Buying, Having, Being: Consumer Behavior, Test
Buying, Having, Being: Consumer Behavior, Test
Buying, Having, Being: Consumer Behavior, Test
Michael R. Solomon
Chapter Objectives
When you finish this chapter, you should
understand why:
1. Consumers use products to help them
define their identities in different settings.
2. Consumer behavior is a process.
3. Marketers need to understand the wants
and needs of different consumer
Chapter Objectives (continued)
4. The Web is changing consumer behavior.
5. Consumer behavior relates to other
issues in our lives.
6. Many different types of specialists study
consumer behavior.
7. There are two major perspectives that
seek to understand and study consumer
Learning Objective 1
• Consumers
need different
products to help
them play their
various parts
Consumer Identity as an Aid to Marketers
• Consumers segmented by demographics
and psychographics
• Consumers understood in part based on
their consumption communities and
reference groups
• Brands target consumers using market
segmentation strategies
• Consumers may choose brands that
match with their own identities
What is Consumer Behavior?
Consumer behavior:
the study of the
processes involved
when individuals or
groups select,
purchase, use, or
dispose of products,
services, ideas, or
experiences to satisfy
needs and desires.
What is Consumer Behavior
Consumers Items we Needs & Desires
Consume Satisfied
8 year old girls buying Barbie Haircut Hunger
75 year old grandparents Root Canal Love
buying a stroller
Asian businessmen deciding Peas Status
on a company server
Teenagers going to prom McDonalds Acceptance
Students buying books Tax Attorney Security
Hipsters at a club Spotify Respect
Graduate Business Students Starbucks Belonging
Advertising executive Family
For Reflection
• Do your consumption choices differ
depending upon the role you are playing at
the time?
• Give examples from your own life.
• How do your choices as a consumer differ
depending upon whether you are in the
role of student, child, employee, and so
Expanded View of Consumer Behavior
• Embraces much more
than the study of what
and why we buy; it
also focuses on how
marketers influence
consumers and how
consumers use the
products and services
marketers sell
Learning Objective 2
• Consumer behavior is a process.
Figure 1.1
Stages in the Consumption Process
For Reflection
• Thinking about the three stages in the
consumption process, what issues do you
consider in each stage when you are
making important decisions?
• Phone
• Jeans
• Education
Consumers Impact on Marketing Strategy
• Understanding consumer behavior is good
• Marketers can only satisfy consumer needs to the
extent that they understand the people or
organizations that will use the products and
services they sell.
• Consumer response is the ultimate test of whether
a marketing strategy will succeed.
• Data about consumers help organizations define
the market, identify threats to and opportunities for
a brand, and help ensure a product continues to
appeal to its core market.
Learning Objective 3
• Marketers need to
understand the wants
and needs of
different consumer
• Consumers are
• How do we divide
them up
Segmenting Consumers: Demographics
• Age
• Gender
• Family structure
• Social class/income
• Race/ethnicity
• Geography
Visa Targets by Social Class
Relationship & Database Marketing
• Relationship marketing occurs when a
company makes an effort to interact with
customers on a regular basis, giving
customers reasons to maintain a bond with the
company over time.
• Database marketing involves tracking
consumers’ buying habits very closely and
creating products and messages tailored
precisely to people’s wants and needs based
on this information.
Marketing’s Impact on Consumers
• Popular Culture
• What does it mean to consume
• The Global Consumer
• The Digital Native
Trends of 2012
Consumer-Brand Relationships
• Self-concept attachment
• Nostalgic attachment
• Interdependence
• Love
For Reflection
• What kind of relationship do you have with
your car?
• Do these feelings correspond to the types
of relationships consumers may develop
with products?
• How do these relationships affect your
The Global Consumer
• A global consumer culture is one
where people around the world are
united by their common devotion to
brand name consumer goods, movie
stars, and musical celebrities.
• When companies expand overseas, it
increases the pressure to understand
how customers in other countries are
the same or different from those in
one’s own country.
Learning Objective 4
• The Web is changing consumer behavior.
The Digital Native:
Living a Social Media Life
For Reflection
• Did you know
• If you were paid $1 for every time an
article was posted on Wikipedia, you’d
earn $156.23/hour?
• 80% of companies use LinkedIn as their
primary recruiting tool?
• More than 1.5 billion pieces of content
are shared on Facebook daily?
Learning Objective 5
• Our beliefs and actions as consumers
strongly connect to other issues in our
Marketing Ethics and Public Policy
• Business ethics are rules of conduct that
guide actions in the marketplace
• There are cultural differences in what is
considered ethical.
Jillian Michaels – Being Sued
• Consumer space is an environment
where individuals dictate to companies the
types of products they want and how,
when, and where, or even if, they want to
learn about them
• (a shift from marketer space where
companies called the shots).
Do Marketers Create Artificial Needs?
Objective of marketing: create awareness that
needs exist, not to create needs
Calvin Klein
• Drinking Milk…. • Will Lead to…
• Wearing Gucci…. • Will Get You….
Are Advertising & Marketing Necessary?
• Advertisers simply
do not know enough
about people to
manipulate them
• 40% - 80% of new
products fail
Public Policy & Consumerism
Concern for the welfare of consumers
Environmental Protection
For Reflection
Advertisers are often blamed for promoting a
materialistic society by making their products as
desirable as possible.
• Do you agree with this?
• If yes, is materialism a bad thing?
• If no, what are your reasons?
Learning Objective 6
Many specialists study consumer behavior.
Disciplinary Focus Product Role Example
Experimental Perception, learning, and memory How specific aspects of magazines, such as
Psychology processes design or layout are recognized and
interpreted; parts most likely to be read
Clinical Psychological adjustment How magazines affect readers’ body images
Human Ecology Allocation of individual or family Factors influencing the amount of money a
resources family spends on magazines
Social Psychology Behavior of individuals as members of Ways ads affect readers’ attitudes toward the
social groups products depicted; peer pressure influences
Sociology Social institutions and group Pattern by which magazine preferences
relationships spread through a social group
Macroeconomics Consumers’ relations with the Effects of the price of fashion magazines and
marketplace expense of items during high unemployment
Demography Measurable characteristics of a Effects of age, income, and marital status of
population magazine readers
History Societal changes over time Ways in which our culture depicts women has
changed over time
Cultural Society’s beliefs and practices Ways fashion and models affect readers’
Anthropology definitions of masculine vs. feminine
Figure 1.2 Disciplines in
Consumer Research
Consumer behavior
involves many different
Experimental Psych
Clinical Psychology
Developmental Psych
Human Ecology
Social Psychology
Semiotics/Literary Criticism
(SOCIAL FOCUS) Cultural Anthropology