Mercurius: Affects lower lobe of right lung; stitches through to back (Chel, Kali
c.), gums are swollen, spongy, sometimes bleeding; the tongue is also swollen,
flabby, taking the imprint of the teeth, odor from the mouth is very offensive,
Moist tongue, with intense thirst, worse night

Chelidonium: fixed pain (dull or sharp) under the lower inner angle of the right
shoulder blade, in a chronic case, some anti-psoric like Lycopodium might have
to be called in

Kali Carb: It leads all the remedies for stitching pains. Bryonia stands next, but
there is a very marked difference. The stitching pains of Bryonia come on with
every movement, and only exceptionally when quiet, while those of Kali carb
come on independently of movement, great remedy for pneumonia, pleurisy and
heart troubles, and aggravation at 3 A. M. bag-like edematous swelling in the
upper eyelids

Profuse Expectoration
Sanguinaria: Loose cough with badly smelling sputa; the breath and sputa smell
badly to the patient himself, the expectoration is profuse and thick, Pain
beginning in occiput; spreads over the head and settles over the right eye (left
eye, Spigelia), with nausea and vomiting, Sensitive to noise and light.
Kali Hydroiodicum: Cough with profuse, thick, green, salty expectoration, from
deep down, as if from mid-sternum, with pain through to back; great weakness
and night sweats.

Stannum: the expectoration is profuse and thick, green, tastes sweet; so weak
cannot talk, Both Stannum and Kali iod have profuse night Sweats, very sad and
despondent, feels like crying all the time.

Purulent Expectoration
Hepar Sulph: Hypersensitive to touch, pain, cold air; fainting with the pain.
Loose cough, with wheezing and rattling, Cough as if mucus would come up, but
it does not. It is seldom indicated at first; but oftener comes in after Aconite or
Spongia, Aconite croup comes on in the evening after first sleep and Hepar in the
early morning hours. The breathing in all these cases becomes rattling, anxious,
wheezing, even to threatened suffocation, so that the patient seems asthmatic

Silica: especially useful in sweaty-headed children (Sanicula) with defective

assimilation, It does not increase in size or strength, learns to walk late

Tuberculin: Pain through left upper lung to back. Tubercular deposit begins
there. Longs for open air, wants doors and windows open, or to ride in strong

Stringy Expectoration

Kali Bichromicum: Affections of the mucous membranes with discharge of

tough, stringy, adherent mucus, which can be drawn out into long strings.
Formation of jelly-like mucus on mucous membranes

Hydrastis: Affections of the mucous membranes, where there is viscid stringy

discharge; stomach, bronchi, uterus, etc. Chronic constipation, that is remarkable
for its absence of any other symptoms.

Coccus cacti: Whooping cough with expectoration of much tough, ropy white
mucus. This mucus comes in large quantities and is often accompanied with
gagging and vomiting, which seems to expel the mucus from the stomach,
aggravations generally come on in the after part of the night or in the morning

Spasmodic Cough
Drosera: Many complaints come on at night, anxiety, sleeplessness, fear of
ghosts; spasmodic cough must support the chest when coughing; cramping
constricting sensation all over; coughing till vomits
Ipecacuanah: Spasmodic, or asthmatic cough; great depression and wheezing
breading; child becomes rigid and turns blue. Persistent nausea, threatened
suffocation from accumulation of mucus

Cuprum: SPASM is the one word characterizing this remedy. Cramps or

convulsions, in meningitis, cholera, cholera morbus, whooping cough scarlatina,
etc. Mental and bodily exhaustion from overexertion of mind, or loss of sleep


Badiaga: Spasmodic cough, viscid mucus, flies out of the mouth.

Bryonia: Cough, dry, hard, racking with scanty expectoration. Hurts head and
chest (Eupat. Perf, Natrum Sulph), worse coming into a warm room from open air
(Nat. Carb)

Guaiacum: Cough with expectoration of fetid pus.

Hyoscyamus: is very useful in a form of dry cough which is aggravated when

lying down and relieved by sitting up.

Kali Hyd: When after a hard cold a long-continued cough is the consequence,
There are two other remedies that may dispute the place with Kali hyd. in such
cases, viz., Sanguinaria and Stannum. In all the expectoration is profuse and
thick, but in Stannum the matter tastes sweet, in Sanguinaria the breath and
sputa are very fetid, even to the patient (also Sepia and Psorinum), while in Kali
hyd. it is salty to the taste (Sepia). With Kali hyd. and Stannum the expectoration
is often thick, green; not so much so with Sanguinaria

Manganum Acet. - Cough better lying down.

Phosphorus: cough is tight, worse from evening to midnight, also from

speaking, laughing, reading aloud (Argentum met.), cold, and lying on left side.
The patient suppresses the cough with a moan just as long as he can, because it
hurts him so. The whole body trembles with the cough.

Rumex: Violent, incessant cough, dry and fatiguing, with very little or no
expectoration, aggravated by pressure, talking, and especially by inspiring cold
air, and at night
The patient must cover up the head in bed in order to protect trachea and larynx
from contact with the air, which immediately excites cough . Phosphorus and
Spongia, have cough aggravated by breathing cold air, but none so markedly as

Spongia - Spongia is as useful as it is in the case of croup in children. There is a

great hoarseness, some soreness and burnings and the cough is worse on
talking, reading, singing or swallowing. It is particularly useful after Belladonna
has improved the sore throat. Spongia vies with Phosphorus, Sanguinaria and
Sulphur. There is soreness, burning, rawness and heaviness in the chest, while
the cough is worse in the evening, from cold air, talking, singing or moving, and
better from eating and drinking warm things.

Squilla: Has been found useful in cough, with sneezing; watering of the eyes,
and involuntary micturition. There may also be pleuritic stitches in the chest, with
or without effusion. The cough is generally loose and rattling, with expectoration
of such mucus, and the loose cough in the morning is more fatiguing than the dry
one in the evening.

Verbascum thapsus. Cough, deep, hollow, hoarse, with sound like a trumpet.

Senega: Cough with great accumulation of mucus, which seems to fill the chest,
with much rattling, wheezing and difficult breathing; especially valuable with old
people, but works well with others. Always use it low; no success with the high.

Myrtus communis:. Obstinate cough, mostly dry, with pain in upper portion of
left chest, right through to left shoulder-blade. this is a gem and has, I believe,
cured more than one case of incipient consumption for me. Sulphur, Pix liquida,
Anisum, Arum tri. Theridion have a similar symptom, but Myrtus leads, unless
there is decided psoric taint, when Pix liquida or Sulphur would lead.

Drosera: has a deep sounding, hoarse, barking or trumpet-toned cough,

something like that of Verbascum, but there is more laryngeal trouble with
Drosera, for the voice in talking has a deep base sound. Drosera is also one of
our leading remedies in spasmodic coughs, whooping cough. With the cough
there is great constriction of the chest and abdominal muscles, so that the patient
holds them with the hands. The cough is worse after midnight.

Sticta - The Sticta cough is also worse at night when lying down and keeps the
patient awake , sleeplessness is a frequent concomitant. In this respect Sticta is
like Coffea cruda, which is wonderfully efficacious here.



Natrum mur- is one of our best remedies for anemia. It does not seem to make much
difference whether the anemia is caused by loss of fluids (China, Kali carb.), menstrual
irregularities (Puls.), loss of semen (Phos. acid, China), grief or other mental diseases. In
these cases of anemia, to which Natrum is adapted, we may, in addition to the general
paleness, have emaciation, notwithstanding the patient eats well.

Hemorrhages Remedies

Hamamelis, Secale, Crotalus, Elaps


Ferrum Phos, Ipecacuanah, Phosphorus

Bright Red, Profuse, Active

Ipecacuanah, Nitric Acid

Bright with Fear and Anxiety

Aconitum Nap

From Injuries


Congestion to Head and Throbbing


Wants to be fanned

Calcarea Ost, Belladonna, Cuprum Met Ipecacuanah, Alumina Bryonia,

Mercury Mezereum, Kali Sulph, Pulsatilla, Carbo Vegetabilis

Great Loss of Blood


Dark String and Long clots


Partly Fluid, Partly Solid

Ferrum Met
Delirium and Jerking


Blood Decomposed


From all Outlets, Black

Crotalus, Elaps, Acid Sulph

Profuse and President


Partly Fluid, Partly Hard Black Clots





Coldness Objectives

Camphor, Secale, Veratrum Alb, Heloderma

Camphor: Great coldness of the external surface, with sudden and complete
prostration of the vital forces, the patient will not be covered, or objects to it,
no matter how objectively cold he is. Secale coldness or collapse is exactly
like this, and even in gangrene senile it proves a great remedy on the same
indications and is suited to feeble, thin, scrawny, cachectic women of lax
muscular fiber, subject to passive hemorrhages, "burning of all parts of the
body, as if sparks were falling on them." Camphor has the collapse with
painless stool or even no stool at all, while Veratrum has the collapse
seemingly as a consequence of the very profuse evacuations of stomach and
bowels. Both have great external coldness, but Veratrum has a very marked
appearance of cold sweat upon the Hippocratic face, especially forehead.
"Mania with desire to cut and tear things especially clothes, with lewdness
and lascivious talk, religious or amorous." Cuprum leads the trio, when
the cramp in stomach and extremities is the most prominent symptom

Heloderma: many forms of disease characterized by great coldness-"arctic"

coldness. Colic waves from occiput to feet or ascending.
Burning Remedies

Arsenicum, Acid Sulph, Cantharis, Capsicum, Phosphorus, Sulphur

Arsenic: leads all the remedies for burning sensation, especially in acute
diseases. It is not by any means confined to acute diseases, but is often found
in chronic affections, especially of a malignant character or tending to
malignancy. I think perhaps Sulphur outranks it generally for burnings in
chronic affections. There is hardly an organ or tissue in the human system
where these burnings of Arsenic are not found. This burning, strange as it
may seem, is greatly ameliorated by heat. Hot applications if they can be
gotten in contact with the part, also heat of a warm stove or warm room.
This is the exact opposite of Secale cor, for while the part is objectively
cold, it still burns, but hot applications are intolerable; they cannot even bear
to have it covered;

Acid Sulph: "flushes" of heat, after Sulphur has failed at the climacteric,
apthous affections of the mouth. It is particularly efficacious in greatly
debilitated subjects, and in children with marasmus with this kind of mouth;
ecchymosed spots under the skin. This last symptom would indicate that
Sulphuric acid might be useful in black and blue spots in the skin, as the
result of bruising, and practice corroborates it, and it follows well after
Arnica. Ledum is also one of our best remedies for ecchymosis from bruises,
"black eye," for instance; this is, of course, for bruises under the skin; While
Ruta is just as efficacious for bruises of the periosteum.

Cantharis: frequent micturition attended with burning, cutting pain, or if

not so frequent and the cutting, burning pain attends the flow

Capsicum: also a good remedy for dysentery or one later stage of

gonorrhea, or in throat complaints, when there is great burning in the
mucous membrane of the affected part. In short, it is a remedy to be
remembered in all affections, accompanied with burning of mucous
membranes in any locality.

Phosphorus: Burnings prominent in every place, as in mouth, stomach,

small intestines, anus, between scapula, intense, running up spine, palms of
hands, heat begins in hands, spreads to face.

Sulphur: Burning on vertex (outer and inner head); burning in eyes, painful
smarting; burning water from nose; burning in face without redness; burning
pain in tongue; burning vesicles in mouth; sore throat with great burning and
dryness, first right, then left; burning in stomach; burning and pressure in
rectum; burning and itching in hemorrhoids; burning in anus; burning in
urethra; burning in vagina, scarcely able to keep still; nipples burn like fire;
burning in chest, rising to face; burning between scapula (Phos. and Lyco);
burning of hands; burning of feet; puts them out of bed to cool them; hot
flushes and burning all over; burning skin of whole body; itching eruptions
burn after scratching.
Sensation of Coldness

Arsenic Alb, Calc Ost. Cistus, Heloderma

Arsenic Alb: Great anguish and restlessness, driving from place to place.
Great and sudden prostration, sinking of vital force; better heat, worse cold

Calc Ost: Fairs fat, flabby, obese.

Coldness, general and local, subjective and objective, especially as if had on
cold, damp stockings, Affections from working in cold water.

Cistus: extremely sensitive to cold. Sensation of coldness in various parts;

Scrofulous ophthalmia; Poisoned wounds, bites, phagedenic ulcers;
Malignant disease of the glands of the neck. Cistus has affinity for nasal-
pharynx; aborts colds that center in posterior nose. Sniffling

Heloderma: great coldness-"arctic" coldness. Colic waves from occiput to

feet or ascending; eye troubles
Sensation of Fullness

Aesculus Hip, China, Lycopodium

Aesculus Hip: Sense of fullness and pulsation in various organs and veins
(especially plethoric), as if too full of blood; Constant dull backache across
sacrum and hips; < walking or on stooping (piles, leucorrhoea,
displacements etc.). Sense of fullness, and as of sticks in the rectum

China: Great flatulence, with sensation as if the abdomen were packed full;
not > by eructation or passing flatus. General shaking chill over whole body

Lycopodium: Dark-complexioned people; emaciated in face and upper

parts, bloated or swollen in lower; keen intellectual but feeble muscular
Sensation of Emptiness

Cocculus, Phos, Sepia

Cocculus: General sensation of weakness; or weak, hollow, gone feeling in

head, stomach, abdomen, etc.; < by loss of sleep or night watching.

Phosphorus: Craving for cold things, ice cream, which agrees, or cold
water, which is thrown up as it gets warm in the stomach. Must eat often or
he faints. Must get up at night to eat; Sinking, faint, empty feeling in head,
chest, stomach and whole abdominal cavity

Sepia: Flushes of heat and perspiration at the climacteric.

Painful sense of emptiness or goneness at the pit of the stomach
Sensation of Numbness

Aconite, Chamomilla, Platina, Rhus Tox

Aconite: Numbness and tingling; shooting pains; icy coldness and

insensibility of hands and feet. Arms feel lame, bruised, heavy, numb. Pain
down left arm (Cact, Crotal, Kalmia, Tabac). Hot hands and cold feet

Chamomilla: Violent rheumatic pains drive him out of bed at night; compel
him to walk about.
Burning of soles at night; puts feet out of bed. Numbness with the pains

Platina: Pride and over-estimation of one's self; looking down on others;

things look small to her.
Genitals exceedingly sensitive, but excessive sexual desire; nymphomania,
with ovarian. troubles; prolapses or profuse menses
Pains increase gradually and as gradually decrease (Stann.); sometimes
attended with numbness (Cham.).

Rhus Tox: Muscular rheumatism, sciatica; left side (Col.); aching in left
arm, with heart disease.
Great sensitiveness to open air; putting the hand from under the bed cover
brings on the cough (Bar., Hep.).
Back; pain between the shoulders on swallowing.
Sensitiveness to Touch

China, Hepar Sulph, Lachesis

China: Excessive sensitiveness, especially to light touch, draft of air; hard

pressure relieves.

Hepar Sulph: Hypersensitive to touch, pain, cold air; fainting with the pain.

Lachesis: Modalities: < at climacteric; touch, constriction or pressure, sun-

heat, after sleeping; > after discharges (suppressed or delayed discharges).
Weakness Remedies


Arsenicum, Carbo Veg, Muriatic Acid, China, Picric Acid, Manganum Acid

Arsenicum: Great and sudden prostration, sinking of vital force.

Intense burning pains; intense thirst; drinks often, but little, as cold water
Dyspnoea < on motion, especially ascending

Carbo Veg: Vital force nearly exhausted; complete collapse.

Blood stagnates in the capillaries; venous turgescence; surface cold and blue.
Hemorrhages (nose, stomach, gums, bowels, bladder or any mucous
surface), with indescribable paleness of the surface of the body. Hunger for
oxygen, decarbonized blood; cries, "fan me, fan me hard!" Anemic,
especially after acute diseases, which have greatly depleted the patients;
chronic effects; Persons who have never fully recovered from the exhausting
effects of some previous illness
China: Debility and other complaints after excessive loss of fluids, blood-
letting, etc.
Hemorrhages profuse, with faintness, loss of sight and ringing in the ears;
Great flatulence, with sensation as if the abdomen were packed full; not > by
eructation or passing flatus
Painless diarrhea (yellow, watery, brownish, undigested)

Manganum Acid:

Muriatic Acid: Great debility; as soon as he sits down his eyes close; lower
jaw hangs down; slides down in bed.
Malignant affections of mouth; Ulcers, deep, dark, base bluish, offensive,
foul breath

Picric Acid: persistent tired feeling all over the body, which is generally
accompanied with corresponding weakness of mind, indifference, and want
of will power, and a desire to lie down. There is great heaviness of the legs,
can hardly lift them from the ground, tired, aching feeling in the back with
some burning (Phosphorus and Zinc met.) at times low down. Even the brain
is fagged and the slightest exertion or mental effort brings on headache. This
headache is oftenest found in students, overworked business men, and in
persons depressed by grief or other emotions.
Weak chest

Phosphoric Acid, Stannum, Sulphur

Phosphoric Acid: Chest, weak from talking or coughing; cough, purulent,

offensive expectoration, and pains in chest. Salty expectoration in proving

Stannum: Great weakness in chest, can hardly talk, with general debility,
which centers in the chest.
Loose cough; with heavy, green, sweet expectoration
Pains gradually increase to a great height, and as gradually subside.

Sulphur: It is after the stage of effusion has set in or even later when this
stage is passed and the results of the inflammatory process are to be gotten
rid of; like the enlargement of the joints in rheumatism, exudations into
serous sacs, pleura, meningeal membranes, peritoneum, etc. Bryonia is one
of the remedies first thought of in these cases, and we have another remedy
that is making a record for itself here, viz., Kali Muriaticum; but when the
case is complicated by psora and, especially, when the characteristic
burnings stand out prominently Sulphur is almost sure to be needed before
the case is finished.
Weak Abdomen


Phosphorus: Craving for cold things, ice cream, which agrees, or cold
water, which is thrown up as it gets warm in the stomach. Must eat often or
he faints. Must get up at night to eat
Sinking, faint, empty feeling in head, chest, stomach and whole abdominal
Diarrhea, profuse, pouring out as from a hydrant; watery with sago like
particles or dysenteric, with wide open anus
Apathetic, unwilling to talk, answers slowly, moves sluggishly.
Constipation: feces slender, long, dry, tough and hard like a dog's; voided
with difficulty.
Weak Stomach

Ignatia, Hydrastis, Sepia

Ignatia: All-gone, weak, empty sensation in stomach not > by eating.

Anal troubles (piles, prolapses, soreness and pain after stool, pains shooting
up into abdomen).
Adapted to emotional, hysterical subjects

Hydrastis: Pain and very weak, faint, gone feeling in stomach, which is
sometimes actually sunken.

Sepia: Painful sense of emptiness or goneness at the pit of the stomach.

General relaxation, weak, faints while kneeling at church; falling womb and
pelvic organs; drooping eyelids, weak back < on walking.

Constipation Remedies

Alumina, Anacardium, Bryonia, Sepia, Veratrum Alb

Alumina: "Inactivity of the rectum, even the soft stool requires great straining."
Like Bryonia, there is no desire for stool and the constipation seems to depend
upon dryness of the mucous follicles. Again it is adapted to dry, spare subjects.
There are other points of resemblance between these two remedies and they
complement each other well. There are both excellent in infantile constipation,
which is often a very obstinate affection to treat
Anacardium: frequent ineffectual urging to stool also found in Nux Vomica; Nux
vomica has desire, but with irregular or over-action. Anacardium has the desire,
but with not sufficient action to carry it out; Then Anacardium has a sense of a
lump or plug in the anus which ought to come away, which does not appear
under Nux vomica.

Bryonia: stools, hard and dry as if burnt; thirst for large quantities of water

Sepia: a remedy for constipation, and that of a very obstinate character. Like
Selenium it has great straining; but manual aid is necessary to accomplish the
stool. This is mostly in children

Silica: The little fellow strains and strains, the stool partly protruding and then
slipping back (Sanicula and Thuja), as though the general weakness of the
patient affected the expulsive power of the rectum, or else the bowels become
very persistently loose, especially during dentition or the hot weather of summer.
The stools are changeable, but Pulsatilla does no good

Veratrum Alb: Constipation from inactivity of rectum, with heat and headache.
Constipation of babies, and when produced by very cold weather

Violent Cathartic Remedies

Aloe, Croton Tig, Podophyllum

Aloe: Insecurity of rectum; rectum feels full of heavy fluid, which will fall out, and
does, if he does not go to stool immediately. Diarrhea
Solid stool, passing (in large balls) away involuntarily and unnoticed

Croton Tig: Stool yellow, watery, coming out like a shot, all at once; < after least
food or drink.
Excruciating pain, running from nipple to scapula; of same side when child

Podophyllum: Diarrhea; stools profuse (drain the patient dry), offensive, <
morning and during dentition.
Persistent gagging, without vomiting; rolling the head and moaning with half-
closed eyes
Great loquacity during the fever stage, especially with jaundiced skin.
Prolapses of uteri; prolapse of rectum


Bell, Lil-Tig, Sepia- feeling if contents will come out through the vulva
Dioscorea - Colic pain begins at umbilicus and radiates to all parts of the body, even
Two remedies which have pain and distress in the stomach immediately after eating, even
when the patient is still at the table. They are Nux mos. and Kali bichromicum. With Nux
vomica and Anacardium the pain comes on an hour or two after eating. With Nux mos.,
everything they eat seems to turn to wind (Kali carb, Iodine), and fills the stomach and
abdomen so full as to cause pressure upon all of the organs of the chest and abdomen.

Nux Vomica -After eating: (Kali bich., Nux moschata) sour taste pressure in the stomach
an hour or two afterward, with hypochondriacal mood, pyrosis tightness about the waist;
must loosen clothing (Lachesis, Calcarea, and Lycopodium), confused cannot use mind
two or three hours after meal, epigastrium bloated, with pressure as from a stone in the

Phosphorus - empty, gone feeling, and here again we think of such remedies as Ignatia,
Hydrastis, Sepia and others; but Phosphorus does not stop here with this sensation, but
extends through the whole abdomen. No remedy has this feeling in the abdomen so
strong as Phosphorus.

Plumbum - Excessive pain in abdomen radiating to all parts of the body (Dioscorea) It is
found mostly in colic, but may be found in uterine troubles, such as menorrhagia,

Raphanus - Abdomen tympanic; hard; no flatus up or down

Disorders of alimentation

Bry, Nux V, Puls

All have sensation of stone in stomach, Bry and Nux more than Puls.
Bry leads in thirst, Nux less, Puls least.
All have bad taste in mouth, Bry and Puls bitter, Nux sour.
All have nausea and vomiting, Bry worse motion, NuX in the AM and after eating, Puls
evening and also after eating.
Bry- warm weather, Nux – spices, alcohol, coffee, Puls – fatty foods

Ferrum Met -Wants bread and butter; meat disagrees (opposite Natrum mur.) Beer or
tea also disagrees. Food lies in the stomach all day and is vomited at night." "Bowels feel
sore as if they had been bruised, or as if he had taken cathartics; undigested, painless
stools at night, or while eating or drinking." (Croton tig, China)

Hepar Sulph - "longing for acid things." (Veratrum alb.) This is often the case in
chronic dyspepsia and Hepar helps. This condition of the stomach is sometimes found in
marasmus of children. It is often accompanied by diarrhea, and a very important feature
is that the diarrhea is sour; indeed the whole child seems to smell sour no matter how
much it is bathed. The sour stool is also very prominently under Magnesia carbonicum
and Calcarea carbonicum. Then there is another condition of the bowels, namely, a kind
of atony. The stools are passed with great difficulty, even though they are soft and clay-
like, as they sometimes are under this remedy. This state of atony is also found in the

Ignatia- "Sharp pains shooting upward into the rectum." (Sepia has similar pains in

Ipecacuanah - Ipecacuanha and Pulsatilla, because both are useful in gastric

disturbances caused by indulgence in mixed diet -pastry, ice-cream, pork, fatty food, etc.
Pulsatilla may be considered the better, while the food is in the stomach. Ipecacuanha
after it is out, but the nausea persists notwithstanding.

Iris Versicolor - The gastric troubles of this remedy are often accompanied with a
burning of tongue, throat, esophagus and stomach, and, if diarrhea is present, with
burning of the anus. This burning of the alimentary canal is very characteristic of this

Kali Bichromicum - It is often found in drunkards, especially beer drunkards. There is

great weight in the stomach, fullness, a distress immediately after eating (like Nux
Moschata), but not like Nux vomica, which comes on two or three hours after, nor like
Anacardium, which also comes on two or three hours after eating, and then the pain
continues until he eats again, which relieves

Kali Carb: "Excessive flatulency, everything he eats or drinks appears to be converted

into gas."
"Fullness, heat and great distention in abdomen immediately after eating a little."

Lachesis - This remedy is often of great use in that very common malady, hemorrhoids;
and here you have the constricted feeling, whether the piles are external or blind, and
sometime a beating or throbbing, or as the patient will perhaps express it, a sensation of
"little hammers" beating in the rectum

Magnesia carb has toothache which at first sight seems to simulate that of Mercury. It
comes in decayed teeth and is worse at night. There is a finer shade of difference,
however, that distinguishes them. Mercury is worse from the warmth of the bed (a
general characteristic of Mercury), while Magnesia carb. is worse quiet. The patient is
obliged to walk about for relief
Mercurius Protoiodide - the yellow base of the tongue is an indication for the use of this
remedy. Stomach and liver troubles often produce this appearance of the tongue

Muriatic acid- is very useful in hemorrhoids, swollen and blue, and so sensitive to
touch that they cannot bear the contact of the sheet. Rectum prolapses easily (Ignatia,
Ruta), cannot urinate without it coming down. Also when wind is passed or bowels
move. Bladder weak, urine passes slowly, or must press until rectum protrudes. Cannot
bear the least touch, not even sheet on genitals (Murex)

Natrum mur- acts upon the whole alimentary tract, from mouth to anus, and has very
characteristic symptoms guiding to its administration. The lips and corners of the mouth
are dry, ulcerated, or cracked (Condurango). In this it resembles Nitric acid, as it also
does at the other end of the alimentary canal; for with both remedies the anus is fissured,
sore, painful and sometimes bleeding. Antimonium crudum and Graphites are also to be
remembered in this connection; but while Graphites has the affection of both mouth and
anus, it is more of an eczematous or eruptive character than either of t

Phosphorus - Hunger is one, must eat often or he faints; right after or soon after a meal,
is hungry; hungry in the night; must eat. He is relieved by eating, but is soon hungry
again. This calls to mind Iodine, Chelidonium, Petroleum, Anacardium, etc.The thirst is
also peculiar. He wants cold things, like Pulsatilla, but as soon as they get warm in the
stomach they are vomited. Some people have an abnormal craving for salt, or salt food,
and eat too much of it. Phosphorus is a good remedy to counteract the bad effects. (Nat.

Pulsatilla - Bad taste in the mouth, especially early in the morning, or nothing tastes
good, or no taste at all." (Bryonia, bad taste with coated tongue and thirst; Pulsat. no
thirst). "Great dryness of the mouth in the morning, without thirst. Stomach disordered
from cakes, pastry, rich food; particularly fat pork." Loss of taste is frequent, as is also
the loss of smell . How peculiar that Pulsatilla should have dry mouth and no thirst, while
Mercurius should have characteristically moist mouth with intense thirst

Colic Remedies

Bovista, Colocynths, Chamomilla, Dioscorea (Straightening), Jalapa, Magnesia Phos, Staphisagria,

Stannum, Veratrum Album,

Bovista: Colic, with red urine; relieved by eating. Must bend double. Pain
around umbilicus. Stitches through perineum towards rectum and genitals.

Colocynths: colic is terrible, and is only bearable by bending double, or

pressing something hard against the abdomen. He leans over chairs, the table
or bed posts to get relief. This colic is neuralgic in character, and is often
attended with vomiting and diarrhoea, which seems to be a result of the great
pain more than any particular derangement of the stomach or bowels The
remedy that comes nearest to Colocynth for colic is Magnesia Phos
especially in colic in children.
They both have the cramping pains, but the pains of Magnesia Phos. are
most relieved by hot applications like Arsenicum, both are also equally
efficacious for neuralgic affections in other localities . Chamomilla and
Colocynth resemble each other, in that both have colic from a fit of anger or
other neuralgic affections from the same cause. Chamomilla succeeds in the
colic of children, if there is much wind which distends the abdomen; the
child tosses about in agony, but does not double up like Colocynth.
Staphisagria is also a remedy for colicky children, with disposition like
Colocynth and Chamomilla. In such children the teeth grow black and decay
early. Again the Staphisagria child is often troubled with sore eyelids. In
such a case there is chronic tendency to colic and Staphisagria is sometimes
the only remedy. Veratrum album also has colic, bending the patient
double, similar to Colocynth, but the patient walks about for relief, or is
much prostrated and has cold sweats, especially on the forehead. Bovista has
colic relieved by bending double, after eating

Dioscorea: Colic pain begins at umbilicus and radiates to all parts of the
body, even extremities.

Jalapa: colic and diarrhea; "Child 'good' all day; screaming, restless and
very troublesome at night"

Stannum: pains gradually increase to a great degree of intensity and then as

gradually decrease. (See Platinum) This pain is of course neuralgic, may be
located anywhere in the tract of a nerve, but has been often verified in
prosopalgia, gastralgia and abdominal colic. pains are ameliorated by
pressure, like Colocynth and Bryonia; so if Colocynth fails, which is
generally first thought of in abdominal pains relieved by pressure, Stannum
may relieve, and especially if the attacks have been of long standing or the
patient seems to have a chronic tendency thereto; patient is generally very
sad and despondent, feels like crying all the time. (Nat. m, Puls, Sepia)

Bleeding piles, also for piles with hard blue lumps – Lycopodium
Flatulent Remedies

Carbo Veg, China, Lycopodium

Carbo Veg: "Great accumulations of flatulence in the stomach." "Stomach

feels full and tense from flatulence." Great pain in stomach on account of
flatulence, worse especially on lying down

Lycopodium: This is one of the leading trio of flatulent remedies, Carbo
veg. and China being the other two. With Lycopodium there seems to be an
almost constant fermentation of gas going on in the abdomen, which
produces a loud croaking and rumbling. Remember, while China bloats the
whole abdomen Carbo veg. prefers the upper and Lycopodium the lower
parts. With Lycopodium this flatulent condition is very apt to occur in
connection with chronic liver trouble. Again this rumbling of flatulence is
often found particularly in the region of the splenic flexure of the colon or
left hypochondria.
Protrusion Remedies

Aloe, Ignatia, Podophyllum

Aloe: Great fullness and weight in whole abdomen, with feeling of weight in
rectum and hemorrhoids protruding like a bunch of grapes; > by cold water

Ignatia: All-gone, weak, empty sensation in stomach not > by eating.

Anal troubles (piles, prolapses, soreness and pain after stool, pains shooting
up into abdomen). Adapted to emotional, hysterical subjects

Podophyllum: Diarrhea; stools profuse (drain the patient dry), offensive, <
morning and during dentition. Prolapses of uteri; prolapse of rectum


Thuja: Condylomata, polyp, warts, sycotic excrescences; Styes, alopecia

and nail troubles; feeling as if limbs were made of glass, and will readily
break; as if a living animal were in the abdomen;
Insane women will not be touched or approached. Styes, alopecia and nail

Staphisagria: Styes, nodosities, chalaza, on eyelids, one after another,

sometimes ulcerating; least action or harmless word offends, teeth decay,
Hypochondriasis, apathy; weak memory; caused by unmerited insults,
sexual excess, or by persistently dwelling on sexual subjects.
Ailments from indignation and vexation or reserved displeasure;
sleeplessness, chronic blepharitis, and that is Graphites
Nitric Acid: Has a particular affinity for mucous outlets, where skin and
membranes join; cracks; fissures. Hemorrhages from all outlets of the body;
blood bright red. Pricking ulcers; excrescences; Condylomata; fig warts
(sycosis), Urine strong smelling; like horse urine, worse riding a carriage;
the anus is cracked and fissured similarly (Ratanhia), and hemorrhoids
protrude, crack, bleed and are very sore, pricking pain as of a splinter in the


Anacardium – Nails split

Silica – nails crippled, Graphites – thick crippled, Thuja – brittle, crumbling

Thuja - nails brittle, distorted, crumbling, misshapen or soft;

Naevi – Lycopodium, Fluoric Acid


Abrotanum, Calcarea, Iodine, Natrum Mur, Sarsaparilla, Silica, Sulphur

Abrotanum: Marasmus most pronounced in lower extremities, from

malnutrition; diarrhoea alternating with rheumatism.

Calcarea: Great debility: cannot walk far or go upstairs for short breath;
easily strained.

Iodine: Always hungry; eat or wants to all the time, yet emaciates; > while
eating. Hypertrophy of all glands except mammary, which dwindle; while
body withers glands enlarge. Great weakness and loss of breath on going up

Natrum Mur: Great emaciation, even while living well, shows most in the

Sarsaparilla: White sand in urine; also slimy or flaky urine.

Much pain at the conclusion of passing urine; almost unbearable
Marasmus; neck emaciates and skin lies in folds.
Silica: Weak, puny children; not from want of nourishment taken, but
defective assimilation.
Inflammations tending to end suppuration or refusing to heal; becoming
chronic; Coldness, lack of vital warmth, even when taking exercise; must be
wrapped up, especially the head, which >.
Suppressed sweat, especially of feet, which is profuse and offensive.

Sulphur: Burning everywhere, general and local, especially feet; has to

stick them out of bed to cool them.


Anti Psoric

Sulphur: Burning, lean stoop-shouldered; quick, wiry, nervous, active;

offensive smelling; effects upper left lung

Calcarea: Coldness fat, over-fat or strongly inclined to obesity; sluggish or

slow in its movements; Extremities deformed, crooked; sour smelling;
effects upper right lung

Lycopodium: Looks older than he is; bilious, swarthy, yellowish

appearance; keen intellect, but feeble muscular development; lean people,
leaning towards lung and liver troubles; awake out of sleep ugly and kick
and scream

Anti Sycotic

Thuja: Condylomata, polyp, warts, sycotic excrescences, bad effects

following vaccination; Urethritis in sycotic patients, which Cannabis sat.
Does not relieve; stream split, cutting after urination; discharge thick; worse
cold, damp air

Nitric Acid: Has a particular affinity for mucous outlets, where skin and
membranes join; pricking pains as of a splinter in the parts; Urine strong
smelling; like horse urine. Hemorrhages from all outlets of the body; blood
bright red. Pricking ulcers; excrescences; Condylomata; fig warts

Medorrhinum: chronic forms of rheumatism, Medorrhinum the pains are

worse in the day-time, and with Syphillinum in the night

Mercurius: Sweats day and night without relief in many complaints; tongue
and gums swollen, spongy or bleeding; breath very offensive; Moist tongue,
with intense thirst; Glandular swellings, cold, inclined to suppurate; worse
night; In low potencies, hastens suppuration; in high, aborts suppuration, as
in quinsy.

Kali Iodide: Cough with profuse, thick, green, salty expectoration, from
deep down, as if from mid-sternum, with pain through to back; great
weakness and night sweats. Stitches through the lungs; in middle of sternum;
through sternum to back or deep in chest; worse walking. Irresistible desire
for open air; walking in open air does not fatigue; periosteal rheumatism.
Intolerable bone pain, especially at night; syphilitics; Glandular swellings;
interstitial infiltration

Syphillinum: severe pains in the diseased part during the night, intractable
cases of chronic rheumatism. The most characteristic difference between
them is that with Medorrhinum the pains are worse in the day-time, and with
Syphillinum in the night

Bearing Down

Belladonna, Lilium Tig, Sepia

Belladonna: Transverse colon protrudes like a pad. Tender, swollen. Pain as

if clutched by a hand; worse, jar, pressure. Cutting pain across; stitches in
left side of abdomen, when coughing, sneezing, or touching it. Extreme
sensitiveness to touch, bed-clothes, (Laches); Sensitive forcing downwards,
as if all the viscera would protrude at genitals. Dryness and heat of vagina.
Dragging around loins. Pain in sacrum. Menses increased; bright red, too
early, too profuse. Hemorrhage hot

Lilium Tig: Menses early, scanty, dark, clotted, offensive; flow only
when moving about. Bearing down sensation with urgent desire for
stool, as though all organs would escape. Ceases when resting (Sep;
Lac c; Bell).
Sepia: Pelvic organs relaxed. Bearing-down sensation as if everything
would escape through vulva (Bell; Kreoso; Lac c; Lil t; Nat c; Pod); must
cross limbs to prevent protrusion, or press against vulva. Leucorrhoea
yellow, greenish; with much itching. Menses Too late and scanty, irregular;
early and profuse;
Bruised Feeling

Arnica, Baptisia, Bellis, Eupatorium Perf, Pyrogen, Ruta

Arnica: "Everything on which he lies seems too hard" (Pyrogen.); he must

keep changing his position to get relief. This is because of the sensation of
soreness as if bruised all over

Baptisia: -"Feels as if lying on a board; changes position bed feels so hard,

makes him feel sore and bruised." Offensive discharge
Phytolacca has- "Feels sore all over from head to foot; muscles sore and
stiff, can hardly move without groaning." Throat sore
Rhus Tox has -"Soreness in every muscle, which passes of during exercise;
feels stiff and sore on first beginning to move." Actual sprain
Ruta has -"All parts of the body on which he lies are painful as if bruised."
Here are five remedies which seem much alike and other might be added,
like Staphisagria, which has -All the limbs are sore as if bruised, and as if
there were no strength in them, and China -"He is sore all over, in the joints,
the bones, and the periosteum, as if they had been sprained, like a drawing,
tearing, especially in the spine, the sacrum, the knees and thighs."

Bellis: "It is a princely remedy for old laborers, especially gardeners"


Eupatorium Perf: "Bruised feeling as if broken, all over the body."

(Arnica, Bellis, Pyrogen.) The bruised feeling is accompanied with a deep
hard aching, as if in the bones
Pyrogen: The bed feels hard (Arnica), parts laid on feel sore and bruised
(Baptisia), rapid decubitus (Carbol. acid)." "Great restlessness, must move
constantly to > the soreness of the parts (Arnica, Eupator. perf)." "Tongue:
large, flabby; clean, smooth as if varnished ; fiery red; dry, cracked,
articulation difficult."
Ruta: prominent action in the periosteum, especially in injuries and effects
therefrom, also, like Arnica, has a "bruised, lame sensation all over as after a
fall; worse in limbs and joints," and also "all parts of the body upon which
he lies are painful, as if bruised." Like Rhus tox., the Ruta patient wants to
change position frequently. The pains and lameness of Ruta seem to have a
particular liking for the wrists. Here also must Eupat. perf. be remembered.

Pulsations or Throbbing

Belladonna, Glonoine, Melilotus

Belladonna: All acute inflammatory diseases present prominent head

symptoms, pain, red puffed face, throbbing carotids and delirium,
and spasms, or jerks and twitching.
Eyes staring, red, blood-shot and pupils first contracted, then greatly dilated.
Mouth and throat very dry, red, sometimes greatly swollen; all mucous
surfaces correspondingly dry and hot.
Pains appear suddenly, and after a while disappear as suddenly as they came.

Glonoine: Sudden local congestion, especially to head and chest; bursting

headache rising up from neck, with great throbbing and sense of expansion
as if to burst; cannot bear the least jar.
Can't bear anything on the head, especially hat; or pressure as of a hat;
Over-heating in the sun, or sunstroke

Melilotus: The congestion to the brain is equal to that of Belladonna and

Glonoine, and the most characteristic symptom of such congestion is intense
redness of the face, with throbbing carotids, which is often > by a profuse

Pain Remedies

Pains Accompanied with Chill -Pulsatilla

Pains Accompanied with Sweating - Chamomilla

Pains Accompanied with Fainting -Hepar Sulph

Pains Accompanied with Micturition - Thuja

Pains Accompanied with Delirium - Verat Alb

Pains Cramping - Cuprum, Colocynths, Magnesia Phos

Pains Erratic - Lac Canninum, Pulsatilla, Tuberculinium

Pains Sticking or Stitching - Bryonia, Kali Carb, Squilla

Pains Deep to the Bones - Aurum, Asafoetida, Eupatorium Perf, Mercurius

Pains Sensitive - Aconite, Chamomilla, Coffea

Pains While Urination - Sarsaparilla, Equisetum, Thuja, Medorrhinum,


Kidneys and Urine Remedies

Berberis Vulgaris, Benzoic Acid, Cannabis Sativa, Sarsaparilla, Terebinthina

Berberis Vulgaris: Bruised pain, with numbness, stiffness and lameness in

region of kidneys < in bed in the morning.
Soreness in the region of the kidneys; bubbling sensation, < stepping or
jarring motion
Rheumatism or pains, like gouty pains in the joints; the pains radiate from a

Benzoic Acid: urine, which is scanty, of a dark brown color (like French
brandy), the urinous odor being highly intensified

Cannabis Sativa: urethra is very sensitive to touch or external pressure. The

patient cannot walk with his legs close together because any pressure along
the tract hurts him so. If the disease has extended up the urethra, or into the
bladder, there will often be severe pains in the back every few minutes and
the urine may be bloody

Sarsaparilla: White sand in urine; also slimy or flaky urine.

Much pain at the conclusion of passing urine; almost unbearable
Marasmus; neck emaciates and skin lies in folds.
Terebinthina: Burning and smarting on passing urine; urine red, brown,
black or smoky in appearance.


Benzoic acid: urine is very dark with very intense urinous odor.

Nitric acid: dark, smelling like horse urine.

Sepia: offensive and sourish.

Rheumatism Remedies

Kalmia (Descending), Ledum (Ascending), Silica

Kalmia: severe neuralgia of the face, but Kalmia is oftenest right-sided,

Spigelia left. Both have pains in eyes, worse on turning them, but Kalmia
has a sense of stiffness (Rhus Tox. and Natrum Mur). Spigelia eyes hurt as if
too large for the orbit. Both affect strongly the heart, and are useful in heart
troubles of rheumatic origin. Both have violent, visible, tumultuous action of
heart; Spigelia is invariably so, while Kalmia has at times remarkable
slowness of the pulse (like Digitalis). The Kalmia form of rheumatism, like
Cactus, goes from above downward (Ledum from below upward), and the
pains in Kalmia shift suddenly. If we were called to a case of migratory
rheumatism, and the heart seemed to be suffering, we would think of Kalmia
before Pulsatilla, of course all the other symptoms taken into consideration.
The pain of Kalmia often extends down to left hand (Rhus).

Ledum: Rheumatism begins in feet and travels upward (Kalmia opposite).

The swellings are pale, sometimes edematous, and < at night, in the heat of
the bed; uncovering or cold water relieves.
Ecchymosis; "black eye" from a blow or contusion; better than Arnica
Rheumatism and rheumatic gout; joints become the seat of nodosities and
"gout stones," which are painful.
Complaints of people who are cold all the time; lack of animal or vital heat;
parts cold to touch, but not cold subjectively to patient
Punctured wounds by sharp-pointed instruments, rat bites, stings of insects,
especially mosquitoes
Silica: Like Calcarea, it is especially useful in sweaty-headed children
(Sanicula) with defective assimilation. It is not in the fat, torpid, obese
patients, over-nourished in one part and insufficiently so in another, like
Calcarea that Silica is indicated, but in the over-sensitive, imperfectly
nourished (generally), not from want of food, but from imperfect

Lycopodium, Carbo veg: Varicose veins during pregnancy

Locomotor System

Alumina – Great heaviness in the lower limbs can scarcely drag, staggers, must sit;
excessively tired, numbness of heel.

Ammonium Mur: - Coldness on the back between shoulders ( Lyco and Phos. Has
burning); Stools covered with mucus like Causticum and like it, has pains in the muscles
and the ligaments as if contracted, while Causticum actually contracts causing arthritis
deformans ( Cimex, Natrum Mur); Sciatica worse sitting better moving.
Pains in heels ( Phytolacca, Cyclamen, Manganum, Ledum, Causticum and Valer)

Antim Crudum- Corns and callosities with chronic rheumatism ( Baryta Carb- foot sore
due to sweat), Puls- soles, pain tender, Ledum – heel and soles tender, Medorrhinum –
cant walk except on knees., Lyco – soles swollen; horny excrescences anywhere on the
skin, worse heat of sun.

Arnica - involuntary stools and urine., sore all over, bed feels hard ( Pyrogen),
ecchymoses, ( Baptisia as if lying on board, phytolacca feels sore from head to foot,
Staphisagria- all limbs sore, no strength, China – as if sprain, Ruta – all parts laid on feel
sore, god for bones and eyes.

Aurum Met – Bone pains, carries, depression, in liver and womb troubles, carries of
long bones ( Fluoric acid, Angostura) nose, heart troubles- violent palpitation, anxiety,
congestion of chest, beating carotids and temporal arteries.

Bryonia – Rheumatism of joints, great pain, worse touch or motion, better pressure (
Opp. Bell, Kali Carb)

Gnaphalium - Intense pain along the sciatic nerve, alternating with numbness

Hamamelis - This soreness is sometimes found in rheumatism and Hamamelis has cured
when Arnica failed

Kali Sulph -1st. Yellow or greenish discharges from mucous membranes.

2d. Evening aggravation of fever symptoms.

3d Amelioration (general) in open air.

4th. Rheumatic pains in joints, or any party of the body, of a shifting,

wandering nature.

5th Aggravation in a heated room.

6th Loose cough, with rattling of mucus.

These are all very similar to Pulsatilla, and have been frequently verified,
in cases of catarrh of mucous membranes, whether acute or chronic, but
especially chronic or after the failure of Pulsatilla.

Kalmia is oftenest right-sided, Spigelia left. Both have pains in eyes, worse on turning
them, but Kalmia has a sense of stiffness (Rhus tox. and Natrum mur.). Spigelia eyes hurt
as if too large for the orbit. Both affect strongly the heart, and are useful in heart troubles
of rheumatic origin. Both have violent, visible, tumultuous action of heart; Spigelia is
invariably so, while Kalmia has at times remarkable slowness of the pulse (like Digitalis).
The Kalmia form of rheumatism, like Cactus, goes from above downward (Ledum from
below upward), and the pains in Kalmia shift suddenly. If we were called to a case of
migratory rheumatism, and the heart seemed to be suffering, we would think of Kalmia
before Pulsatilla

Lac Canninum –Rheumatism, pains shift place to place.

Natrum Mur - numbness and tingling in fingers and toes, like that also found in the lips
and tongue, should make one think of Natrum. The ankles are weak and turn easily,
especially in children who are late in learning to walk. Painful tension in the bends of the
limbs, as if the cords were too short. This may amount to actual deformity, like
Causticum, Guaiacum and Cimex. Then the spine very irritable, sensitive to touch, yet
relieved by hard pressure, with weakness of the limbs, fluttering of the heart, even half
paralyzed extremities. As far as this spinal weakness is concerned, it may take on a form
of general debility, physical and mental labor equally prostrating, for which there is no
better remedy than Natrum mur. This condition may gradually progress to paralysis,

Lachnanthes tin.- Stiffness of neck, head drawn to one side; torticollis.

Ledum- The Ledum rheumatism begins in the feet and travels upward. This is the
opposite of Kalmia, which goes the other way. The swellings are pale and the pains are
worse at night and from the heat of the bed, wants them uncovered. This is like
Mercurius, but with Mercury the profuse sweat without relief, and especially the
characteristic mouth and tongue symptoms will decide. The ankles are swollen and the
soles are painful and sensitive, can hardly step on them. This painful and sensitive soles
of feet is also found under Antimonium crud., Lycopodium and Silicea. In these case of
rheumatic troubles the Ledum patient is unnaturally cold. "Lacks vital or animal heat," in
this, again, resembling Silicea; but although the Silicea patient has chronic rheumatism of
the feet, ankles and soles similar to Ledum, aggravated also at night, the warmth of the
bed does not aggravate, but on the contrary he wants to be covered warmly. Under Ledum
the relief from cold is so prominent that sometimes the only amelioration is from putting
the feet into cold water. It is well to think of Ledum in all cases of rheumatism of the feet
and study it up.

Syphillinum in intractable cases of chronic rheumatism. The most characteristic

difference between them is that with Medorrhinum the pains are worse in the day-time,
and with Syphilinum in the night.

Natrum Carb - Weakness of the ankles from childhood finds a good remedy in Natrum

Nux Vomica - Backache caused by masturbation (Kobalt, < sitting; Staphysagria, lying
at night) finds one of its best remedies in Nux vomica. The patient is apt to have backache
in bed, and must sit up to turn over.

Petroleum - Petroleum is one of our best remedies for seasickness. In this it resembles
Cocculus. Another curious symptom is cracking of the joints. This is like Causticum.
Both of these remedies are valuable in chronic rheumatism, especially where this
symptom is present

Phytolacca in Sciatica is, that the pain runs down the outer side of the limb. Periosteal
rheumatism, where the pains are especially worse in wet weather, sometimes finds a
remedy in Phytolacca. This drug seems to resemble in its action on the periosteum,
glands, bones and skin Kali hydroiodicum, and the two remedies complement each other,
of course, with indications, or the choice may sometimes lie between them. H. C. Allen
says: Phytolacca occupies a place midway between Bryonia and Rhus tox., and will often
help when these seem indicated but fail

Plumbum -lower limbs entirely paralyzed, and there is at the same time a symptom.,
excessive hyperæsthesia of the skin. Cannot bear to be touched anywhere, it hurt him so.
Plumbum has excessive and rapid emaciation; general or partial paralysis; "wrist drop."
Distinct blue line along margin of gums.

Rhus Tox - Rhus acts particularly on fibrous, muscular and cellular tissues. The muscles
are stiff and sore. This may be of a rheumatic character, or may have been induced by
straining, by heavy lifting or severe muscular exercise of any kind, or it may have been
brought on by exposure to cold, especially wet cold. Lameness and stiffness and pain on
first moving after rest, or on getting up in the morning, relieved by continued motion,

Sabina - Sabina has arthritic swelling of the wrist joint; also of the toe joints

Sanguinaria - "Rheumatic pain in right arm and shoulder, worse at night in bed, cannot
raise the arm."
Sarsaparilla - In marasmus Sarsaparilla stands alongside of Iodine, Natrum mur., and
Abrotanum. In Sarsaparilla the neck emaciates and skin (in general) lies in folds.
(Sanicula, Natrum mur. and Lycopodium emaciate from above downward. Abrotanum
from below upward.) Iodine, general emaciation, wishes to eat all the time. Natrum mur.
eats and emaciates all of the time, neck particularly. Abrotanum, general marasmus, legs
most. Argentum nitricum, child looks old, dried up, like a mummy

Staphisagria - backache, which is very peculiar, in that it is always worse at night in bed
and in the morning before rising.

Sticta - Sticta promptly cures inflammatory rheumatism of the knee joint. It is very
sudden in its attacks and unless promptly relieved by Sticta will go on to the exudative
stage and become chronic in character.

Stillingia: Extreme torture from bone pains and periosteal affections, especially in the
"tibia," syphilitic eruptions, etc.

Sulphur - the enlargement of the joints in rheumatism, exudations into serous sacs,
pleura, meningeal membranes, peritoneum, etc. Bryonia is one of the remedies first
thought of in these cases, and we have another remedy that is making a record for itself
here, viz., Kali muriaticum; but when the case is complicated by psora and, especially,
when the characteristic burnings stand out prominently Sulphur is almost sure to be
needed before the case is finished. Itching eruptions on the skin everywhere; scratching is
followed by burning. Burning everywhere, general and local, especially feet; has to stick
them out of bed to cool them.

Redness of all orifices, as if pressed full of blood (lips, ears, nostrils,

eyelids, anus, urethra, etc.).

Exudations into serous sacs following acute inflammations.

Weak, faint, after hot flashes, followed by sweat, especially at 11 A. M

Sulphuric Acid - Sulphuric acid might be useful in black and blue spots in the skin, as
the result of bruising, and practice corroborates it, and it follows well after Arnica. Ledum
palustre is also one of our best remedies for ecchymosis from bruises, "black eye," for
instance; this is, of course, for bruises under the skin; While Ruta is just as efficacious for
bruises of the periosteum

Theridion - In rachitis, caries and necrosis it apparently goes to the root of the evil and
destroys the cause." "pains run through upper left chest to shoulder." (Phthisis florida
has been cured on this symptom for a guide, if given early.) This is like Myrtus
communis,. (Sulphur, Pix liquida and Anisum stellatum also have it.)

Veratrum Alb - It is said to be a good remedy for rheumatism, which is worse in wet
weather and which drives the patient out of bed (Ferrum met.). Veratrum is a remedy of
wide range, because it covers a condition which may be found in so many different




Nux Vomica: Easily excited desire, Emissions from high living, Bad effects
of sexual excesses, Constrictive pain in testicles, Orchitis. [HAMA; PULS]
Spermatorrhoea, with dreams, backache, burning in spine, weakness and
irritability; Patient is broken down sexually because he is unusually
endowed with sexual desires and he indulges until broken down; sexually
exhausted, impotent

Calcarea: FREQUENT EMISSIONS. Increased desire, Semen emitted too

soon. Coition followed by weakness and irritability. Patient is weak
sexually, with general relaxation and weakness.
Sometimes an inordinate carving, sometimes an overwhelming desire keeps
him awake at nights.
But weak; weak in this way that any indulgence is followed by weak back,
sweating, weakness in general, so that he is compelled to abstain because of
the sufferings.

Sulphur: Stitches in penis. Involuntary emissions, itching of genitals when

going to bed, Organs cold, relaxed and powerless In the male, impotency;
the sexual desire is fairly strong, but he is unable to secure suitable
erections; or there is discharge of semen before intromission, or too soon
after intromission. There is an inflammatory condition around the glans and
Herpetic eruptions under the foreskin, itching and burning, this patient has
much annoyance from itching eruptions on the genitals.


Lycopodium - Lycopodium is also one of our best remedies for impotence.

(Agnus castus) The penis becomes small, cold and relaxed. The desire is as
strong as ever, and perhaps more so, but he can't perform. (Selenium,
Caladium). Use Lyco high in weekly doses.
Picric Acid - There is strong sexual desire with terrible erections, which is
followed by corresponding weakness or complete impotence.

Selenium - he begins to emaciate, especially in the face, hands and thighs

(Acetic acid.) Erections are slow and weak, emissions of semen too rapid in
coition and he is cross and weak afterwards. Sexual desire strong, but he is
physically impotent He is so weak that he is easily exhausted from any kind
of labor, either mental or physical. Hoarseness must often clear the throat of
mucus especially at the beginning of singing.

Staphisagria - Phosphoric acid is sometimes used for the results of onanism

when Staphisagria would do better

Women Remedies

Actaea Racemosa, Caulophyllum, Helonias, Lilium Tig, Murex, Secale Corn, Sepia, Sabina, Viburnum,

Actaea Racemosa: Gloomy, sad, sleepless; thinks she will go insane.

Menorrhagia; pains run through hips into thighs, passing down.
Climacteric; infra-mammary pains left side, persistent.
Modalities: < menstrual period and during climacteric.

Caulophyllum: long continued passive hemorrhage from the uterus after

miscarriage when the characteristic weakness and sense of internal trembling
present. It has often regulated irregular spasmodic labor pains, and has also
often relieved pains of the same character in dysmenorrhoea.

Helonias: woman exhausted by frequent pregnancies, abortions, loss of

blood, conscious of a womb

Lilium tigrinum: resembles Sepia in its action on the uterine organs. This
symptom, for instance, "weight, with feeling as if the pelvic contents would
pass out through the vagina if not prevented by pressure with the hand
(pressing up against the vulva, Lilium tig.), or by sitting down." The Sepia
case is more likely to be a chronic one. On the other hand, the Lilium case is
more intense, painful and distressing. There is more urinary irritation, or
frequent desire to urinate, with Lilium This remedy also has in a marked
degree the great characteristic symptom of Cactus grandiflorus, "sensation as
if the heart were constricted or held by an iron band."
Murex: with Murex there is great, almost uncontrollable sexual desire,
while with Sepia there is a lack of or aversion to the same, especially with
Both remedies have "sinking, all gone" sensation in the stomach; also
"bearing down" sensation, as if internal organs would be out, must sit and
cross limbs to ameliorate the pressure, but the sexual irritation and desire of
Murex is excited by the least contact of the parts. (Orig., Zinc)
Again, Murex has a sore pain in uterus, something like Helonias, which is
expressed as "conscious of a womb," feels it more when she moves, it is so
sore and tender. (Lyssin.) Two other remedies must be remembered in
nymphomania, viz, Lilium and Platina.

Secale: Passive hemorrhage, everything open and loose, no action, in thin,

scrawny, cachectic women.
Great coldness (objective) of the surface, yet the patient cannot bear to be
Numbness, crawling and paralysis; formication as of mice creeping there, all
parts of body

Sabina: profuse flowing from the female genital organs, as in menorrhagia,

Metrorrhagia, abortions, or after labor.
These hemorrhages are apt to occur in paroxysms, worse from motion
(Secale), blood dark (Kali nit. and Cyclamen), and clotted
(Crocus) or partly clotted and partly fluid and watery (Ferrum), the clots
being black; from loss of tone in the uterus; (Caulophyl.) after abortion or
parturition, with pain from back to pubes. This pain from back to pubes is its
grand keynote, and may be found, not only in flooding, but in threatened
abortion and menstrual troubles generally. Sabina is indicated in threatened
abortion at the third month, especially if the characteristic pain from back to
pubes is present. If the pains begin in the back and go around from there and
end with cramps in the uterus, Viburnum Opulus is the remedy. This kind of
pain seems as characteristic for Viburnum as is the other for Sabina.
Sabina has arthritic swelling of the wrist joint; also of the toe

Sepia: Bearing down pains, must sit close and cross her legs to keep
something from coming down out of the vagina. Sense of
fullness in the pelvic organs, and pressure down into the anus, as if a ball or
weight; oozing of moisture.
Flushes of heat and perspiration at the climacteric.
Painful sense of emptiness or goneness at the pit of the stomach.
General relaxation, weak, faints while kneeling at church; falling womb and
pelvic organs; drooping eyelids, weak back < on walking. Sensation of a ball
in inner parts; during menses, pregnancy, lactation, great sadness and
weeping. Dread of being alone; of meeting friends, indifferent, even to one's
family, to one's occupation; to those whom she loves

Viburnum: painful womb troubles. It has been used for painful

dysmenorrhoea in different potencies to the 30th, and in tincture. It seems to
be particularly efficacious in the neuralgic form of the disease. I have found
that the symptom, pain beginning in the back and going around to loins and
to uterus, ending in cramps there, is the most remarkable indication. With
this symptom present, I have seemingly checked an impending abortion, and
in one case even after a slight flow of blood was present.
Actaea racemosa, Chamomilla, Caulophyllum, Magnesia Phos. And
Viburnum are all excellent remedies in neuralgic dysmenorrhoea. In Actaea,
the pains are in back, through hips and down the thighs. In Chamomilla, they
make the patient mad and she says she cannot bear them.
With Caulophyllum the pains are very intermittent and spasmodic, screams
with the pains.
With Magnesia Phos, hot applications to the hypogastrium ameliorate more
or less.



Neuralgic Dysmenorrhoea Remedies

Actaea Racemosa, Chamomilla, Caulophyllum, Magnesia Phos, Viburnum

Actaea Racemosa: Gloomy, sad, sleepless; thinks she will go insane.

Menorrhagia; pains run through hips into thighs, passing down.
Climacteric; infra-mammary pains left side, persistent.
Modalities: < menstrual period and during climacteric.

Chamomilla: Very irritable mood; snaps and snarls; will not speak or
answer civilly; mad. Exceedingly sensitive to pain, which makes her mad:
numbness alternates with, or attends the pains; sweats with the pains;
Nervous, hysterical women. Burning of soles at night; puts feet out of bed.
Numbness with the pains
Caulophyllum: characteristic weakness and sense of internal trembling
present. It has often regulated irregular spasmodic labor pains, and has also
often relieved pains of the same character in dysmenorrhoea.

Magnesia Phos: Cramping pains everywhere, also lightning-like in coming

and going.
Spasmodic affections without febrile symptoms; Colic, whooping cough,
cramps in calves, etc.
Modalities: < cold air, cold water, touch, > heat warmth, pressure, bending

Viburnum: pain beginning in the back and going around to loins and to
uterus, ending in cramps there

Actaea racemosa, Chamomilla, Caulophyllum, Magnesia Phos and

Viburnum are all excellent remedies in neuralgic dysmenorrhoea. In
Actaea, the pains are in back, through hips and down the thighs. In
Chamomilla, they make the patient mad and she says she cannot bear
With Caulophyllum the pains are very intermittent and spasmodic, screams
with the pains.
With Magnesia Phos, hot applications to the hypogastrium ameliorate more
or less.
Of course we have many other remedies for this painful affection, among
which are Pulsatilla, Cocculus, Cuprum, Cactus, Belladonna, Platina, etc

Alum – Scanty delayed, patient weak, menses exhaust ( Carb. Animalis and Cocc),
anaemic, profuse leucorrhea, desires chalk, charcoal etc. cant eat potatoes, Natrum Mur –
cant eat bread with alum symptoms.

Ammonium Mur and Bovista Menses only at night, Kreos only on lying down, Lil Tig
– only on moving, Mag. Carb at night or when lying

Bryonia – Vicarious menses.


Varicose veins during pregnancy – Lycopodium, Carbo veg

Lachesis: Worse after sleeping, or in the morning. Many complain
connected with the menopause: hot flushes, hot sweats, burning vertex
headaches, hemorrhoids, and hemorrhages, pressure on the vertex.

Sepia: Flushes of heat and perspiration at the climacteric. Bearing down

pains, must sit close and cross her legs to keep something from coming
down out of the vagina. Cachectic, yellow face, with yellow saddle across
face and nose; moth patches; ringworms. Indifferent to family, great sadness
and weeping

Sulphur: Heat on crown of head; cold feet; frequent flushing with spells of
faintness. Bright redness of lips as if the blood would burst through.

Fidgety Remedies

Kali Bromatum (Hands), Phosphorus (General), Zincum (Feet)

Kali Bromatum: "fidgety hands." The patient must be working or playing

with them continually; even the sleeplessness is somewhat relieved by
moving the fingers over the bed clothes; or he plays with his watch chain or
the head of his cane, anything to work off this excess of nervousness

Phosphorus: a general fidgetiness of uneasiness; can't sit still, but changes

position continually

Zincum: "What Iron is to the blood, Zinc is to the nerves." violent trembling
all over, Can take no wine or stimulants (Glonoine, Ledum, Fluoric, acid,
Antimonium crudum,)
Leucophlegmasia (Dropsy)

Calcarea Ost, Capsicum, Graphites

Calcarea Ost: Sensations of coldness in single parts should always call to

mind Calcarea, as well as general coldness. (Cistus and Heloderma) the
profuse sweats on head of large headed, open fontanel in children. The sweat
is so profuse that during sleep it rolls down the head and face wetting the
Capsicum: weak; diminished vital heat. A relaxed plethoric sluggish, cold
remedy; not much reactive force; such persons are fat, indolent, opposed to
physical exertion

Graphites: fat, chilly, and costive, with delayed menstrual history, take cold

Lack of reaction

Laurocerasus- "Want of energy, of vital power; want of reaction, especially in

chest and heart affections, Only one other remedy has this aggravation, and
that is Psorinum. "Want of nervous reaction; the well-chosen remedy does
not act."

"Capsicum, lack of reaction in persons of lax fibre."

Opium, in patients where there is no pain; stupidity and


Valerian and Ambra in nervous affections, well chosen

remedies fail.

Carbo vegetabilis, collapse, coldness of knees, breath; perfect


Sulphur and Psorinum, where Psora complicates and hinders


Debility, Collapse

Carbo Veg, Arsenicum and Muriatic acid form a trio of remedies which
according to well-known indications has snatched many a patient from the
very jaws of death. Picture of Carbo veg.: Vital forces nearly exhausted,
cold surface, especially from knees down to feet; lies motionless, as if dead;
breath cold; pulse intermittent, thready; cold sweat on limbs; blood stagnates
in the capillaries, causing blueness, coldness and ecchymoses; Arsenic has
Great and sudden prostration, sinking of vital force. Intense burning pains;
intense thirst; drinks often, but little, as cold water disagrees. Muriatic acid
has Moaning or sliding down in bed from excessive weakness. (Typhoid)
Tongue dry, leathery and shrunken; one-third its natural size (Typhoid)

Eupatorium Perf- "Bruised feeling as if broken, all over the body." (Arnica, Bellis,
Pyrogen.) The bruised feeling of Eupatorium is accompanied with a deep hard aching, as
if in the bones. Eupatorium is especially adapted to worn out constitutions of old people
or inebriates. Bryonia is near analogue, having free sweat, but pains keep patient quiet,
while Eupatorium has scanty sweat, but pains make the patient restless.

Eupatorium Purp – Intermittent fevers, Capsicum seems to resemble this remedy, both
in the chills beginning in the back and the vesicles irritability, but the Capsicum chill
begins exactly between the shoulders, while Eupatorium begins in the dorsal or lumbar
region. Capsicum has violent chill, with general coldness of the body. Eupatorium purp.,
violent shaking with little coldness of the body. Eupatorium purp., Eupatorium perf. and
Capsicum all have bone pains before the chill, but Eupatorium perf. the strongest.

Ferrum Phos: It is not adapted to the full-blooded, sanguine, arterial subjects, with an
over plus of red blood that Aconite cures, but rather to pale, anæmic subjects, who with
all their weaknesses are nevertheless subject to sudden and violent local congestions and
inflammations, like pneumonia, or sudden congestions to head, bowels, or any other part,
or to inflammatory affections of a rheumatic character

Gelsemium – (Trembling Remedy)wants to lie down he feels so weak (Picric acid), and
is inclined to drowsiness; the pulse becomes weak and slow, but is accelerated on the
least motion. On attempting to walk, the legs tremble, or the hands tremble The eyelids
droop (Sepia, Caust.) until they are completely closed.

Helleborus - We know of its use in the advanced stage of serious brain troubles, such as
meningitis or any trouble of the brain where is threatened effusion, or effusion already
present. Symptoms: Head rolling from side to side on the pillow, with screams; great
stupidity or sonorous sleep; greedy drinking of water: wrinkled forehead with cold sweat;
motion of jaws, as chewing something; dilated pupils, and often cannot be made to see or
hear, or be made to sense anything at all; continual motion of one arm and leg, while the
other lies as if paralyzed; urine scanty or entirely suppressed, sometimes sediment like
coffee grounds.

Ignatia: 1st. Thirst during chill and in no other stage. 2d. Chill, relieved by external heat.
3d. Heat aggravated by external covering. 4th. Red face during the chill.

Hahnemann alternated Bryonia and Rhus in fevers

Ipecac. The persistent nausea in one or all stages.

Arsenicum alb. Irregularly developed paroxysm; thirst intense during heat,

for small quantities.
Eupator. perf. Bone pains; vomits bile at end of chill, 7 to 9 A. M.

Ignatia. Chill, with red face, > by external heat: frequent sighing.

Capsicum. Chill begins between shoulder blades and spreads.

Nux vomica. During heat can't uncover in least, without chill.

Nat. Mur. Chill 10 to 11 A. M.; bursting headache during heat; sweat >;
after Quinine.

Rhus tox. Cough in chill; restless and dry tongue in heat; tossing about.

Podophyllum. Great loquacity during chill and heat; jaundice.

Antimonium tart. Great sleepiness during heat and sweat, with pale face.

Mercurius - any disease in which this profuse and persistent sweating without relief is
present Mercurius is the first remedy to be thought of. Worse at night, and especially in
the warmth of the bed, is another strong characteristic of Mercurius.

Mercurius solubilis and vivus are so nearly alike that with the same indications some use
one and some the other preparation. It is claimed by some that the vivus is better adapted
to men and solubilis to women, the solubilis works better in skin troubles. Mercurius
corrosivus we have to say that it leads all other remedies for tenesmus of the rectum

Muriatic Acid – Typhoid, tongue dry, leathery and shrunken to a third of its natural
size, and paralyzed; pulse weak and intermittent. It is hardly possible to draw a picture of
a more desperate case of typhoid than this; the stools are involuntary while passing urine;
stools dark, thin, or hæmorrhage of dark liquid blood. Mouth full of dark-bluish ulcers;
unconscious. Moaning and sliding down in the bed from excessive weakness;

MYGALE LASIODORA.-Is also a spider poison, and has cured cases of chorea. The
cases seem to have been of a very violent nature, and the twitching in the facial muscles
is predominant. This remedy also ought to be fully proven.

Natrum Mur - its leading characteristic is in the time of the appearance of the chill.

Natrum appears characteristically at 10 to 11 A. M.

Eupatorium perfoliatum at 7 A. M.

Apis mellifica at 3 P. M.

Lycopodium at 4 P. M.
Arsenicum alb. at 1 to 2 P. M. or A. M.

Without fixing the time just to the hour, there are many remedies which
have chills in the morning or in the evening, etc. Now in regard to the time
of aggravation in fevers, they occur quite as characteristically in other than
intermittents. For instance the Natrum at 10 A. M., the Arsenic at 1 P. M.
or A. M., etc.

The fever, headache and all other symptoms of Natrum are relieved by
sweating, as are those of Arsenicum

Nux Vomica - "Great heat, whole body burning hot, especially face red and hot, yet the
patient cannot move or uncover in the least without feeling chilly

Phytolacca- Intense head and backache, and a sore, aching, bruised feeling all over the
body, causing the patient to groan, and while, like Rhus toxicodendron, he feels as if he
must move, the act of moving greatly aggravates all his pains and soreness. The patient is
also greatly prostrated, and sitting upright makes him faint and dizzy like Bryonia. There
is high fever, for the pulse is very quick; but the heat, like that of Arnica, is mostly in the
head and face while the body and limbs are cool.

Pyrogen - In all cases simulating septic fever or poisoning Arsenicum, Anthracinum and
Pyrogen should be remembered. The horrible burning pains of the first two are

Rhus Tox - in fevers or even inflammatory diseases the sensorium becomes cloudy
(smoky) or stupefaction sets in, with low grade of muttering delirium, dry tongue, etc.,
we think of Rhus. Dry or dark coated tongue, with triangular red tip, is especial
indication for this remedy. This condition of sensorium and tongue may appear in
dysentery, peritonitis, pneumonia, scarlatina, rheumatism, diphtheria; bilious, remittent,
typhoid fevers, etc. It makes no difference what the name or locality of the disease is if
the symptoms are there. The stupefaction calling for Rhus in these diseases is not so
profound as that calling for Hyoscyamus or opium, but is more on a parallel with such
remedies as Baptisia, Nux moschata, Lachesis or Phosphoric acid. Nor is the delirium so
violent as that calling for such remedies as Belladonna, Hyoscyamus and Stramonium.
Both stupefaction and delirium are mild in form, but regular and persistent. Of course the
Rhus restlessness is present and the patient tosses or turns from side to side

Spongia - Croup often comes on after exposure to dry, cold winds. It generally comes on
in the evening, with high fever, excitement and fearfulness. Aconite is the first remedy,
and in the 30th or 200th cures a great majority of cases without the aid of any other
remedy. But if after a few doses, or a reasonable time, it does not alleviate, and the case
continues to grow worse, and the paroxysms of cough and suffocation come on oftener,
and especially on awakening out of sleep, Spongia is generally the next remedy. After the
Croup becomes loose, but still retaining some of its croupy sound, Hepar sulphuris
comes in, especially if inclined to get worse after midnight or in the morning hours. If the
case inclines to relapse, or gets a little more croupy every evening, Phosphorus will often
finish the cure.

Veratrum Alb : "Cold sweat on the forehead". "Mania with desire to cut and tear things
especially clothes, with lewdness and lascivious talk, religious or amorous." Here the
choice will sometimes have to be made between this remedy and Stramonium. They are
both very loquacious, and both strongly religious. Also both at times very violent; but the
face of Stramonium is generally very red and bloated, while that of Veratrum is likely to
be pale, sunken or hippocratic; again, there is greater general weakness with Veratrum.

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