This document outlines the assessment criteria and rubric for a group presentation on Commercial Banking 1. It includes 8 criteria that will be evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5 points: 1) creativity of topic, 2) organization, 3) slide design, 4) literature reviews, 5) connection to course content, 6) presentation skills, 7) question and answer session, and 8) group coordination. The criteria focus on clear and relevant content, logical organization, effective visuals, supporting literature, topic connections, fluent delivery, comprehensive responses to questions, and collaboration among group members.
This document outlines the assessment criteria and rubric for a group presentation on Commercial Banking 1. It includes 8 criteria that will be evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5 points: 1) creativity of topic, 2) organization, 3) slide design, 4) literature reviews, 5) connection to course content, 6) presentation skills, 7) question and answer session, and 8) group coordination. The criteria focus on clear and relevant content, logical organization, effective visuals, supporting literature, topic connections, fluent delivery, comprehensive responses to questions, and collaboration among group members.
This document outlines the assessment criteria and rubric for a group presentation on Commercial Banking 1. It includes 8 criteria that will be evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5 points: 1) creativity of topic, 2) organization, 3) slide design, 4) literature reviews, 5) connection to course content, 6) presentation skills, 7) question and answer session, and 8) group coordination. The criteria focus on clear and relevant content, logical organization, effective visuals, supporting literature, topic connections, fluent delivery, comprehensive responses to questions, and collaboration among group members.
This document outlines the assessment criteria and rubric for a group presentation on Commercial Banking 1. It includes 8 criteria that will be evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5 points: 1) creativity of topic, 2) organization, 3) slide design, 4) literature reviews, 5) connection to course content, 6) presentation skills, 7) question and answer session, and 8) group coordination. The criteria focus on clear and relevant content, logical organization, effective visuals, supporting literature, topic connections, fluent delivery, comprehensive responses to questions, and collaboration among group members.
Subject Name: Commercial Banking 1 Course Code: B01023-B01028 Evaluation forms: Group presentation, The weight of the report in subject: a part of process point 2. Rating scale Evaluation Converted Criteria 1 2 3 4 5 Points Point Point and /10 Content Criteria 1 1 0 point 1/4 point 1/2 point 3/4 point 4/4 point (1) The topic is (1) The topic is (1) The topic is an very simple, the very simple; the important part, the (1) The topics and the selected contents selected contents selected contents selected contents are poor and not are poor are clear but not The creativity of the are very clear, relevant to any and weak relevant updated Not present updated and topic reality of to a few realities (2) the topics is (2) relevant to realities Commercial of Commercial relevant to realities of Commercial banking 1 banking 1 of Commercial banking 1 topic banking 1 topic Criteria 2 1 0 points 1/4 point 1/2 point 3/4 point 4/4 point (1) Nearly all (1) Section (1) Nearly all (1) Sections are sections are missing, sections are organized included, incomplete or included, completely, detailed completed and Organization Not present seriously lacking completed and and easy to follow detail detail detail but not in (2) Sections in (2) Section in (2) and not in logical order logical order logical order logical order Criteria 3 1 0 points 1/4 points 1/2 points 3/4 points 4/4 points Mistakes are rare. Creative, the Poor, many No mistake, Too poor to Informal writing, contents are clear mistakes, the contents are the contents are and the animations Slide design be a contents are clear emphasize the main presentation shown un clear clear enough to points Informal writing understand Criteria 4 1 0 points 1/4 points 1/2 points 3/4 points 4/4 points The literature is Rich literature with Literature Poor literature Literature with sufficient all important points, Not with very few few related topic reviews/introduce the Have a few related pictures are relevant included related topic basic pictures services and illustrate the contents. Criteria 5 1 0 points 1/4 points 1/2 points 3/4 points 4/4 points The connection of the The connections are topic with other No The connections A few connections sufficient with clear Rare connection are related contents of connection explanations. sufficient the course Criteria 6 2 0 point 2/4 point 2/2 point 6/4 points 8/4 points Present fluency Present, the slides with the Read the slide No separately, read explanation and Presentation Read the slides with very a few presentation the explanations information explanations from documents without any material. Criteria 7 2 0 point 2/4 point 2/2 point 6/4 points 8/4 points (1) Students do (1) Well (1) Students (1) Student understanding the not understand understand the understand the questions the questions questions questions (2) Answer all Q&A with lecturer Not answer (2) cannot answer (2) answer few (2) Answer nearly questions and or answer very questions all question provide a wise few questions knowledge in the field Criteria 8 1 0 points 1/4 points 1/2 points 3/4 points 4/4 points Contribution and Very poor All member coordination of the No any Poor coordination All member coordination of contribute and of only two contribute and members during coordination only two coordinate but not members coordinate efficiency presentation members efficiency (Total ( Total score of points Total (Total all Result based on Score points) criteria the scale = 10) 10)