Long-Period Eclipsing Binaries - Towards The True
Long-Period Eclipsing Binaries - Towards The True
Long-Period Eclipsing Binaries - Towards The True
uals after model subtraction) was 0.56 km sec−1 . The 1.6 NN Del
tions of NN Del using the échelle spectrograph CHI- 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000
Wavelength (Å)
RON (R ∼ 80000) installed on the 1.5m telescope of
CTIO observatory (Chile). Only seven observations
Fig. 1 An example of a fully processed spectrum of
were taken, but the spectroscopy was combined with
NN Del. The spectrum consists of 70 échelle orders from
photometry from Gómez-Forrellad et al. (2003) to con- both blue and red arms merged together and corrected for
struct both the velocity and the brightness curves si- sensitivity.
multaneously. The obtained masses of both compo-
nents of the system agreed with those obtained by
Griffin (2014) taking into account errors. The accu- components from the obtained spectra, and presented
racy of the velocity curve was 0.11 km sec−1 that is only the ratio of the luminosities of the components as
much higher compare to Griffin (2014). The use of LB /LA = 1.6564 ± 0.0076.
spectral and photometric data together made it pos- Gallenne et al. (2019) is the most recent work in
sible to determine masses of both components and which the characteristics of the NN Del system were de-
their radii, although the authors noted that defining fined. In that paper spectral data were obtained with
all these characteristics was not the main purpose of the échelle spectrograph STELLA (R ∼ 55000) and
their work. For the same reason, the authors did not were used along with interferometric data obtained with
try to estimate temperatures and luminosities of both VLTI/PIONIER. 40 échelle spectra were taken during
2014–2018. The simultaneous use of spectral and astro- NN Del, P=99.27 days
metric data allowed the determination of the masses of
both components and the distance to NN Del. The ac-
curacy of the velocity curve was 0.10 km sec−1 for com-
ponent A and 0.18 km sec−1 for component B, which 8.5
Magnitude (mag)
made it possible to determine the masses of the com-
ponents with an accuracy of 0.18%, and the distance 8.6
5 Spectral data analysis to use the parameters derived by Sybilski et al. (2018).
(2) The presence of known temperature-log g degener-
To investigate the fully processed HRS spectra we used ation for stars colder than about 7000 K. With the full
fbs (Fitting Binary Stars) software specially devel- set of spectral and photometric data in hands, this de-
oped by our group (Katkov et al. 2020 in prepara- generation can be avoided.
tion) and partially described in Kniazev et al. (2020). Our iterative procedure was as follows:
This program uses a library of theoretically calculated
1. During the first iteration, the program fbs was used
high-resolution stellar spectra and is designed to de-
only with one limitation – it was assumed that both
termine radial velocities and stellar parameters (Teff ,
log g, v sin i, [Fe/H]) for both components of the bi- components had the same metallicity ([F e/H]1 ≡
nary system, and parameters E(B-V) and W1,2 that [F e/H]2 ; (Hawkins et al. 2020)). All 19 obtained
describe the reddening of both spectra and the con- spectra were fitted simultaneously and 19 veloci-
tribution of each component to the observed spectrum ties were obtained for both components together
at the wavelength of 5500 Å that is very close to the with the parameters of both components (Teff , log g,
effective wavelength for the V-filter. By definition, v sin i, [Fe/H])1,2 . The result of the analysis of a sin-
W1 + W2 = 1. The program simultaneously approx- gle spectrum is shown as an example in Figure 3.
imates the observed spectrum by a model, which is ob- The upper panel of the figure shows the result of the
tained by interpolating over the grid of stellar models fit in the spectral range 4000-5300 Å, and the bot-
and convolves it with a function that takes into account tom panel shows the result of the same fit in the Hβ
broadening caused by the rotation of a star (v sin i) line region. In each panel, the black and red lines
with a shift corresponding to a specific value of the correspond to the observed spectrum and its model.
radial velocity at a given epoch. In case of a binary The blue and orange lines refer to the model spectra
star, the fitting routine uses two model spectra for the of the first and second component, respectively. The
components, each with its own radial velocity and stel- bottom part of each panel shows the difference be-
lar atmosphere parameters, and as result the observed tween observed spectrum and its model with a black
spectrum is decomposed into separate spectra of two line, where blue lines indicate errors in the observed
components. If there are several spectra of the binary spectrum.
system obtained at different epochs, the program finds 2. Based on the obtained velocities and their errors,
a solution, in which the parameters (Teff , log g, v sin i, the radial velocity curves for both components were
[Fe/H], W)1,2 and E(B-V) satisfy all spectra that can constructed using the program fbs, and the orbital
be fitted simultaneously, and velocities of both com- parameters of the system and their errors were calcu-
ponents V1,2j
are determined for each particular epoch lated. Parameters such as the orbital period P , ve-
j. The present study uses theoretical stellar models locity semi-amplitudes of both components K1 and
from Coelho (2014). K2, system eccentricity e, system heliocentric ve-
locity γ and the longitude of the periastron ω were
6 Results of our study of NN Del 3. Using previously determined P , e, K1 and K2 and
the inclination angle i (taken from research by Sybil-
The measured heliocentric velocities for both compo- ski et al. 2018), the masses of M1 and M2 of both
nents of the system NN Del and their errors are pre- components and their errors were determined by the
sented for each epoch in Table 2. To determine the equations:
velocities, as well as the parameters of the components
and orbital parameters of the binary system NN Del, we M1 = 1.036149 10−7 (K1 + K2 )2 K2 P e3/2 sin−3 (i)
used the iterative procedure described below. The ne- M2 = 1.036149 10−7 (K1 + K2 )2 K1 P e3/2 sin−3 (i)
cessity of this iterative procedure was due to two facts:
(1) We used only spectral observations, but to obtain
the complete set of parameters to calculate masses and Here M1,2 is in M , K1,2 is in km/s, P is in day.
luminosity, a simultaneous analysis of spectral and pho- 4. Next the absolute sizes of the major and minor axes
tometric data is necessary, as was done, for example, by of the NN Del system were calculated as:
Sybilski et al. (2018). Potentially, masses for both com-
ponents can be obtained by analyzing simultaneously a1 = 0.01976569 K1 P e1/2 sin−1 (i)
spectral and astrometric data, as was done by Gallenne (2)
a2 = 0.01976569 K2 P e1/2 sin−1 (i)
et al. (2019), but for the further analysis of the evolu-
tionary status of NN Del these authors were still forced
Relative intencity
4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200
Relative intencity
Fig. 3 The results of the analysis of one spectrum of NN Del obtained with HRS. The upper panel shows the result of the
fit in the spectral region 4000-5300 Å, and the bottom panel shows a small spectral region near the Hβ line. In each panel,
the black and red lines correspond to the observed spectrum and its model, respectively. The orange and blue lines refer
to the model spectra of the first and second component, respectively. The bottom part of each panel shows the difference
between observed spectrum and its model with a black line, where blue lines indicate errors in the observed spectrum.
Velocity, km s−1
Residuals, km s−1
Fig. 4 The final radial velocity curve for NN Del as the function of phase. The fitted parameters are shown in Table 4.
The model is constructed by the points listed in Table 2. The velocity curve of component A is shown in orange, and the
velocity curve of component B is shown in blue. The differences between the model and the observed points are shown in
the bottom panel. The final accuracy of the velocity curve (residuals after model subtraction) is 0.494 km s−1 , what is
close to the nominal accuracy of 0.300 km s−1 for HRS spectra obtained in MR mode (Kniazev et al. 2019).
Velocity, km s−1
Residuals, km s−1
2457800 2458000 2458200 2458400 2458600 2458800
Fig. 5 The final radial velocity curve for NN Del as the function of Julian date. Designations are the same as in Figure 4.
From this figure one can see that the observations were made during ten periods of NN Del.
as well as the radii R1 and R2 for both components: where γ is the systemic heliocentric velocity of the
NN Del system.
Unstable solutions far from q = 1 were discarded
R1 = r1 ∗ (a1 + a2 )
(3) (approximately 30% of decisions) iteratively with a clip-
R2 = r2 ∗ (a1 + a2 ) ping level of 2.5σ, and all other solutions were used to
calculate the average and its error for each of the pa-
where the relative radii (r1 /r2 ) for both components
rameters (Teff , v sin i, [Fe/H])1,2 and E(B-V). The final
were taken from Sybilski et al. (2018), since they
calculated errors are given in Table 3. The calculated
used both photometric and spectral data simultane-
radial velocity curves as a function of phase and Julian
ously, and their relative radii are more correct com-
date are shown in Figures 4 and 5, respectively. The fi-
pare to the ones from Gómez-Forrellad et al. (2003).
nal accuracy of the velocity curve (scatter of the points
Here a1,2 and R1,2 is in R .
after model subtraction) was 0.406 km sec−1 , which is
5. Finally, log g1 and log g2 were recalculated using:
close to the nominal accuracy of 0.300 km s−1 for HRS
log g1 = 4.438068 + log M1 − 2 log R1 spectra obtained in MR mode (Kniazev et al. 2019).
(4) The values for the orbital parameters of the binary star
log g2 = 4.438068 + log M2 − 2 log R2
NN Del and their errors are given in Table 4.
Numerical coeeficients of Eqs. (1,2,4) are taken from With all the values of the physical parameters of the
Prša et al. (2016) and based on the IAU 2015 Res- NN Del system and their errors, as well as the orbital
olution B3 on Recommended Nominal Conversion parameters of the system, the masses and radii of both
Constants for Selected Solar and Planetary Proper- components were calculated by Eq.1–3. Using the ob-
ties (Mamajek et al. 2015). tained radii and temperatures, the luminosity of each
If the new values were different from the previ- of the components was then calculated as:
ous values by more than 0.01 dex, all step were re- 4
peated, with the new, fixed, values for log g1 and Teff
L(spec) = R2 , (6)
log g2 . When the difference between the old and new 5780
log g1 and log g2 was less of 0.01 dex, the procedure where Teff of the Sun is 5780 K. The obtained abso-
was stopped and all calculated parameters were de- lute parameters of the NN Del system are presented in
clared as the final ones. The final heliocentric veloc- Table 5.
ities for both components are presented in Table 2
with their errors.
Since the output errors of the fbs program are fit-
ting errors, which are often underestimated, errors of
the output parameters need to be estimated in more
realistic way. A statistical evaluation was used, where
all possible pairs of the observed spectra were taken, pa-
rameters log g1,2 were fixed and these pairs were fitted
by the program. With 19 observed spectra 171 differ-
ent pairs were fitted. After that, for each solution, the
parameter q (mass ratio of the components) was calcu-
lated as:
of the system NN Del given in Table A.2 of Gallenne and L2 (phot) = 4.28±0.15L , which agree with the lu-
et al. (2019) and obtained full agreement with the or- minosities L1,2 (spec) presented in Table 5. From these
bital elements presented in Gallenne et al. (2019) up to photometric luminosities it is possible to calculate pho-
the final accuracy of the velocity curves: 0.10 km sec−1 tometric radii using Eq.6 and temperatures of the com-
for the component A and 0.18 km sec−1 for the compo- ponents from Table 3 as R2 (phot) = 2.31 ± 0.07R and
nent B. R1 (phot) = 1.61 ± 0.07R . As can be seen from the
It was obvious from the beginning, that since we use comparison of luminosities and radii, given in Table 5,
échelle spectra with over twice lower resolution compare both spectral and photometric luminosities and radii of
of the CHIRON échelle spectrograph (R ∼ 80000) used the component A agree with a difference of only 0.3σ
by Sybilski et al. (2018) and about one and a half times and 0.5σ. The spectral and photometric luminosities
lowere than the resolution of the STELLA échelle spec- and radii of the component B are slightly less agree-
trograph (R ∼ 55000) used by Gallenne et al. (2019), able at about 2.0σ and 2.2σ, respectively, but are still
our accuracy of the obtained parameters could be worse close to each other. Such a comparison of absolute pa-
or comparable to the accuracy obtained by those au- rameters, counted in a different way and matched to
thors. Figure 6 shows a comparison of our mass esti- each other, is a good indicator of the correctness of the
mates for both components of NN Del with previously absolute parameters found for the NN Del system.
published results. It can be seen that our mass esti- We can also independently estimate the distance to
mates do not show any systematics and are in very good NN Del and compare it with the distance from Gaia
agreement with the most accurate values obtained by
DR2 (Gaia Collaboration 2018). Our estimation of
Gallenne et al. (2019), with differences not exceeding
the distance could be done with use of the known to-
1σ of the total error. That also means that the radial
tal Vtot magnitude, found extinction shown in Table 3
velocity semi-amplitudes determined by us do not show
and an absolute magnitude M(Vtot ). The M(Vtot )
any systematics and positively characterize the quality
could be found as the sum of absolute magnitudes for
of HRS data.
both components M(V1,2 ), where the absolute mag-
With found absolute parameters of the system
nitude for each component could be calculated with
NN Del, we can try to check their correctness. First,
use of luminosities based on the spectroscopic radii
using the distance to NN Del according to Gaia DR2
(the parallax 5.6393 ± 0.0636 is translated to a distance L(spec) from Table 5 and temperatures Teff from Ta-
177.33 ± 2.00 parsec; Gaia Collaboration 2018) as well ble 3 and bolometric corrections calculated with use of
as the color excess E(B − V ) resulting from our study, (Straižys 1992). The final result is also shown in Ta-
we can estimate the absolute magnitude of NN Del as ble 5. Our estimated distance is smaller than the dis-
M(V) = 2.08 ± 0.03 mag. Since we know from our spec- tance according to Gaia and this result is in the agree-
tral data the contributions (parameter W in Table 3) ment with the result obtained by Gallenne et al. (2019)
of each component at the equivalent wavelength of the as d = 167.99 ± 0.65 pc. However, we have to admit
V-band, we can separate the resulting absolute mag- here that the large error of our assessment means that
nitude into contributions of each component. Taking difference we found is not significant with a difference
into account the bolometric corrections from (Straižys of only 1.62σ.
1992) for the Teff , presented in Table 3, we are then In the Torres et al. (2010) review the data on lumi-
able to calculate their luminosities (photometric lumi- nosities and masses of 190 stars, from 95 DLEB sys-
nosities hereafter; L1,2 (phot)) and compare these lumi- tems, have been collected. A comparison of our ob-
nosities with the spectral luminosities (L1,2 (spec)) ob- tained characteristics for NN Del with data from Torres
tained by Eq.6. We obtain L2 (phot) = 7.05 ± 0.20L et al. (2010), as presented in Figure 7, shows that our
Figure 8 shows the log L–log Teff plot for two solu-
tions: (1) for metallicity [Fe/H] = −0.19 dex, which is
derived from our star models (see Section 6) and (2) for
metallicity [Fe/H] = 0.05 dex, which showed the best
χ2 from Eq.7. For metallicity [Fe/H] = −0.19 dex, the
age of the system NN Del is estimated to be 2.06 Gyr,
and for [Fe/H] = 0.05 dex it is 2.44 Gyr. In both cases,
as can be seen in Figure 8, both components have not
yet passed the turn point and are on the main sequence,
which coincides with the conclusion by Gallenne et al.
It is possibly to explain the resulting difference in
metallicities by the systematic shift between the metal-
licity scales of the stellar models from Coelho (2014)
and the MIST models. We therefore took stellar models
from phoenix Husser et al. (2013) and recalculated our
data according to the methodology described in Sec-
tions 5 and 6, and resulted the value [Fe/H] = −0.20 dex
as well. We would like to note that the phoenix mod-
els match the observed spectra less well and therefore
we prefer to work with the models from Coelho (2014).
As the final result, we adopt the age assessment for the
NN Del system as tavg = 2.25 ± 0.19 Gyr, which also
agrees with the output from Gallenne et al. (2019).
Since fbs software splits observational spectrum into
two separate components (see Figure 3) and we know
that both of them have luminosity class V, we can esti-
mate the spectral type of each of them. For both com-
ponents Ca K/(H+Ca H) intensity ratio ∼1, but the
CH G-band at ∼4300 Å is not clear visible yet implies
that both spectra have spectral types F0–F5 (Evans
and Howarth 2003; Evans et al. 2004). Additionally,
taking into account criteria from Jaschek and Jaschek
(1990) about EWs of different lines, I finally classify the
component A as F5 based on EW(Fe i λ4045)= 0.51 ±
0.02 Å, EW(Sr ii λ4077)= 0.31 ± 0.02 Å, EW(Hγ)=
4.95 ± 0.10 Å and EW(Hβ)= 5.15 ± 0.10 Å and compo-
nent B as F8 based on EW(Fe i λ4045)= 0.71 ± 0.01 Å,
EW(Ca i λ4226)= 0.75 ± 0.02 Å, EW(Hγ)= 4.20 ±
0.10 Å and EW(Hβ)= 4.05 ± 0.10 Å. This classifica-
Fig. 8 Evolutionary tracks of stars of mass 1.44 M (up- tion for component A coincides with the classification
per panel) for the component A and mass 1.32 M (lower
from Gómez-Forrellad et al. (2003) and for components
panel) for the component B for two metallicities: [Fe/H] =
-0.19 dex (blue) and [Fe/H] = 0.05 dex (red). The burgundy B with the classification from Griffin (2014).
dots include the NN Del system components, and the black
dotted lines show the distance to the optimal solution as
found by Eq.7. 8 Conclusions
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