Religious Expression Case Analysis and Rationale Template
Religious Expression Case Analysis and Rationale Template
Religious Expression Case Analysis and Rationale Template
4. One or two existing laws or court rulings that relate to the issues:
Utah State Law- 53G-10-202. Maintaining constitutional freedom in the public schools.
Policy 7300- Code of Conduct for Employees and Volunteers - This includes communicating in
a civil manner and not promoting personal opinions, issues, or political positions as part of the
instructional process in a manner inconsistent with the law (Utah Code 53G-10-202).
8. Action steps (2-5) for implementing your solution, including a timeline for each step:
i. My steps would be, hear both sides, provide data and research, provide
public with syllabus/course study for students, make the class elective and
not mandatory, and let the board vote if they want to implement it in my
b. Provide data/research to board, along with curriculum syllabus (scope and
sequence) minimum 2 weeks for board to go over decision
c. Provide Q & A sessions for stakeholders who feel need more information about
the curriculum. Let them know their options. (2 evenings of meetings)
d. If accepted by the school board, provide trainings for staff prior to teaching
(Summer collaboration 2-5 days)
e. Implement program next school calendar year.
Part 2: Rationale
Regardless of my own personal feelings for or against this situation, the law states that
schools can teach about religion but what you have to be careful with is the how it is taught. For
example Utah Law states, “employees may not use their positions to endorse, promote, or
viewpoint.” (Utah State Legislature, 2019) But it does state that there can be religious courses. I
also felt very strongly that the curriculum be optional, especially in a middle school where
students already are choosing what courses they want to take and how they are directing their
lives. With the concept that this curriculum not be mandatory, it also is supported by the First
Amendment; where students have the right to choose and express themselves and their desires.
Support the case analysis with a 500-750 word rationale explaining the solution you chose and
how that solution:
Supports the school’s vision and mission and safeguards the values of democracy, equity,
and diversity.
Promotes social justice and ensures that individual student needs inform all aspects of
Promotes collaboration, trust, learning, and high expectations.
The curriculum's approach may not be devotional or doctrinal, nor have the effect of
promoting or inhibiting religion.
Cornell Law School. (n.d.). First Amendment. Retrieved March 14, 2022, from
National Policy Board for Educational Administration. (2015). Professional Standards for
Utah State Legislature. (2019, May 14). Utah Code. Retrieved March 14, 2022, from