2011 - Ascension of The Lord

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Seventh Sunday of Easter

ShareLife 2011 Cardinal’s Dinner

Would you like to attend the Cardinal’s Dinner on October
“More people are relying on ShareLife 27th and support the good work of several charities? Please
today than have ever done before but I’m call the office to reserve your ticket for $175.00.
confident we can continue to offer them a
helping hand if we all participate. Please contribute as
best you can to ShareLife this year. Your donation, no
matter what its size, will bring us closer to our goal. Thank Schedule & Intentions This Week
you for the contribution you make in gift and deed to our June 6th - 12th
Church and to the community at large. I pray that the Lord
helps us all continue to share our “talents” with a Please join us as we pray for the following,
generous spirit.” in our “Announced Mass” Intentions
- Most Rev. Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto Mon.:(9 am) +Vera Jessup - Her OLS Bridge Group
Tues.:(9 am) +Tekla Dubrovskis - Family
Celebrating 35 years of working wonders…
Wed.:(9 am) +James Franklin Letson - John Lynskey
Now in its 35th year of helping the whole community, the Thurs.:(9 am) Intentions of Jeanne & Norman Narozenski
number of agencies funded by ShareLife’s annual appeal Fri.:(9am) +Joseph & Ruth Temple - Family
has increased significantly, reflecting the growing social
Sat.:(9 am) +John Foran - Teresa Foran & Family
needs of our community. Our agencies help more than
250,000 people in a number of program areas, including: (5:15 pm) Pentecost Sunday
children and youth, families at risk, women in need of Sun.:(8 am) Pentecost Sunday
shelter and abuse counselling, services for single and teen (9:30 am) Pentecost Sunday
parents, the elderly and refugees and the education of (11:00 am) Pentecost Sunday
clergy. Please help our agencies continue to work wonders
(12:30 pm) Pentecost Sunday
in our community by supporting ShareLife, the annual
fundraising appeal of our Archdiocese, during this Lenten
Please give generously. Marygrove Camp Collection

YOU can work WONDERS! Next Weekend

1,100 girls from less-fortunate families will attend summer
camp as a result of your support next weekend of this good
Victoria Scholars Concert at OLS work of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
This Sunday, June 5th - 7:30 pm
The Victoria Scholars Men’s Choral Ensemble, one of
Canada’s pre-eminent male choirs, closes out its season Religious Education Program
with Canadian Scholars - a celebration of Canadian choral Register Now for 2011-2012!
Registration for Religious Education classes is now being
The Victoria Scholars are a past winner of the Healey
accepted. Children who are in grades 1 through 8 and
Willan Grand Prize in the CBC Radio National Competition
attending non-Catholic schools, whose families are
for Amateur Choirs and have released three widely
Registered Parish Members, are encouraged to register for
acclaimed recordings.
the classes. Registration forms are available through the
Tickets are $25 ($20 for seniors/students), and are available parish office. The program is largely volunteer-run, so
at the door or by calling 416-761-7776. parents are expected to help out in some way.
June 05, 2011

Concert at OLS - Next Saturday OLS – 3rd Annual Outdoor Mass

Chattanooga Boys Choir Sunday June 26th at 12:30 pm
Organ Fund Raiser at Our Lady of Sorrows School (32 Montgomery Road)
As a fund-raiser for our rare mechanical-action Casavant We invite you to come and celebrate the start of summer
organ, we are hosting the Chattanooga Boys Choir for a with your community at OLS. Come pray along with
concert in our church on Saturday, June 11th at 8:00 pm. your friends and neighbours.
This choir from Tennessee will be directed by Mr. Vincent
Oakes and will sing a mixture of songs from Purcell, Following Mass, join us for a barbeque and games for
Schubert, Bach, Rutter and some Spirituals. people of all ages – yes, even games for you!
Free Will offering only. Suggested donation is $10.00.
We encourage you to register for the event – please take
Donations greater than $20.00 are tax receiptable.
a flyer at the back of the church. (also available on our
Envelopes will be provided.
website at www.sorrows.ca)
Rain or shine the event will take place. See you there!
Ballroom & Latin Dance Lessons
Join Us! - 7:30-8:30 pm ShareLife Tupperware Party
Every Wednesday during June Join us on Tues., June 14th - 7 pm - in the Parish Hall
View the Summer 2011 Catalogue. Hundreds of great
No partners needed! - All Levels
household items to choose from as well as Tupperware’s
Single Class Drop-In: $15 own Chef Series cook wear set. Coffee and refreshments
will be served. No charge to attend. Bring a friend!
Salsa, Merengue,
Proceeds to ShareLife!
Waltz, Foxtrot,
Rumba, Swing Ministry Day
Proceeds to ShareLife! Are you interested in joining a ministry at Our Lady of
Sorrows Parish? Come and investigate the different
options after all the Sunday Masses - June 18 th / 19 th.
Perpetual Adoration Chapel
Retreat for Widows & Widowers
St. Clement Parish
Saturday, June 11th from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
409 Markland Dr. Queen of Apostles Renewal Centre - Mississauga
(416-621-4060) Theme: The Mystery of Jesus in our Loss.
Lunch will be included, and the day concludes with Mass.
St Clement Parish invites you to spend To register or for further information, call: 905-278-5229.
one hour a week with Our Lord in our
perpetual chapel of adoration.
Queen of Heaven Catholic Cemetery
He said: “Come to Me all you who are weary and find life
Mass: Next Saturday, June 4th at 9:30 am at St. Anthony
burdensome, and I will refresh you.”
Chapel - Mausoleum. For further information call: 905-
Each week, you get one hour of blessed quiet, free of 851-5822. Also, on Monday, June 13th there will be a
interruptions and responsibilities. You get one hour to talk special celebration in honour of St. Anthony at 3:00 pm in
to God, and to listen to Him. the St. Anthony Chapel.

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