2010 - Body and Blood of Christ

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The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ

Solemnity of The Most Catholic Education

Holy Body and Sign-Up Sunday
Blood of Christ
Are you a supporter of
Today, the second Sunday after Publicly funded Catholic
Pentecost, we celebrate a second Schools?
solemnity, which marks our return to
Ordinary Time. Today is the Solemnity
of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. At one time, Archbishop Collins has asked that this weekend be
this day was called Corpus Christi, Latin for “the Body of designated as Catholic Education ‘Sign Up Sunday’ in all
Christ.” In the most recent revision of the liturgy, the name parishes. We invite all parishioners to designate their
for this day is expanded to be a more complete reflection of support of the Catholic school system on their property
our Eucharistic theology. tax assessment. Our parish lies within the boundaries of
the Toronto Catholic District School Board. You may not
be aware that if you move, your assessment status defaults
The feeding of the 5,000 is the only one of Jesus' miracles to that of a public ratepayer.
to appear in all four Gospels. Luke places it between
Herod's question, “Who is this about whom I hear such
things?” and Peter's response to Jesus' question about who Your support; helps to maintain an accurate registry of
he thought Jesus was: “You are the Messiah of God.” In Catholic ratepayers; determines the number of Catholic
Luke the feeding is not the result of Jesus' compassion for Trustees to govern our schools; and most importantly,
the crowd but is instigated by the disciples. They wanted allows you to participate in the voting process to elect
Jesus to send the crowd away to town. Instead Jesus tells School Board Trustees.
the disciples to give them some food on their own.
The next election will take place this October in
The passage is meant to remind us of two feedings in the municipalities throughout our Archdiocese. Materials are
Old Testament: the feeding of the Israelites in the desert available at the back of the church this weekend to help
and Elisha's feeding of 100 people with 20 loaves in 2 provide a step by step process to ensure you are registered
Kings 4:42-44. It is also connected to the institution of the as a Catholic school supporter. Thank you for your
Eucharist. As in the Last Supper accounts in Matthew, ongoing support of Catholic Education.
Mark, and Luke and in Paul's account in 1 Corinthians
11:23-24, Jesus takes bread, looks up to heaven, blesses
Dance Classes Continue
the bread, breaks it, and then gives it to the disciples. In
using this exact language, Luke is reminding his readers
that in this miracle Jesus is doing more than feeding hungry
people as God did for the Israelites and the prophet Elisha
did as well. The bread he gives is his body, which he will All Levels Welcome!
continue to give as often as the community breaks bread in
Salsa, Merengue, Waltz, Foxtrot, Rumba, Swing
remembrance of him in the Eucharist.
With Dance-Off Toronto
Wednesdays: June 9,16,23,30
Queen of Heaven Catholic Cemetery 7:00 - 8:00 pm in the parish hall.
St. Anthony Celebration - Sun., June 13th - 4:00 pm
Single Class Drop-In Fee: $18 per class
St. Anthony Chapel of the Mausoleum For information call: Carmen at 416-231-3804
Call: 905-851-5822 for more information. www.dance-offtoronto.com
June 06, 2010

Out-Door Mass & Vocation Seeds

Sunday, June 27th Jesus has given us His Body to eat and
at 12:30 pm His Blood to drink so as to nourish us
on our journey towards the Kingdom.
Planning for the out-door Mass & Picnic at Our Lady of
Sorrows School is well under way. A delicious BBQ and May we be faithful to him on our journey as a married,
Games for all ages will follow the Mass. Hamburgers, single, ordained or consecrated person.
Hotdogs and Beverages will be provided.
If God is calling you, contact Fr. Hansoo Park at 416-968-
The committee requires a head-count for this event. Please 0997 or visit: www.vocationstoronto.ca
complete the registration form and deposit it in the
collection basket at any Mass, as soon as possible. If you
are willing to volunteer, you can indicate so on the form. 2010-2011 Religious Education
More information about this out-door event is on the Program - Register Now!
registration form, available at the back of the Church. We
look forward to hearing from everyone and seeing everyone Registration for Religious Education classes is now being
out-doors. accepted. Children who are in grades 1 through 8 and
attending non-Catholic schools, whose families are
Registered Parish Members, are encouraged to register
for the classes. Registration forms are available through
ShareLife Community Challenge the parish office. The program is largely volunteer-run, so
- Matching Gift Program parents are expected to help out in some way.
Help us to maximize the impact of your gift to ShareLife
this year. If you increase your donation from last year or
give to ShareLife for the first time (please include your Mass Intentions This Week
name and address with your donation), ShareLife will June 7th - 13th
receive an additional amount matching these increased
Please join us as we pray for the following,
funds, from an anonymous donor.
in our “Announced Mass” Intentions

Mon.:(9 am) +Tekla Dubrovskis - Family

Archdiocesan Collection Tues.:(9 am) Intentions of Jordan Gagnon
Next Weekend - Olena Wawryshyn
The annual collection for Marygrove girls camp is on June Wed.:(9 am) +Pat Cronyn - Rosemary Cronyn
12/13. Marygrove Camp is a residential camp situated on Thurs.:(9 am) +Nancy Feheley - Marjorie Feheley
39 acres of beautifully treed grounds and a quarter mile of Fri.:( 9 am) +Patricia Sylvain - Helen & Joe Conrath
Georgian Bay waterfront near Penetang. The camp is open Sat.:(9 am) +Deceased Members:Coulter Family
to eligible girls, ages 5-13, and provides an 8-day camping - Dan Kinahan
experience to over 1,000 children who may not otherwise (5:15 pm) +Maria & Giovanni Paulozza - Family
have the opportunity to enjoy a camping adventure.
Sun.:(8:15 am)
Families experiencing financial or domestic hardship may
contact the Society to determine their eligibility. Each (9:30 am) For our Parishioners
camper’s holiday is fully subsidized through the generous (11 am) +Joan Desmarais - Family
support of this collection in all parishes throughout the (12:30 pm) +Joseph & Ruth Temple - Family
Archdiocese. Visit www.svdptoronto.org.

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