(Science) Assigned Topic For Lesson Plan

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(G7) Doing Scientific (G7) Doing Scientific (G7) Living Things and (G10) Plate Tectonics- (G10) Electromagnetic (G10) Light 2.1
Investigations (Ways of Investigations- Their Environment describe the Spectrum -cite examples Reflection of Light in
acquiring knowledge and recognize that (Parts and Functions)- distribution of active of practical applications Mirrors 2.2 Refraction of
solving problems)-describe substances are focus specimens using volcanoes, earthquake of the different regions of Light in Lenses-predict
the components of a classified into elements the compound epicenters, and major EM waves, such as the the qualitative
1 APOSTOL, MA.ELISA M. scientific investigation; and compounds; microscope; mountain belts use of radio waves in characteristics
telecommunications; (orientation, type, and
magnification) of images
formed by plane and
curved mirrors and
(G7) Doing Scientific (G7) Doing Scientific (G7) Living Things and (G9) Respiratory and (G9) Electronic Structure (G9) Mole Concept-
Investigations (Diversity of Investigations- Their Environment Circulatory Systems of Matter- explain how determine the percentage
Materials in the investigate properties Living Things and Their Working with the other the Quantum Mechanical composition of a
Environment)- investigate of acidic and basic Environment (Parts and Organ Systems- Model of the atom compound given its
properties of unsaturated mixtures using natural Functions)-describe the explain how the describes the energies and chemical formula and
or saturated solutions; indicators; and different levels of respiratory and positions of the electrons vice versa.
2 BUYUGAN, JOLINA L. biological organization circulatory systems
from cell to biosphere; work together to
transport nutrients,
gases, and other
molecules to and from
the different parts of
the body;
(G8) Laws of Motion- (G8) Work Power and (G8) Light- explain the (G9) Respiratory and (G9) Chemical Bonding- (G9) Volcanoes- describe
investigate the Energy -identify hierarchy of colors in Circulatory Systems explain the formation of the different types of
relationship between the situations in which relation to energy; Working with the other ionic and covalent bonds; volcanoes;
amount of force applied work is done and in Organ Systems-infer
and the mass of the object which no work is done; how one’s lifestyle can
to the amount of change affect the functioning
in the object’s motion; of respiratory and
circulatory systems;
4 CAUILAN, CYRIL B. (G9) Volcanoes- (G9) Chemical Bonding (G9) Constellation-infer (G10) Plate Tectonics- (G10) Light 2.1 Reflection (G10) Coordinated
differentiate between -explain properties of that the arrangement of describe the different of Light in Mirrors 2.2 Functions of the
active and inactive metals in terms of their stars in a group types of plate Refraction of Light in Reproductive, Endocrine,
volcanoes; structure; (constellation) does not boundaries; Lenses-apply ray and Nervous Systems-
change; diagramming techniques describe the feedback
in describing the mechanisms involved in
characteristics and regulating processes in
positions of images the female reproductive
formed by lenses; system (e.g., menstrual
(G8) Laws of Motion-infer (G8) Work Power and (G8) Light-explain that (G9) Heredity: (G9) Chemical Bonding- (G9) Volcanoes-illustrate
that when a body exerts a Energy-describe how red is the least bent and Inheritance and recognize different types how energy from
force on another, an equal work is related to violet the most bent Variation-describe the of compounds (ionic or volcanoes may be tapped
amount of force is exerted power and energy; according to their location of genes in covalent) based on their for human use;
back on it; wavelengths or chromosomes; properties such as melting
frequencies point, hardness, polarity,
and electrical and thermal
(G7) Doing Scientific (G7) Doing Scientific (G7) Living Things and (G9) Heredity: (G9) Chemical Bonding- (G9) Climate- explain
Investigations (Diversity of Investigations -describe Their Environment- Inheritance and explain how ions are how different factors
Materials in the some properties of differentiate plant and Variation-explain the formed; affect the climate of an
Environment-solutions)- metals and non-metals animal cells according different patterns of area;
express concentrations of such as luster, to presence or absence non-Mendelian
solutions quantitatively by malleability, ductility, of certain organelles; inheritance
preparing different and conductivity.
concentrations of mixtures
according to uses and
availability of materials;
(G7) Doing Scientific (G7) Living Things and (G7) Living Things and (G10) Plate Tectonics- (G10) Electromagnetic (G10) Coordinated
Investigations (Diversity of Their Environment Their Environment- explain the different Spectrum-explain the Functions of the
Materials in the (Parts and Functions)- explain why the cell is processes that occur effects of EM radiation on Reproductive, Endocrine,
Environment -Substances identify parts of the considered the basic along the plate living things and the and Nervous Systems-
7 DOMINGO, JAMAICA T. and Mixtures)- distinguish microscope and their structural and boundaries; environment; describe how the nervous
mixtures from substances functions; functional unit of all system coordinates and
based on a set of organisms regulates these feedback
properties mechanisms to maintain
8 EREAL, VICTOR JR. D. (G9) Biodiversity and (G9) The Variety of (G9) Climate-describe (G10) Plate Tectonics- (G10) Light 2.1 Reflection G10) Heredity:
Evolution-relate species Carbon Compounds- certain climatic describe the internal of Light in Mirrors 2.2 Inheritance and Variation-
extinction to the failure of explain how the phenomena that occur structure of the Earth; Refraction of Light in explain how protein is
populations of organisms structure of the carbon on a global level; Lenses-. identify ways in made using information
to adapt to abrupt changes atom affects the type of which the properties of from DNA
in the environment; bonds it forms; mirrors and lenses
determine their use in
optical instruments (e.g.,
cameras and binoculars);
(G9) Ecosystems - (G9) The Variety of (G9) Constellations- (G10) Plate Tectonics- (G10) Electricity and (G10) Heredity:
differentiate basic features Carbon Compounds- infer the characteristics describe the possible Magnetism-demonstrate Inheritance and Variation-
and importance of recognize the general of stars based on the causes of plate the generation of explain how mutations
photosynthesis and classes and uses of characteristics of the movement ; electricity by movement of may cause changes in the
respiration. organic compounds Sun; a magnet through a coil; structure and function of
a protein;
(G8) Laws of motion- (G8) Work Power and (G8) Sound- investigates (G10) Plate Tectonics- (G10) Electricity and (G10) Biodiversity and
demonstrate how a body Energy-differentiate the effect of temperature enumerate the lines of Magnetism-explain the Evolution- explain how
responds to changes in potential and kinetic to speed of sound evidence that support operation of a simple fossil records,
10 LAURENTE, KZ-ANNE B. motion; energy; through fair testing; plate movement electric motor and comparative anatomy,
generator and genetic information
provide evidence for
(G9) Ecosystems - (G9) Electronic (G9) Mole Concept-use (G10) Plate Tectonics- (G10) Coordinated (G10) Biodiversity and
differentiate basic features Structure of Matter- the mole concept to enumerate the lines of Functions of the Evolution-explain the
and importance of describe how the Bohr express mass of evidence that support Reproductive, Endocrine, occurrence of evolution;
11 QUILANG, ANTONETTE L. photosynthesis and model of the atom substances; plate movement and Nervous Systems-
respiration. improved Rutherford’s describe the parts of the
atomic model reproductive system and
their functions;
(G8) Laws of motion- (G8) Work Power and (G8) Sound-infer how (G10) Electromagnetic (G10) Coordinated (G10) Ecosystems-
relate the laws of motion Energy-relate speed the movement of Spectrum- compare the Functions of the explain how species
to bodies in uniform and position of object particles of an object relative wavelengths of Reproductive, Endocrine, diversity increases the
circular motion; to the amount of affects the speed of different forms of and Nervous Systems- probability of adaptation
energy possessed by a sound through it; electromagnetic waves; explain the role of and survival of organisms
body; hormones involved in the in changing
female and male environments;
reproductive systems;

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