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―2― ―3―
Incorrect measurement may be performed in a ferromagnetic or
intense electric field near transformers, high-current circuits, and
radio equipments.
―1― ―2―
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for mAμA
Measuring Battery door
Common terminal terminal
―5― ―6―
⑤ ⑥ ⑮ ⑭ ⑩ ⑪ ②
4-1 Power Switch/Function Selector
Turn the switch to turn on/off the power and select a measuring
⑦ function. All segments of the LCD display will be turned on for 1
⑰ seconds after power-on, and then the meter will be ready to use.
⑩ Note:
⑪ The push buttons between the display and the function selector
⑫ work differently depending on how long you press. In this
⑬ ⑯ manual, "press" means pressing momentary and "press and
④ hold for 1 sec. or more" means pressing longer.
―7― ―8―
・ 」:[ /Hz ] ⇔ [ Hz/ ]
・ 」
:[ ]⇔[ / ] More than 1 second
・ :[ m ] ⇒ [ m / m ] ⇒ [
」 ] ⇒ [ D% ] ⇒ [ m ] ⇒ …
・ 」:[ m /Hz ] ⇔ [ Hz/ m ]
「 」
・ :>@⇒ [ ] ⇒ [ nS ] ⇒>@⇒ …
Ungrounded (live)
「Temp」:[ C ] ⇔ [ F ] ( C:℃ , F: oF)
・ conductor
・ 」: [ ] ⇔ [ ] Non-Contact EF Probe-Contact EF
・ 」:[ (m) ] ⇒ [ (m) / ( m) ] ⇒ [ (m) /Hz] ⇒ [ (m) ]⇒…
―9― ― 10 ―
― 11 ― ― 12 ―
4-11 Crest capture mode (Sampling time: 1ms) 4-14 Back Light
Press the CAPTURE button to activate the crest (Instantaneous Press the SELECT button for 1 sec. or more to turn the backlight
Peak-Hold) mode to capture voltage or current signal duration on. (Automatically turns off after approx. 30 sec.)
which is longer than 1ms. and MAX indicators Press the SELECT button again for 1 sec. or more to turn the
turn on. The meter beeps when new MAX (maximum) or MIN backlight off.
(minimum) reading is updated. Press the button to read the
MAX , MIN, and MAX-MIN (peak to peak) readings in sequence.
Press the button for 1 sec. or more to exit the crest mode. Auto-
ranging (up range) remains, and Auto Power Saving is disabled
automatically in this mode.
― 13 ― ― 14 ―
Crest Factor Make sure the low battery indicator is off after power-on. Replace
Crest Factor is the ratio of the Crest (instantaneous peak) value the battery with new one if the indicator is on.
divided by the True RMS value. Most common waveforms
such as sinusoidal wave and chopping wave have a relatively Perform pre-oparational check for safety.
low crest factor. A low duty cycle wave form like pulse string
(Inspection using continuity check)
has a high crest factor. For voltages and crest factors for
typical waveforms, see the following table. Please note that
measurement should be made under the crest factor below 3.
Vp Vp Vp 1 1
wave 0
π 2π
Vp Vp 2
Chopping Vp − − √3 −
0 Vp √3 2 √3
wave π 2π
=0.577Vp =0.5Vp =1.732
Vp τ τ
Pulse Vp −・Vp − ・Vp 2π
− 2π
τ 2π
2π 2π τ τ
― 15 ― ― 16 ―
Meter/Test leads damaged?
1. Do not apply any input signal exceeding the max. rated input
2. Do not switch the function selector while measuring.
Looks OK
3. Keep your fingers behind the finger guards of the test leads
while measurement.
① Connect the red plug of the test lead to measuring
terminal and the black one to the COM terminal.
② Set the function selector to . 1) What to measure
③ Press the SELECT button to select the continuity check ( ). ・ (ACV): Sine wave voltages such as output from a wall socket.
④ Short-circuit between the red and black test pins. ・ Hz (Frequency): Frequency on a AC circuit.
2) Measuring ranges
Does not turn on. ・ : 9.999V, 99.99V, and 999.9V
Does not sound. ・ Hz: 15.00Hz to 10.00kHz (Auto ranging)
Beeper sounds? 3) Measuring procedure
① Connect the red plug of the test lead to the VHz measuring
terminal and the black one to the COM terminal.
Turns on. Sounds
② Set the function selector to .
③ Press the SELECT button to select a display style.
④ Apply the test pins (Red and Black) to the object to measure.
⑤ Read the display.
― 17 ― ― 18 ―
The display style of [Hz/ ] does not show the bar graph.
As a normal condition, non-connected test leads may cause
unstable readings.
― 19 ― ― 20 ―
1. Do not apply any input signal exceeding the max. rated input
2. Do not switch the function selector while measuring.
3. Keep your fingers behind the finger guards of the test leads
while measurement.
1) What to measure
・ (DC Voltage): Batteries, DC circuit voltages, etc.
・ / (DC voltage component/AC voltage component)
2) Measuring ranges
・ , / : 9.999V, 99.99V, 999.9V
3) Measuring procedure
① Connect the red plug of the test lead to the V measuring
terminal and the black one to the COM terminal.
② Set the function selector to .
③ Press the SELECT button to select a function you want to Note:
perform. ・ The display style of [ / ] does not show the bar graph.
④ Apply the test pins (Red and Black) to the object to
⑤ Read the display.
― 21 ― ― 22 ―
1. Do not apply any input signal exceeding the max. rated input
2. Do not switch the function selector while measuring.
3. Keep your fingers behind the finger guards of the test leads while
1) What to measure
・ m (DC voltage): DC circuit voltage lower than 600mV
・ m /m (DC voltage component/AC voltage component)
・ (Logic level frequency): 3V, 5V logic circuit frequency
・ D%(Duty cycle): Logic level signal duty cycle (Square wave)
2) Measuring ranges
・m , m /m : 60.00mV and 600.0mV
・ : Auto ranging, 5.000Hz to 1.000MHz (Square wave)
・ D%: 0.00% to 100.0% (Square wave 5Hz to 10kHz)
3) Measuring procedure
① Connect the red plug of the test lead to the VHz measuring
terminal and the black one to the COM terminal.
② Set the function selector to .
③ Press the SELECT button to select a function you want to
④ Apply the test pins (Red and Black) to the object to measure.
⑤ Read the display.
― 23 ― ― 24 ―
1. Do not apply any input signal exceeding the max. rated input
2. Do not switch the function selector while measuring.
3. Keep your fingers behind the finger guards of the test leads
while measurement.
1) What to measure
・ m (AC voltage): AC voltage lower than 600mV
・ Hz(Frequency): Frequency on a AC circuit lower than 600mV
2) Measuring ranges
・ m : 60.00mV and 600.0mV
・ Hz: 15.00Hz to 10.00kHz (Auto ranging)
3)Measuring procedure
① Connect the red plug of the test lead to the VHz measuring
terminal and the black one to the COM terminal.
② Set the function selector to .
③ Press the SELECT button to select a function you want to
Note: ④ Apply the test pins (Red and Black) to the object to measure.
・ The display style of [m /m ], [ ], or [ D%] does not ⑤ Read the display.
show the bar graph.
― 25 ― ― 26 ―
Do not apply any voltage or current to the measuring terminals.
In the case of high resistance measurement, readings may be
unstable due to external inductive influence.
1) What to measure
・ (Continuity check): Wiring connections, Operation of
switches, etc.
・ nS(Conductance): High-value resistance of Giga-Ohms for
leakage measurements
RUQ6 *
2) Measuring ranges
Frequency measurement (Hz) DQG0
Input sensitivity (Sine wave)
time: <100μs
60.00mV 40mV 15.00Hz ∼
・ nS : 99.99nS (Single range)
600.0mV 60mV 50.00kHz
*Open circuit voltage between the measuring terminals: <1.2V dc
・ The display style of [Hz/m ] does not show the bar graph.
・ As a normal condition, non-connected test leads may cause
unstable readings.
― 27 ― ― 28 ―
・ [nS] function does not show the bar graph.
・ To avoid external noise influence, shield the object to measure
with COM potential. Measurements with finger-touched test
pins may cause some errors being influenced by human body
― 29 ― ― 30 ―
1. Pay attention in order to avoid risk of burn depending on the
object temperature or measuring environment.
2. Do not apply exceeding 50mV to the measuring terminals.
1) What to measure
℃ , F (Temperature): Temperature of liquid, solids, gas, and etc.
2) Measuring ranges
Celsius: -50 ℃ to 1,000 ℃
Fahrenheit: -58 oF to 1832 oF
3) Measuring procedure
① Connect the provided K-type thermocouple to the Temp
measuring terminal.
② Set the function selector to Temp.
③ Press the SELECT button to select ℃ or F. Note:
④ Apply the Thermocouple to the object to measure. Temperature function does not show the bar graph.
⑤ Read the display. The provided K-type thermocouple (K-250PC) is a polar device.
Connect the device to the meter properly.
The range of K-250PC is -50 ℃ to 250 ℃ .
Separately available K-type adapter (K-AD) allows you to use
other international standard mini plug thermocouples.
― 31 ― ― 32 ―
1) What to measure
(Capacitance): Capacitance of capacitors
2) Measuring ranges
UDQJHV Q) Q) ) ) )
6.000mF, and 25.00mF
3) Measuring procedure ・Capacitance function does not show the bar graph.
① Connect the red plug of the test lead to measuring
terminal and the black one to the COM terminal.
② Set the function selector to , then press the SELECT
button to select the capacitance measurement. (Unit "F" will
be indicated.)
③ Apply the test pins (Red and Black) to the object to measure.
④ Read the display.
― 33 ― ― 34 ―
1) What to measure
(Diode test): Judging the diode (Good or defective)
2) Measuring procedure
① Connect the red plug of the test lead to measuring
terminal and the black one to the COM terminal.
② Set the function selector to , then press the SELECT
button to select the diode test.
(The sub display shows [diod].)
③ Apply the black test pin to the cathode of the diode, and the
red to the anode.
④ The display will show the forward voltage drop (forward
*Forward biased voltage drop for a good silicon diode is
between 0.400V to 0.900V. A reading higher than that
indicates a defective diode. A zero (or close to)reading
indicates a defective diode (shorted). An OL indicates a
defective diode (open).
⑤ Apply the red test pin to the cathode of the diode, and the
black one to the anode.
*A reading [OL] for reverse biased voltage drop indicates
the diode is good. Any other readings indicate the diode is
defective (resistive or shorted).
Forward biased test Reverse biased test
・Open circuit voltage between the measuring terminals: <3.5V dc
・Test current: 0.4mA (typical)
・Diode test function does not show the bar graph.
― 35 ― ― 36 ―
― 37 ― ― 38 ―
― 39 ― ― 40 ―
・> 6A: Cool down more than 3 minutes after measuring 1 minute.
< 6A Continuable
Measuring Frequency (Hz)
Frequency range
range Input sensitivity (Sine wave)
6.000A 4A
15.00Hz ∼ 3.000kHz
10.00A 7A
― 41 ― ― 42 ―
1) What to measure
ACA: 50/60 Hz sine wave current such as consumption current
of home appliances, current of power supply equipments,
and etc.
DCA: Current of automotive electric circuits, consumption
5-10-1 Clamp probe: CL-20D
current of DC equipments, etc.
(Max. measurable current 200A ac)
2) Measuring ranges
20A and 200A
1) What to measure
50/60 Hz sine wave current such as consumption current of 3) Measuring procedure
home appliances, current of power supply equipments, and etc.
① Connect the red plug of the current probe to the V measuring
2) Measuring ranges terminal and the black one to the COM terminal.
20A and 200A
② To make DC current measurement (DCA), set the function
3) Measuring procedure selector to and press the SELECT button to select m
① Connect the red plug of the current probe to the V measuring , then press the RANGE button to set 600.0mV range.
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