1.2 Differential Calculus 1.2.1 "Ordinary" Derivatives: DF DF DX DX
1.2 Differential Calculus 1.2.1 "Ordinary" Derivatives: DF DF DX DX
1.2 Differential Calculus 1.2.1 "Ordinary" Derivatives: DF DF DX DX
• What does the derivative, d f /d x, do for us? It tells us how rapidly the function f (x)
varies when we change the argument x by a tiny amount, d x:
df =( dfdx ) dx
• The derivative d f /d x is the slope of the graph of f versus x.
1.2.2 Gradient
∂T ∂T ∂T ∂T
∇T= x^ + ^y + ^z or grad T =∑ ei
∂x ∂y ∂z i ∂ xi
• Note that T is a vector quantity, with three components. Like any vector, the gradient
has magnitude and direction.
• The gradient T points in the direction of maximum increase of the function T.
Moreover: The magnitude | T | gives the slope (rate of increase) along this maximal
• If T = 0 at (x, y, z), then dT = 0 for small displacements about the point (x, y, z). This
is, It could be a maximum (a summit), a minimum (a valley), a saddle point (a pass), or a
( ∂∂ vy − ∂∂vz ) + ^y ( ∂∂vz − ∂∂vx ) + ^z ( ∂∂vx − ∂∂vy )
y x z y x
• The gradient, the divergence, and the curl are the only first derivatives we can make with
; by applying twice,
• we can construct five species of second derivatives. The gradient T is a vector, so we
can take the divergence and curl of it:
(1) Divergence of gradient: · ( T ).
(2) Curl of gradient: × ( T ).
• The divergence · v is a scalar—all we can do is take its gradient:
(3) Gradient of divergence: ( · v).
• The curl × v is a vector, so we can take its divergence and curl:
(4) Divergence of curl: · ( × v).
(5) Curl of curl: × ( × v).
• (4) The divergence of a curl, like the curl of a gradient, is always zero:
· ( × v) = 0.
• (5) curl-of-curl gives nothing new; the first term is just number (3), and the second is the
Laplacian (of a vector).
× ( × v) = ( · v) − 2 v.
• where v is a vector function, dl is the infinitesimal displacement vector and the integral
is to be carried out along a prescribed path P from point a to point b. If the path forms a
closed loop (that is, if b = a), we shall put a circle on the integral sign: ∮ v · dl
• the most familiar example of a line integral is the work done by a force F:
W = ∫ F · dl
• Suppose f (x) is a function of one variable. The fundamental theorem of calculus says:
∫ ( df
dx )
dx = f (b)−f (a)
• where d f /d x = F(x). The fundamental theorem tells you how to integrate F(x): you
think up a function f (x) whose derivative is equal to F(x).
• For a scalar function of three variables T (x, y, z). Starting at point a, we move a small
distance dl1 . the function T will change by an amount
dT = (∇T ) · dlT ) · dl1 .
• Now we move a little further, by an additional small displacement dl2 ; the incremental
change in T will be (∇T ) · dlT ) · dl2 . In this manner, proceeding by infinitesimal steps, we
make the journey to point b.
• At each step we compute the gradient of T (at that point) and dot it into the displacement
dl1,2. . . this gives us the change in T. Evidently the total change in T in going from a to b
(along the path selected) is
∫ ( ∇ T ) · dl = T (b)−T (a)
• This is the fundamental theorem for gradients; like the “ordinary” fundamental theorem,
it says that the integral (here a line integral) of a derivative (here the gradient) is given
by the value of the function at the boundaries (a and b).
• Gradients have the special property that their line integrals are path independent:
Corollary 1: ∫ ( T ) · dl is independent of the path taken from a to b.
Corollary 2: ∮ ( T ) · dl=0 , since the beginning and end points are identical, and
hence T (b) − T (a) = 0.
• this theorem has at least three special names: Gauss’s theorem, Green’s theorem, or
simply the divergence theorem.
• Like the other “fundamental theorems,” it says that the integral of a derivative (in this
case the divergence) over a region (in this case a volume, V) is equal to the value of the
function at the boundary (in this case the surface S that bounds the volume).
• The fundamental theorem for curls, which goes by the special name of Stokes’ theorem,
states that
∫ (∇ ×v) · da = ∮ v · dl
s p
• the integral of a derivative (here, the curl) over a region (here, a patch of surface, S) is
equal to the value of the function at the boundary (here, the perimeter of the patch, P).
• For Stokes’ theorem says that ( × v) · da is equal to the line integral of v around the
boundary, and the latter makes no reference to the specific surface you choose.
Corollary 1: ∫ ( × v) · da depends only on the boundary line, not on the
particular surface used.
Corollary 2: ∮ ( × v) · da=0 for any closed surface, since the boundary line,
like the mouth of a balloon, shrinks down to a point, and hence the right side of
Eq. vanishes.
• Consider the vector function v = 2 ^r
• At every location, v is directed radially outward; when you actually calculate the
divergence of v, you get precisely zero:
1 ∂ 21 1
∇⋅v = 2
r ∂r r( )
r 2 = 2 ∂ ( 1) = 0
r ∂r
• Now let us make surface integral v over a sphere of radius R, centered at the origin;
π 2π
1 ^
∮ v⋅da = ∫ ( )
R 2
r ⋅( R sin θ d θ d ϕ r^ ) = ∫ sin θ
d θ∫ d ϕ = 4 π
• The one-dimensional Dirac delta function, δ(x), can be pictured as an infinitely high,
infinitesimally narrow “spike,” with area 1 as Fig. 1.1. That is to say:
• δ( x ) = {∞0 ; if x≠0
; if x=0
and ∫ δ ( x)dx
= 1
• Technically, δ(x) is not a function at all, since its value is not finite at x = 0; it is known
as a generalized function, or distribution.
• It is, the limit of a sequence of functions, such as rectangles Rn (x), of height n and width
• For
“ordinary” function∞ f(x) the integral of the product of f(x)δ(x) is f(0).
∫ f (x) δ ( x ) dx
= f ( 0) ∫ δ (x )dx = f (0)
• if we shift the spike from x = 0 to other point, x = a, the Dirac-delta function becomes.
δ (x−a) = {∞0 ; if x≠a
; if x=a
with ∫ δ ( x−a) dx
= 1
• then
the integral become ∞
∫ f (x) δ ( x−a)dx
= f ( a) ∫ δ (x−a)dx = f (a)